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Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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Performance analysis of heat treated AISI 1020

steel samples on the basis of various destructive
mechanical testing and microstructural behaviour

Saurabh Dewangan, Neha Mainwal, Manwi Khandelwal & Prateek Sunil


To cite this article: Saurabh Dewangan, Neha Mainwal, Manwi Khandelwal & Prateek Sunil
Jadhav (2019): Performance analysis of heat treated AISI 1020 steel samples on the basis of
various destructive mechanical testing and microstructural behaviour, Australian Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/14484846.2019.1664212

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Published online: 11 Sep 2019.

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Performance analysis of heat treated AISI 1020 steel samples on the basis of
various destructive mechanical testing and microstructural behaviour
Saurabh Dewangan , Neha Mainwal, Manwi Khandelwal and Prateek Sunil Jadhav
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Automobile, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


The present work deals with assessment of heat treated AISI 1020, a low carbon steel (0.2%- Received 11 July 2019
C), on the basis of various destructive testing and microstructural behaviour. The steels Accepted 30 August 2019
samples were heated above the lower critical temperature range, i.e. up to 750°C. The cooling KEYWORDS
rate of all the samples was different. Mainly, three different cooling medium were taken. They AISI 1020; heat treatment;
are: water, air and sand. These three heat treated samples were compared with as received mechanical tests;
sample. Hence the final condition of all the four samples is: as received; normalised; sand microstructural study
cooled; water quenched. After a proper preparation, samples were undergone through
various mechanical tests, such as, tension test, shear test, hardness test, and impact test. In
addition, the microstructural images, captured by an optical microscope, of all the samples
were observed and analysed. The mechanical properties and microstructural attributes
obtained in ‘heat treated’ samples were compared with those results of ‘as received’ samples.
From the present experimental analysis, it was found that heat treatment processes signifi-
cantly changed/improved the desired properties of the AISI 1020 steel samples.

1. Introduction properties by using heat treatment processes.

Properties like tensile strength, toughness, Young’s
AISI 1020 is known to possess a good combination of
modulus, hardness, machinability, percentage elonga-
strength and ductility. Therefore, it is widely used in
tion, ductility, wear resistance, etc. can be altered by
piping, construction and sheet steel industries. Since
heat treatment process with no simultaneous change
1020 grade imparts a good combination of machin-
in product shape. It happens because heat treatment
ability, weldability, formability and hardness, this
alters the types of phases present, percentage weight
grade is called general purpose low carbon steel and
of phases and average size of grains of the material.
it is extensively manufactured all over the world. The
Heat treatment processes can be classified as: proces-
tensile strength of AISI 1020 varies between 410 and
sing heat treatment of steel; heat treatment to
790 MPa. As steels are extensively used in construc-
improve strength; heat treatment to improve surface
tion purposes all over the world, most of the research
hardness; tempering of martensite.
works are mainly focused on different kinds of steels
and their alloys. Conventional heat treatment pro-
cesses are old but still widely used methods to 1.1. Processing heat treatment of steel
improve the properties of structural steel. In heat
In general, processing heat treatment can be termed
treatment of steel, critical temperature range is very
as annealing which is employed to improve tough-
important. The lower critical temperature, i.e. 727°C
ness, restore ductility, and remove residual stresses.
is fixed for each type of steels but the upper critical
Annealing process can be further divided into five
temperature zone of hypo-eutectoid and hyper-
different methods: full annealing, normalising, pro-
eutectoid steels vary with carbon concentration.
cess anneal, stress relief anneal, and spheroidization.
Upper critical and lower critical temperature lines
A brief explanation of above five annealing methods
are shown in Figure 1.
is given below:
To enhance the properties of steel, various heat
treatment methods have always been important
● The temperature range of full annealing process
approach. To change the properties of steel according
is different for hypo-eutectoid and hyper-
to application is the beauty of heat treatment meth-
eutectoid steels. The hypoeutectoid steel, con-
ods. Although heat treatment of steels is being fol-
taining less than 0.8% C, is heated to 30–50°C
lowed for many decades, still research is continuously
above the A3 temperature for some hours of
going on towards the improvement of material’s
time to allow conversion of original structure

CONTACT Saurabh Dewangan

© 2019 Engineers Australia

grain size refinement; precipitation hardening; dispersion

hardening; phase transformations. All these methods are
done to arrest the slip along slip plane to avoid plastic
deformation. Generally, fine microstructure makes the
material strong.

1.3. Heat treatment to improve surface hardness

A special technique, named, surface hardening is
employed to make the surface hard, stiff and wear
resistant. These are done by three methods: (1) selec-
tive hardening of the surface; (2) by changing the
surface chemistry; (3) addition of extra layer of sur-
face to parent material. In all these processes, the
Figure 1. Indication of upper and lower critical temperature
range in iron-carbon binary system (Callister 2007). surface becomes hard but properties of the core part
are unchanged.

to homogeneous austenite phase. After some

1.4. Tempering of martensite
time, this single phase structure is allowed to
cool slowly, usually in furnace, through the It is usually performed in industries to get the desired
lower critical temperature line A1. In this way, properties in structural steels. As the hot rolled or
the resulting structure possesses coarse pearlite. cast steel products are quenched in water, martensite
This process makes the steel soft and malleable. is formed in overall product. It makes material very
All the above processes for hyper-eutectoid steel hard and relatively brittle. Therefore, its engineering
are similar except heating temperature range. In applications become very limited. To make the mate-
this case, heating is done above A1 but within rial strong and tough, tempering is done in marten-
austenite + cementite zone. sitic structure. The tempered product has bainite as
● Normalising process imparts heating the steel final microstructure (Callister 2007).
samples above upper critical temperature (A3 A number of research work was already done by
and Acm) and cooling them in atmospheric tem- using above heat treatment processes to improve the
perature. The microstructural size will be smaller properties of different kinds of steel. In many of the
than that of produced by full annealing process. research works, the heat soaking time and soaking
● Process anneal is mainly applied for low carbon temperature were selected as main experimental cri-
steel to improve its ductility and toughness to teria (Olabi and Hashmi 1996; Min-xian et al. 2012;
a good extent. Steel is heated in a temperature Hossain, Islam, and Bhuyan 2014; George et al. 2018;
range between lower critical temperature and Guo et al. 2016). Steel samples, heated at different
upper critical temperature and then it is allowed soaking temperatures and subsequently cooled at dif-
to cool at a given rate of cooling. This process ferent rates, were analysed for mechanical property
completely changes the size and shape of origi- variation and microstructural changes. Hence, on this
nal microstructures. basis, the optimum heat treatment method was sug-
● Stress relief anneal is adopted for welded, formed, gested as the suitable one for given steel samples. In
and cast products to reduce their residual stresses contrary, the present work made an attempt to alter
during assembly and processing operations. In this the properties of AISI 1020 steel samples by applying
process, the steel samples are heated below A1 various heat treatment processes. Different cooling
temperature line for a specified period of time so rates for various samples were the main experimental
as to remove all the residual stresses induced in the criteria behind this work. All the steel samples were
steel product. heated up to a common temperature range, i.e. above
● Spheroidization process is accomplished below lower critical temperature, but the cooling rates were
lower critical temperature line (A1). In this, different for all of them. Mainly, varying mechanical
cementite part is dispersed as spheres or glo- properties were obtained after choosing different
bules in ferrite region after a prolonged heating cooling rates for equally heated steel samples at
of steel samples. a common temperature.

1.2. Heat treatment to improve strength 2. Recent research on heat treatment

There are mainly six methods of strengthening heat From past two decades, AISI 1020 and various other
treatment: solid solution strengthening; strain hardening; grades of steels were considered for heat treatment

analysis. Some of them are summarised here. To bainite showed higher wear resistance than bainite
reduce the effects of residual stress in welded samples +martensite structure. Only martensite presented
of AISI 1020 steel, Olabi and Hashmi (1996) did post the poorest wear resistance of the steel (Min-xian
weld heat treatment process on the welded samples. et al. 2012). Hossain et al. (2014) did a case study
In the study, different soaking temperatures and var- on heat treatment of AISI 1020 steels. They analysed
ious cooling rates were adopted to carry out the heat mainly hardness of the specimens after three heat
treatment processes. It was noticed that the tempera- treatment processes such as annealing, normalising
ture of 650°C was most effective in diminishing resi- and hardening. They concluded that annealed speci-
dual stresses. In addition, the longer heating time and men with ferrite microstructure gave the lowest hard-
slower cooling rates were found suitable for good ness value (Hossain, Islam, and Bhuyan 2014).
results (Olabi and Hashmi 1996). Machado (2006) According to the results obtained by George et al.
investigated the effect of voltage on heat treatment (2018), tensile strength was the highest for brine
of carbon steels like AISI 1020 and AISI 52,100. The quenched specimen whereas it was lowest for
samples applied with voltage, through a power annealed specimen. Similarly, the highest and the
source, showed different mechanical and microstruc- lowest hardness values were obtained in brine
tural characteristics. The Vickers hardness values quenched and annealed specimen, respectively. In
were found three times higher in the steel samples contrary, with regard to the toughness, the annealed
when voltage was applied during heat treatment. specimen showed higher value than that of quenched
Also, as per the prediction, the iron–carbon equili- specimen (George et al. 2018). ASTM A-36 (mild
brium diagram was affected by the voltage application steel) was selected to analyse variation in tensile
(Machado 2006). Calik (2009) investigated the effects strength after heat treatment. It was observed
of different cooling rates on hardness and microstruc- quenching improved the tensile strength to a great
tural behaviour of three different types of steels, such extent (Hasan 2016). Steel EN 9, graded AISI 1015,
as, AISI 1020, AISI 1040, and AISI 1060. He found was also taken under various heat treatment pro-
a dramatic change in microstructures of the specimen cesses like annealing, normalising, and hardening.
as the cooling rate varies. Also, the hardness was Mainly, three different mechanical properties, such
found to increase as the cooling rate increases as, hardness, tensile strength and impact strength
(Çalik 2009). The tool steels like AISI D2 was also were analysed before and after heat treatment pro-
considered for heat treatment processes to provide cess. It was observed that there was a substantial
the dimensional stability. For the purpose, the speci- improvement in hardness after hardening heat treat-
men was undergone through deep cold treatment in ment. An increase in percent elongation was observed
a temperature range of −120°C to −150°C. It was for annealed specimen. The impact strength was
observed that the greatest dimensional stability was found comparatively higher for normalised sample
achieved at −150°C (Surberg, Stratton, and and the lowest for hardened sample (Kini et al.
Lingenhole 2008). Htun et al. (2008) used oil quench- 2017). Guo et al. (2016) studied the variation of
ing and tempering processes as major heat treating microstructure and mechanical properties of a high-
methods for property improvement of heavy duty chromium cast iron (HCCI) after adopting tempering
spring steels. For hardening, steel samples were heat treatment process. The microstructural study of
heated at austenitic temperature of 870°C and then as-cast HCCI consisted of M7C3 carbide, M23C6 car-
quenched in oil. After getting cooled, the samples bide, martensite, and retained austenite. When the
were tempered at a temperature range of 450–550°C sample was heated to austenitic range of
for a few hours. It was noticed that martensite with 1020°C, M23C6 carbide transformed to M7C3 carbide
unstable retained austenite were mainly formed after and then gets dissolved in austenite. After quenching
quenching. As soon as tempering was done, all the this structure, it was observed that resulting micro-
structure converted into bainite. In this test, various structure contained more amount of M7C3 carbide
mechanical properties were analysed before and after than M23C6 carbide and hardness became too high.
heat treatment. It was concluded that hardness and For improving the impact toughness, quenched pro-
ultimate tensile strength decreased with an increment duct was tempered. A reduction in hardness was also
in tempering time and temperature. In addition, duc- reported in later stage. This process made the HCCI
tility gets increased (Htun, Kyaw, and Lwin 2008). wear resistant too (Guo et al. 2016). Sanusi and
Xian et al. (2012) studied about selection of heat Akinlabi (2018) took AISI 1040 steel under study.
treatment process for die steel so as to provide high They performed annealing at 950°C, stress relief
wear resistance to it. Wear resistance of steel annealing at 590°C, normalising at 899°C and tem-
increased with increasing austenitising temperature pering at 316°C. after the testing and analysis, they
from 920°C to 1120°C. After this range of tempera- found a good modification in physical and mechan-
ture, a decrease in wear resistance was observed up to ical properties of steel. The ultimate tensile strength
1220°C. According to microstructural point of view, was found to increase after annealing but ductility

gets reduced in this process (Sanusi and Akinlabi quenched and tempered condition. The manufac-
2018). Gurumurthy et al. (2018) focused on special tured material was found to possess much higher
hardening techniques for dual phase structure of AISI hardness than the quenched material because the
4340 steel. At the end, the mechanical properties and manufactured material consisted already tempered
micro-structural behaviour of the steel sample were martensite with a high amount of retained austenite.
assessed. Dual phase heat treatment of the samples In addition, the fracture toughness of directly manu-
was performed in two ways. First, heating the original factured material was comparable to heat treated
sample to the inter-critical temperature range for two specimen (Deirmina et al. 2019). Failure analysis of
hours and then keeping it isothermally in sodium heat treated steel was also performed by researchers.
nitrate mixed salt bath for half an hour followed by Sattar et al. (2015) performed isothermal heat treat-
cooling in room temperature. It resulted a mixture of ment of ultra-high strength bolts and they used these
ferrite and bainite in final microstructure. Second, bolts under magnetic particle testing. Based on the
following the similar process discussed above but various mechanical tests and characterisation through
with a very little isothermal holding period of 10 s scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive
in salt bath. This process gave a mixture of ferrite and X-ray results, it was finalised that the heat treated
martensite as final microstructure. In both the bolts are unqualified in further designing (Sattar
cases, second procedure resulted in a harder structure et al. 2015).
than that of first one. It was also discussed that steel AISI 1020 is in high demand across the globe,
possessed comparatively higher toughness after especially, for construction purpose. Although 1020
a tempering process of conventionally hardened steels were extensively considered under various heat
steel samples (Gurumurthy et al. 2018). Hofinger treatment processes, a continuous research for quality
et al. (2019) performed microstructural assessment enhancement are still going on all over the world. In
of a dual hardening steel during various heat treat- this direction, the present work focuses on how the
ment. In dual hardening steels, there is a combined properties of 1020 steels can be modified by various
effect of both secondary hardening carbides and heat treatment processes.
intermetallic phases in a martensitic matrix. Due to
this combined effect, carbon content reduced and
resulted in decrement of formation of large and brit- 3. Materials and method
tle carbides. EBSD spot measurements were used to
AISI 1020 steel was selected for experiment. It con-
characterised the Carbides present in various heat
tains 0.20% carbon which can be designated as low
treating conditions. It was noticed that amount of
carbon steel. The chemical composition of AISI 1020
carbides and thereby secondary hardness gets signifi-
is given in Table 1. It is general purpose grade of
cantly increased with an increase in austenitic tem-
steel, usual application includes construction, piping,
perature (Hofinger et al. 2019).
angle, channel, bars, etc. Therefore, it is widely man-
Measurement and quantification of undesirable
ufactured all over the world. The mechanical proper-
strain and residual stresses, caused by quenching
ties of AISI 1020 are listed in Table 2.
process, was analysed numerically by using finite ele-
In this work, total 20 steel samples were selected for
ment methods (FEM). The undesirable stresses and
experiment. These 20 samples impart 4 standard sized
strains are inevitable and this problem can be
specimens for toughness test, 4 standard sized specimens
enhanced due to microstructural phase transforma-
tion. Due to unavailability of efficient experimental
procedure, authors used numerical techniques to Table 1. Chemical composition of AISI 1020 steel.
quantify these effects (Barroqueiro et al. 2016). Sr. No. Element Content (Wt%)
Deirmina et al. (2019) chose the H13 hot-worked 1. Carbon (C) 0.141
2. Silicon (Si) 0.246
tool steel, fabricated by additive manufacturing, for 3. Manganese (Mn) 0.820
heat treatment analysis. The samples were analysed in 4. Phosphorous (P) 0.008
5. Sulphur (S) 0.025
three conditions: after direct tempering, during 6. Chromium (Cr) 0.075
quenching and during tempering. In this paper, the 7. Nickel (Ni) 0.083
8. Molybdenum (Mo) 0.019
microstructure, and some properties of H13 hot work 9. Copper (Cu) 0.269
tool steel fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) 10. Aluminium (Al) 0.003
have been evaluated after direct tempering and in 11. Titanium (Ti) 0.001

Table 2. Typical mechanical properties of AISI 1020.

Property Tensile strength Yield strength Modulus of elasticity Poisson’s ratio Elongation Hardness (BHN) Impact strength Shear modulus
Metric 420 MPa 350 MPa 205 GPa 0.29 36.5% 121 123.4 J 80 GPa

for tension test, 4 standard sized specimens for shear test, 3.3. Sand-cooled condition
4 samples for hardness test, and 4 samples for micro-
Building sand, mixed with clay, was used for this
structure analysis. Hence, there were total five different
work. The average grain size of the sand particles
tests, four destructive mechanical tests and one micro-
was 1.6 mm. As sand offers less thermal conductivity,
structural analysis, in this work to analyse the perfor-
a slow cooling rate could be achieved by this method.
mance of steel samples. Out of 4 samples in each
All the samples were heated in a similar manner as
category of test, 3 samples were selected for heat treat-
for normalised samples. Only the cooling media of
ment and remaining 1 sample was kept in original/given
the samples were changed. In this case, samples were
condition. So, total 15 samples were undergone through
kept inside the sand. The initial temperature of sand
heat treatment process and remaining 5 samples were
was 26°C. Therefore, a very slow cooling rate was
kept in original state. The unaffected five samples formed
achieved. All the samples took nearly one and
a pair, named, ‘As received’. For heat treatment, 15 sam-
half hour to cool down to room temperature.
ples were heated above the lower critical temperature
(727°C) in furnace for a certain period of time. The
heated samples were, then, cooled at different rates in 3.4. Water quenched condition
various cooling media like water, air, and sand. Hence,
three other pairs, five different samples in each pair, were Water quenching was done to achieve a very fast
categorised on the basis of heat treated conditions, cooling rate. As quenching process suddenly cools
namely, ‘Water quenched’, ‘Normalized’, and ‘Sand down the heated sample, production of very fine
cooled’. The explanations behind how the conditions of grains (martensite) was aimed in this process. Initial
four samples in each pair were decided are explained as temperature of water was measured as 24°C. All the
follows: heated samples were dipped into water for 15 min.
The schematic diagram of samples selection, heat
treatment and pair formation for performance analy-
3.1. As received condition sis is shown in Figure 2. Also, the photographic
images of heating process in furnace and cooling
All the samples under this category were used in as into various medium are shown in Figure 3.
received state. In other words, they were not under-
gone through any heating and cooling operations.
Hence, all the mechanical properties and microstruc- 4. Performance analysis and result discussion
ture are unchanged. Therefore, this condition can be The performance of all heat-treated samples were
assumed as reference for all other conditions. determined and compared with the performance of
as received samples. For this purpose, four mechan-
ical tests were conducted which are explained here:
3.2. Normalised condition
Normalising is basically a type of annealing pro-
cess. In this, specimen is heated in austenitic 4.1. Tensile test
range for some time and then is allowed to cool A metal tensile test machine (Model: MT-001; Make:
in atmospheric air. In the present work, four SunLabTek, India) of 600 kN capacity was used for
mechanical tests, i.e. tensile test, impact test, hard- tension tests of all the samples. In this work, all the
ness test, and bending test were performed. In test samples were in cylindrical size with length and
addition, microstructure was also assessed in nor- diameter of 450 and 12 mm, respectively. The gauge
malised sample. For the purpose, the standard length of 180 mm was kept for the test. The max-
sized samples, according to ASTM, were heated imum load and extension for as received sample were
in open hearth furnace for a period of 20 min. 65.1 kN and 11.1 mm, respectively. For normalised
The heating temperature was approximately 750°C sample, the maximum load and extension values were
which belongs to austenitic range. For measure- noted down as 51 kN and 45.3 mm, respectively.
ment of temperature, pyrometer was used. After Similar experimental results for sand cooled sample
a certain period of heating, all the five samples (60.5 kN and 29 mm) and water-quenched sample
required for four mechanical tests and (85.3 kN and 15 mm) were noted. On the basis of
a microstructural study were taken out of the load and extension results obtained during tension
furnace and they were put in floor for cooling in tests, stress-strain graphs were drawn (Figure 4). The
air. All the samples took nearly 45 min to reach at nature of all the graphs is different.
room temperature. The samples were cleaned In ‘As received’ sample, the yielding has occurred at
properly for further analysis. For microscopic load value of 40 kN. A properly defined yield strength,
observation, the sample was mirror polished by i.e. 362 MPa is noted for this sample. During yielding,
using polishing papers of 300 and 500 grit sizes. the samples get elongated with a strain value from

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of samples selection, heat treatment and pair formation for performance analysis.

0.0822 to 0.0977. The overall displacement of 11.1 mm received’ sample. Hence it can be concluded that nor-
(strain 0.2466) is observed in the as received sample malising process made the material ductile. The stress-
up to failure point. The ultimate tensile strength strain diagram of ‘Sand cooled’ sample shows a similar
(576.5 MPa) is slightly higher than the failure strength trend as normalised sample. As sand provides a very
(575.6 MPa). These observations of ‘As received’ sam- low cooling rate, the grain size of the specimen is
ples are considered as reference for heat treated speci- probably coarse which tends to make the material
mens. In ‘Normalized’ sample, the stress-strain soft and ductile. As a result, the yield strength of
diagram properly explains the behaviour of a ductile sand cooled product reaches 410 MPa which is higher
material. Yield strength is properly defined. Yield than the yield strengths of as received and normalised
strength remains constant, i.e. 300 MPa for incremen- sample. This properly defined yield strength of
tal change in strain values from 0.2244 to 0.2333. The 410 MPa remains constant for incremental change in
ultimate tensile strength for normalised sample was strain rate from 0.1666 to 0.1866. The ultimate tensile
noted as 451 MPa which is lower than that of ‘as strength of the specimen is noted as 535 MPa which is

Figure 3. Experimental set up; standard sized steel samples were heated in open hearth furnace and cooled samples were kept
ready for further analysis.

quit higher than that of normalised sample and lower failure. The ultimate tensile strength reaches up to
than that of as received sample. It can be stated that 754 MPa with an extension value of 0.2200 until
sand cooling process makes the material more ductile fracture. Beginning from a low stress (with high
than air cooling process. Also, it is clear that both the strain) to high value of ultimate tensile strength
processes, i.e. normalising and sand cooling improves (with comparatively lower extension) shows that
the tensile properties of the AISI 1020 steels. With a high degree of strain hardening has happened in
regard to ‘Water quenched’ sample, nature of stress – this sample. It can be seen that water quenching
strain graph is completely different from other condi- improves the strength of material with a loss of
tions. Starting from no load condition to a tensile yielding.
stress value of 22 MPa, a high degree of strain (elon-
gation) up to 0.05 was observed. After this, there is
4.2. Shear test
linear relationship between stress and strain was
observed. The yield strength is not properly defined. A shear test was performed in each cylindrical sample
At the stress value of 750 MPa, yielding occurs until with dimension of 450 mm length and 8 mm diameter.

Figure 4. Tension test results of all specimens.

The universal testing machine (UTM) with maximum high increment of the load (38 kN) values could be
loading capacity of 600 kN was used for this purpose. observed with a less amount of extension (2 mm).
This UTM was manufactured by SunLabTek Strain hardening phenomenon played an important
Equipment, India with a model name of MT-001. By role to increase the strength of the sample. In further
applying vertical gradual loading, the sample is first analysis, the extension suddenly increases with com-
plastically deformed and finally gets shear off from paratively lesser values of load application in the
two zones. Therefore, it is sometimes called double specimen. Finally, the sample sheared off at maxi-
shear testing. The vertical load and extension is con- mum load value of 43.9 kN with an extension of
tinuously measured by data acquisition system attached 3.6 mm. In normalised sample, the load vs. extension
with UTM. A sketch of shear test is shown in Figure 5. graph is almost linear in nature. The maximum load
According to shear tests performed on each sam- for shearing (36 kN) is lower as compared with as
ple, the load vs extension graph was plotted. In case received sample. In addition, the extension value
of as received sample, initial extension was up to (4.3 mm) is little higher than that of as received
1 mm at the load of 5 kN. After this point, a very material. Normalising process made the specimen
comparatively softer and more ductile. The sand
cooled specimen showed a similar graph of load vs.
extension as shown by normalised sample. Also, the
maximum load and extension (37.5 kN and 4.5 mm)
of sand cooled sample are similar to those results of
normalised samples. The maximum load of 52.3 kN
was noted in water quenched sample which was the
highest value among all samples. In addition, the
lowest amount of extension was observed in water
quenched sample. Due to formation of fine micro-
structure, the tendency to get deformed is reduced in
water quenched sample. From this test, the shear
strengths of ‘as received’, ‘normalized’, ‘sand cooled’
and ‘water quenched’ samples are 437, 358, 373, and
Figure 5. Schematic of double shear test. 520 MPa, respectively. Water quenched sample

Figure 6. Shear test results of all the samples; Load vs displacement graph of (a) As received sample, (b) Normalised sample, (c)
Sand cooled sample, (d) Water quenched sample.

showed the highest shear strength among all samples. The order of samples according to their toughness
The load vs. extension graphs of each sample are values are: As received > Sand cooled > Normalised >
shown in Figure 6. Also, a comparison of maximum Water quenched. In comparison with as received sample,
load and maximum extension among all samples are it was found that heat treatment reduced the toughness of
shown in Figure 7. actual material. In three different heat treatment meth-
ods, sand cooling method gave the highest toughness
among all. In other words, sand cooling method was
4.3. Impact test found better than normalising method in order to
improve the ductility of 1020 steel. The material with
Charpy impact test was performed to measure the
high ductility imparts coarse microstructure which
toughness of each sample. For this, an impact testing
allow occurrence of slip and thereby plastic deformation.
machine made by SunLabTek Equipments Pvt. Ltd.,
India was used. The model name of this machine is
SUN-30 (ASTM) Charpy Test. It has maximum capa-
4.4. Hardness test
city and minimum scale graduation as 300 and 2 J,
respectively. Toughness is defined as energy absorbed Hardness can be defined as resistance to penetration.
by the material up to fracturing. Hence, toughness In other words, material will be highly wear resistant
imparts area under the stress–strain curve. In general, if its hardness is high. This mechanical property is
toughness depends on ductility of material means opposite to toughness. In general, highly hard mate-
highly ductile material shows high toughness value. rials are relatively brittle. In this experiment, Brinell
It is usually measured in Joule. In this experiment, hardness test was done to find out hardness of differ-
a freely falling hammer hitting technique was used to ent samples. A tester manufactured by SunLabTek
measure the toughness. As the samples were already Equipments Pvt. Ltd. India with model number
prepared according to ASTM standard prior to heat MT-007 was used in this work. Brinell hardness test
treatment, cleaning of the samples was only remain- includes a steel ball indenter which is allowed to
ing work for impact testing. Initially, to check any create depression on the sample by the help of exter-
error of the machine, the hammer was freely fall nal loads. The time period of indentation is decided
without putting any sample. An error of 5 J was by the users. In this experiment, a total of eight
recorded in the impact machine which was consid- indentations were made on each sample. An external
ered for finding the exact value of toughness. The load of 3200 kgf was applied for 12 s to create every
impact test results and their analysis are shown in indentation. The diameter of every indent was mea-
Figure 8. sured by using microscope. Based on average value of

Figure 7. Comparison of maximum load and extension in various samples during shear test.

depression diameter, Brinell hardness number was microscope Motic Images Plus 3.0(x64) make
found for each sample. All the reading obtained dur- Germany. The purpose of the analysis was to observe
ing hardness measurement is given in Table 3. Also, the microstructural changes in various samples after
a comparative analysis of hardness of various speci- heat treatment processes. Initially, the microstructure
mens is shown in Figure 9. of as received sample was observed and it was taken
The comparative analysis of hardness obtained in as a reference for all other samples. All the samples
various samples reveals that heat treatment process under study were properly polished. Picral reagent
improves the hardness. Hardness value of as received was used as an etchant for AISI 1020 steel. Acid was
sample is 224 BHN which is lower than that of all other applied on the polished surface of the samples for
heat treated samples, i.e. normalised (289 BHN), sand a few minutes prior to microscopic observation. Each
cooled (261 BHN), and water quenched (357 BHN). The sample was observed under same magnification value
highest hardness obtained in water quenched sample is of 50×. The samples and their microscopic images are
due to formation of very fine microstructure, i.e. marten- shown in Figure 10.
site. Based on usual aspects, it can be stated that water When the steel, being heated at austenitic range, is
quenching provides a wear resisting property, although cooled below lower critical temperature, the resulting
no wear test was performed in this experiment. microstructure is termed as pearlite. Pearlite is
Normalising process provides more hardness than sand a lamellar structure of ferrite and cementite. All the
cooling process. microstructures, which are shown in Figure 10, pos-
sess a combination of bright and dark parts. Darks
parts are available due to presence of cementite.
4.5. Microstructural analysis
Cementite gets mixed with ferrite structure to form
All the specimen undergone through various heat pearlite. Based on cooling rate, the dispersion of
treatment processes were analysed through an optical cementite phase over ferrite phase changes. With

Figure 8. Toughness values of various samples and their comparison.

Table 3. Hardness test analysis of all the samples.

Depression diameter, d (mm)
Sample Steel ball diameter, D (mm) d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 Average value of d (mm) Load, P (kgf) BHN
As received 10 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.2 4 3.9 4.1 4 4.037 3200 224
Normalised 10 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.575 3200 289
Sand cooled 10 3.8 3.3 4 3.9 3.8 3.6 4 3.6 3.750 3200 261
Water quenched 10 3 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3 3.225 3200 357

regard to Figure 10, the microstructure of as received provides a very slow rate of cooling in which the
sample is taken as reference for other heat-treated final microstructure becomes coarse in size. In other
samples. The pearlite structure in the steel samples words, there is a less amount of cementite precipita-
could be easily observed, as indicated in black circular tion in ferrite structure. Therefore, the gap between
area and rounded rectangular part. Although the ferrite + cementite lamella is comparatively higher
lamellar structure could not be reported in this than normalising process. In addition, cementite is
work, clear differences among microstructural sizes dispersed as spherical shapes in ferrite parts. In case
in all samples was properly observed. In normalised of water quenching process, it is very difficult to
sample, dispersion of Fe3C in ferrite is more in some identify the cementite precipitates over α-ferrite. In
areas. As indicated by circles, the size of ferrite + this very fast cooling rate, the formation of lamellar
cementite zone is bigger than that of as received structure is usually prevented thereby a fine or nee-
sample. Figure 10(c) belongs to the microstructure dle-like structure can be seen in microscopic images.
of sand-cooled sample. The size of pearlite formed in The final structure contains very fine pearlite and also
sand cooling process is coarser than that of above unstable austenite because water quenching phenom-
discussed two micrographs. Sand cooling process ena generally provide high cooling rate which allows

Figure 9. Comparison of hardness in various samples.

Figure 10. Samples with applied etchant; microstructure of (a) as received sample, (b) normalised sample, (c) sand cooled
sample, (d) water quenched sample.

to miss the nose of time temperature transformation 5. Conclusion

curve. Due to presence of a high amount of Fe3C in
The present work deals with comparative analysis of
ferrite, the final microstructure resulted by water
heat treated AISI 1020 steel samples on the basis of
quenching process is very hard. This hard structure
mechanical properties and microstructural behaviour.
is rarely used in various engineering applications as it
Conventional annealing was used as heat treatment
lacks required toughness. To overcome this issue,
process. Steel samples were heated at nearly 750°C for
tempering of martensite is usually carried out.

20 min and then they were cooled up-to room tem- strength was noted in water quenched sample
perature in three different media, namely, air, water, whereas reduction of the same results by 18%
and sand. Hence, three different conditions, such as, and 15% was observed for normalised sample-
Normalised, Sand cooled, and Water quenched, were and sand-cooled sample, respectively. In addi-
obtained through heat treatment processes. To ana- tion, sand cooled sample showed the highest
lyse the properties of samples, four different destruc- ductility among all samples as it reached up to
tive mechanical tests, such as, tension test, shear test, maximum extension with an application of less
toughness test, and hardness test, were carried out. In amount of load. In contrary, a high load was
addition, the microstructural observation into the applied to shear off the water-quenched sample.
samples was done by using an optical microscope. It showed a little elongation prior to fracture.
The properties of heat-treated samples were com- ● The maximum and minimum toughness were
pared with those of ‘as received’ samples so that the noted for as received sample (101 J) and water
variation in material’s behaviour could be marked. quenched sample (29 J), respectively. The annealed
Previous research works mainly dealt with heating samples showed a medium range of toughness
period and soaking time to analyse the variation in values, i.e. 65 J for normalised sample and 91 J
material’s characteristics. In this work, the various for sand-cooled sample. The toughness results of
cooling rates were considered as main experimental heat-treated samples of this experiment presented
criteria rather than heat soaking time. The outcomes exception conditions. As the sand cooled and nor-
of this experiment are concluded as follows: malised samples possessed higher ductility than
others, they should be more tough than as received
● The results of all mechanical tests revealed that sample. The toughness result of water quenched
the properties like yield strength, toughness, sample was quite satisfactory.
hardness, and shear strength got affected by ● Heat treatment process significantly improved the
heat treatment processes. Also, a good corro- hardness of the samples. As per the results
boration was observed between microstructural obtained by Brinell hardness test, water quenched
behaviour and mechanical properties of the steel sample was found hardest among all samples. In
samples. comparison with ‘as received’ sample, heat treated
● With regard to tension test, the stress-strain samples – ‘sand cooled’, ‘normalized’, and ‘water
behaviour of all the samples are different with quenched’ showed an increment of hardness by
each other. The yield strengths of ‘as received’, 16%, 29%, and 59%, respectively. From this study,
‘normalized’, and ‘sand cooled’ samples are 362, it is concluded that hardness depends on cooling
300, and 410 MPa, respectively. In ‘water rate of the sample. A fast-cooling rate resulted in
quenched’ sample, the yield strength is not prop- high hardness and vice-versa.
erly defined. A sudden high displacement in the ● The microstructures of all the samples were
sample started at the stress value of 751 MPa observed through an optical microscope. The effect
which finally resulted in fracture of the material. of cooling rate on microstructural sizes was mainly
Taking a reference of ‘as received’ sample, analysed. The slow cooling rate, i.e. sand-cooling
a reduction of 17% in yield strength was method resulted in formation of coarse pearlite. In
observed in ‘normalized’ sample whereas the other words, the ferrite and the cementite regions
‘sand cooled’ sample showed an increment of could be observed separately. The size of pearlite
13% for the same. The stress–strain curve of microstructure in ‘sand cooled’ and ‘normalized’
‘water quenched’ sample revealed a significant samples is coarser than ‘as received’ sample. In
reduction in ductile behaviour. water-quenched sample, a very fine microstructure
was observed means there was a dense precipitation
In addition, a significant improvement in overall elon- of cementite over ferrite.
gation (or strain) was observed after heat treatment.
Normalising process enhanced the strain value by 308% According to the present investigation, a fine
whereas this increment was 161% for sand-cooled sam- microstructure provides high shear strength, high
ple. As an evidence of brittleness, the water quenched ultimate tensile strength and high hardness but
sample showed a reduction of 12% in overall elongation. a loss of ductility. As the microstructure become
The ultimate tensile strength was found highest coarse, the properties like ductility and yield strength
(754 MPa) in water quenched sample. get improved.

● Shear test results revealed that the water

quenched sample possessed the highest shear Acknowledgments
strength among all samples. With reference to The authors used basic information about heat treatment
as received sample, an increment of 19% in shear from a book entitled “Callister’s Materials Science and

Engineering”. All the information, given in introduction Resistance of a High-Chromium Cast Iron for Rolls.”
section of this paper, are referred from the above stated Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Article ID
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