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Katana Carotti

Annotated Bibliography: 3 sources / 2 from the SCF Library

ENC 1101/ Bojanowski

October 25, 2020

Annotated Bibliography: Film Genre

Booker, M. K. (2010). Disney, Pixar, and the Hidden Messages of Children’s Films. Praeger.

Disney Does America: A Political History of Children’s Film.



The chapter defines children’s animation along five characteristics that include an element of

animated animals that appear friendly and unthreatening to humans. Booker contends that

a sense of animated animals has an innocence that makes them especially appealing to

children. Children also enjoy music, which helps set the tone and mood of a scene when

strategically inserted musical numbers hold the attention of young viewers. Furthermore,

children find slapstick violence quite entertaining, especially as animated characters can

emerge unscathed from such violence. However, while a certain amount of violence and

danger help to keep children interested in the plot, all threats must be successfully

banished, leading to a joyful and happy ending. Further, the article purposes that

children’s animated films exaggerate the use of magic in order to have an especially

effective and appealing motif for young viewers.

Howard, B. Greno, N. (February 1, 2011). Tangled: The directors and producers explain

Disney’s latest. [Interviewed by Empire Magazine].


In the interview, Howard, one of the director’s explains the difficulty that was posed of making

the audience’s expectations of the main character (Tangled) reverse. Further, the

directors explain how the character of the evil mother is portrayed. The imagery of the old

women using Tangled’s unique magic to appear younger gives the audience a sense of a

manipulating, intelligent and realistic character. One of the fantastic elements of the film

was the actors relating to their characters in real life. Both Howard and Greeno asserted

that they wanted the actors to feel a sense of connection toward the quirkiness behind

the film, even though they portrayed animated Disney characters.

Smith, A. (2011). The article reviews the animated film "Tangled," featuring the voices of Mandy

Moore and Zachary Levi, directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. Sight & Sound.

Vol. 21 Issue 2, p75-76, 2p.




The article discusses the different elements part of children’s animation. For example, in this

article based upon the movie Tangled it mentions the mixing of fairytale plotting with a

strong female character and modern dialogue. The article also shows the conflict of the

main character (Rapunzel) being a sheltered and self-educated teen, torn between her

loyalty toward her mother and the thrill of seeking adventure. Additionally, while she is

physically capable of escaping, she is a prisoner through fear and emotional blackmail.

The article describes the film as thrill seeking, adventurous, and an allegory. One in

which the audience must witness magical creatures and stoke up visual humor


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