Joint Cloudlet Selection and Latency Minimization in Fog Networks

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9, SEPTEMBER 2018 4055

Joint Cloudlet Selection and Latency

Minimization in Fog Networks
Mudassar Ali , Nida Riaz, Muhammad Ikram Ashraf , Saad Qaisar, and Muhammad Naeem

Abstract—Mobile edge or fog computing is a network traffic systems and many more [2]. Use of IoT for industrial
architecture that brings the functionality of conventional informatics is a concept well established in fourth industrial
centralized cloud to the edge nodes, which are in close revolution (industry 4.0), where sensors will be used for operat-
proximity of the end devices in an Internet of Things
(IoT) network. Fog networks have many advantages over ing industrial robotics as well as for tracking and monitoring of
traditional cloud networks, such as increased bandwidth industrial products. Sensors are also used for assisting in proac-
utilization, enhanced security and privacy, better energy tive maintenance at the industrial floors. It is predicted that more
efficiency, improved performance, and support for mobility. than 50 billion IoT nodes will be present by 2020 [3], all per-
The most critical requirement of a fog architecture is to
forming different functions, having different quality of service
minimize the end to end latency in IoT networks, particu-
larly in scenarios where large number of end devices (IoT (QoS) requirements.
nodes) and distributed computing fog nodes (cloudlets) are Conventional heterogeneous network architectures do not
present. In this paper, we formulated an optimization prob- have the capabilities to handle the enormous amount of data
lem for joint cloudlet selection and latency minimization in traffic and huge computational requirements of billions of
a fog network, subjected to maximum work load and latency
IoT nodes. Thus, to meet the service requirements of these
constraints. The problem can be epitomized as many-to-one
matching game in which IoT nodes and cloudlets rank each IoT nodes, cloud computing is considered as a promising
other in order to minimize the latency. The proposed game architecture, with its ability to provide flexible resources to
belongs to a class of matching games with externalities. We applications on resource limited IoT nodes. However, many
propose an algorithm to solve this game which gives dis- challenges remain unsolved, such as mobility support, location-
tributed and self-organizing solution. Extensive simulations
awareness, and ultra low-latency requirements. An evolved
have been carried out to validate the proposed algorithm.
architecture, named the fog network, has emerged to overcome
Index Terms—Fog networks, Internet of Things (IoT), these challenges by migrating the computing function from the
matching with externalities, resource management. cloud to the edge of the network. The concept of fog is not
meant to replace cloud, but rather to complement it, and to
I. INTRODUCTION provide additional functionalities required by IoT nodes.
Fog network is a three-tier architecture including cloud
NTERNET of Things (IoT) is making our world smarter by
I integrating advance sensing, computing, and communication
technologies [1]. A large number of the heterogeneous sensing
server, cloudlets or fog nodes, and end user devices or IoT nodes
as shown in Fig. 1. Cloudlets are powerful devices present at the
edge, which have ample resources of storage, communication,
devices have instilled in our daily lives providing functions from and computation. Fog networking or fog computation is a
monitoring home security and power consumption to monitor- concept to use these resources at the edge to descend the
ing our health, from enabling smart billboards to tracking our concept of cloud near the edge user and provide a decentralized
shipments, from revolutionizing agriculture to modernizing our system [4]. Unique characteristics provided by fog networking
includes location awareness, real-time processing of data close
Manuscript received October 1, 2017; revised December 31, 2017;
accepted March 27, 2018. Date of publication April 24, 2018; date of cur- to the edge, support for mobility, resource pooling, and support
rent version September 4, 2018. Paper no. TII-17-2315. (Corresponding for heterogeneity [5], [6]. These unique characteristics of a fog
author: Muhammad Naeem.) network make it suitable for many IoT business applications
M. Ali is with the SEECS, National University of Sciences and Tech-
nology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan, and also with the University En- [7]. Its support for mobility and localization can provide a
gineering and Technology, Taxila 47050, Pakistan (e-mail: mudassar. framework for device-to-device (D2D) communication, such as an efficient and reliable vehicular ad-hoc networks [8], [9].
N. Riaz and S. Qaisar are with the SEECS, National Univer-
sity of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan (e-mail: Location awareness provided by fog can be used to improve; QoS for many application domains, such as improving web
M. I. Ashraf is with the University of Oulu, Oulu 90014, Finland (e-mail: user experience [10]. Network control and management can
M. Naeem is with the COMSATS Institute of Information Tech- be provided close to the users rather than controlled primarily
nology, Wah Campus, Wah 47040, Pakistan (e-mail: muhammad- by core network gateways [11], [12]. Processing confidential information in near edge devices has leveraged fog solution as
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at a more secure solution than cloud as presence of cloudlets near
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2018.2829751 the end user not only ensure confidentiality but also makes it

1551-3203 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Fig. 1. Fog network scenario.

helpful for real time data analysis [13]. Fog networking will be is a mathematical framework that provides an optimal resource
an enabling technology for industry 4.0 [14]. allocation for the players in a game, by maximizing the utility of
While the deployment of fog networks provide substantial all the players. It provides stable and self-organizing approaches
benefits over legacy cloud networks, it also presents numer- that can be used to model the interactions among different nodes
ous challenges in terms of network modeling, resource man- of the network having different QoS requirements[38]. Match-
agement, and user association. Efficient distributed resource ing games have been considered as a popular technique to model
management techniques are inevitable for fog networks, which resource management and user associations in SCNs and D2D
can handle dense deployment of cloudlets serving huge number communications. Other approaches being used are OAA, pri-
of IoT nodes. Some work has already been done to provide a mal/dual decomposition, simplex algorithm, and some heuristic
mathematical framework for optimizing resource allocation in algorithms. Authors in [32], [36], and [37] have studied re-
fog networks, examples include search-based approaches and source allocation in particular domain of D2D communication
nonlinear integer formulations solved using conventional algo- and solved it by using the matching theory wheras the authors in
rithms, such as proximal algorithms and primal/dual methods. [33]–[35] have applied the matching theory for resource man-
These works are discussed in details in Section II. agement in SCNs.
This paper is organized as follows: Detailed survey of the Some work focuses on user association and resource alloca-
literature has been presented in Section II, which provides ex- tion in fog networks. As discussed earlier, a fog network is a
isting works on resource management in fog networks and their three-tier architecture consisting of cloud sever, cloudlets, and
limitations. Section III presents system model and problem for- end devices/IoT nodes. Work on fog networks optimization can
mulation. Section IV gives the proposed algorithm, proof of its be categorized into two domains: resource management at cloud
convergence, and complexity analysis. Simulation setup and nu- server and resource management at cloulets. In [15]–[17], au-
merical results are discussed in Section V. Finally, we concluded thors have presented an optimal resource management solutions
this paper in Section VI. at could server, whereas, in [18]–[22], authors have discussed
resource management at cloudlets for end devices in fog net-
working architecture. In[15], authors have presented an optimal
II. LITERATURE REVIEW resource allocation scheme by using the proximal algorithm to
Node selection and resource management for wireless net- minimize the energy consumed at the data center along with
works has been studied widely under different contexts, such as maximizing the user utility. They have used proximal algorithm
SCNs, D2D, and fog networks, summary of which is given in instead of dual decomposition because of its fast convergence,
Table I. Literature can be found on resource allocation for SCNs, insensitivity to step sizes, and modest accuracy. In [16], au-
D2D communication, and for our particular area of interest, i.e., thors have tried to optimize the system to get balanced delay
fog networking. Game theory has been used for resource alloca- and power consumption by optimizing the workload alloca-
tion in wireless networks because of its distributed nature, fast tion. They used primal/dual decomposition to solve the convex
convergence, and multiobjective optimization approach [38]. It optimization problem in order to reach a suboptimal solution.

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Similar problem has been catered in [17], where authors have authors have presented an interesting solution using the bee’s
proposed a method for task scheduling between embedded de- life model to formulate task distribution among end devices,
vices and computation server to minimize the task completion fog nodes, and cloud server to optimize CPU execution time
time. In [18] and [20], authors have solved the problem of re- and memory usage, hence providing an end-to-end solution. In
source allocation by using the matching theory. In [18] they have [24], authors have used game theory for joint optimization of
considered constraints of service delay and cost, whereas in [20] bandwidth and computing resources in distributed manner.
they only considered latency as a constraint. An algorithm based
on an evolutionary game theory has been proposed in [22] to op-
timally select user access mode in the fog radio access network A. Contributions
(F-RAN) scenario. The authors in [19] and [21] try to solve We can conclude from the literature review that the match-
similar problems in F-RAN using a simplex method. In [23], ing theory has been extensively used for resource optimization

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in domains of D2D communication and SCN, however, it has Data rate rf at a cloudlet is defined as the sum of data rate of
not been explored in detail particularly for fog networks except all the IoT nodes connected to that cloudlet and is given by
for few recent works [18], [20], [22], which only cover con- 
straints of latency while optimizing the resource management. rf = ru (2)
We argue that the matching theory can be used to model the fog u ∈U f

network, which in turn can be used to optimize node selection where ru is data rate of an IoT node, which is defined as follows:
and resource allocation. In this paper, we present the following.
1) An optimization problem for joint cloudlet selection and ru = β log2 (1 + SINRu ) (3)
latency minimization in a fog network, subject to maxi-
mum work load and latency constraints. where β is the total bandwidth assigned to IoT node u, and
2) A projection of optimization problem as many-to-one signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) at IoT node u and
matching game, in which IoT nodes and cloudlets are calculated as follows:
considered as players. puf huf
3) A distributed and self-organizing algorithm to solve the SINRu = xuf  (4)
f = f ∈F pf  hf  + No
u u
matching game that results in overall improved through-
put and latency. where puf is the power received by IoT node u from cloudlet
4) Extensive simulations results to validate the proposed f , huf is the channel gain between IoT node u and cloudlet
solution. f , and pvf and hvf denote the power received and channel gain
of interfering IoT node v, respectively. The channel gain hvf
is defined as: huf = h̄uf ζGo ddo , where Go be the antenna
III. SYSTEM MODEL AND PROBLEM FORMULATION gain and ζ10ζ /2 be the log-normal shadowing, ζ is the zero
We consider a fog network composed of F cloudlets, geo- mean Gaussian random variable with standard deviation σ [40],
graphically distributed, and connected with each other as well d is the distance between transmitter and receiver, do denotes
as with the distant cloud server as illustrated in Fig. 1. There antenna far field reference distance, α is path loss exponent, and
are U number of IoT nodes (i.e., sensors, actuators, UEs, smart h¯uf is Rayleigh random variable.
meters, etc.) present, which are using applications requiring dif- In this paper, we formulated an optimization problem, which
ferent data rate, QoS level, delay, and context. IoT nodes are aims to minimize the latency of the fog network by selecting a
connected with cloudlets on a wireless interface. Cloudlets are cloudlet for particular task subject to maximum work load and
connected with each other via a dedicated wireless interface for maximum latency constraints. Mathematically we have
information exchange and coordination, i.e., the communication 
among cloudlets operate at frequencies that are different than min xuf lfu
u ∈U f ∈F
those used for communication of cloudlet with the IoT nodes.
A dedicated high-speed link is used to connect all cloudlets to subject to
the cloud server. We consider the downlink transmission of a 
cloudlet network, where power is uniformly divided among IoT C1 : xuf ≤ 1 ∀ u ∈ U
nodes connected to a cloudlet, and all cloudlets use the same f ∈F
band to communicate with the IoT nodes, so IoT nodes will 
C2 : wfu ≤ Wf ∀f ∈F
experience interfere from near by cloudlets.
u ∈U
Let F and U be the sets of cloudlets and IoT nodes, respec- 
tively. Let us assume an IoT node u ∈ U is in the coverage of C3 : luf ≤ L ∀ f ∈ F. (5)
multiple cloudlets. Each cloudlet is assigned to multiple IoT u ∈U
nodes, whereas one IoT node is assigned to only one cloudlet.
Constraint C1 ensures that an IoT node will be connected to
Let xuf ∈ {0, 1} be the assignment indicator where xuf = 1 indi-
a single cloudlet at a time. Constraint C2 ensures that workload
cates that IoT node u assigned to cloudlet f , otherwise, xuf = 0.
at a cloudlet will not exceed a threshold Wf . The maximum
Eachcloudlet f ∈ F can handle maximum work load of
latency allowed at any IoT node in the fog network, i.e., the
Wf = ∀u wuf from the IoT nodes in the network. Workload
upper bound on latency is considered as L, which is depicted in
wuf is a function of data processing requests from IoT nodes in
constraint C3.
bits. Cloudlets can share work load of each other. The commu-
Our objective is to propose an efficient and self-organizing
nication link between IoT node and cloudlet is considered to be
IoT node association scheme for fog networks. In conventional
one-hop. Each one-hop link between IoT node and a cloudlet
networks, end devices (IoT nodes) are attached to the base sta-
has different latency lf , which depends on the bandwidth avail-
tion based on the maximum SINR or maximum received signal
able, workload wfu of cloudlet, and data rate rf at cloudlet as
strength [41], ignoring the latency experienced by IoT nodes and
follows [39]:
workload on the base stations. This motivates for investigating
a novel IoT node association mechanism in fog networks that
wfu considers end-to-end latency requirements as well as work load
lf = xuf . (1)
rf capacities of cloudlets.

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IV. PROPOSED APPROACH Υ, Υ ∈ U × F, u1 = Υ(f1 ), u2 = Υ (f1 )

The problem formulation in (5) is mixed integer nonlinear (u1 , Υ) f 1 (u2 , Υ ) ⇐⇒ Uf 1 ,u 1 (Υ) > Uf 1 ,u 2 (Υ ). (9)
programming problem. Search space of (5) increases exponen-
tially with the number of IoT nodes. Exhaustive search followed Each IoT node and cloudlet independently rank one another
by convex optimization can be applied to reach an optimal so- based on the utilities in (6) and (7). However, the selection pref-
lution, but the complexity of exhaustive search increases expo- erences of IoT nodes (8) and cloudlets (9) depend on each other
nentially with increase in number of IoT nodes. In this paper, we as well as affected by the existing network wide matching. Many
proposed a matching theory based algorithm, which gives the works [42]–[44] consider matching games, which assumes that
distributed and self-organizing solution to a problem. The prob- the preferences of a player do not depend on the other players’
lem in (5) can be considered as many-to-one matching problem, choice. In the problem of the IoT node-cloudlet association,
where an IoT node can be matched to one cloudlet and while a this assumption is not valid. The external effects that effect the
cloudlet can have multiple IoT nodes. IoT nodes are accessing a preferences of the players (IoT nodes and Clouldlets) as well as
fog node using combined wireless resources and an association the performance of IoT node-cloudlet link, are called external-
of a node will affect the utility of all other nodes. Matching ities. Matching games with externalities are discussed in detail
with externalities is being used from the different classes of a in [45]. The game we considered in this paper is a matching
matching theory defined for wireless networks [38], as it covers game with externalities as the mutual interference between IoT
the interdependency of IoT nodes while making an association. nodes exists.
To this end, a distributed and self-organizing framework is pro-
posed to optimally associate users for joint utility maximization. B. Proposed Resource Allocation Algorithm
To solve the problem in (5) in a decentralized manner, we
A. Utilities of IoT Nodes and Cloudlets propose that cloudlets and IoT nodes have individual preferences
For cloudlet allocation, each IoT node needs to identify the over one another as defined in preference relations in (8) and
set of cloudlets that ensure QoS requirements and reduce their (9). The aim of each IoT node (cloudlet) is to maximize its
latency. Thus, we define a suitable utility function for any IoT own utility, or equivalently, to become associated with the most
node u ∈ U over cloudlet f ∈ F for a given matching Υ as preferred cloudlet (IoT node). We have to consider a stable swap
follows: matching to solve the matching game with externalities.
Definition 2: Given a matching Υ, a pair of IoT nodes
Uu (Υ) = −lu (Υ) (6) u1, u2 ∈ U and cloudlets f1 , f2 ∈ F with (f1 , u1 ), (f2 , u2 ) ∈
Υ, a swap matching is defined as Υuf 11,f 2 = {Υ\(f1 , u1 )} ∪
where lu is a latency experienced by an IoT node in a IoT node-
(f2 , u1 ). Here, a matching is stable if there exist no swap match-
cloudlet pair. So, the utility of a cloudlet is the sum of utilities
ings Υuf 11,f 2 , such that following two proposition are satisfied:
of IoT nodes using that cloudlet for the given matching Υ
 1) ∀y ∈ {u1 , u2 , f1 , f2 }, Uy ,Υ u 1 (y ) (Υ) > Uy ,Υ(y ) (Υ) and
f 1, f 2
Uf (Υ) = −lu (Υ). (7) 2) ∃y ∈ {u1 , u2 , f1 , f2 }, Uy ,Υ u 1 (y ) (Υ) ≥ Uy ,Υ(y ) (Υ).
f 1, f 2
u ∈U
According to concept given in the definition, a matching Υ
Finally, we definea network utility for given matching Υ as with pair (f 1, u1) ∈ Υ is said to be stable if there does not
γ(Υ) = − u ∈U f ∈F xuf lfu . Having defined such utilities, our exist any IoT node u2 or cloudlet f2 , for which cloudlet f1
goal is to maximize the network utility to solve (5) in which each prefers IoT node u1 over IoT node u2 , or any IoT node u1 that
IoT node u is assigned to a cloudlet f via a matching Υ : f ← u. prefers cloudlet f2 over f1 . To bring such stability in matching
Definition 1: A matching game is defined as a two-sided at network level, it must be ensured that swaps are triggered
assignment problem between two disjoint sets of players (U, F) only if they are beneficial for all the involved players (i.e.,
in which the players of each set are interested to be matched to {u1 , u2 , f1 , f2 }).
the players of the other set, according to preference relations Players are continuously changing their preferences due to
(u , f ). externalities, resulting in formation of new IoT node-cloudlet
A preference relation  is defined as a complete, reflexive, pairs, which leads to classical solutions described in [42] and
and transitive binary relation between the the players of sets U [46], which are not applicable for our problem. Therefore, we
and F . Let us suppose u 1 be the preference relation of IoT propose Algorithm 1 based on the stable swap matching for
node u1 defined over the set F. If IoT node u1 prefers cloudlet f1 resource allocation that result in an increase of network-wide
over cloudlet f2 , it will be denoted by f1 u 1 f2 . Thus, for any utility. Algorithm 1 consist of three phases. In phase 1 each IoT
two cloudlets f1 , f2 ∈ F and two matchings Υ, Υ ∈ U × F, node u1 is initially assigned to a randomly selected cloudlet f1 ,
f1 = Υ(u1 ), f2 = Υ (u1 ) (equivalently, the IoT node can be initially assigned to the clos-
est cloudlet). IoT node u1 discovers the near by cloudlet f2 ∈ F,
using methods described in [41]. The SINR is calculated at each
(f1 , Υ) u 1 (f2 , Υ ) ⇐⇒ Uf 1 ,u 1 (Υ) > Uf 2 ,u 1 (Υ ). (8)
IoT node, which in turn is used to calculate utilities using (6)
Similarly, we use f 1 to denote the preference relation of a and (7). In phase 2, IoT nodes and cloudlets update their utilities
cloudlet f1 defined over the set U. If cloudlet f1 prefers IoT and preferences based on current matching. If an IoT node u1 is
node u1 over IoT node u2 it will be denoted by u1 f 1 u2 . not currently connected to its preferred cloudlet (f2 ), it will send
Thus, for any two IoT nodes u1 , u2 in U and two matchings a matching proposal to cloudlet f2 . When cloudlet f2 receives

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Complexity Analysis: In order to calculate the complexity of

Algorithm 1: Resource Allocation Algorithm.
the proposed algorithm, we consider a simple case in which IoT
1: Data: Each IoT node u is initially assigned to a nodes have strict preference ordering. We calculate the overhead
randomly selected cloudlet f . and complexity for the matching Υ. We assume that Uf is the
2: Result: Convergence to a stable matching Υ. maximum number of IoT nodes matched to cloudlet f ∈ F and
3: Phase 1: Cloudlet discovery and utility computation Um is the total number of IoT nodes matched Um = f ∈F Uf
4: Each IoT node u discovers the nearby cloudlets such that Uf = Uf  and f = f  . The value of Uf depends on
5: At time t calculate SINR for each IoT node u using (3) the available bandwidth. Let the number of satisfied matched
6: Calculate the utilities using (6) and (7) IoT nodes are represented by Us (≤ Um ), which is based on the
7: Phase 2: Swap Matching preference order. For simplicity, let us assume Us is constant
8: while  Υuf 11,f 2 : (f2 , Υuf 11,f 2 ) u 1 (f1 , Υ) and (u1 , Υuf 11,f 2 ) during all the iterations. To calculate the complexity, two worst
f 2 (u1 , Υ) do case scenarios are considered, when all IoT nodes u ∈ U in a
9: The utilities Uu (Υ) and Uf (Υ) are updated based on network are matched to a single cloudlet.
the current matching Υ ; 1) When the number of IoT nodes are less than the total
10: IoT nodes and cloudlets are sorted based on u 1 and number of matched IoT nodes, i.e., U < Um , |U| = U .
f 1 ; 2) When the number of IoT node is greater than the total
11: if (f2 , Υuf 11,f 2 ) u 1 (f1 , Υ) then number of matched IoT nodes, i.e., U > Um .
12: IoT node u1 sends a proposal to cloudlet f2 ; Our objective is to find the maximum number of iterations
13: Cloudlet f2 computes Uf 2 ,u 1 (Υuf 11,f 2 ) for the swap required for convergence and the maximum number of proposals
matching Υuf 11,f 2 ; sent from IoT nodes to cloudlets (overhead) for both cases. In
14: if (u1 , Υuf 11,f 2 ) f 2 (u1 , Υ) and all three constraints each iteration i, IoT nodes send proposal to their most preferred
in (5) are satisfied then cloudlet, and the cloudlet accepts or rejects the received proposal
15: Lf 2 ← Lf 2 ∪ {u1 } based on its preference order and available capacity. Therefore,
16: Υ ← Υuf 11,f 2 the number of matched but unsatisfied IoT nodes at each iteration
17: else is less or equal than the available capacity.
18: The proposal is refused by cloudlet f2 , and IoT Considering the first case, all IoT nodes are matched to a
node u1 sends a proposal to the next preference. single cloudlet, when the algorithm is converged. The worst
19: end if case scenario happens, only if all the IoT nodes have the same
20: end if preference order. Thus, at the end of each iteration i, we have
21: end while U − Us i unsatisfied IoT nodes. All IoT nodes are matched and
22: Phase 3 : Stable Matching satisfied when the maximum number of iterations im ax is ob-
tained, i.e., U − Us tm ax = 0. Hence, the complexity is of order
O(U ). Moreover, we have U − Us i proposal messages at each
iteration i, and the total overhead for sending such messages is
the matching proposal, it will update its utility and accept the given by
proposal if and only if its utility Uf 2 ,u 1 (Υuf 11,f 2 ) is improved by i
m ax
accepting the proposal. Otherwise, if the matching proposal is U (U + Us )
η= (U − Us i + Us ) = . (10)
rejected, IoT node u1 will send a matching proposal to the next 2Us
cloudlet in its preference list. Based on current matching, both
Considering the second case where U > Um , there are
IoT nodes and cloudlets update their corresponding preference
U − Um unallocated IoT nodes when algorithm approaches
lists and utilities at regular intervals. This periodic update en-
convergence. The worst case happens, only if all IoT nodes
sures that both IoT nodes and cloudlets are connected to their
have same preference order. Hence, at im ax iteration, we have
corresponding best available option. Algorithm 1 arrives at a
U − Us im ax IoT nodes unallocated. The complexity of the order
stable matching when Phase 2 is converged.
O(Um ), and the overhead is given by
Proof of Convergence: The proof of convergence is based on
following two rational assumptions. 

1) Each IoT node can be connected to limited number of η= U − Us i. (11)

nearby cloudlets because it has limited transmit power i=1

so there are finite number of possible swaps. Moreover, a

swap will occur if and only if it results in improved utility
of IoT node or cloudlet. We consider a fog network in which a number of IoT nodes
2) Once all the probable swaps have been assessed, Phase 2 and cloudlets are uniformly distributed. The transmit power of
ends and each IoT node will remain connected to the most each cloudlet is 30 dBm. The transmit power of each IoT node
preferred cloudlet, and vice versa. Further improvement is 13 dBm. Transmissions are affected by distance dependent
cannot be achieved by swaps among neighboring IoT path loss and shadowing according to 3GPP specifications [47].
nodes and cloudlets. Therefore, Algorithm 1 converges We assume that there is no power control, and thus the power
to a stable matching after a finite number of iterations. is uniformly divided among IoT nodes. It is also assumed that

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which an IoT node is assigned to a cloudlet from which it re-

ceives the maximum RSSI. The proposed method outperforms
the maximum RSSI based association as well. As depicted in
Fig. 3, there is approximately 65% improvement in a network
throughput when we compare the proposed scheme with the
maximum RSSI based association, and there is approximately
145% improvement in a network throughput when we compare
the proposed scheme with the random association.

In this paper, we formulated an optimization problem for
joint cloudlet selection and latency minimization in the fog net-
work, subjected to maximum work load and latency constraints.
We cast the optimization problem as many-to-one matching
game, in which IoT nodes and cloudlets are players who want
Fig. 2. Average sum rate as a function of a number of IoT nodes in a
to maximize their own utility. We propose a distributed and self-
fog network. organizing method to solve the matching game that results in an
overall improved sum rate of a network. The proposed method
is compared with a random association and a maximum RSSI
based association. The proposed method outperforms both the
random association and the maximum RSSI based association.

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peer effects for context-aware resource allocation in D2D communica- Virtualization Engineer with the Telenor Pakistan (a Norwegian telecom
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tent delivery in device-to-device underlay cellular networks using match- ization, and telco cloud.
ing theory,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 924–937, 2017.

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Muhammad Ikram Ashraf received the Muhammad Naeem received the B.S. and M.S.
M.Sc. degree in communication network with degrees from the University of Engineering and
distinction (Gold Medal) from Bahria University, Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, in 2000 and 2005,
Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2004, and the M.Tech. respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Si-
degree in telecommunication systems from the mon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada,
University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2008. He in 2011, all in electrical engineering.
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree From 2012 to 2013, he was a Postdoc-
in communication engineering at the Centre for toral Research Associate with the Wireless Net-
Wireless Communications, University of Oulu. works and Communications Research (WIN-
From 2006 to 2011, he was a Research En- CORE) Laboratory, Ryerson University, Toronto,
gineer with the Centre for Wireless Communica- ON, Canada. Since 2013, he has been an Assis-
tion, University of Oulu. From 2011 to 2012, he was a Senior Software tant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS
Engineer with the Nokia, Oulu, Finland. Moreover, he also worked with Institute of Information Technology-Wah, Wah, Pakistan, and a Research
the Nokia-bell labs during summer 2017. He is currently associated with Associate with the WINCORE Laboratory. From 2000 to 2005, he was a
Ericsson, Kirkkonummi, Finland. His research interests include the field Senior Design Engineer with Comcept (pvt) Ltd., Islamabad, Pakistan.
of heterogeneous networks, industrial automation IoT, V2X communi- His research interests include optimization of wireless communication
cation, D2D communication, radio resource management, social-aware systems, nonconvex optimization, resource allocation in cognitive radio
networks, and game theory. networks, and approximation algorithms for mixed integer programming
in communication systems.
Dr. Naeem was a recipient of the NSERC CGS Scholarship.
Saad Qaisar received the Master’s and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering from Michigan
State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, in 2005
and 2009, respectively.
He is currently working as an Assistant Pro-
fessor with the School of Electrical Engineer-
ing Computer Science , National University of
Sciences Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pak-
istan. He is the Lead Researcher and Found-
ing Director with the CoNNekT Lab: Research
Laboratory of Communications, Networks and
Multimedia, NUST. Since September 2011, he has been the Principal
Investigator or Joint Principal Investigator of seven research projects
spanning cyber physical systems, applications of wireless sensor
networks, network virtualization, communication and network protocol
design, wireless and video communication, internet measurements anal-
ysis, and multimedia coding and communication. He has authored or
coauthored more than 45 papers at reputed international venues with a
vast amount of work in pipeline.

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