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The study reveals that the ultimate aims of education in the thinking of Spencer and Dewey were
focused on the “complete living” and the maximum development and growth of the individual and society. These were
based on their ultimate epistemological aim, namely, science, that is, scientific knowledge obtained by the scientific
method. White’s ultimate aim of education is the restoration of the image of God in the human being. The chief
elements in her concept of the image of God are freedom of choice, dignity, individuality, and a character of love
expressed in unselfish service to God and fellow human beings. Such character includes the development of the
whole being for service. The ultimate epistemological aim of education, a personal and experiential knowledge of
God, is indispensable to the ultimate metaphysical and axiological educational aim, the restoration of the image of
God in the human being. This ultimate aim of education is not static, but dynamic. The human being will reflect this
image, the glory of God, more and more fully throughout eternity.

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