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Attitude towards Mother (14, 29, 44, 59) Attitude towards Supervisors at work or School

2 = Completely rejects and depreciates mother (6,21,36,51)

whom he considers over demanding. 2 = resents or fear authority
1 = Sees mother’s fault but accepts and tolerates 1 = mild difficulty in accepting difficulty
differences. 0=
0 = express only positive feelings towards the
mother. Attitude towards Colleague at work/school
Attitude towards Father (1, 16, 31, 46) 2 = feels rejected by colleagues, and condemns
2 = feels extreme hostility and contempt with overt them
death wishes. 1 = has some difficulty at work and depends on
1 = admires father but wishes that their colleagues
relationship were closer. 0 = expresses good mutual feelings
0 = expresses complete satisfaction with father’s
personality. Fear (7,22,37,52)
2 = disturbed by the apparent fear of loving,
Attitude towards Family Unit (2, 27, 42, 57) possibility to control his feelings
2 = feels rejected by the family which lacks 1 = fear of self-assertion which is fairly common
solidarity and which has constantly contended with and not pervasive.
difficulties. 0 = lack of fear
1 = aware that the family does not recognize him as
a mature person but has no difficulty in relating Guilt Feelings (15,30,45,60)
with them. 2 = concerned with spiritual feeling and physical
0 = instability of the family domicile has had little sex drives
effect on his favorable feeling towards them. 1 = has regret over past and seems mildly disturbed
by his failure to control his trouble.
Attitude towards Women ( 10, 25, 40, 55) 0 = does not seem to be aware of guilt feelings
2 = extremely suspicious, possible homosexual
tendency Attitude towards Own Ability (2,7,32,47)
1 = high ideas but ambivalent feelings. 2 = feels completely incompetent and hopeless
0 = only minor or superficial criticisms 1 = feels he has a specific ability but tends to fear
Attitude towards Heterosexual Relationship 0 = confident on his ability to overcome obstacles
2 = appears to have given up achieving good sexual Attitude towards Past (9,24,39,54)
adjustment 2 = feels rejected and isolated
1 = deserved sexual experiences but reservation 1 = feels well adjusted
about his ability to maintain marital relationship. 0 =no significant disturbance in the past
0 = indicates satisfaction towards this area
Attitude towards the Future (5, 20, 35, 50)
Attitude towards Friends and Acquaintances 2 = pessimistic, no hope in his own resources for
(8,23,38,53) happiness and success
2 = suspicious and apparently seclusive 1 = unsure of himself but tries to be optimistic
1= seems to wait approval of others before 0 = seems confident in achieving his goals
committing himself emotionally
0 = express mutual relationship with friends and Goals (3, 18,53,49)
self. 2 = lack of motivation for achievement
1 = desires material things for family as well as for
Attitude towards People Supervised (4,19,34,58) himself
2 = feels he can handle or control hostility in 0=
handling others
1 = feels capable of doing good supervisory but has Source:
misgivings about assuming an authoritarian role.
0 = feels controllable and well accepted by a/sack-s-sentence-completion-test-report

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