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QUIZ OF API RP 577: OPEN BOOK 7 Student's Name ssc Student Number: Program +: APL5410 Course Course Date: 18-22 September 2017 Instructor: Azizar Lawer, §.Si, EngTech, TechWoldl Score Instructions: _ i. Choose the correct answer by giving the circle ©) or the cross X on the option you choose. ii” tFyou want to change the answer, give the double line in the option yoir have chosen; example X i. The time to answer the question is 120 - 180 seconds for each question. 1. Hot tapping operations should be carried out using which of the following electrodes? A. Cellulosic B. High - Hydrogen . Low— hydrogen D. None of the above 2. Which is/are fask(s) that should be performed at the completion of welding. A. Quality Assurance D. No's Band C above 3. F-No. groupings are based essentially on which of the following? A. Carbon content B. Welding positions C. Chemical characteristios D. Usability characteristics 4, Which of the foltowing in an example of automated ultrasonic testing? ‘A. Angle beam examination B. Pulse echo DAC evaluation C. Straight beam examination . Pulse echo raster scanning 5. Tensile testing is used to determine A. Ametals ultimate tensile strength B. Ametals yield strength C. Ametals reduction in area D. Alltthe above ‘Which of the following NDE methods would be unlikely to find an edge breaking lamination in a weld joint? AMT B. PT C.RT D.uT Which of the following is a commonly accepted advantage of the GMAW process? A. Ithas a high deposition rate compared to SMAW or GTAW B. Ithas the best control of the weld pool of any of the arc processes ©. Itis less sensitive to wind and draughts than any other process D. Itgives deep penetration on thick steels in a short circulting transfer ‘APUSP7 ule Tor APTETO_Sopt2017_OB Page Tofz 10. ‘Which of the following processes can weld autogenously? A. SMAW B. GTAW c. GMAW D. SAW Which of the following welding method results in a highly directed stream of discrete drops that accelerates by arc forces? ‘A. GMAW spray transfer B. GMAW globular transfer . . GMAW short circuiting transfer D. FCAW flux cored are welding Which welding process has the greatest potential for lack of side wall fusion? A-SAW B. GTAW-S. c. GMAW-S D. GMaw-P ‘APISTY Guz Wr APT STO_Septz017_OB Page Zotz a QUIZ OF API RP 577: CLOSE BOOK - Student's Name : Program 2 API510 Course Course Date: 18-22 September 2017 Instructor _: Azizar Lawer, 8.SI, EngTech, TechWeldl Score ee Instructions: 1. Choose the correct answer by giving the circle ©) or the cross X on the option you choose. ii~ Ifyou want to change the answer, give the doubie line in the option yois have chosen; example X it.The time to answer the question is 120 ~ 180 seconds for each question. 1. Which of the following is @ quality control item to confirm that welding parameters are supported by the WPS and POR? A. Preheat and interpass temperatures. B. Purge technique. C. Heat input. D. Allthe above. 2. For added sensitivity which magnetic particle technique can be used? A. Yoke technique. B. ACFM technique. C. Prod technique. D. Wet fluorescent technique. 3. The double walll radiographic technique is used for which of the following materials and welds? A. Sin. in nominal inside diameter and greater. B. 3.5 in. or less in nominal inside diameter. C. 3.5 in. or less in nominal outside diameter. D. None of the above. 4. For UT examinations the temperature of the calibration standard should be within__°F of the part to be examined. 5. Wrought materials, may consist of one or more microstructural phase. Which of the following is a single phase material? A. Austenitic stainless steel. B. Carbon steel. C. Feritic stainless steel D. None of the above. 6. Corrective action for a welding nonconformance depend upon ‘A. The nature of the nonconformance and its impact on the properties of the weldment B. The quality control system in use at the facility C. Whether the defects are crack lke or consist primarily of rounded indication D. Whether the defects could cause equipment constructed with 300 series ‘APISTT quiz Tor API S10_SeplZ017_CB Paget olz 7. A welding procedure under the requirements of the ASME code section IX welding procedure specification (WPS) is used to ‘A. Test the welding machine B. Ensure weldment properties C. Determine the welder’s skill D. Determine the welding operator's skill 8, The structure of deposited weld metal is most similar to a: A. Hot formed metal B. Forging ©. Casting . D: Heat treated metal 9. To perform magnetic particle examination, the best results are achieved by ‘A, When the lines of flux are at 459 to the discontinuity B. When the lines of flux are parallel to the discontinuity C. When the lines of flux are created around the discontinuity D. When the lines of flux are perpendicular fo the discontinuity 10. Which of the following inspection techniques is applicable to detecting lamination A. Eddy current test B, Leak testing C. Ultrasonic testing D. Radiographic testing ‘APTSTT qi Tor APTS1O_ Sep 2017_0B Page 2012 1 7 UIZ OF ASME V: OPEN BOOK Student Number: Program 2 API610 Course Course Date: 18-22 September 2017 Instructor: Azizar Lawer, S.Si, EngTech, TechWeldl Score se Instructions: Choose the correct answer by giving the circle ©) or the ctoss X on the option you choose. ~ If you want to change the answer, give the double line in the option you have chosen; example % ‘The time to answer the question is 120 ~ 180 seconds for each question 1. Wire IQs must be placed so that they are: ‘A, AL45 deg to the weld length B. Parallel to the weld metal's length C. Perpendicular to the weld metals longitudinal axis but not across the weld D. Perpendicular to the weld metal's longitudinal axis and across the weld 2. How far apart must the IQI's be when radiographing a complete gitt seam containing 30 radiographs shot with a single exposure? A. 90 degrees B. 60 degrees C. 120 degrees D. None of the above 3. The wire identify for a 0.126 diameter wire is: A8 B.6 c.17 D.5 4, Magnetic particle testing is not capable of detecting: A. Porosity B, Surface discontinuities C. laminations D. Any of the above 8. Shims are made from what type material? ‘A. Any carbon steel material B. material radiographically similar to the weld metal C. Material similar to the base material being radiographed D. None of the above 6. Special ultrasonic thickness measurement equipment can be used at high temperatures. If the equipment is calibrated at ambient temperature, the apparent thickness reading displayed at an elevated temperature should be: ‘A. Reduced by 1 % per 55 degF B. Increased by 1 % per 55 degF C. Increased by 1 % per 100 degF D. Reduced by 1 % per 100 degF : 7. Whatis the lifting power required of a DC electromagnet or permanent magnet yoke? A. 40 Ib at the maximum pote spacing that will be used B. 40 Ib at the minimum pole spacing that will be used C. 18.1 Ib at the maximurn pole spacing that will be used D, 18:1 lb at the minimum pole spacing that will be used "ASME V quiz for APT S10_ Sept 2017_OB Page Tot 8. During an MT procedure, maximum sensitivity for finding discontinuities will be achieved if: ‘A. The lines of magnetic flux are perpendicular to a linear discontinuity B. The lines of magnetic flux are perpendicular to a volumetric discontinuity C. The lines of magnetic flux are parallel to a linear discontinuity D. The lines of magnetic fiux are parallel to a volumetric discontinuity 9. Ifmaterial thickness of 2 inches (50.8 mm), the geometric unsharpness of this material required by the referencing code, shall not exceed : A007 (1.78mm) B. 0.02 (0.51 mm) C. 0.03 10.76 mm) D.0.04 (1.02mm) 10. ‘The maximum surface temperature for dry magnetic particle testing of weldment is ‘A. Set by the manufacture of the examination medium B. 250°F (120°C) . Limited by the permeability of the examination medium D. 600°F (215°C) TRSMEV quiz Yor APT 510_Sept2017_OB Pagezoz / / / - QUIZ OF ASME V: CLOSE BOOK Student's Name = s.ssr 7 Student Number: Program 2 API510 Course Course Date: 18-22 September 2017 Instructor: Azizar Lawor, 8.Si, EngTech, TechWeldl Score nee ait Instructions: ‘Choose the correct answer by giving the circle ©) or the cross X on the option you choose. Ifyou want to change the answer, give the double line in the option you have chosen; example X i. The time to answer the question is 120 — 180 seconds for each question. 1. When performing a radiograph of a weld on a vessel seam, the height of the lead letter B is? A. 0.500 in. B. 38 in ©. 116 in, D. 10% of weld thickness 2. Whats the calibration frequency of the weight used for the lifting power check af yokes? A. Every two years B. None needed C. Once unless damaged D. Annual 3. Penetrant materials used to examine nickel based alloys must be analyzed for what contaminants? ‘A. Magnesium B. Chlorine and fluorine . Sulphur D. Silicon 4, UT thickness checking using standard equipment is used for temperatures up to: A 983F B. 200F C.150F D. 1506 5. When performing a radiograph, where is the ‘backscatter indicator lead letter 'B’ placed? ‘A. On the front ofthe fm holder B. On the outside surface of the pipe C. On the intemat surface of the pipe D. On the back of the film holder 6. Which types of magnetizing current can be used with the prod technique? A. AC or DC B. DC or rectified ©. DC only D. They can all be used 7. When an examination to the requirements of section V is required by a code such as ASME Vill the responsibilty for establishing NDE procedures lies with: ‘A. The inspector B. The examiner C. The user's quality department D. The organization “ASHE V ule for APTSTO_ Sept 201708 Page Tot? 8 What is the maximum prod spacing permitted by ASME V? A. Iitdepends on the current being used. B. There is no maximum specified in ASME codes ©. Binches D. Binches 9. Inadiographic examination, the lead symbol “B” is used to ‘A. Facitate viewing of radiographic films B. Determine backscatter radiation . Calibrate radiographic equipment D. Determine the film sensitivity 40. How must wire type IQ's be placed in relation to the weld? ‘A, At45 degree angles to the center line of the weld B. Parallel to the center line of the weld C. On top of weld with 50% on one side and 50% on the other D. On top of the weld, perpendicular to the centerline “ASME V qui Tor APT S10_Sept2O17_CB Pagezorz

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