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Examiner Word Lists Pre-Primer 1 Taw 8. with 10. be 11. go 12, 13, sce 14. do 15.00 16. was 17. she Ienifet Automatically Identified Total Comat Automatic 17 pay = 1005, otal Correct Mentified te Total Nummer Correct 10O«, LEVELS Independent Instructional == Frustration isa 1+ below 12 IK 10.85% below 70% Pre-Primer 2/3 entified Automatically Identified make 1 2 3. Hike 4a Ss. were 6 my 7. work 9% play Lo. just vo 11. some 12, they, 13, people 14. look 15.100 16. other 17. place 18. where 19. under 20. help a ‘Total Coneet Automatic 2.29 - 19D, Total Correct Hdentified (20 ~___% Total Number Correct SO 20 - 100, LEVELS et ee | mo ei sacri | s0-1008 ToS below FO fuoom ucnmmp ypu: LouRpo eo Examiner Word Lists 9 {no 35. ors pontad s scgonce.cay 2a erp ueSeRY 0 GAN Primer what 5. special again, 1. want read said Ideneified Automatically Identified from need going thing animals sing went jun live there great every HSS oral Corvect Automatic 820.20 - WOO ss Totd Conet raid 20 = ___% Toot Nomber Comeer 2.20 ~ 100s Tadependent First L. bear 14, heard, 15, afraid 16, wind 17. choose 18. without 19. move 20. then Tora Conect avtomatic 20.29 - 100s, Total Correct Hdentified 20 ~ Identified Automatically Identified fen SSN SASSANS SSSA 1 % Total Number Coneer 20 29 = 100-55 Independent ery Examiner Word Lists Second SST 10. 12. 13. ua 1s, 16 17, 18. 19. picked promise pleces push though bepins food Bight vist ele breathe insects weather noticed, Kaentified Aulomatically Identified aaniys NTT “otal Correct Automatic VA_ 29 = 99 ‘Total Correct Wenuied I 0 -_S Thira ed Autgrndtically enuf 1, finished celebrate VE 3. believe confused engines tongue 9. crowded 10. woal v¥ 11. removed ¥ 12. curious We 15 ler Se 4, eect os | ee 15, introduced inbra, iobma—tale? 16. enemics €menie —_ 2 3 4 5. motion 6. 7, 8 v v EVANS ab vo ¥ YA v 17. glowed, eevee, wedoting 19. interested PSN a No 20, explained a ae Toul Comet Automatic KD 20 - 83s, “otal Correet Identified | _r0= Total Number Comet 2020 - 10D Total Number Corret_1B_r20 = 40% Independent Independent LeveLs Tndependent Instructional —‘Frustation in0 ir tebow wie Sw TOR ‘ue ih west ay pl Oo Examiner Word Lists (qu oenaconamyp gos! 9 ogonpacday 4 wages Yoemay 6g @ MALE Fourth i as segs ef 1. sunlight 2. desert SW Ns | er 3. crops eee 4. traveled — 5. favorite: 5a aati 6. adapiaion adaption = 7. ternibly ee A tes a 9. illusuated —— 10. ocean 11. pilot roe 12, dymamire dyrtainate. 13, struggled 14, symbolized sybali 15, competition Completion 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. passenger P@SSiNg- memorize enn = Fifth | | | to. | | ii 12. 13. 4 17, lientified Automatically Idenefed comet . tellected a medicine | biography bio- git anery inter capture Capihace____ vessels V@S tales fe stampede Stabled __ obstacles Obstasl@___ divorced Gi S-Vee~eed registration F@ ristiation — sere Sear@, —__ ptumnitive prin EE solitary sool-ttamy | eeeeeiag ge tater fly = adver 19. ploneers igSECR = Be E snvented EWE w ss 20. advantage advection 4 tout Comet nose 210 - 40 | eri can eB Ten Comet ein 1 a9 Cate y A “Total Number Corrert no Toul Number Coneet 420 = BO%, e : : 4 Frustration Frustration LEVELS Le aa ioe we20 war bee 4 ee

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