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how is his/her personality?

● he lives in springfield
(5) ……
what are his / her likes and
dislikes? (5) is his/her
how is his/her physical personality?
appearance?(5) ● Homer is lazy
what is his/her wearing?(5) ● homer is aggressive
who is he/she? (5) ● homer is careless
● homer is distracted
physical description ….. is his/her physica​l

● homer is fat
● homer skin is yellow
● homer is balt
● homer’s hands are big
1. who is he/she? and strong
● homer’s eyes are big
● his name is Homer
Simpson and black
● He is 38 years old ● homer has beard
● he is married with ....
● he has 3 children
● he has 2 pets
● he works in a nuclear
4.what is his/her wearing?
● homer is wearing blue
● homer is wearing
white shirt
● homer is wearing
black shoes
● homer sometimes
wears blue suit on
● homer wears in his
job pink tie

5.what are his / her likes

and dislikes?
● homer likes to sleep
● homer likes donuts
● homer likes to drink
● homer doesn’t like to
go to the church
● homer likes to eat
barbecue ribs
● homer hates Mr.

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