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Elastodynamic Potential Method for Transversely

Isotropic Solid
Mohammad Rahimian1; Morteza Eskandari-Ghadi2; Ronald Y. S. Pak3; and Ali Khojasteh4

Abstract: A theoretical formulation is presented for the determination of the displacements, strains, and stresses in a three-dimensional
transversely isotropic linearly elastic medium. By means of a complete representation using two displacement potentials, it is shown that
the governing equations of motion for this class of problems can be uncoupled into a fourth-order and a second-order partial differential
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equation in terms of the spatial and time coordinate under general conditions. Compatible with Fourier expansions and Hankel transforms
in a cylindrical coordinate system, the formulation includes a complete set of transformed displacement-potential, strain-potential, and
stress-potential relations that can be useful in a variety of elastodynamic as well as elastostatic problems. As an illustration of the
application of the method, the solution for a half-space under the action of arbitrarily distributed, time-harmonic surface traction is
derived, including its specialization to uniform patch loads and point forces. To confirm the accuracy of the numerical evaluation of the
integrals involved, numerical results are also included for cases of different degree of the material anisotropy, frequency of excitation, and
compared with existing solutions.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9399共2007兲133:10共1134兲
CE Database subject headings: Wave propagation; Half space; Elasticity; Isotropy; Displacement; Boundary element method.

Introduction posite materials, which nowadays are employed in many areas in

science and engineering. The form of anisotropy with the most
Wave propagation in solids induced by external loading has been common application is perhaps the case of transverse isotropy.
one of the topics of great interests to many researchers and engi- One of the earliest studies of transversely isotropic materials is
neers in applied mathematics and engineering mechanics over the due to Michell 共1900兲, who solved the elastostatics problem of a
last century. Following Lamb 共1904兲, who examined the case of a transversely isotropic half-space elastic body under arbitrary pre-
surface vertical point or line time-harmonic force acting on a scribed surface tractions. Eubanks and Sternberg 共1954兲 made an
semi-infinite isotropic elastic half-space, many researchers, as in in-depth investigation of the potential functions proposed for
Achenbach 共1973兲, Aki and Richards 共1980兲, Aspel and Luco elastostatics problems in transversely isotropic materials. In elas-
共1983兲, Pak 共1987兲, and Pak and Guzina 共2002兲, have presented todynamics, Stoneley 共1949兲 demonstrated that the presence of
extensive fundamental results for the case of an isotropic me- transverse isotropy could result in significant differences in wave
dium, enabling the solution of many complex boundary value propagation compared with motions in isotropic materials. Synge
problems 共e.g., Pak and Ji 1993兲. Wave propagation in an aniso- 共1957兲 studied the propagation of Rayleigh waves in a trans-
tropic medium, on the other hand, has received less attention. The versely isotropic medium and found that they will propagate only
need to understand the wave propagation in an anisotropic media if the free surface of the material is parallel or perpendicular to
has, however, risen substantially from the increasing use and en- the material axis of symmetry. Rajapakse and Wang 共1991兲 pre-
counterance of anisotropic materials. For example, the theory of sented theoretical solutions for the displacements and stresses of a
anisotropic material provides a convenient representation of com- two-dimensional orthotropic elastic semi-infinite plate subjected
to interior time-harmonic loads. They also presented the displace-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, ments and stresses of a transversely isotropic elastic half-space
Tehran, Iran. E-mail:
subjected to interior time-harmonic loading 共Rajapakse and Wang
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Science and 1993兲. While the issue of completeness of their representation
Technology of Mazandaran, Babol, Iran 共corresponding author兲. E-mail:
was not addressed, they were able to reduce the equations of
Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural motion by means of three potential functions to a set of two
Engineering, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0428. E-mail: coupled partial differential equations and one separated partial differential equation. Wang and Achenbach 共1996兲, based on rep-
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, resenting the wave field by a superposition of time-transient plane
Tehran, Iran. E-mail: waves, also introduced a method to construct solutions for elastic
Note. Associate Editor: Bojan B. Guzina. Discussion open until waves generated in a half-space and solved Lamb’s problem for a
March 1, 2008. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual solid of general anisotropy.
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
To facilitate the treatment of related elastodynamic boundary
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on August 24, 2006; value problems, a method of potentials is presented in this paper
approved on March 9, 2007. This paper is part of the Journal of Engi- for the determination of the displacements, strains, and stresses
neering Mechanics, Vol. 133, No. 10, October 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN of a three-dimensional, linearly elastic, transversely isotropic half
0733-9399/2007/10-1134–1145/$25.00. space under dynamic loading. As a common means to


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

⳵␴rz 1 ⳵␴␪z 1 ⳵␴zz ⳵ 2W
+ + ␴rz + =␳ 2 共1兲
⳵r r ⳵␪ r ⳵z ⳵t
where ␴ij 共i , j = r , ␪ , z兲 = Cauchy stress tensor; U, V, and W⫽dis-
placement components in r-, ␪-, and z-directions, respectively;
␳ = material density; and t denotes time variable. The stress-strain
relationships for a transversely isotropic material, with respect to
the cylindrical coordinate system are given by

␴rr = A11␧rr + A12␧␪␪ + A13␧zz

␴␪␪ = A12␧rr + A11␧␪␪ + A13␧zz

␴zz = A13␧rr + A13␧␪␪ + A33␧zz

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Fig. 1. Transversely isotropic elastic half-space under arbitrary

surface load
␴rz = 2A44␧rz, ␴␪z = 2A44␧␪z, ␴r␪ = 2A66␧r␪ 共2a兲
uncouple the equations of motion, some noteworthy past potential
functions are the Galerkin vector, Helmholtz–Lame’ potential A11 − A12
A66 = 共2b兲
functions, Love strain function, and Boussinesq–Papkovich– 2
Neuber solution 共see Love 1944, Gurtin 1972兲 for isotropic
where Aij = elasticity constants of the medium and ␧ij
media, and Lekhnitskii–Hu–Nowacki solution 共Lekhnitski 1981兲
共i , j = r , ␪ , z兲 = strain components. As indicated in Eq. 共2兲 for a
and Eskandari-Ghadi 共2005兲 solution for transversely isotropic
transversely isotropic material, five independent elastic constants
media. Baultrukonis et al. 共1960兲 proposed a potential represen-
are needed to describe its behavior. In this paper, these five
tation for a hollow elastic cylinder problem but left the issue of
elasticity constants, Aij are correlated to five engineering elastic
completeness unaddressed. For its completeness and simplicity,
constants, E, E⬘, ␯, ␯⬘; and G⬘ as follows:
the two-potential representation in Eskandari-Ghadi 共2005兲
will be employed in this treatment. By virtue of Fourier expan-
sions and Hankel transforms in a cylindrical coordinate system, it E 1−冉
E 2
␯⬘ 冊 E␯⬘

冉 冊
is shown that the two uncoupled governing partial differential A11 = , A13 = ,
equations can be further reduced to ordinary differential equa- E E 2
共1 + ␯兲 1 − ␯ − 2 ␯⬘2 1−␯−2 ␯⬘
tions. Included is a complete set of transformed displacement-, E⬘ E⬘
strain-, and stress-potential relationships for the formulation
which can greatly facilitate the imposition of general boundary E⬘共1 − ␯兲
A33 = , A44 = G⬘
conditions. Because of the mathematical complexity, the inverse E
1 − ␯ − 2 ␯ ⬘2
transforms are performed numerically to obtain the actual solu- E⬘
tions. For validation, comparisons with existing solutions for an
isotropic material are included. Further numerical examples are
also presented to elucidate the influence of the degree of the E
A66 = =G 共3兲
material anisotropy, the frequency of excitation, and the type of 2共1 + ␯兲
loading on the response. where E and E⬘ = Young’s moduli in the plane of transverse
isotropy and in the direction normal to it, respectively; ␯ and
␯⬘ = Poisson’s ratios characterizing the lateral strain response in
Statement of Problem and Governing Equations the plane of transverse isotropy to a stress acting parallel and
normal to it, respectively; G⬘ = shear modulus in planes normal to
The domain of the problem is defined as a transversely isotropic the plane of transverse isotropy; and G denotes the shear modulus
elastic half-space, which is bounded by a horizontal surface. In in the plane normal to the axis of symmetry.
addition, the axis of symmetry of the medium is assumed to be Using the cylindrical coordinate system, the strain-
normal to the horizontal surface. Fig. 1 depicts a cylindrical co- displacement relations are expressed as
ordinate system O共r , ␪ , z兲 whose z axis is normal to the surface of
the domain as well as an axis of symmetry of the material. Then,
the equations of motion in terms of stress components in the
absence of body forces take the following form:
␧rr =
, ␧␪␪ =
1 ⳵V
r ⳵␪
冉+U , 冊 ␧zz =

⳵␴rr 1 ⳵␴␪r 1
r ⳵␪
+ 共␴rr − ␴␪␪兲 +
⳵ 2U
=␳ 2
2␧rz =
⳵U ⳵W
, 2␧␪z =
1 ⳵W ⳵V
+ ,
r ⳵␪ ⳵z
2␧r␪ =
1 ⳵U
r ⳵␪
⳵ V
⳵r r
On substituting Eq. 共4兲 into Eq. 共2兲, the stress-displacement rela-
⳵␴r␪ 1 ⳵␴␪␪ 2 ⳵␴z␪ ⳵ 2V tions can be found which permits the equations of motion Eq. 共1兲
+ + ␴r␪ + =␳ 2
⳵r r ⳵␪ r ⳵z ⳵t to be rewritten as


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

A11冉 ⳵ 2U 1 ⳵ U U
⳵r 2 + − 2 +
r ⳵r r 2

A11 − A12 1 ⳵2U
r ⳵␪
2 2 + A44
⳵ 2U
␧zz =

冋 ⳵2
␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F 册

A11 + A12 1 ⳵2V 1 ⳵V
+ 2
r ⳵r⳵␪ r ⳵␪
1 ⳵V
− 2A11 2
r ⳵␪
冊 ␧rr = − ␣3
⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹

1 ⳵␹
+ 2
⳵r ⳵z r ⳵r⳵␪ r ⳵␪
⳵ 2W ⳵ 2U
+ 共A13 + A44兲 =␳ 2
⳵r⳵z ⳵t ␣ 3 ⳵ 2F 1 ⳵ ␹ ␣ 3 ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹
␧␪␪ = − − 2 − 2 2 + 共6b兲

冉 冊
r ⳵r⳵z r ⳵␪ r ⳵␪ ⳵z r ⳵r⳵␪
A11 − A12 ⳵2V 1 ⳵V V 1 ⳵ 2V ⳵ 2V

+ − + A 11 + A 44
2 ⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 r2 ⳵␪2 ⳵z2 ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹

冉 冊
␴zr = A44 − ␣3 −
A11 + A12 1 ⳵ U 1 ⳵U
1 ⳵U ⳵r⳵z2 r ⳵␪⳵z

冉 冊册
+ − + 2A11 2
2 r ⳵r⳵␪ r2 ⳵␪ r ⳵␪ ⳵3 ⳵ 2 ⳵
+ ␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲 ⵜr␪ + ␳0␻2
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1⳵W 2
⳵V 2
⳵r⳵z ⳵r ⳵r
+ 共A13 + A44兲 =␳ 2
r ⳵␪⳵z ⳵t

冉 ⳵ W 1 ⳵W 1 ⳵ W
⳵W 2

+ A33 2 + 共A13 + A44兲
2 ␴z␪ = A44 冋 冉 1 ⳵
r ⳵␪
␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F 冊

A44 + +
⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 ⳵␪2 ⳵z
␣ 3 ⳵ 3F ⳵ 2␹
⫻ 冉 ⳵ U 1 ⳵U
⳵r⳵z r ⳵z

+ 共A13 + A44兲
1 ⳵V
r ⳵␪⳵z
=␳ 2
2 2
− +
r ⳵␪⳵z2 ⳵r⳵z

␴r␪ = A66 − 2冋 ␣ 3 ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹ ␣ 3 ⳵ 2F ⳵ 2␹ 1 ⳵ ␹
− 2 2 +2 2
r ⳵r⳵␪⳵z r ⳵␪
+ −
r ⳵␪⳵z ⳵r2 r ⳵r

冋 册
Potential Functions
⳵ ⳵ 2F 1 ⳵ F 1 ⳵ 2F
Owing to the difficulty in dealing with the coupled partial differ- ␴zz = − ␣3A13 + +
⳵z ⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 ⳵␪2

冋 册
ential equations in Eq. 共5兲, the method of potentials plays a major
role in the solution of the related complex boundary value prob- ⳵ ⳵2
+ A33 ␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F
lems. Eskandari-Ghadi 共2005兲 proposed a complete representation ⳵z ⳵z
using two potential functions for solving dynamic boundary value
problems in the transversely isotropic materials, which degener-
ates to the Lekhnitskii–Hu–Nowacki solution in the static case 冋
␴rr = A11 − ␣3
⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹
− +
1 ⳵␹
⳵ r 2⳵ z r ⳵ r ⳵ ␪ r 2 ⳵ ␪

冋 册
and further to Muki’s formulation for isotropic materials. Because
of its completeness and simplicity, the two-potential representa- ␣ 3 ⳵ 2F 1 ⳵ ␹ ␣ 3 ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹
tion is used in this treatment. The displacement components are + A12 − − 2 − 2 2 +
r ⳵r⳵z r ⳵␪ r ⳵␪ ⳵z r ⳵r⳵␪

冋 册
expressed in terms of these two potential functions, F and ␹,
through the following relations 共Eskandari-Ghadi 2005兲 ⳵ ⳵2
+ A13 ␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F
⳵z ⳵z
⳵ 2F 1 ⳵ ␹
U = − ␣3

冋 册

⳵r⳵z r ⳵␪ ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹ 1 ⳵␹
␴␪␪ = A12 − ␣3 − +
1 ⳵ 2F ⳵ ␹ ⳵ r 2⳵ z r ⳵ r ⳵ ␪ r 2 ⳵ ␪
V = − ␣3 +
r ⳵␪⳵z ⳵r
+ A11 − 冋 ␣ 3 ⳵ 2F 1 ⳵ ␹ ␣ 3 ⳵ 3F
− 2 − 2 2 +
1 ⳵ 2␹
r ⳵r⳵z r ⳵␪ r ⳵␪ ⳵z r ⳵r⳵␪

W = 共1 + ␣1兲 ⵜr␪
+␤冋 ⳵2
⳵z2 1 + ␣1
␻2 F 册 共6a兲
+ A13

␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F 册 共6c兲
In addition, the strain and stress components can be expressed in
terms of the potential functions as

␧zr =

− ␣3
⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹

⳵r⳵z2 r ⳵␪⳵z
␣1 =
A66 + A12
, ␣2 =
, ␣3 =
A13 + A44

+ ␣2
⳵r⳵z 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲
⳵ 2
ⵜr␪ + ␳0␻2

F 冊册 ␤=
1 + ␣1
, ␳0 =


␧z␪ = 冋 冉
1 1 ⳵
2 r ⳵␪
␣2 2 + 共1 + ␣1兲ⵜr␪
+ ␳ 0␻ 2 F −
␣ 3 ⳵ 3F
⳵ 2␹
r ⳵␪⳵z2 ⳵r⳵z
冊 册 ⵜr␪
⳵2 1 ⳵ 1 ⳵2
+ +
⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 ⳵␪2

冋 册
In the case of time-harmonic motion with a time factor ei␻t, one
1 ␣ 3 ⳵ 3F 1 ⳵ 2␹ ␣ 3 ⳵ 2F ⳵ 2␹ 1 ⳵ ␹ may express potential functions, displacement components, and
␧r␪ = −2 − 2 2 +2 2 + −
2 r ⳵r⳵␪⳵z r ⳵␪ r ⳵␪⳵z ⳵r2 r ⳵r other quantities of interest in the form of


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

关F,␹共r,␪,z,t兲兴 = 关F,␹共r,␪,z兲兴ei␻t, where
关U,V,W共r,␪,z,t兲兴 = 关u, v,w共r,␪,z兲兴ei␻t, etc. 共8兲 ⳵2 1 ⳵ m2 1 ⳵2 1
씲im = + − + + ␳ 0␻ 2 . 共i = 0,1,2兲
where ␻ = circular frequency of the harmonic motion; and u, v, ⳵r2 r ⳵r r2 s2i ⳵z2 ␮i
and w = amplitude of displacement components. Substituting 共16兲
Eq. 共6a兲 into Eq. 共5兲 and using Eq. 共8兲 results in two separate
partial differential equations as the governing equations for the In view of the geometry and the boundary conditions of the prob-
potential functions F and ␹ 共Eskandari-Ghadi 2005兲 lem, it is useful to employ the Hankel integral transform with

冋 册
respect to the radial coordinate as

씲1씲2 + ␦␻2 F=0 共9兲
⳵z2 关Fmm共␰,z兲,␹mm共␰,z兲兴 = 关Fm共r,z兲,␹m共r,z兲兴rJm共␰r兲dr 共17兲

씲 0␹ = 0 共10兲 and the inverse transform is

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where ⬁
关Fm共r,z兲,␹m共r,z兲兴 = 关Fmm共␰,z兲,␹mm共␰,z兲兴␰Jm共␰r兲d␰ 共18兲
1 ⳵2
씲i = ⵜr␪
+ 2 2 + ␳ 0␻ 2, 共i = 0,1,2兲 共11a兲 0
si ⳵z ␮i
where ␰ = Hankel’s parameter and Jm denotes the Bessel func-
tion of the first kind and mth order. Substituting Eq. 共17兲 into
A44 A11 Eqs. 共15a兲 and 共15b兲, leads to the following equations:
␮0 = 1, ␮1 = ␣2 = , ␮2 = 1 + ␣1 = 共11b兲

冋 册
A66 A66
씲̄1m씲̄2m + ␦␻2 Fm共␰,z兲 = 0 共19a兲

= 冋 冉 冊

2 −
␮1s2 ␮2s21
册 共11c兲
dz2 m

씲̄0m␹mm共␰,z兲 = 0 共19b兲
1 A66 where
s20 = = 共12a兲
␣2 A44
␳ 0␻ 2 1 d2
s21and of the following equation 共Lekhnitskii 1981兲,
s22 = roots 씲̄im = − ␰2 + 2 2 . 共i = 0,1,2兲 共20兲
␮i si dz
which in view of the positive definiteness of the strain energy are
not zero or negative With a consideration of the regularity condition at infinity, the
solutions to Eq. 共19兲 are given by
A33A44s4 + 共A213 + 2A13A44 − A11A33兲s2 + A11A44 = 0 共12b兲
Fmm共␰,z兲 = Am共␰兲e−␭1z + Bm共␰兲e−␭2z 共21a兲
In addition, the conditions expressed on strain energy do not pre-
clude the existence of complex roots of Eq. 共12b兲. Indeed, s21 and
␹mm共␰,z兲 = Cm共␰兲e−␭3z 共21b兲
s22 are real and distinct, coalescent, or conjugate complex
共Eubanks and Sternberg 1954兲. where
To solve Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲, it is convenient to use a Fourier
expansion with respect to the angular coordinate ␪ in the form of
␭1 = 冑 a␰2 + b +
冑c␰4 + d␰2 + e,

F共r,␪,z兲 = 兺
Fm共r,z兲eim␪ 共13a兲
␭2 = 冑 a␰2 + b −
冑c␰4 + d␰2 + e

␭3 = 冑s20共␰2 − ␳0␻2兲
␹共r,␪,z兲 = 兺 ␹m共r,z兲eim␪ 共13b兲 共22兲

冉 冊

where Fm and ␹m = mth Fourier expansion coefficients 共Sneddon 1 1 1 1

a = 共s21 + s22兲, b = − ␳␻2 + , c = 共s22 − s21兲2
1951兲 2 2 A33 A44

冕 冋冉 冊 冉 冊册
1 1 1 A11 1 1
关Fm共r,z兲,␹m共r,z兲兴 = 关F共r,␪,z兲,␹共r,␪,z兲兴e−im␪ d␪ d = − 2␳␻2 + 共s2 + s2兲 − 2 + ,
2␲ 0 A33 A44 1 2 A33 A11 A44

Substituting Eqs. 共13a兲 and 共13b兲, into Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲, respec-
e = ␳ 2␻ 4 冉 1

A33 A44
冊 2

tively, gives Am, Bm, and Cm in Eqs. 共21a兲 and 共21b兲 are some unknown func-

冋 씲1m씲2m + ␦␻2


Fm共r,z兲 = 0 共15a兲
tions to be determined using the boundary conditions. In the fore-
going expressions, ␭21, ␭22 and ␭23 are single valued, but ␭1, ␭2,
and ␭3 are multivalued. To be consistent with Eq. 共21兲, one
must define a Riemann surface with two sheets such that ␭1, ␭2,
씲0m␹m共r,z兲 = 0 共15b兲 and ␭3 are single valued and analytically continuous from one


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

to write the boundary conditions Eq. 共26兲 in terms of poten-
tial functions Eq. 共21兲. For this purpose, it is helpful to note that
the transformed displacement-potential relations of the method

umm+1 + i␯mm+1 = ␣3␰ − i␰␹mm

umm−1 − i␯mm−1 = − ␣3␰ − i␰␹mm
Fig. 2. Branch cuts for ␭1, ␭2, and ␭3

wmm = 共1 + ␣1兲 − ␰2 + ␤
⳵z 2 +
␳ 0␻ 2
1 + ␣1 m
Fm 册 共27兲
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sheet to another. This can be achieved by specifying the branch

cuts for ␭1, ␭2, and ␭3 on the complex ␰ plane as Fig. 2, with where the superscript m denotes the mth order of Hankel integral
branch points emanating from ␰␭1 = ␻冑␳ / A11, ␰␭2 = ␻冑␳ / A44, and
transform and subscript m shows the mth component in Fourier
␰␭3 = ␻冑␳ / A66 such that the real parts of ␭1, ␭2, and ␭3 are always
series. Similarly, one can show that the transformed strain-
potential and stress-potential relations can be derived as
non-negative 共e.g., see Pak 1987兲. Under these choices of the
branches, the e␭1z, e␭2z, and e␭3z terms become inadmissible and
are thus omitted in Eqs. 共21a兲 and 共21b兲. ␧zrm
m+1 m+1
+ i␧z␪m =

冋 d2
共␣3 − ␣2兲 2 + ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 − ␳0␻2 Fmm

Set of Fundamental Solutions − A44␰i

冋 册
Allowing an arbitrary time-harmonic surface traction with inten-
d d2
sity ជf 共r , ␪兲ei␻t on a finite region ␲0 on the surface plane of z = 0 ␧zzm
= − ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 + ␣2 2 + ␳0␻2 Fmm
共see Fig. 1兲 gives the boundary conditions as dz dz

␴rz共r,␪,z = 0,t兲 = P共r,␪兲ei␻t ,

␴z␪共r,␪,z = 0,t兲 = Q共r,␪兲ei␻t , 共r,␪兲 苸 ␲0 共24a兲
m−1 m−1
− i␧z␪m =−

冋 d2
共␣3 − ␣2兲 2 + ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 − ␳0␻2 Fmm

␴zz共r,␪,z = 0,t兲 = R共r,␪兲ei␻t d␹mm
− A44␰i
␴rz = ␴z␪ = ␴zz = 0, z = 0,共r,␪兲 苸 ␲0 共24b兲

where P共r , ␪兲, Q共r , ␪兲, and R共r , ␪兲 = components of ជf 共r , ␪兲 in r-,

␪-, and z-directions, respectively. According to Eq. 共8兲, the bound-
+ 再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎
+ im
= ␣ 3␰ 2

ary conditions Eq. 共24兲 may be written as Eq. 共25兲 for the stresses
␴ij共r , ␪ , z = 0兲, 共i , j = r , ␪ , z兲 ␧␪␪m
− 再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎 um
+ im

再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎
␴rz共r,␪,z = 0兲 = P共r,␪兲,
␴z␪共r,␪,z = 0兲 = Q共r,␪兲, 共r,␪兲 苸 ␲0 共25a兲 ␯m m
um m
+ − im = − ␰2␹mm 共28兲
␴zz共r,␪,z = 0兲 = R共r,␪兲, r r 2

␴rz = ␴z␪ = ␴zz = 0 z = 0,共r,␪兲 苸 ␲0 共25b兲 ␴zrm

m+1 m+1
+ i␴z␪m 冋
= A44␰ 共␣3 − ␣2兲
+ ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 − ␳0␻2 Fmm 册
Applying Fourier expansion with respect to angular coordinate ␪ d␹mm
leads to − A44␰i

冋 册
␴rzm共r,z = 0兲 = Pm共r兲,
d d2
␴r␪m共r,z = 0兲 = Qm共r兲, r 苸 ␲0 共26a兲 ␴zzm
= ␣3A13␰2 + A33共␳0␻2 − ␰2共1 + ␣1兲兲 + A33␣2 2 Fmm
dz dz
␴zzm共r,z = 0兲 = Rm共r兲,

␴rzm = ␴z␪m = ␴zzm = 0, z = 0,r 苸 ␲0 共26b兲 ␴zrm

m−1 m−1
− i␴z␪m = − A44␰ 共␣3 − ␣2兲冋 d2
+ ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 − ␳0␻2 Fmm 册
where ␴ijm = mth component of the Fourier series of ␴ij. In order d␹mm
− A44␰i
to determine the unknown functions Am, Bm, and Cm, one needs dz


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

+ 共A11 − A12兲 再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎
+ im
umm+1 + i␯mm+1 = − ␥1共z,␰兲 冉 冊
Xm − Y m
+ ␥2共z,␰兲 冉
Xm + Y m

冋 d2
␣3A11␰2 + A13共␳0␻2 − ␰2共1 + ␣1兲兲 + A13␣2 2 Fmm
册 − ␥3共z,␰兲 冉 冊

− 共A11 − A12兲 再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎
+ im

wmm = ⍀1共z,␰兲 冉 Xm − Y m

+ ⍀2共z,␰兲
冉 冊 共35兲

冋 册
2A44 A44
d d
= ␣3A12␰2 + A13共␳0␻2 − ␰2共1 + ␣1兲兲 + A13␣2 2 Fmm
dz dz where

+ 共A11 − A12兲 再冉 冊 冉 冊 冎
− im
A11 − A12 2 m
␰ ␹m ␥1共z,␰兲 =
共␯1␭2e−␭2z − ␯2␭1e−␭1z兲, ␥2共z,␰兲 =
Downloaded from by Seattle University on 06/08/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

The left hand side of the first three equations of Eq. 共29兲 can be ␣3A44␰
␥3共z,␰兲 = 共␭2␩1e−␭2z − ␭1␩2e−␭1z兲
written in terms of distributed surface loading as A33I共␰兲

共␰,z = 0兲 − i␴z␪m
共␰,z = 0兲 = Pmm−1 − iQmm−1

共␰,z = 0兲 + i␴z␪m
共␰,z = 0兲 = Pmm+1 + iQmm+1 ⍀1共␰,z兲 =
共1 + ␣1兲
␳ 0␻ 2
1 + ␣1

− ␰2 关␯1e−␭2z − ␯2e−␭1z兴

共␰,z = 0兲 = Rmm
Substituting Eqs. 共21a兲 and 共21b兲 into Eq. 共29兲 and using
共30兲 +
1 + ␣1
关␯1␭22e−␭2z − ␯2␭21e−␭1z兴 冎
Eq. 共30兲, one may find
A44␰␩1Am + A44␰␩2Bm − i␰A44␭m3Cm = − Pmm−1 + iQmm−1 ⍀2共␰,z兲 =
− A44共1 + ␣1兲
␳ 0␻ 2
1 + ␣1

− ␰2 关␩2e−␭1z − ␩1e−␭2z兴

A44␰␩1Am + A44␰␩2Bm + i␰A44␭m3Cm = Pmm+1 + iQmm+1

A33关␯1Am + ␯2Bm兴 = Rmm 共31兲

1 + ␣1
关␩2␭21e−␭1z − ␩1␭22e−␭2z兴 冎 共36兲

where and

␩i = 共␣3 − ␣2兲␭2i + ␰2共1 + ␣1兲 − ␳0␻2, i = 1,2 Xm = Pmm−1共␰兲 − iQm−1

共␰兲, Y m = Pmm+1共␰兲 + iQmm+1共␰兲,

␯i = ␩i − ␣3
A13 2
␰ − ␣3␭2i ␭i . 冊 i = 1,2 共32兲
Zm = Rmm共␰兲, I共␰兲 = ␩2␯1 − ␩1␯2

Eqs. 共35兲 can be reduced to the exact results of Pak 共1987兲


Solving Eq. 共31兲 for Am, Bm, and Cm gives for a semi-infinite isotropic medium 共see the Appendix兲. For

␰Am = 冋
1 − ␯2
I共␰兲 2A44
共Xm − Y M 兲 − ␩2␰
册 an isotropic material, the material constants are related through
A11 = A33 = ␭ + 2␮, A44 = A66 = ␮, and A13 = A12 = ␭, where ␭ and
␮⫽Lame’s constants. Applying the inverse Hankel transform to

冋 册
Eq. 共35兲, the Fourier components of the displacements are ob-
1 ␯1 Zm tained as
␰Bm = + 共Xm − Y M 兲 + ␩1␰
I共␰兲 2A44 A33

i共Xm + Y M 兲 um共r,z兲 = − ␰关Jm+1共␰r兲 − Jm−1共␰r兲兴
␰Cm = 共33兲 2 0
⫻关␰Am␭1e−␭1z + ␰Bm␭2e−␭2z兴d␰


Xm = Pmm−1共␰兲 − iQm−1
共␰兲, Y m = Pmm+1共␰兲 + iQmm+1共␰兲, − ␰关Jm+1共␰r兲 + Jm−1共␰r兲兴␰Cme−␭3zd␰
2 0
Zm = Rmm共␰兲, I共␰兲 = ␩2␯1 − ␩1␯2 共34兲

Substituting Am, Bm, and Cm into Eq. 共27兲 gives the transformed ⬁
Fourier components of the displacements as ␯m共r,z兲 = ␰关Jm+1共␰r兲 + Jm−1共␰r兲兴

冉 冊 冉 冊
2 0
Xm − Y m Xm + Y m
umm−1 − i␯mm−1 = ␥1共z,␰兲 + ␥2共z,␰兲 ⫻关␰Am␭1e−␭1z + ␰Bm␭2e−␭2z兴d␰
2A44 2A44

冉 冊 冕

Zm 1
+ ␥3共z,␰兲 + ␰关− Jm+1共␰r兲 + Jm−1共␰r兲兴␰Cme−␭3zd␰
A44 2 0


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

冦 冧 冦 冧
wm共r,z兲 J1共␰a兲 J1共␰a兲

冕 冋冉 冊冊 册
, m=1 , m=−1

␣2␭21 − 共1 + ␣1兲 ␰2 −
␳ 0␻

1 + ␣1
␰Ame−␭1z Jm共␰r兲d␰
Xm = ␲␰a
0, m⫽1
Ym = ␲␰a
0, m⫽−1

冕 冋冉 冉 冊冊 册
⬁ Zm = 0 for all m 共43兲
␳ 0␻ 2
+ ␣2␭22 − 共1 + ␣1兲 ␰ − 2
␰Bme −␭2z
Jm共␰r兲d␰ Using Eqs. 共42兲, 共39兲, 共33兲, and 共38兲 combined with Eqs.
1 + ␣1
共36兲, one is led to the following expressions for radial, angu-
共38兲 lar, and vertical displacements

On substitution of the Fourier components of displacement into

the corresponding Fourier expansion with respect to the angular
u共r,␪,z兲 =
cos ␪
2␲A44a 再冕 ⬁
␥1共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲关J0共␰r兲 − J2共␰r兲兴d␰

coordinate ␪, the amplitude of displacement components in fre-

quency domain can be obtained
+ ␥2共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲关J0共␰r兲 + J2共␰r兲兴d␰
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u共r,␪,z兲,␯共r,␪,z兲,w共r,␪,z兲 = 兺 关um共r,z兲,␯m共r,z兲,wm共r,z兲兴eim␪
− sin ␪

␯共r,␪,z兲 = ␥1共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲关J0共␰r兲 + J2共␰r兲兴d␰

共39兲 0

and the displacements in physical time domain can be recovered + ␥2共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲关J0共␰r兲 − J2共␰r兲兴d␰
as 0

U共r,␪,z,t兲, V共r,␪,z,t兲, cos ␪
w共r,␪,z兲 = ⍀1共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲J1共␰r兲d␰ 共44兲
W共r,␪,z,t兲 = 关u共r,␪,z兲, v共r,␪,z兲,w共r,␪,z兲兴ei␻t 共40兲 ␲A44a 0

2. Case (ii): For the case of a uniform vertical patch load of

unit resultant applied on a circular disk of radius a acting in
Results for Specific Time-Harmonic the z-direction, it can be shown that

冉 冊
Load Distributions

冦 冧
关P,Q,R兴共r,␪,t兲 = 0,0, ei␻t
In the preceding analysis, the surface loading or excitation has ␲a2 共45兲
been left arbitrary. In this section, three specific cases of common ␲0 = 兵共x,y,z兲兩x2 + y 2 ⬍ a2,z = 0其
interest are considered. They are: 共1兲 a uniform horizontal patch
load of unit resultant applied on a circular disk of radius a acting Henceforth, the mth Fourier expansion coefficients are as
in the x-direction; 共2兲 a uniform vertical patch load of unit result- follows:
ant applied on a circular disk of radius a, and 共3兲 a vertical point Pm共r兲 = Qm共r兲 = 0 for all m
load R acting at point 共0, 0, 0兲.
1. Case (i): For the case of a uniform horizontal patch load of
unit resultant applied on a circular disk of radius a acting in
x-direction, it can be shown that
R0共r兲 = 再 1/␲a2 , r ⬍ a
0, r艌a
冎 Rm共r兲 = 0 for m ⫽ 0 共46兲

Substituting Eq. 共46兲 into Eq. 共37兲 results in

冉 冊 再 冎
冦 冧
cos ␪ sin ␪
关P,Q,R兴共r,␪,t兲 = ,− ,0 ei␻t J1共␰a兲/␲␰a, m = 0
␲a2 ␲a2 共41兲 Xm = Y m = 0 for all m, Zm =
0, m⫽0
␲0 = 兵共x,y,z兲兩x2 + y 2 ⬍ a2,z = 0其.
Henceforth, the Fourier expansion coefficients are as follows Using Eqs. 共47兲, 共39兲, 共33兲, 共38兲, and 共36兲, the displacements

再 冎
can be obtained as
1/2␲a2 , r ⬍ a
P1共r兲 = P−1共r兲 =

0, r艌a −1
u共r,␪,z兲 = ␥3共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲J1共␰r兲d␰
Pm共r兲 = 0 for m ⫽ ± 1 0

再 冎
␯共r,␪,z兲 = 0
i/2␲a2 , r ⬍ a
Q1共r兲 = − Q−1共r兲 =

0, ⬁
w共r,␪,z兲 = ⍀2共z,␰兲J1共␰a兲J0共␰r兲d␰ 共48兲
Qm共r兲 = 0 for m ⫽ ± 1 ␲A44a 0

Eqs. 共44兲 and 共48兲 degenerate exactly to those in Pak 共1987兲

Rm共r兲 = 0 for all m 共42兲 for a semi-infinite isotropic medium by suitable substitu-
tions of elastic constants for surface excitations 共see the
Substituting Eq. 共42兲 into Eq. 共37兲, gives Appendix兲.


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

Table 1. Comparison of Radial and Vertical Displacements due to Uniform Patch Load of Intensity p0 and Radius a Applied in x-Direction at Surface of
Isotropic Elastic Half-Space
␮u / p0a ␮w / p0a

Rajapaksed Rajapakse
Current and Wang Rajapakse Current and Wang Rajapakse
r / a, ␪, z / a study 共1993兲 共1983兲a study 共1993兲 共1983兲a
0,0,0 0.8750 0.8758 0.8750 0.0000 0.0 0.0
0,0,.25 0.6358 0.6367 0.6358 0.0000 0.0 0.0
0,0,1.0 0.2892 0.2898 0.2901 0.0000 0.0 0.0
0,0,2.0 0.1538 0.1542 0.1542 0.0000 0.0 0.0
0.5,0,0 0.8216 0.8226 0.8216 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625
1.0,0,0 0.5836 0.5845 0.5835 0.1250 0.1243 0.1250
2.0,0,0 0.2545 0.2554 0.2544 0.0625 0.0626 0.0626
Downloaded from by Seattle University on 06/08/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

See Rajapakse and Wang 共1993兲.

3. Case (iii): For a vertical point load R acting at point 共0, 0, 0兲, ␯共r,␪,0兲 = 0
it can be shown that

冉 冊 冕
冦 冧
R␦共r兲 i␻t ⬁
关P,Q,R兴共r,␪,t兲 = 0,0, e R
2␲r 共49兲 w共r,␪,0兲 = ␰⍀2共0,␰兲J1共␰r兲d␰ 共52兲
2␲A44 0
␲0 = 兵共x,y,z兲兩x = y = z = 0其
where ␦共r兲 denotes Dirac-delta function. Substituting Eqs. 共52兲 degenerate exactly to the solutions of Lamb 共1904兲
Eq. 共49兲 into Eq. 共37兲 gives for a semi-infinite isotropic half-space by suitable substitu-

再 冎
tions of elastic constants 共see the Appendix兲.
R/2␲, m = 0
Xm = Y m = 0 for all m, Zm = 共50兲
0, m⫽0
Using Eqs. 共50兲, 共39兲, 共33兲, 共38兲, and 共36兲, the displacements Numerical Evaluation
can be expressed as
As indicated in Eq. 共38兲, the displacement components are ex-

R pressed in terms of one-dimensional semi-infinite integrals. Be-
u共r,␪,z兲 = − ␰␥3共z,␰兲J1共␰r兲d␰ cause of the presence of radical functions, exponential and Bessel
2␲A44 0
functions in a complex form in the integrands, the integrals can-
not be given in closed form even in isotropic material. As indi-
␯共r,␪,z兲 = 0 cated in Ewing et al. 共1957兲 and done by Lamb 共1904兲, one may
evaluate the line integrals in Eq. 共38兲 with the aid of the method

R of residue. The procedure adopted in this study involves: 共1兲 lo-
w共r,␪,z兲 = ␰⍀2共z,␰兲J0共␰r兲d␰ 共51兲
2␲A44 0
cating the pole and branch points associated with branch cuts that
render all functions single valued and consistent with the regular-
The corresponding surface displacements are ity condition; 共2兲 integrating from zero to a point behind the pole

⬁ and continuing the integration from a point after the pole to a
R sufficiently large value; and 共3兲 adding the contribution from the
u共r,␪,0兲 = − ␰␥3共0,␰兲J1共␰r兲d␰
2␲A44 0 residue at the pole to the final sum. For the line integration above,
an adaptive numerical quadrature approach is adopted and coded
in MATHCAD software. The upper limit of the integrands is de-
termined adaptively since the integrands go to zero slowly when
their variable approaches infinity. This procedure continues until
the selected error criterion is satisfied and the integral converges.
For the numerical evaluation of integrals given in Eq. 共38兲, some
special considerations are needed due to the presence of singu-
larities within the range of integration and the oscillatory nature
of the integrands because of Bessel functions. The important as-
pects of the integrands are the branch points and poles. There will
be in general three branch points at ␰␭i 共i = 1 , 2 , 3兲 as stated before
lying on the formal path of integration. For the case of an isotro-
pic solid branch points reduce to

␻ ␻
Fig. 3. Comparison of displacement in x-direction in isotropic elastic ␰ ␭1 = k d = , ␰ ␭2 = ␰ ␭3 = k s = 共53兲
Cd Cs
half-space subjected to uniform load applied on disk of radius a in x
direction where


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

Table 2. Synthetic Material Engineering Constants
E E⬘ G G⬘ ␰ p冑A44
Material 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲 ␯ ␯⬘

1 共Isotropic兲 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 0.25 0.25 1.08766

2 共Transversely Isotropic兲 50,000 150,000 20,000 20,000 0.25 0.25 1.03519
3 共Transversely Isotropic兲 100,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 0.25 0.25 1.03800
4 共Transversely Isotropic兲 150,000 50,000 60,000 20,000 0.25 0.25 1.02293

Cd = 冑 2␮ + ␭

, Cs = 冑 ␮

−␲iRes共␰ p兲, where Res共␰ p兲 = lim␰→␰p关q共␰兲 / 共dI共␰兲 / d␰兲兴. For the
case of a branch point, the integral is broken up into the first two
parts and evaluated with increasingly small ␧ until the selected
Here, ␭ and ␮ stand for the Lame constants of the classical theory
Downloaded from by Seattle University on 06/08/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

error criterion is satisfied for convergence. Several numerical

of elasticity; while Cd and Cs = dilatational and equivoluminal examples are carried out to compare the present solution with
wave speeds, respectively. Each integral is decomposed into dif- existing numerical solutions for the isotropic half-space, and to
ferent intervals with limits equal to branch points and in each evaluate the accuracy and the efficiency of the current solutions.
interval the relevant branch cut is used for ␭1, ␭2, and ␭3 accord- They are followed by a series of parametric study to explore
ing to Fig. 2. Besides, the function I共␰兲 in Eq. 共33兲 yields poles the influence of the degree of the material anisotropy, the fre-
whose positions are given by quency of excitation, and the type of loading on the response. It
needs to be pointed out that all numerical results presented here
I共␰兲 = ␩2␯1 − ␩1␯2 = 0 共55兲 are dimensionless, with a nondimensional frequency defined as
Stoneley has shown that Eq. 共55兲 has only two roots ±␰ p along the ␻0 = a␻冑␳ / A44. Table 1 lists the nondimensional displacements at
real axis 共Stoneley 1949; see also Rajapakse and Wang 1993兲. In different locations due to a horizontal static patch load of radius a
the case of an isotropic solid, ␰ p corresponds to the root of the and intensity p0 applied on the surface of an isotropic half-space.
Rayleigh wave function 共see e.g., Pak 1987兲. In this case, it can The results of this study are compared with the numerical results
be shown that reported in Rajapakse and Wang 共1993兲. The agreement between

the solutions therein and the present solution is excellent.
1冑 ␳
3 + 冑3
To provide a comparison of the results for a dynamic case, the
␰p = ␻ 共56兲
2 ␮ solution presented by Pak 共1987兲 for the displacement in
x-direction along the z axis due to a time-harmonic horizontal
The root ␰ p of Eq. 共55兲 corresponding to the materials considered patch load of unit intensity distributed over a disk of radius a on
in the current study is given in Table 2. To deal with the singu- the surface of an isotropic half-space with a dimensionless fre-
larity at the pole, since the pole at ␰ p is an interior singular point, quency ␻0 equals 0.5 共see Fig. 3兲 is used as a benchmark. As
the integral is decomposed into three integrals: one integral with indicated in Fig. 3, there is excellent agreement between the two
the upper limit ␰ p − ␧, one with a lower limit ␰ p + ␧, and one over solutions. For parametric study, some synthetic isotropic material
a small semicircle of radius ␧ above the pole, ␧ being a small 共material No. 1兲 and transversely isotropic materials 共material
number. The integrals from zero to ␰ p − ␧ and from ␰ p + ␧ to infin- Nos. 2–4兲 are considered as generic illustrations. Their elastic
ity are evaluated using Simpson’s rule, and the integral over the coefficients are listed in Table 2. More material types for direct
small semicircle of radius ␧ is evaluated using the residual engineering applications may be found in Khojasteh 共2005兲. In
method 共e.g., Churchill and Brown 1990兲. Since the pole is of the defining these materials, the positive definiteness of strain energy
first order, the integrand may be written in the form of q共␰兲 / I共␰兲, that observe the following constraints 共Eubanks and Sternberg
where q共␰兲 is analytic at ␰ p and I共␰兲 has been given in Eq. 共34兲.
Thus the integral over the limiting small semicircle is equal to

Fig. 4. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in radial direction Fig. 5. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in radial direction
along z axis for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 subjected to uniform along r axis for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 subjected to uniform
horizontal load applied on disk of radius a with frequency ␻0 = 0.5 horizontal load applied on disk of radius a with frequency ␻0 = 0.5


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

Fig. 6. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in vertical direction Fig. 8. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in radial direction
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along z axis for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 subjected to uniform for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 along z axis subjected to uniform
vertical load applied on disk of radius a acting with frequency vertical load applied on disk of radius a with frequency ␻0 = 3.0
␻0 = 0.5.


A new analytical formulation has been presented for displace-

1954; Eskandari-Ghadi 2005兲 for material constants Aij have been ments and stresses of a three-dimensional, linearly elastic, trans-
checked versely isotropic half-space subjected to an arbitrary,
time-harmonic surface force. The equations of motion in terms of
displacements have been uncoupled by means of a complete po-
A11 ⬎ 兩A12兩, 共A11 + A12兲A33 ⬎ 2A213, A44 ⬎ 0. 共57兲 tential representation in terms of two scalar functions for elasto-
Some illustrative numerical results for excitation mentioned ear- dynamics. The Fourier expansion and Hankel transform in a cy-
lier in Case 共ii兲 of the previous section, i.e., a uniform horizontal lindrical coordinate system with respect to angular and radial
load of magnitude P applied on a disk of radius a in r-direction, coordinates, respectively, have been carried out with success. For
are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, where the real and imaginary parts general applications, the full set of transformed displacement-,
of the normalized horizontal displacement ␲A44au / P in a differ- strain-, and stress-potential relations are also presented. For the
ent depth and at the free surface for the materials listed in Table 2 numerical evaluation of the inversion integrals, a numerical
at frequency ␻0 = 0.5 are displayed. These figures indicate that scheme, which gives the necessary account of the presence of
the horizontal displacement increases with a decrease of E when singularities and branch points on the path of integration without
other engineering properties are kept constants. Figs. 6 and 7 the use of damping, is implemented. The reliability of the pro-
depict the real and imaginary parts of the normalized displace- posed quadrature scheme is confirmed by comparisons with ex-
ment ␲A66aw / R at different depth and at the free surface for isting solutions. The calculated results demonstrate that the
␻0 = 0.5 along the r axis 共or x axis兲 for the materials given in response is strongly influenced by the degree of anisotropy of the
Table 2. Figs. 8–11 illustrate the variation of the real and imagi- material, especially at low frequencies where the displacement
nary parts of the normalized displacement ␲A44au / P and will increase with the deformability of the material in the direc-
␲A44aw / R for ␻0 = 3.0 in terms of normalized depth, z / a, and tion parallel to the applied load. In addition, the solutions indicate
normalized horizontal distance. that the response is decisively affected by frequency of excitation.
As frequency increases, both real and imaginary parts show more
oscillatory variation with the depth. Solutions presented in this
paper can be of value in developing analytical as well as

Fig. 7. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in vertical direction

along r axis for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 subjected to uniform Fig. 9. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in radial direction
vertical load applied on disk of radius a acting with frequency for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 along r axis subjected to uniform
␻0 = 0.5 horizontal load applied on disk of radius a with frequency ␻0 = 3.0


J. Eng. Mech. 2007.133:1134-1145.

␭ + 2␮
␮0 = ␮1 = 1, ␮2 = , s20 = s21 = s22 = 1 共60兲

Substituting Eqs. 共58兲–共60兲 into Eq. 共22兲 leads to

␭1 = ␣ = 冑␰2 − k2d, ␭2 = ␭3 = ␤ = 冑␰2 − ks2 共61兲

where the dilatational and equivoluminal wave speeds, Cd and
Cs and kd, ks, have been defined in Eqs. 共53兲 and 共54兲. Using
Eq. 共32兲, one can obtain

␭+␮ 2 ␭+␮ 2 2
␩1 = 2 ␣, ␩2 = 共2␰ − ks 兲,
␮ ␮

Fig. 10. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in vertical

␯1 = 冉 ␭+␮

共2␰2 − ks2兲␣, ␯2 =
2共␭ + ␮兲 2
␰␤ 共62兲
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direction i for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 along z axis subjected ␭ + 2␮ ␭ + 2␮

to uniform vertical load applied on disk of radius a with frequency
␻0 = 3.0 Substituting Eq. 共62兲 into Eq. 共34兲, results in

共␭ + ␮兲2␣ −
I共␰兲 = ␩2␯1 − ␩1␯2 = R 共␰兲 共63兲
␮共␭ + 2␮兲
boundary-integral-equation formulations for dynamic analysis of
anisotropic soil-structure interaction and nondestructive evalua- where
tion of composites and anisotropic media. R−共␰兲 = 共2␰2 − ks2兲2 − 4␰2␣␤ 共64兲
Substituting the above expressions for isotropic materials into Eq.
共37兲, one can obtain the following relations
␤共2␰2 − ks2兲 −␤z 2␰2␤ −␣z 1 −␤z
This work has been partially supported by the University of ␥1共z,␰兲 = e − − e , ␥2共z,␰兲 = e
R−共␰兲 R 共␰兲 ␤
Science and Technology of Mazandaran through Grant No.
A-185372, which is gratefully acknowledged.
2␰␣␤ −␤z ␰共2␰2 − ks2兲 −␣z
␥3共z,␰兲 = e − e
R−共␰兲 R−共␰兲
− ␰共2␰2 − ks2兲 −␤z 2␰␣␤ −␣z
⍀1共z,␰兲 = e + − e ,
In the case of an isotropic material, the following relations be- R−共␰兲 R 共␰兲
tween the material constants are valid
− 2␰2␣ −␤z ␣共2␰2 − ks2兲 −␣z
⍀2共z,␰兲 = e + e 共65兲
A11 = A33 = ␭ + 2␮, A12 = A13 = ␭, A44 = A66 = ␮ 共58兲 R−共␰兲 R−共␰兲
where ␭ and ␮ = Lame’s constants of the isotropic solid. In turn, These expressions are exactly the same as the intermediate vari-
one finds able given in Pak 共1987兲 for the surface excitations. Thus, the
solution generated by a time-harmonic surface force on an iso-
␭+␮ ␳ tropic elastic half-space deduced from this study is exactly the
␣1 = ␣3 = , ␣2 = 1, ␳0 = , ␦=0 共59兲
␮ ␮ results given in Pak 共1987兲. In addition, calculating
␥3共0 , ␰兲 , ⍀2共0 , ␰兲 for an isotropic half-space results in

− ␰共2␰2 − ks2 − 2␣␤兲 − ␣ks2

␥3共0,␰兲 = , ⍀2共0,␰兲 = 共66兲
R−共␰兲 R−共␰兲
If the notations of Lamb 共1904兲 are used, then R−共␰兲 , ks , r
are equivalent to F共␰兲 , k , ␻ for an isotropic material, then com-
bining Eq. 共66兲 and Eq. 共52兲 for an isotropic material leads to
the following relations for surface vertical point load applied on
the origin:

R ␰2共2␰2 − k2 − 2␣␤兲
u共r,␪,0兲 = J1共␻r兲d␰
2␲␮ 0 F共␰兲

␯共r,␪,0兲 = 0

Fig. 11. Real and imaginary parts of displacement in vertical R k2␰␣
direction for synthetic materials 1, 2, 3, and 4 along r axis subjected w共r,␪,0兲 = − J1共␻r兲d␰ 共67兲
2␲␮ 0 F共␰兲
to uniform vertical load applied on disk of radius a with frequency
␻0 = 3.0 which are exactly the same as the results given in Lamb 共1904兲.


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