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Strategies to retain high-performers

The high performing employees are the company’s biggest asset. They play an important role in
the long-term growth and success of the company. Streamlining the onboarding process too
can go a long way in signaling its employees that the company is honest and effective in its
business operations.

The several strategies to retain high-performers are discussed below

I) Invest in their futures : In order to retain high performers, companies must provide
them with the opportunity to grow and learn. Likewise, they must not have
uncertainty regarding whether their hard work is noticed and appreciated. Similarly,
companies can invest in their education or upscaling of other skills.
II) Manage poor performers : Companies must avoid the top performers to be
surrounded by low performers or people with bad attitude. This can result in
draining of their morale, energy and productivity and make them realise they are
they are carrying the burden of others on top of their own work
III) Keeping them engaged and occupied : When a high performer doesn’t feel
challenged, he disengages himself from the organization. This not only results in
performance deterioration but also may result in changing the workplace . The
organization can celebrate wins together and go on team outings to make
meaningful memories.
IV) Linking your top performers to the corporate strategy : As the top performers are
aware of the health and different aspects of the company , linking them to policy
making may make them feel them valued and consolidate their affection and bond
for the organization .
V) Recognize Great Results : In addition to leveraging formal recognition opportunities
in your organisation, look for creative, informal ways to acknowledge how much
employees contributions mean to you and to the business. Top employees often
mentions in their exit interviews that they never really felt appreciated. Praise is
cheap, use it lavishly.

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