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Student #1 Re-evaluation Form


#1 is reading at instructional level of grade 1-end, where he is currently meeting the accuracy
requirement of 93% and up. The goal for grade 1-end is for #1 to be reading 40 wpm, and he has an
average of about 32 wpm, his highest wpm has been 43 wpm. #1 does well with comprehension when
specific questions are asked.

#1 is learning how to work through tricky words, sometimes he changes the first sound of the word, or
the whole word entirely for another. When this happens, we go back and focus on what sounds are in
the word and tap out decodable words. He loves to see his improvement in repeated reading and word
study checks. When he gets further than before he gets excited, which shows his motivation.

#1 has been working through word study of mixed short vowels, his hard work has paid off, because on
his last word study check he was able to pass off mixed shorts. He is now beginning core vowel patterns
of A, which he is already doing well with.

I have been so grateful for the efforts #1 has been making towards improving his reading. I have seen
growth in his comfortability in reading and it is wonderful. At times he struggles to have a good attitude
but with encouragement and positivity he can work through his attitude and be successful. At times he
also needs a push to stay focused, but when given a reminder he can continue working.


Continue listening to #1 read aloud each night for about 20 minutes. Allow him time to self-correct, if he
does not self-correct, let him get to the end of the sentence, then go back and show him what was
tricky. Have him reread the sentence with your support. Repeated readings are motivating to #1 and are
very beneficial, they can also be conducted at home. Instructions on repeated reading can be found at under the For Parents tab. Work with #1 on his letter sounds, blends, and diagraphs so that he
can understand the distinctions of the different sounds and when he is reading he will be able to work
through different words and make self-corrections. #1 would benefit from a more intensive intervention
(i.e. Wilson) to explicitly help him map letter to sound and directly teach the structure of the English

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