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Chapter 38: Cardiotonic and Inotropic Drugs

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1. What is Heart -the heart unable to pump enough of 11. RIght ventricular Leads to
Failure blood to meet tissue needs of the body dysfunction -hepatic engorgement
, any condition that impedes the ability -JVD
for the ventricle to pump blood can -peripheral edema (weight gain)
lead to heart failure -venous congestion in HF
2. Most heart failure hypertension 12. Bcuz Both sides of the left side (decreased cardiac
is caused by heart work together and output)
can cause HF but what
3. What happen with left ventricle is overstretched from the
side would be affected
left ventricle that arriving blood from the left atrium
causes heart failure leaving to much blood in the left
ventricle causing the contraction to 13. Cardiotonics action are -increase cardiac output w/ pos.
become weaker to inotropic activity
-slow conduction of velocity thru
4. HF can result from -ischemic heart disease
AV node
any number of -hypertension
-lower HR thru negative
cardiac and -hyperthyroidism
chronotropic effect
disorders are 14. Milirinone a A drug with inotropic actions
nonglycoside IV drug used in short-term management
5. HF 1st The sympathetic nervous system
of HF.,that is not controlled by
increase the secretion of the
digitalis preparation
catecholamines( epi, nonepi,
neurohormones) which results in 15. Cardiotonic drugs are HF and atrial fibrillation
increased HR & vasodilation mainly use to treat
6. HF 2nd Activation of renn-angiotensin- 16. Atrial Fibrillation a cardiac arrhythmia
aldosterone (RAA) occurs bcuz of characterized by rapid
decreased perfusion to the kidneys. contractions and quivering of the
Ang II and aldosterone levels increases atrial myocardium (digoxin is
the BP, adding to the work load of the used after other drugs fail)
17. Most commonly used Digoxin (Lanoxin)
7. neurohormonal Causes a remolding (restructuring) of cardiotonic drug
activity the cardiac muscle cells, leading to
18. A newer cadiotonic drug Ivabradine ( Corlanor)
hypertrophy of the heart, increased
uses to treat heart when used with beta blocker it
need for o2, and cardia necrosis, which
failure reduces repeated hospitalization
worsens the heart failure
with pt dealing with HF
8. A person with right -JVD
19. Cardiotonic adverse CNS - headache , weakness,
ventricular -peripheral edema
reactions drowsiness
dysfunction what -nocturia (urine at night )
visual disturbances ( yellow ,
common sign
green and white halo around
would the nurse
dark objects or blurry)
assess for
20. Cardiovascular and GI -arrhythmias
9. Cardiotonic drugs increase the efficiency and improve the
adverse reactions of -nausea and anorexia
are used to contraction of the heart muscle
cardiotonic drugs are
10. Left ventricular causing pulmonary symptoms
21. Drug therapy only improves heart function do not
cure HF
-moist cough (pink frothy blood 22. Only real cure for heart heart transplant because the
sputum) failure and why damage to the heart muscle is
-shortness of breath not reversible
23. Digoxin (Lanoxin) is a cardiac glycoside that works on
heart muscle fiber to increase to
force of contraction and lower
HR and improve cardiac output
24. Cardiotonic drugs are -cardiac tamponade 33. Before the nurse administer -lab levels ( liver - AST/ALT /
contraindicated in pt with the -restrictive cardiomyopathy the drug what should the kidney - BUN , Creatinine )
presence of digitalis toxicity -ventricular failure and nurse assess for -CBC
and in pt that are tachycardia -apical pulse and HR
-AV block
34. When should the nurse for adults if HR is lower than
withhold the drug if 60 BPM or higher than 100
25. Digoxin use will continue for -older pt who are administering a cadiotonic BPM
maintained on the drug for drug
35. With toxicity when using low HR less than 60 BPM
- after primary drugs fail
digoxin it may cause resulting into bradycardia
-in some cases treat for
atrial fibrillation 36. Male users of digoxin have estrogen such as ;
reported what type of gynecomastia ( enlargement
26. A pt using cardiotonic drugs electrolyte imbalances (
effects of breast and tenderness )
the nurse should you hypo K, Calcium , Ma)
cautiously with pt who have -thyroid disorder 37. If a child is given digoxin it less than 60 BPM and for
-severe carditis is held and the PCP is infant less than 90 BPM
-heart block notified if the HR is
-myocadial infarction 38. Nursing Diagnosis for anorexia , nausea, vomiting
-pulmonary disease Imbalanced Nutrition : Less
-acute glomerulonephritis than Body Requirements
-impaired renal or hepatic
39. Nursing Diagnosis for weakness and drowsiness
Activity Intolerance
27. Digoxin and immune Fab is category C should be used
40. If nausea occurs wheg small meals instead of 3 large
classified in pregnancy cautiously only when the
giving cardiotonic drug meals with snacks in between
potential benefit outweighs
what can the nurse -restrict fluid in between
harm to the infant
implement meals or 1 hour before and
28. Digoxin is less effective in blk people but they can use after meal
which race ( hydralazine and isosorbide) -oral hygiene
29. Cariotonic Interactions -antineoplastics 41. Digitalization may be rapid and gradual
-benzodiazepines ( increase accomplished by two digitalization (observe every 2
plasma digitalis level , general methods to 4 hr)
leading to toxicity ) anxiety
42. First sign of drug toxicity in atrial dsyrhythimas
children are
30. Benzodiazepines interact cardiotonic and treat
43. Education and pt teaching -take drug same time each
with what drug and what is seizures and anxiety
this drug uses
-dont discontinue w/o PCP
31. What drug that interacts with antacids approval
cardiotonic drugs may -no antacids or cold OTC
decrease the absorption of meds
digoxin -contact PCP if adverse
32. Nurse Process : Assessment - take BP reactions happen
-auscultate lungs -carry med card
-examine for edema -do not substitute for other
-check JVD routes
-daily weight -taking ivabradine use
-inspect sputum effective birth control notify
-shortness of breath, doctor if you think you are
cyanosis pregnant
44. The most Left ventricular dysfunction 51. A orally, IV, or intramuscularly (IM).
common SOB with exercise cardiotonic
symptoms Dry, hacking cough or wheezing can be given IV: it is administered slowly (over at least
associated with Orthopnea Restlessness and anxiety Right given 5 minutes), and the administration site is
heart failure ventricular dysfunction assessed for redness or infiltration.
include the Swollen ankles, legs, or abdomen, leading
following: to pitting edema IM injection is not recommended for these
Anorexia drugs yet, it may be given through this route
Nausea when needed urgently and IV access is not a
Nocturia able. When given IM, give the injection deep in
Weakness the muscle and follow with massage to the site.
Weight gain as the result of fluid retention No more than 2 mL should be injected
45. The most Palpitations, fatigue, or pain when
Oral preparations can be given without regard
common performing normal activities
to meals Tablets can be crushed and mixed
symptoms Tachycardia or irregular heart rate
with food or fluids if the patient has difficulty
associated with Dizziness or confusion
heart failure
include the
Do not alternate between the dosage forms
Other 52. If digitalis digoxin immune Fab (Digibind)
symptoms toxicity
include: occurs
treat with
46. When the absorption is slowed, but the amount
cardiotonics absorbed is the same.
are taken with
47. When absorption of the cardiotonics may be
cardiotonics decreased.
are taken with
48. NURSING levels are monitored closely. Blood for
ALERT Serum serum level measurements should be
digoxin drawn immedately before the next dose or
6 to 8 hours after the last dose regardless
of route. Therapeutic drug levels are
between 0.8 and 2 ng/mL. Serum digoxin
levels greater than 2ng/ml are considered
49. Ivabradine by women who are pregnant or lactating.
should not be Effective birth control methods must be
used used and this drug should be discontinued
before a woman attempts to conceive a
50. NURSING makes the heart muscle more sensitive to
ALERT digitalis, thereby increasing the possibility
Hypokalemia of developing digitalis toxicity. At frequent
intervals, observe patients who can
become hypokalemic (diuretic therapy)
closely for signs of digitalis toxicity.

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