Dan Lanh C1, C2, C3.C4

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< Concealed Duct Standard Type >
MMD-AP0076B Ð - MMD-AP0076B Ð -ÌÎ
MMD-AP00 6B Ð - MMD-AP00 6B Ð -ÌÎ
MMD-AP0 6B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 6B Ð -
MMD-AP0 76B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 76B Ð -
MMD-AP0 06B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 06B Ð -
MMD-AP0 66B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 66B Ð -
MMD-AP0 6B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 6B Ð -
MMD-AP0 66B Ð -Û MMD-AP0 66B Ð -

PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFETY ................................................................................ 6
1. SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................. 13
2. AIR DUCTING OR ............................................................................................. 1ë
3. CONSTRUCTION IE S E TERNA IE S .................................................... ïé
. IRING DIAGRA S ............................................................................................... ïç
. PARTS RATING ...................................................................................................... 2ð
6. REFRIGERANT CYC E DIAGRA ....................................................................... 2ï
. CONTRO OUT INE .............................................................................................. 2î
INC UDING CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION .......................................................... îè
1. Indoor controller loc d a ra ........................................................................................ îè
1 1. In Ca e o Connect on o red S ple Re ote Controller òòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò îè
1 2. In Ca e o Connect on o rele Re ote Controller òòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò îç
1 3. Connect on o ot red S ple Re ote Controller and rele Re ote
Controller .................................................òòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò....... 3ð
2. Indoor Pr nt C rcu t oard CC 1631 òòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò......òòòòòòòòòòòòò.... 3ï
3. Opt onal connector pec cat on o ndoor P.C. oard ................................................. íî
. Te t operat on o ndoor un t ............................................................................................. íí
. et od to et ndoor un t unct on DN code .................................................................... íì
6. Appl ed control o ndoor un t ........................................................................................... íé
. TROU ES OOTING ............................................................................................ ëí
1. O er e .............................................................................................................................. ëí
2. Trou le oot n et od .................................................................................................... ëì
3. Trou le oot n a ed on n or at on d played on re ote controller ....................... 6ð
. C ec code d played on re ote controller and S S outdoor un t
e ent d play on I F oard and locat on to e c ec ed .................................... êë
. Sen or c aracter t c ....................................................................................................... èì
1 . P.C. OARD E C ANGE PROCEDURES .......................................................... èë
1 1. Replace ent o ndoor P.C. oard ................................................................................. èë
11. DETAC ENTS .............................................................................................òò.... çï
12. E P ODED IE S AND PARTS IST .........................................................òò.... çè

Or nal n truct on
Please read carefully through these instructions that contain important information which complies with the
“Machinery” Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC), and ensure that you understand them

Gener c Deno nat on A r Cond t oner

De n t on o ual ed In taller or ual ed Ser ce Per on

he air conditioner must e installed, maintained, repaired and removed y a ualified installer or ualified
service person hen any of these o s is to e done, as a ualified installer or ualified service person to do
them for you
ualified installer or ualified service person is an agent who has the ualifications and nowledge
descri ed in the ta le elow

A ent ual cat on and no led e c t e a ent u t a e

he ualified installer is a person who installs, maintains, relocates and removes the air
conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation e or she has een trained to install,
maintain, relocate and remove the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or,
alternatively, he or she has een instructed in such operations y an individual or individuals
who have een trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to these
he ualified installer who is allowed to do the electrical wor involved in installation, relocation
and removal has the ualifications pertaining to this electrical wor as stipulated y the local
laws and regulations, and he or she is a person who has een trained in matters relating to
electrical wor on the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or, alternatively, he
or she has een instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals who have een
ualified installer trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this wor
he ualified installer who is allowed to do the refrigerant handling and piping wor involved in
installation, relocation and removal has the ualifications pertaining to this refrigerant handling
and piping wor as stipulated y the local laws and regulations, and he or she is a person who
has een trained in matters relating to refrigerant handling and piping wor on the air
conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or, alternatively, he or she has een
instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals who have een trained and is thus
thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this wor
he ualified installer who is allowed to wor at heights has een trained in matters relating to
wor ing at heights with the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or,
alternatively, he or she has een instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals who
have een trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this wor
he ualified service person is a person who installs, repairs, maintains, relocates and removes
the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation e or she has een trained to install,
repair, maintain, relocate and remove the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation
or, alternatively, he or she has een instructed in such operations y an individual or individuals
who have een trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to these
he ualified service person who is allowed to do the electrical wor involved in installation,
repair, relocation and removal has the ualifications pertaining to this electrical wor as
stipulated y the local laws and regulations, and he or she is a person who has een trained in
matters relating to electrical wor on the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation
or, alternatively, he or she has een instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals
who have een trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this
ualified service he ualified service person who is allowed to do the refrigerant handling and piping wor
person involved in installation, repair, relocation and removal has the ualifications pertaining to this
refrigerant handling and piping wor as stipulated y the local laws and regulations, and he or
she is a person who has een trained in matters relating to refrigerant handling and piping wor
on the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or, alternatively, he or she has
een instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals who have een trained and is
thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this wor
he ualified service person who is allowed to wor at heights has een trained in matters
relating to wor ing at heights with the air conditioners made y oshi a Carrier Corporation or,
alternatively, he or she has een instructed in such matters y an individual or individuals who
have een trained and is thus thoroughly ac uainted with the nowledge related to this wor

De n t on o Protect e Gear
hen the air conditioner is to e transported, installed, maintained, repaired or removed, wear protective
gloves and safety wor clothing
n addition to such normal protective gear, wear the protective gear descri ed elow when underta ing the
special wor detailed in the ta le elow
ailure to wear the proper protective gear is dangerous ecause you will e more suscepti le to in ury, urns,
electric shoc s and other in uries
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he important contents concerned to the safety are descri ed on the product itself and on this ervice
Please read this ervice Manual after understanding the descri ed items thoroughly in the following contents
( ndications / llustrated mar s), and eep them

E planat on o nd cat on
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Property damage Enlarged damage concerned to property, furniture, and domestic animal / pet

E planat on o llu trated ar

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arn n Ind cat on on t e A r Cond t oner Un t
Con r at on o arn n la el on t e a n un t
Confirm that la els are indicated on the specified positions
f removing the la el during parts replace, stic it as the original

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– –
he manufacturer shall not assume any lia ility for the damage caused y not o serving the description of this

efore carrying out the installation, maintenance, repair or removal wor , e sure to set the circuit
rea er for oth the indoor and outdoor units to the position therwise, electric shoc s may
efore opening the electrical o cover of the indoor unit or service panel of the outdoor unit, set the
circuit rea er to the position ailure to set the circuit rea er to the position may result in
electric shoc s through contact with the interior parts nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service
person ( ) is allowed to remove the inta e grille of the indoor unit or service panel of the outdoor unit
and do the wor re uired
efore opening the suction oard cover, set the circuit rea er to the position
ailure to set the circuit rea er to the position may result in in ury through contact with the rotation parts
nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service person ( ) is allowed to remove the suction oard
cover and do the wor re uired
urn off
raea er efore starting to repair the outdoor unit fan or fan guard, e a solutely sure to set the circuit rea er
to the position, and place a “ or in progress” sign on the circuit rea er
hen cleaning the filter or other parts of the indoor unit, set the circuit rea er to without fail, and
place a “ or in progress” sign near the circuit rea er efore proceeding with the wor
hen you have noticed that some ind of trou le (such as when an error display has appeared, there
is a smell of urning, a normal sounds are heard, the air conditioner fails to cool or heat or water is
lea ing) has occurred in the air conditioner, do not touch the air conditioner yourself ut set the circuit
rea er to the position, and contact a ualified service person a e steps to ensure that the
power will not e turned on ( y mar ing “out of service” near the circuit rea er, for instance) until
ualified service person arrives Continuing to use the air conditioner in the trou le status may cause
mechanical pro lems to escalate or result in electric shoc s or other failure
hen you access inside of the service panel to repair electric parts, wait for a out five minutes after turning
off the rea er Do not start repairing immediately therwise you may get electric shoc y touching
terminals of high voltage capacitors atural discharge of the capacitor ta es a out five minutes
hen chec ing the electric parts, removing the cover of the electric parts o of ndoor nit and/or
service panel of utdoor nit inevita ly to determine the failure, use gloves to provide protection for
electricians, insulating shoes, clothing to provide protection from electric shoc and insulating tools e
shoc ha ard
careful not to touch the live part Electric shoc may result nly “ ualified service person” is allowed to
do this wor
Place a “ or in progress” sign near the circuit rea er while the installation, maintenance, repair or
removal wor is eing carried out
here is a danger of electric shoc s if the circuit rea er is set to y mista e
hen chec ing the electric parts, removing the cover of the electric parts o of ndoor nit and/or
front panel of utdoor nit inevita ly to determine the failure, put a sign “Do not enter” around the site
efore the wor ailure to do this may result in third person getting electric shoc
Prohi ition efore operating the air conditioner after having completed the wor , chec that the electrical parts o
cover of the indoor unit and service panel of the outdoor unit are closed, and set the circuit rea er to
the position
ou may receive an electric shoc if the power is turned on without first conducting these chec s
f, in the course of carrying out repairs, it ecomes a solutely necessary to chec out the electrical
parts with the electrical parts o cover of one or more of the indoor units and the service panel of the
outdoor unit removed in order to find out e actly where the trou le lies, wear insulated heat resistant
gloves, insulated oots and insulated wor overalls, and ta e care to avoid touching any live parts
tay on ou may receive an electric shoc if you fail to heed this warning nly ualified service person ( ) is
protection allowed to do this ind of wor

efore starting to repair the air conditioner, read carefully through the ervice Manual, and repair the
air conditioner y following its instructions
nly ualified service person ( ) is allowed to repair the air conditioner
epair of the air conditioner y un ualified person may give rise to a fire, electric shoc s, in ury, water
lea s and / or other pro lems
Do not use any refrigerant different from the one specified for complement or replacement
therwise, a normally high pressure may e generated in the refrigeration cycle, which may result in a
failure or e plosion of the product or an in ury to your ody
nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service person ( ) is allowed to carry out the electrical wor
of the air conditioner
nder no circumstances must this wor e done y an un ualified individual since failure to carry out
the wor properly may result in electric shoc s and / or electrical lea s
hen the air conditioner is to e transported, installed, maintained, repaired or removed, wear
protective gloves and safety wor clothing
o connect the electrical wires, repair the electrical parts or underta e other electrical o s, wear gloves
to provide protection for electricians, insulating shoes and clothing to provide protection from electric
shoc s ailure to wear this protective gear may result in electric shoc s
Electrical wiring wor shall e conducted according to law and regulation in the community and
installation manual ailure to do so may result in electrocution or short circuit
se wiring that meets the specifications in the nstallation Manual and the stipulations in the local
regulations and laws se of wiring which does not meet the specifications may give rise to electric
shoc s, electrical lea age, smo ing and/or a fire
nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service person ( ) is allowed to underta e wor at heights
using a stand of 0 cm or more or to remove the inta e grille of the indoor unit to underta e wor
hen wor ing at heights, use a ladder which complies with the 4 22 standard, and follow the
eneral procedure in the ladder s instructions
lso wear a helmet for use in industry as protective gear to underta e the wor
efore wor ing at heights, put a sign in place so that no one will approach the wor location,
efore proceeding with the wor Parts and other o ects may fall from a ove, possi ly in uring a
person elow hile carrying out the wor , wear a helmet for protection from falling o ects
hen e ecuting address setting, test run, or trou leshooting through the chec ing window on the
electric parts o , put on insulated gloves to provide protection from electric shoc therwise you may
receive an electric shoc
hen the first filter comes out without connected to the other one, insert it once more to connectthe
two filters together and pull out them as connected Do not insert hands to ta e out the second filter
ou may in ure ourself
Do not touch the aluminum fin of the outdoor unit
ou may in ure yourself if you do so f the fin must e touched for some reason, first put on protective
gloves and safety wor clothing, and then proceed
Do not clim onto or place o ects on top of the outdoor unit
ou may fall or the o ects may fall off of the outdoor unit and result in in ury
se for lift to carry in the air conditioner units and use winch or hoist at installation of them
hen transporting the air conditioner, wear shoes with protective toe caps, protective gloves and other
protective clothing
hen transporting the air conditioner, do not ta e hold of the ands around the pac ing carton
ou may in ure yourself if the ands should rea
e sure that a heavy unit ( 0 g or heavier) such as a compressor is carried y two persons
his air conditioner has passed the pressure test as specified in EC 6033 2 40 nne EE

efore trou leshooting or repair wor , chec the earth wire is connected to the earth terminals of the main unit,
otherwise an electric shoc is caused when a lea occurs f the earth wire is not correctly connected,
contact an electric engineer for rewor
fter completing the repair or relocation wor , chec that the ground wires are connected properly
Chec earth
wires e sure to connect earth wire ( rounding wor ) ncomplete grounding causes an electric shoc
Do not connect ground wires to gas pipes, water pipes, and lightning rods or ground wires for
telephone wires

– –
Do not modify the products Do not also disassem le or modify the parts
t may cause a fire, electric shoc or in ury
Prohi ition of

hen any of the electrical parts are to e replaced, ensure that the replacement parts satisfy the
specifications given in the ervice Manual (or use the parts contained on the parts list in the
ervice Manual)
se specified se of any parts which do not satisfy the re uired specifications may give rise to electric shoc s,
parts smo ing and / or a fire

f, in the course of carrying out repairs, it ecomes a solutely necessary to chec out the electrical
parts with the electrical parts o cover of one or more of the indoor units and the service panel of the
outdoor unit removed in order to find out e actly where the trou le lies, put a sign in place so that no
Do not ring one will approach the wor location efore proceeding with the wor hird party individuals may enter
a child close the wor site and receive electric shoc s if this warning is not heeded
to the
e uipment

Connect the cut off lead wires with crimp contact, etc , put the closed end side upward and then apply
a watercut method, otherwise a lea or production of fire is caused at the users side
hen performing repairs using a gas urner, replace the refrigerant with nitrogen gas ecause the oil
that coats the pipes may otherwise urn
hen repairing the refrigerating cycle, ta e the following measures
) e attentive to fire around the cycle hen using a gas stove, etc , e sure to put out fire efore wor
otherwise the oil mi ed with refrigerant gas may catch fire
2) Do not use a welder in the closed room hen using it without ventilation, car on mono ide
o fire poisoning may e caused
3) Do not ring inflamma les close to the refrigerant cycle, otherwise fire of the welder may catch the
inflamma les
he refrigerant used y this air conditioner is the 4 0
Chec the used refrigerant name and use tools and materials of the parts which match with it
or the products which use 4 0 refrigerant, the refrigerant name is indicated at a position on the
outdoor unit where is easy to see o prevent miss charging, the route of the service port is changed
from one of the former 22
Do not use any refrigerant different from the one specified for complement or replacement
therwise, a normally high pressure may e generated in the refrigeration cycle, which may result in a
failure or e plosion of the product or an in ury to your ody
or an air conditioner which uses 4 0 , never use other refrigerant than 4 0 or an air
conditioner which uses other refrigerant ( 22, etc ), never use 4 0
f different types of refrigerant are mi ed, a normal high pressure generates in the refrigerating cycle
and an in ury due to rea age may e caused
hen the air conditioner has een installed or relocated, follow the instructions in the nstallation
Manual and purge the air completely so that no gases other than the refrigerant will e mi ed in the
efrigerant refrigerating cycle
ailure to purge the air completely may cause the air conditioner to malfunction
Do not charge refrigerant additionally f charging refrigerant additionally when refrigerant gas lea s, the
refrigerant composition in the refrigerating cycle changes resulted in change of air conditioner
characteristics or refrigerant over the specified standard amount is charged and an a normal high
pressure is applied to the inside of the refrigerating cycle resulted in cause of rea age or in ury
herefore if the refrigerant gas lea s, recover the refrigerant in the air conditioner, e ecute vacuuming,
and then newly recharge the specified amount of li uid refrigerant
n this time, never charge the refrigerant over the specified amount
hen recharging the refrigerant in the refrigerating cycle, do not mi the refrigerant or air other than
4 0 into the specified refrigerant f air or others is mi ed with the refrigerant, a normal high
pressure generates in the refrigerating cycle resulted in cause of in ury due to rea age
fter installation wor , chec the refrigerant gas does not lea f the refrigerant gas lea s in the room,
poisonous gas generates when gas touches to fire such as fan heater, stove or coc ing stove though
the refrigerant gas itself is innocuous
ever recover the refrigerant into the outdoor unit hen the e uipment is moved or repaired, e sure
to recover the refrigerant with recovering device
he refrigerant cannot e recovered in the outdoor unit otherwise a serious accident such as rea age
or in ury is caused

– –
fter repair wor , surely assem le the disassem led parts, and connect and lead the removed wires as efore
Perform the wor so that the ca inet or panel does not catch the inner wires
f incorrect assem ly or incorrect wire connection was done, a disaster such as a lea or fire is caused
ssem ly / at user s side

fter the wor has finished, e sure to use an insulation tester set ( 00 Megger) to chec the resistance is
M or more etween the charge section and the non charge metal section (Earth position)
nsulator f the resistance value is low, a disaster such as a lea or electric shoc is caused at user s side
hen the refrigerant gas lea s during wor , e ecute ventilation
f the refrigerant gas touches to a fire, poisonous gas generates case of lea age of the refrigerant
and the closed room full with gas is dangerous ecause a shortage of o ygen occurs e sure to
e ecute ventilation
f refrigerant gas has lea ed during the installation wor , ventilate the room immediately
entilation f the lea ed refrigerant gas comes in contact with fire, no ious gas may generate
fter installation wor , chec the refrigerant gas does not lea f the refrigerant gas lea s in the room,
poisonous gas generates when gas touches to fire such as fan heater, stove or coc ing stove though
the refrigerant gas itself is innocuous
hen the refrigerant gas lea s, find up the lea ed position and repair it surely
f the lea ed position cannot e found up and the repair wor is interrupted, pump down and tighten the
service valve, otherwise the refrigerant gas may lea into the room
he poisonous gas generates when gas touches to fire such as fan heater, stove or coc ing stove though
the refrigerant gas itself is innocuous
hen installing e uipment which includes a large amount of charged refrigerant such as a multi air
conditioner in a su room, it is necessary that the density does not the limit even if the refrigerant lea s
f the refrigerant lea s and e ceeds the limit density, an accident of shortage of o ygen is caused
ighten the flare nut with a tor ue wrench in the specified manner
Compulsion E cessive tighten of the flare nut may cause a crac in the flare nut after a long period, which may
result in refrigerant lea age
itrogen gas must e used for the airtight test
he charge hose must e connected in such a way that it is not slac
or the installation / moving / reinstallation wor , follow to the nstallation Manual
f an incorrect installation is done, a trou le of the refrigerating cycle, water lea , electric shoc or fire is caused
nce the repair wor has een completed, chec for refrigerant lea s, and chec the insulation
resistance and water drainage
hen perform a trial run to chec that the air conditioner is running properly
fter repair wor has finished, chec there is no trou le f chec is not e ecuted, a fire, electric shoc
or in ury may e caused or a chec , turn off the power rea er
Chec after fter repair wor (installation of front panel and ca inet) has finished, e ecute a test run to chec there
repair is no generation of smo e or a normal sound
f chec is not e ecuted, a fire or an electric shoc is caused efore test run, install the front panel and ca inet
e sure to fi the screws ac which have een removed for installation or other purposes

Chec the following matters efore a test run after repairing piping
Connect the pipes surely and there is no lea of refrigerant
he valve is opened
Do not unning the compressor under condition that the valve closes causes an a normal high pressure
operate the resulted in damage of the parts of the compressor and etc and moreover if there is lea of refrigerant
unit with the at connecting section of pipes, the air is suc ed and causes further a normal high pressure resulted in
valve closed urst or in ury

nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service person ( ) is allowed to relocate the air conditioner t
is dangerous for the air conditioner to e relocated y an un ualified individual since a fire, electric
shoc s, in ury, water lea age, noise and / or vi ration may result
Chec the following items after reinstallation
) he earth wire is correctly connected
Chec after 2) he power cord is not caught in the product
reinstallation 3) here is no inclination or unsteadiness and the installation is sta le
f chec is not e ecuted, a fire, an electric shoc or an in ury is caused
hen carrying out the pump down wor shut down the compressor efore disconnecting the refrigerant pipe
Disconnecting the refrigerant pipe with the service valve left open and the compressor still operating
will cause air, etc to e suc ed in, raising the pressure inside the refrigeration cycle to an a normally
high level, and possi ly resulting in reputing, in ury, etc

– –
hen the service panel of the outdoor unit is to e opened in order for the compressor or the area
around this part to e repaired immediately after the air conditioner has een shut down, set the circuit
rea er to the position, and then wait at least 0 minutes efore opening the service panel
f you fail to heed this warning, you will run the ris of urning yourself ecause the compressor pipes
and other parts will e very hot to the touch n addition, efore proceeding with the repair wor , wear
the ind of insulated heat resistant gloves designed to protect electricians
a e care not to get urned y compressor pipes or other parts when chec ing the cooling cycle while
running the unit as they get heated while running e sure to put on gloves providing protection for heat
Cooling chec hen the service panel of the outdoor unit is to e opened in order for the fan motor, reactor, inverter
or the areas around these parts to e repaired immediately after the air conditioner has een shut
down, set the circuit rea er to the position, and then wait at least 0 minutes efore opening the
service panel
f you fail to heed this warning, you will run the ris of urning yourself ecause the fan motor, reactor,
inverter heat sin and other parts will e very hot to the touch
n addition, efore proceeding with the repair wor , wear the ind of insulated heat resistant gloves
designed to protect electricians
nly a ualified installer or service person is allowed to do installation wor nappropriate installation
may result in water lea age, electric shoc or fire
efore starting to install the air conditioner, read carefully through the nstallation Manual, and follow its
instructions to install the air conditioner
e sure to use the company specified products for the separately purchased parts se of non
specified products may result in fire, electric shoc , water lea age or other failure ave the installation
performed y a ualified installer
Do not supply power from the power terminal loc e uipped on the outdoor unit to another outdoor unit
Capacity overflow may occur on the terminal loc and may result in fire
Do not install the air conditioner in a location that may e su ect to a ris of e pire to a com usti le gas
f a com usti le gas lea s and ecomes concentrated around the unit, a fire may occur
nstall the indoor unit at least 2 m a ove the floor level since otherwise the users may in ure
themselves or receive electric shoc s if they po e their fingers or other o ects into the indoor unit
nstallation while the air conditioner is running
nstall a circuit rea er that meets the specifications in the installation manual and the stipulations in
the local regulations and laws
nstall the circuit rea er where it can e easily accessed y the ualified service person ( )
f you install the unit in a small room, ta e appropriate measures to prevent the refrigerant from
e ceeding the limit concentration even if it lea s Consult the dealer from whom you purchased the air
conditioner when you implement the measures ccumulation of highly concentrated refrigerant may
cause an o ygen deficiency accident
Do not place any com ustion appliance in a place where it is directly e posed to the wind of air
conditioner, otherwise it may cause imperfect com ustion
hen mounting the rails, push them until the 3 latches clic (Concealed duct type only)
nsert the filters into the direction which the arrows, carved on the filters, show (2 filters are identical)

E planat on en to u er
f you have discovered that the fan grille is damaged, do not approach the outdoor unit ut set the circuit
rea er to the position, and contact a ualified service person to have the repairs done
Do not set the circuit rea er to the position until the repairs are completed

Relocat on
nly a ualified installer ( ) or ualified service person ( ) is allowed to relocate the air conditioner
t is dangerous for the air conditioner to e relocated y an un ualified individual since a fire, electric shoc s,
in ury, water lea age, noise and / or vi ration may result
hen carrying out the pump down wor shut down the compressor efore disconnecting the refrigerant pipe
Disconnecting the refrigerant pipe with the service valve left open and the compressor still operating will
cause air, etc to e suc ed in, raising the pressure inside the refrigeration cycle to an a normally high level,
and possi ly resulting in reputing, in ury, etc

( ) efer to the “Definition of ualified nstaller or ualified ervice Person”

– 0–
Declarat on o Con or ty
Manufacturer ß ßÎÎ ÛÎ Ì ß ß ò Ì ò
ïìì ç ±± ë ¿² µ¿¼· ²¼«­¬®·¿´ п®µ Ì·ª¿²±² α¿¼
ß ° «® «¿² п¬ « ¬ ¿²· ïîððð Ì ¿·´¿²¼

uthori ed epresentative / ic all

C holder oshi a EME Engineering Director

oshi a Carrier td
Porsham Close, elliver ndustrial Estate,
P M , Devon, P 6 D
nited ingdom

ere y declares that the machinery descri ed elow

eneric Denomination ir Conditioner

Model / type ndoor unit

Concealed Duct tandard ype
MMD P00 6 Ð E( ) MMD P00 6 Ð E( ),
MMD P0 26 Ð E( ) MMD P0 6 Ð E( ),
MMD P0 6 Ð E( ) MMD P0246 Ð E( ),
MMD P02 6 Ð E( ) MMD P0306 Ð E( ),
MMD P0366 Ð E( ) MMD P04 6 Ð E( ),
MMD P0 66 Ð E( )

Commercial name uper Modular Multi ystem ir Conditioner

uper eat ecovery Multi ystem ir Conditioner
Mi i uper Modular Multi ystem ir Conditioner (Mi i MM series)

Complies with the provisions of the “Machinery” Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC) and the regulations
transposing into national law

Declarat on o ncorporat on o partly co pleted ac nery

Must not e put into service until the final machinery into which it is to e incorporated has een declared in
conformity with the provisions of this Directive, where appropriate

Complies with the provisions of the following harmoni ed standard

E 3 2 200 î 2ðïî

his declaration ecomes invalid if technical or operational modifications are introduced without the
manufacturer s consent

– –
Spec cat on
Sound le el d A e t a n un t
Cool n eat n
MMD P00 6 Ð E 23
MMD P00 6 Ð E 23
MMD P0 26 Ð E 23
MMD P0 6 Ð E 23
MMD P0 6 Ð E 23
MMD P0246 Ð E 30
MMD P02 6 Ð E 30
MMD P0306 Ð E 30
MMD P0366 Ð E 40
MMD P04 6 Ð E 40
MMD P0 66 Ð E 40
MMD P00 6 Ð 23
MMD P00 6 Ð 23
MMD P0 26 Ð 23
MMD P0 6 Ð 23
MMD P0 6 Ð 23
MMD P0246 Ð 30
MMD P02 6 Ð 30
MMD P0306 Ð 30
MMD P0366 Ð 40
MMD P04 6 Ð 40
MMD P0 66 Ð 40

nder 0 d

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