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1 Objective
2 Summary
3 Abstract
4 Introduction
An introduction to push down automata
Transitions in push down automata
Formal definition of push down automata
Instantaneous Description ( ID )
Turnstile Notation
Object constraint language OCL
Real Time Constraint Notation RTCN
5 Literature Review
Push Down Automata Model for Mobile Call Logs Storage
in Clustered way:
Push Down Automata (PDA) Transitions for Incoming Call
Instantaneous Description (ID) for Incoming Call updation:
Push Down Automata (PDA) Transitions to generate Cluster
view of Call Logs(Incoming) when STACK = FULL:
6 Conclusion
Summary of Research Paper
Title :
Enhancement of User’s Call Logging facilities using Push Down
Automata (PDA) with Real Time Constraint Notation (RTCN)
1. Vivek Kr. Singh
School of Computer Science & Information Technology, Shobhit University,
Research Scholar Meerut, U.P. 250110, India
2. S. P. Tripathi
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Gautam Buddh Technical
University, IET Lucknow, U.P. 226021, India
3. J. B. Singh
School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Shobhit University,
Professor Meerut, U.P. 250110, India
4. R. P. Agarwal
School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Shobhit University,
Professor Meerut, U.P. 250110, India
May 2012
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.
9,Issue 3, No 2, May 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814
This paper highlights the utilize of Push – Down Automata (PDA) in putting away and keeping up the call
logs. The extraordinary highlight about this paper is to preserve approaching call record from the different
mobile service provider in a mobile in clustered way to the user. It centers on real time constraint
notation being applied to the push down automata for formal confirmation of the model.

 Introduction:
The focal point of this paper is to give a system that can record the calls going to a specific particular
mobile service provider with exceptional attributes of logging the service provider of each call. To
accomplish this objective two stages are characterized, the initial step manages the advancement of
Ubiquitous processing climate as the calls coming will be from different sources. Furthermore,
advancement of push down automata model for call logs database management framework. Since OCL [5]
is being applied on Object Oriented Language [2] it speaks to the whole correspondence system into Object
Oriented Language. In database application it is advantageous as a piece of database schema.

An Introduction to Push Down Automata (PDA):

A pushdown automaton is a way to implement a context-free grammar in a similar way we design DFA for
a regular grammar. A DFA can remember a finite amount of information, but a PDA can remember an
infinite amount of information.
Basically a pushdown automaton is −
"Finite state machine" + "a stack"
Transitions in Pushdown Automata
A pushdown automaton has three components −

 an input tape,
 a control unit, and
 a stack with infinite size.
The stack head scans the top symbol of the stack.
A stack does two operations −
 Push − a new symbol is added at the top.
 Pop − the top symbol is read and removed.
A PDA may or may not read an input symbol, but it has to read the top of the stack in every transition.
Formal Definition of Pushdown Automata (PDA)
A PDA can be formally described as a 7-tuple (Q, ∑, S, δ, q0, I, F) −
 Q is the finite number of states
 ∑ is input alphabet
 S is stack symbols
 δ is the transition function: Q × (∑ ∪ {ε}) × S × Q × S*
 q0 is the initial state (q0 ∈ Q)
 I is the initial stack top symbol (I ∈ S)
 F is a set of accepting states (F ∈ Q)
Instantaneous Description (ID)

 ID is an informal notation of how a PDA computes an input string and make a decision that
string is accepted or rejected.
 An instantaneous description is a triple (q, w, α) where:
 q describes the current state.
 w describes the remaining input.
 α describes the stack contents, top at the left

Turnstile Notation:
 ⊢ sign describes the turnstile notation and represents one move.
 ⊢* sign describes a sequence of moves.
 For example,
 (p, b, T) ⊢ (q, w, α)
 In the above example, while taking a transition from state p to q, the input symbol 'b' is
consumed, and the top of the stack 'T' is represented by a new string α.
An Introduction to Object Constraint Language (OCL) & Real Time Constraint Notation
 The Object Constraint Language (OCL) started as a complement of the UML notation with the goal to
overcome the limitations of UML (and in general, any graphical notation) in terms of precisely
specifying detailed aspects of a system design. Since then, OCL has become a key component of any
model-driven engineering (MDE) technique as the default language for expressing all kinds of
(meta)model query, manipulation, and specification requirements.

 OCL is frequently used to express model transformations (as part of the source and target patterns of
transformation rules), well-formedness rules (as part of the definition of new domain-specific languages), or
code-generation templates (as a way to express the generation patterns and rules).

 Among the many applications of OCL, it can be used to define the following kinds of expressions (for the
sake of simplicity we focus on OCL usages in class diagrams) :
Invariants to state all necessary condition that must be satisfied in each possible instantiation
of the model.
Initialization of class properties.
Derivation rules that express how the value of derived model elements must be computed.
Query operations
Operation contracts (i.e., set of operation pre- and post conditions)
 A real-time constraint notations are used in object-oriented language that provide sufficient real-time
specifications as one may expect from a real-time language, while integrating these specifications within the
object-oriented tapestry [6,7,8,9]. The significant aspects in object oriented real-time modeling can be
identified as:
1. The use of inheritance and redefinition of real-time constraints through the inheritance hierarchy and
extension of the inheritance of the state and behavior of a class to include the definition of temporal
2. The reuse of the temporal constraint specifications through the inheritance mechanism and across class
boundaries. These temporal constraints can be referenced to formulate new constraints in a consistent
manner in classes.
3. Time-abstraction seems like a natural approach to specifying timing constraints, where the constraint is
defined at the class definition and then associated with the class implementation
Push Down Automata Model for Mobile Call Logs Storage in Clustered way:
Flow Chart for working of Push Down Automata Model for Mobile Incoming Call Logs Storage in Cluster way is
divided into following steps:

Step1: Occurrence of Incoming Call on user mobile through a Mobile Service Provider
Step2: Call received by the User
Step3: Call record updating process by STACK PUSH operation
Step4: Check for STACK condition : (FULL / NOT FULL)
Step5: Two cases may occur:
IF YES: Call record clustering process start by STACK POP operation
Step6 : User View : Clustered view of incoming call records of different Mobile Service Providers

Push Down Automata (PDA) Transitions for Incoming Call Updation:

Updation of incoming call through specific service provider is represented using PUSH operation in order to give
sequence to the call received for identifying input strings on input tape

Instantaneous Description (ID) for Incoming Call updation:

Keeping in view the rules make Instantaneous Description ( ID ) for the input strings

Push Down Automata (PDA) Transitions to generate Cluster view of Call Logs(Incoming)
when STACK = FULL:

Incoming call log updation will continue till STACK != FULL. When the STACK = FULL then transition for Cluster view
generation is started in these steps
1. Suppose that as STACK = FULL then # symbol is generated on the input tape and qPUSH is converted to qPOP
2. It is assumed that when STACK = FULL that user will not received any incoming call till the STACK is not
3. When Top of the STACK = Z0 it implies that all the stack alphabets corresponding to different service provider
is popped out and Top of the STACK is Z0 then state qPOP is transit to qPUSH and mobile set is ready to
receive incoming call.

Verification Using Object Constraint Language (OCL):

A constraint is defined as “restriction on one or more values of an object – oriented model or system”.
A restriction of the multiplicity of an association can be expressed either directly by using syntactical construct of
Object Oriented Notation.
Basically three types of constraints can be classified in Database Management System:
1. Implicit Constraint: An Implicit Constraint, which represents an integrity rule applied on data models.
2. Explicit Constraint: An Explicit Constraint, which represents the Business Rules.
3. Inherent Constraint: An Inherent Constraint, which are specified in a schema but are assumed to hold by the
definition of relational model.

The order to apply constraint on the database we have used OCL invariant on SQL Table consisting of details of the
Caller, his/her number and location. The transformation pattern is given as:
Context : Session
Context : Record Call
Context : Cluster View Generation

This paper focuses on the development of a feature in mobile phone for user to view number of incoming calls in
cluster view to know how many calls are received from different mobile service providers. This process can also
be implemented for outgoing calls & helps to mobile service providers to analysis comparative calls rates from
different mobile service provider.


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