Writing 2.c

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For some people, having a house is crucial when looking for a place to live.

Even in some states,

owning house property is always better than renting one. This essay will further discuss why it is the
case, and whether or not it is beneficial.

Although it requires a huge amount of investment at first, owning a house saves us from paying
monthly rent payments. Spending money can also be easier to manage when the rent fee is
excluded. If a person owns a home, they may put their income to other necessities more freely.
Freedom also comes from choosing a self-preferable way of making the house, decorating it, and
taking care of it. Some rented flats would probably have mandatory rules from the owner.
Moreover, most people would consider self-residence as a luxury. It could be a statement of social
status for a few.

However, that does not brand homeownership as a free-risk investment, especially in cities. Big
towns are usually full of skyscraper buildings. Vast roads with busy cars and plenty of entertainment
corners like karaoke and clubs are commonly found as well. Basically, metropolitan cities are a tight
and crowded area with so little empty spaces. Finding a spot for housing is already a challenge, not
to mention the price to buy it that generally quite high. It may also be another minus if the house
was not built yet, and the person will have a construction cost. While maintenance of the house,
regardless in the city or countryside, could also spend more than the general rent house.

In conclusion, although owning a house have its benefits, it is worth reconsidering the disadvantages
of it, specifically in huge cities to decide whether the circumstances would bring more positive or
negative results.

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