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BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change

Modified Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan

Change management
Change management outlining the organisation corporate strategies, structures, technologies and adopting
procedures to deal with changes in external conditions and the business environment.
Current situation
At present CBSA need to relocate less expensive premises (saving $30,000 per annum), and increased
recruitment to meet CBSA strategic objectives such as
▪ Acquiring five new clients per month
▪ Maintain 90% retention rate of our existing customers
▪ Grow our business financially by 25%
▪ Implement three new services for our clients
▪ Increase workforce and introduce work efficiencies in line with new services and expected growth
Policy review
• CBSA required to comply with the company policy and procedures as follow to make required
changes to the organisation
• Staff Management Policy & Procedures in order to ensure transparent approach to managing staff
recruitment, induction, performance, and end of employment.
• Communication Policy & Procedures in order to ensure that information disseminated to staff is
valid, reliable, relevant, easy to access, and appropriate
• Procurement Policy & Procedures in order to ensure ethical and fair treatment of participants and
transparency in purchasing operations all purchases greater than $200 should have to be completed
Procurement Management Plan and approved by the General Manager
In order to meet organisational strategic goals, it is important to review CBSA Policy and practices.
The CBSA marketing policy would need to add procedures for customer loyalty programmes and add team
partnership with businesses that offer complementary services which would be encourage new customers per
month to meet organisation strategic objectives
Moreover, after reviewing professional development policy and staff management policy, it illustrate that CBSA
would need to encourage more employee participation by introducing recognition programmes to employees
who are work responsibly and keen to share their ideas to explore initiatives.
And introduce inter house development programmes to employees and Coaching programmes for frontline
CBSA Change requirements
Relocate to less expensive premises - In order to lower operational cost and upgrade facilities
Introduce customer loyalty programmes and develop business partnership that offer complementary
services – to attract more customers
Recruit new skilled Employees – For reduce costs, improve quality customer service, bring in superiority in
service, and achieve dramatic improvements in speed
Recognition programmes to reward and encourage desired behaviours to employees who are work
responsibly and keen to share their ideas to explore initiatives
Improv the coordination at an inter-departmental level- to improve effective communication for quality
Upskilling existing staff – in order to higher sales margins, develop new abilities and minimize skill gaps
Consulting with experts – To simplify the resources, budgets and other aspects of business operations and
reshaping the organization process into a smooth process.
Communication throughout change with key stakeholders -In order to familiarisation through regular
information flow , training and support and encourage employees to adopt into organisational new design
CBSA Change requirements
Relocate to less expensive premises - In order to lower operational cost and upgrade facilities
Introduce customer loyalty programmes and develop business partnership that offer complementary
services – to attract more customers
Recruit new skilled Employees – For reduce costs, improve quality customer service, bring in superiority in
service, and achieve dramatic improvements in speed
Recognition programmes to reward and encourage desired behaviours to employees who are work
responsibly and keen to share their ideas to explore initiatives
Improv the coordination at an inter-departmental level- to improve effective communication for quality
Upskilling existing staff – in order to higher sales margins, develop new abilities and minimize skill gaps
Consulting with experts – To simplify the resources, budgets and other aspects of business operations and
reshaping the organization process into a smooth process.
Communication throughout change with key stakeholders -In order to familiarisation through regular
information flow , training and support and encourage employees to adopt into organisational new design
External environment
CBSA would be relevant to build team partnerships B2B companies that offers complementary services such as
Australian Business Consulting & Solutions which offers expert advice and innovative professional services to
the Australian business community
CBSA would be should consider following factors of PEST Analysis before relocating business
Political –
• Trade regulations & rates related to Industry
• Privacy laws related to Services
• Pricing regulations – Are there any pricing regulatory mechanism for particular services
• Taxation - tax rates and incentives
• Wage legislation - minimum wage and overtime
• Work week regulations for Services
• Mandatory employee benefits
• Industrial safety regulations in the Industrials sector.
• Efficiency of financial markets – Does CBSA needs to raise capital in local market?
• Skill level of workforce in the industry.
• Education level in the economy
• Labour costs and productivity in the economy
• Business cycle stage (e.g. prosperity, recession, recovery)
• Economic growth rate
• Unemployment rate
• Price rates
• Interest rates
• Statistics and skill level of the population
• Society culture .
• Education level in the society
• Entrepreneurial spirit and broader nature of the society.
• Age and Attitudes (health, environmental consciousness, etc.)
• Leisure interests
Technological factors
• Recent technological developments in competitors
• Technology's impact on product offering
• Impact on value chain structure in Industrials sector
• Rate of technological transmission

Potential barriers to change

Barriers Strategies

Employee resistance to the change Help the Employees to clear about the benefits of the
change brings to them
By letting them feel rewards and remunerations that they
could have for the time and energy for the change.
It will benefit to organisation by increasing happy customers
and efficiency accountability in the employees

Lack of Employee Involvement Develop effective communication at the beginning and

All the employees who affected by the change needs to know
what it involves, why and how it is happening, and what is in it
for them.
therefore, it is needed to build a conversation about it with
employees and ask them what they think and how they are

Poor manager/employee relationships Providing opportunities for managers to interact more

with other employees will help build strong relationship.
by including
Training programs
Office luncheons

Existing organisational culture Change behaviours, and mind-sets

It is method of changing way of thinking, an attitude or opinion
which sticked to existing organisational culture. This altering
mindset is more effective at sustaining change over the long
term. The downside is that it takes additional time and effort to
properly effect a change in mindset.
Managers and supervisors can be Role model

Readiness for change

it is willingness to adopt for new behaviours and understanding available mindsets for adaptation to new change
which are as follows:

Available knowledge on employees about the proposed change and how it will impact on them
Organisation management style and behaviour patterns, which is describe on CBSA governance policy,
about the managers’ responsibilities ,required abilities, support, and commands.
Individual style and performance
Share culture :identify about the barriers that may obstruct the progress of the plan
Communications Methods and processes: what actions are required to ensure the business unit is ready for
the change as according to CBSA communication policy objectives
CBSA used Internal communication to reinforce the organisations business priorities and objectives. This
involves ensuring that information disseminated to staff is valid, reliable, relevant, easy to access, and
CBSA aims to continue to develop and trial new communication ideas, channels, and tools to improve
information sharing and collaboration between staff members.
Staff are actively encouraged to share information within the workplace. CBSA expects that staff will use the
communication channels and associated tools for business work practices and in compliance with this and other
relevant policies and procedures

Cost benefit analysis of the change

Change Cost Benefit CBA Ratio

Relocate to less expensive $60,000 Obtain more space 50%

premises for less cost

Upskills employees $100,000 Reduce existing 65%

operational cost

Introduce customer loyalty $19,050.00 Increase sales and 75%

programmes and develop business customer reputation

Recruit skilled Employees $300,000 Provide innovative 75%

ideas for

Recognition programmes $85000 Increase employee 85%


Change Implementation

Strategies for embedding change

<<Provide details about the strategies for embedding the changes>>
• Explain the proposed changes to their team members about the change goals ,Vision, merits, and
• Outline change impacts that what would happen if it does not occur.
• Identify positive and effective change leaders to develop powerful relationship
• Communicate the vision frequently and powerfully with ensuring giving attention employees concerns
• Conduct cost benefit analysis
• Conduct training programmes to educate
• Align right Stakeholders with right skills and experience required for the change and make them in part
of the leadership team for the change process
• Martian repots and analysis measurements
Prioritisation of the recommended changes
<<Provide details about the priority for embedding the changes>>
According to the case scenario the company wants to minimise the expenses and relocate to less expensive
premises so that they can save $30,000 per annum.
And to undertake increased recruitment to cope with the expected new business are major changes that wants
to change by this organisation.
To implement these recommended changes following steps need to follow
• Define the change and determining what issues should be addressed first
• Assess the organisational readiness to align people’s perceptions
• Engage other relevant managers who are considered key stakeholders of the change to prioritise
• Provide employees with the tools and skills by giving training programs, job assistances, lessons and
discussion, coaching programs, and checklists to follow the process
• Facilitate by providing the support and resources required for the life of the Change
• Designed to sustain the momentum of the change to proof that the change is happening and meeting
• Review and obtain feedback by conducting regular meetings with stake holders and surveys
• Strengthen the changes by providing incentives and rewards to employees.

Change particulars

Stakeholders involved Resources Required Risk Management

• Managing Director • Process follow up Change Risk Assessment report
• Sales & Marketing Manager strategies and check Budget allocating risk repot
• Business Development lists
Specialist • Budget allocation plan
• HR Manager • Training session and
• Henry Thomas- Governance Education Sessions
Manager • Stakeholder Feedback
• Chief Finance Officer\ • Continuous Improvement
• IT Manager Plan
• Accountant • Communication plan
• Training Manager • Data gathering and
• Business Compliance analysis software’s
• Specialist
• Project team
• Training team supervisors

Implementation strategies

1. Identify the current issues and changes requirements

Consultation meeting with top management obtain background information on organisation requirement
for relocate less expensive premises and increase recruitment to meet CBSA strategic objectives

2. Clarify the change vision, purpose, and goals to stakeholders

• Meeting with department managers on organisational change requirements

• Consultation program to management to clarify the requirements in the change process

3. Analyse information and Formulate the strategy

• Conduct PEST Analysis for relocate for new location
• Conduct consultation meeting with HR manager and top management to identify new skills
• Conduct B2B consultation with Australian Business Consulting & Solutions
• Identify key change stakeholders to build coalition and eliminate barriers
o Conduct a workshop for each department to provide information about workflow to achieve
the change goals
o Conduct a survey to identify key stakeholder leaders and impact areas to conduct change
o Seminar on Set metrics to achieve strategic goals
▪ Measure Average process time for complete per task
▪ Measure Number of Customer complaints within a week
▪ Percentage of overdue task
• Conduct Recruitment process for new skilled experienced employees
o Conduct meeting with finance manager for budget allocation
o Advertise on social media
o Interview and select new employees
o Induction and training program for new employees
• Formulate Support structure for employees
o Encourage employee’s participation
▪ Conduct monthly meeting to share their real perception and involve them into
decision making
▪ Reward and encouragement incentive scheme for desired behaviours ,who are work
responsibly and keen on adopt in to explore new initiatives

o Engage with middle managers

▪ Coaching programmes for support stakeholder leaders to explain how to lead the
team to archive change goals
▪ Aline responsibilities to middle managers to constantly look for improvement and
ways to do more with less cost
o Build a culture of innovation
▪ Consultancy programmes to leaders to be role models for their team
▪ Mentoring programmes empowering and built trust on employees
4. Implement Strategies and align resources
Introduce Action plan
• Prioritize objectives and activities
• Assign Responsible person
• Identify resource requirement
• Set time frame and KPI’s to run the process

Introduce Communication plan

• workshop on organisational communication methods and new changes in communication use
• Monthly meeting with stakeholders to review the process
• Feedback forums bring up employee’s desires and suggestions on the new workflows

Introduce Training plan

• Consultation training with Australian Business Consulting & Solutions
• Training program to help the employees to clear about the benefits of the change brings to them
• Training on existing employees upskill employee’s new technology handling skills
• Coaching programmes for support stakeholder leaders to explain how to lead the team to
archive change goals

5. Evaluate and Monitor process

• Conduct monthly pulse surveys
• Follow up Process KPI’s
• Review of achievement against project milestones.
o Clients and stakeholder meetings
o Monitor deadlines
Action Plan

Activities Responsible person Resources Completion date KPI

Maintain clear Managing Director PEST 7th h July 2020 Implement
desire thought Sales & Marketing analysis change
throughout the Manager outcome management
change repot plan in
management Business Development Australian CBSA within
process, about Specialist Business 3 Months
change vision, HR Manager Consulting &
goals and required Governance Manager Solutions
resource to Chief Finance Officer
implement change Compliance
management plan
IT Manager
Training Manager

Identify key Human Resources Readiness 10th July 2020 Reduce

change Consultant assessment number of
stakeholders to report barriers
build coalition and associated
asse impact areas with the
Implement IT Manager Telephone 12th July 2020 Improve
Communication ● Mail effectiveness
strategy ● Email of clear
● Physical information
location flow by 85%
(storefront) than before
● Website
● Social
Implement HR Manager Coaching 14th July 2020 Reduce cost
Training plan Training Manager workshops by 65% by
Business mentoring recruiting
consultation new
sessions employees
per quarter.
Implement Business Development Pulse 15th July 2020 Reduce
Support structure Specialist surveys employee
for employees HR Manager resistance
and improve
to change
process by
95% within
one month
Set Evaluate and Compliance External 16th July 2020 Maintain
review process Specialist consultation 95% error
government change
acts management
&regulations process

Communication Plan

Receiver Sender Message When Communication method

Key Project Send weekly Once in a Emails
stakeholders managers updates to key week
regarding status
of the change plan
Key Sales & Information on Within 3 Organisation chatter
stakeholders Marketing feedback/business weeks
Manager for readiness
All staff Governance Announcements When it Internet
manager / IT notifications required
All staff Business Make awareness 20th July Conference meetings
Development about project and 2020
Specialist explain impacts
HR Manager and how to
overcome the
All staff HR Manager provide feedback As per the organisational intranet
to team requirement telephone calls\

Training plan

Who Skills the training When Training method Organiser

will cover
Department Develop skills to Every 6 Coaching HR manager
heads provide Induction moths
training program
for new employees
All Staff Develop within 3 Consultation HR Manager
knowledge on weeks program Training Manager
employees to clear Business
about the benefits
of the change
All staff Training on Every 3 Workshop HR Manager
existing months Training Manager
employees upskill Business
employee’s new
handling skills
Stakeholder Coaching 17th July coaching HR Manager
leaders programme for 2020 Training Manager
stakeholder Business
leaders develop
skills on to lead
and manage set
Key Seminar on to Every 3 Seminar HR Manager
stakeholders develop skills on months Training Manager
follow up and Business
monitoring skills

Measurement and Report

What to report Report to whom How often.

• Tracking change Governance Manger 3 Months
management activities
conducted according to
• Training tests and HR Manager 3 months
effectiveness measures.
• Training participation and Training Manger After Every training session
attendance numbers.
• Communication deliveries. IT Manager 2 months
• Communication IT manager 3 months
effectiveness. Marketing manager
• Performance HR manager 3 months


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