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Differentiated Instruction

By: Wendy Canales, Ruby Martinez, Kashada Jones

How did we plan for and provide learning opportunities that
supported the students' intellectual, social, and personal

Intellectual: Differentiation,Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking

Social: Collaboration, Presentation, and Community Involvement

Personal: Self-reflection, Goal setting, and Self-guided learning

How did we create instructional opportunities that are adapted to students
with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities?

● nurturing environment/ cultivate relationships.

● Heterogeneous grouping to help each other.
● Kinesthetic, visual, auditory, & read/write.
● Helping students with language barriers and
special needs get an appropriate instruction.
How did we plan and use a variety of instructional strategies to
encourage student development of critical thinking, problem
solving, & performance skills for all students, including EL, Special
Needs and other identified student learning needs?

● Direct instruction and differentiated instruction

● Modeling
● Guided practice
● Collaborative learning/ small groups.
● Using different strategies to support different
learning styles

● Following IEP’s and checking for ELL levels

How did we plan and create a learning environment that encourage
positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, &
-To encourage positive social interaction: We should model social learning strategies
that encourage reflection and self awareness and give students an opportunity to
practice those interactions during groups.

-Active engagement: Call on students who do not volunteer, allowing wait time before
calling on student, and having students talk amongst their peers.

-Self Motivation: Autonomy is important with self motivation, providing students with
freedom of choice in the classroom. Having a positive classroom competition will give
students motivation, it can be in groups or individual.
How did we plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals?

While planning and managing instruction we want to go based off students needs and
weaknesses. The students needs is an important matter, after curriculum goals can be
based on the students weaknesses. Subject matter is based on what we have learned in
previous classes to help us build a lesson plan. Our background knowledge on TEKS
helped us create our lesson plans and knowing what we wanted out of our lesson.

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