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Classroom Procedures

Beginning of Class

Students will enter the classroom as soon as possible in order to prepare for class. They

will be expected to go to sit in their seats and may talk at a low volume until class starts, or lay

their bags down by their seat and go to the bathroom before the bell rings. There will be a power

point open that has the bell work up and students will be expected to complete the bell work as it

is assigned. After bell work is completed, we will go over our objectives for the classroom and

each student will be asked to write their intention for today’s class in their notes at the top.

Questions about the past class will be accepted at this point, to check for understanding. Every

Monday, the bell work will be replaced with a quiz that is graded based on participation. We will

go over the quiz as a class to check for understanding and to ask questions regarding any

questions that may be confusing.

Managing Student Work

Homework for the past day will be collected at the end of class if homework was

assigned. Work done throughout class will be shared either during group activities or share out

sessions with the entire class. Handing back work will be done through a sorting folder at the

back of the class, where each student will have a folder with their name on it and I will tell them

when I have put their graded work back there at the beginning or end of class if applicable.

End of Class

Students will turn in any work done for that day and any homework that is due that day. I

will end the lesson before the bell so students can turn in work, clean up or ask questions about

any assignments that may be due soon or about the lesson for that day. Because of this, students

will be asked to not pack up until told so by the teacher or until the bell goes off if the lesson
needs longer to end correct. It is asked to not line up near the door, rather to stay in their seats

and converse with their neighbors or ask me questions.

Student Absences

If a student is absent, it will be based on the number of total absences and the type of

absence. If the student has purposefully skipped, it will be an individual discussion between the

teacher and the student on the first occasion, and the parents will be notified of the student

skipping. If the student has skipped twice, there will be a student-parent-teacher meeting

organized when all parties are available.

If the students is absent due to illness one time, it will not be discussed individually. If

the student is continuously absent due to illness, I will communicate with the parents to

understand what may be happening. If the number of absences violates the school rules, a

truancy meeting will be held between the student, parent if asked, and a truancy officer.

When the student misses class, there will be an absent bin for every student that has a

folder with their name on it. In the folder will be their work, directions, and what was done in

class the day before. The teacher is encouraged to check in on the student to see if they need

help, or if anything may be wrong.

Late Work

Late work will be assessed based on the School Handbook. More than likely late work

will be accepted, with every day that the student does not turn in their work there will be a 10%

reduction to their total per day, with the student only able to earn 50% maximum after five

school days have passed. If the work is not being turned in, the teacher and the student will have

a discussion to clear up any confusion that may be present regarding the classroom, and where

expectations can be set once more for the teacher and the student. If the student continues to have
late work, their parents will be contacted and there will be a discussion between the student, the

parents and the teacher when all parties are available.


Grading will be presented in percentages and a letter grade, with 100% - 90% being an A,

89% - 80% being a B, 79% - 70% being a C, continuing to the lowest letter grade of F being

59% - 0%. Grades for the past week will be released the following week, along with their graded

work being sorted in their folder in the homework bin in the back of the classroom.

The grade for the overall class will be constructed as such: homework will be weighted

10%, quiz grades will be weighted 5%, test grades will be 25% weighted, papers will be

weighted 25%, projects will be weighted 25%, and classwork will be weighted 10%.

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