Rubrics On Herbal Preparation

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1 pts 3 pts 5 pts

Information on Remedy
Information is written in plain
Information is barely Information is English. Information thoroughly
understandable. Not understandable. explains the plant, herb, etc.,
enough information Information explains the and how and why to use it.
explaining the plant, herb, plant, herb, etc., and how
etc., and how and why to and why to use it. Relevant images included.
use it.
Images poor or lacking. Relevant images included.

Preparation , Uses ,
Cooking Process , Mess - disruption - did not Worked carefully - followed Worked carefully - followed
Dosages follow Preparation , Uses , Preparation , Uses , Preparation , Uses , Cooking
Cooking Process , Cooking Process , Process , Dosages accurately -
Dosages accurately - did Dosages, for the most part, cleaned up.
not clean up. accurately - cleaned up.

Required elements Has all of the required elements

20 pts Has 1 – 2 of the required Has 2 -3 of the required
elements. elements.
1) Good control of camera .
2) Clear shot of items and
tasks being performed
3) Describes plants ,
herbs , measurements,
cooking process, and
4) Minimum 10 minutes in

Grammar , Translation There were numerous There were many grammar There were few grammar /
and errors that made it difficult / spelling errors (5-7) spelling errors (3-4)
Pronunciation to understand (8-10)

Final Product Several missing Somewhat visually Visually appealing. Includes all
components or visual appealing. More than one required components . Could
errors. required component is be better organized and no one
missing. item missing

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