Identifying A Particular Illness Using A Combination of Signs and Symptoms

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Define the following types of cancer surgery. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Prophylactic surgery
_ Surgery to remove an organ or gland that shows no signs of cancer, in an attempt to prevent
development of cancer of that organ or gland. Prophylactic surgery is sometimes chosen by people
who know they are at high risk for developing
2. Diagnostic
___ identifying a particular illness using
a combination of signs and symptoms:_______________________________________
3. Curative surgery removes all cancer tissue
____ Curative surgery removes the cancerous tumor or growth from the
body. Surgeons use curative surgery when the cancerous tumor is localized to a
specific area of the body. This type of treatment is often considered the primary
4. Cytoreductive surgery
_ Cytoreductive surgery is an approach to cancer treatment that aims to reduce the
number of cancer cells via resection of primary tumor or metastatic deposits, in an effort
to minimize a potentially immunosuppressive tumor burden, palliate symptoms, and
prevent complications
5. Palliative surgery
_  it generally refers to surgery performed with the intent of improving quality of life or
relieving symptoms caused by advanced
6. Second-look surgery
Second-look surgery is performed after a procedure or course of treatment to
determine if the patient is free of disease. If disease is found, additional procedures may
or may not be performed at the time of second-look surgery..

7. Reconstructive or rehabilitative surgery

__ Reconstructive surgery is all about repairing people and restoring function. It is
performed to repair and reshape bodily structures affected by birth defects, developmental
abnormalities, trauma/injuries, infections, tumours and diseas

Rehabilitation is the post-surgical program of re-establishing joint motion, muscle

strength around the joint and finally joint function. It is very important to understand
that rehabilitation is a long process. While the surgery is performed within hours,
the rehabilitation needs many months, potentially up to a

Characterize the following types. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Teletherapy (external beam radiation)
2. Brachytherapy (internal radiation)
3. Systemic (radioisotopes)

4. Contact or surface molds.


Identify nursing interventions to patients with Alopecia. 1

Nursing Management:

Explain that alopecia areata and physiologic hair loss are usually only temporary and self-limiting.
For alopecia due to chemotherapy, assure the client that the hair will eventually grow back a few months
after the treatment.
Encourage the client to verbalize his/her fears and body-image concerns regarding alopecia, especially if
the client is a teenager or a young adult.
For females, encourage them to change their hairstyle or to wear head pieces or beautiful head scarfs until
their hair grows back.
Counsel male patients on the slow and limited effects of minoxidil and stress that when treatment is
stopped, the effects are reversed.
Encourage to eat a well-balanced diet, especially rich in protein and iron to promote hair growth.
Promote hair growth by encouraging them to be gentle with their remaining hair and to always keep their
scalp and hair clean.Photo credits:

Identify nursing interventions for stomatitis:

Maintain integrity of the oral mucosa.
Instruct the client to brush and floss his teeth and massage his gums several times daily.
Advise the client to use gauze or a sponge toothette to clean the oral mucosa when pain prevents the use
of a toothbrush.
Recommend the use of water, saline, or a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide instead of toothpaste or
Promote adequate food and fluid intake.
Advise the client to eat a bland diet.
Suggest that the client consume lukewarm, or cold food and fluids, which may minimize discomfort and
result in increased intake.
Administer medications, which may include antifungal agent, or topical or systemic analgesics.

Identify nursing interventions for fatigue:

e following are the therapeutic nursing interventions for Fatigue:

Interventions Rationales

Restrict environmental stimuli, Vivid lighting, noise, visitors, numerous distractions, and litter
especially during planned times for rest in the patient’s physical surroundings can limit relaxation,
and sleep. disturb rest or sleep, and contribute to fatigue.

Recognizing relationships between specific activities and

levels of fatigue can aid the patient recognize unnecessary
Encourage the patient to maintain a 24-
energy outflow. The log may indicate times of day when the
hour fatigue or activity log for at least 1
person feels the least fatigued. This information can help the
patient make choices about setting his or her activities to take
advantage of episodes of high energy levels.

Implement the use of assistive devices

for ADLs and IADLs:

Utilization of such devices can lessen energy expenditure and

 Long-handled sponge for
prevent injury with activities.
 Long shoehorn
 Sock-puller
 Long-handled grabber
Aid the patient with developing a
A plan that balances periods of activity with periods of rest can
schedule for daily activity and rest.
aid the patient complete preferred activities without
Emphasize the importance of frequent
contributing to levels of fatigue.
rest periods.
Teach energy conservation methods. Patients and caregivers may need to learn skills for delegating
tasks to others, setting priorities, and clustering care to
use available energy to complete desired activities.
Collaborate with occupational therapist Organization and time management can help the patient
as needed. conserve energy and reduce fatigue. The occupational therapist
can offer the patient with assistive devices and educate the
patient energy conservation methods.
Setting priorities is one sort of an energy conservation method
Assist the patient with setting priorities
that permits the patient to utilize available energy to complete
for preferred activities and role
important activities. Attaining desired goals can develop the
patient’s mood and sense of emotional health.
The patient will need properly balanced intake of fats,
Promote sufficient nutritional intake. carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to provide
energy resources.
Fatigue caused by deconditioning and prolonged bed rest can
Encourage an exercise conditioning
be reduced through improved functional capacity using aerobic
program as appropriate.
and muscle-strengthening exercise.
Provide comfort such as judicious
These may reduce nervous energy that lead to relaxation.
touch or massage, and cool showers.
Encourage verbalization of feelings Acknowledgement that living with fatigue is both physically
about the impact of fatigue. and emotionally challenging helps in coping.
Offer diversional activities that are This method allows the use of nervous energy in a positive
soothing. manner and may lessen anxiety.
Identify energy conservation methods
such as sitting and dividing ADLs into Weakness can make ADLs almost not possible for patient to
convenient segments. Assist with finish. Being with the patient prevents the patient from getting
movement or self-care demands as harm during activities.
Set practical activity goals with patient. This offers a sense of control and feelings of achievement.
Stay away from topics that annoy or
Increased irritability of the CNS can make the patient become
disturb patient. Converse ways to react
easily excited, agitated, and prone to emotional outburst.
to these feelings.
Educate the patient and family about
Organization and management of time can assist the patient
task organization methods and time
save energy and avoid fatigue.
organization methods.
Support the patient in escalating levels Exercise can reduce fatigue and assist the patient build stamina
of physical activity and exercise. for physical activity.
Make the patient aware about the signs
Changes in heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate
and symptoms of overexertion with
will reflect the patient’s tolerance for activity.
Promoting relaxation before sleep and providing for several
Aid the patient develop habits to
hours of uninterrupted sleep can contribute to energy
promote effective rest/sleep patterns.
Myelosuppression leads to the following. Write their definition on the space provided. Provide their
implication to nursing practice.
 Leukopenia
 It is a condition in which there are fewer leukocytes than normal, results from
neutropenia (diminished neutrophils) or lymphopenia (diminished lymphocytes). Even if
other types of leukocytes (eg, monocytes, basophils) are diminished, their numbers are
too few to reduce the total leukocyte count significantly.
 In adults leukopenia is a total WBC count <3700 cells/mm3. Most cases result from
absolute neutropenia (<2500 cells/mm3); rare cases are secondary to absolute
lymphopenia (<1500 cells/mm3).
 Neutropenia
_ Neutropenia is when a person has a low level of neutrophils. Neutrophils are a
type of white blood cell. All white blood cells help the body fight infection.
Neutrophils fight infection by destroying harmful bacteria and fungi (yeast) that
invade the body. Neutrophils are made in the bone
 Anemia
_ Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry
adequate oxygen to your body's tissues. Having anemia can make you feel tired
and weak. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own
cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to
 Thrombocytopenia
_ Thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-si-to-PE-ne-ah) is a condition in which your
blood has a lower than normal number of blood cell fragments called platelets
(PLATE-lets). Platelets are made in your bone marrow along with other kinds of

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