Iitn04f Semilla Analysynthesis Critique

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Semilla, Hazel Erica B.

ABFS 201
Introduction to International Trade
Mr. Jumel G. Estrañero
The so-called Terrorist Organization: How It Affects Our Country’s Existence in the
Global Community.

The CPP-NPA-NDFP also known as the Communist Party of the Philippines-

New People’s Army-National Democratic Front of the Philippines considered to be a terrorist
organization according to the US which listed during the former Arroyo administration. The
Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) was founded way back 1968 by a former student
activist named Jose Maria Sison or Joma Sison as he was popularly known for. Their top priority
was to eradicate the current democratic state and establishing a new one with the inclusion of
disengaging influences with the United States. On the other hand, New People’s Army was
founded on the later year 1969by Bernabe “Kumander Dante” Buscayno collaborating with Joma
Sison forming the CPP-NPA in which NPA serves as the military wing as they may call it. In
1973, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines was formed and functions as the political
arm of CPP-NPA. The NDFP was known to be the representative of the CPP-NPA when it
comes to doing negotiations with the government of the Philippines.
This so-called CPP-NPA-NDFP was considered as the longest-running
communist insurgent organization in Asia. Some of their crimes involved in the Philippines are
engaged with guerrilla warfare attacking the military body of the government. Some of the
attacks linked to the CPP-NPA were the 1971 Plaza Miranda Bombing. According to Stanford
University (2018) at about three members of the CPP-NPA launched a total of four grenades
during the rally of the Liberal Party which happened in the Plaza Miranda Manila. It is said that
the bombs were threw on the stage, number of deaths were total of nine individuals. But then the
blame was deviated to the former President Ferdinand Marcos who allegedly denied the
accusation. Another one was the death of Colonel James N. Rowe, a US Army Officer, who
served as the adviser for military service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It was
considered as an assassination and no group took responsibility of the said death of the colonel.
The Philippine officials then concluded that it was the CPP-NPA who was to blame the said
assassination of the colonel since they have once made a threat on attacking the Americans
unless they would end their support on the Philippine armed forces battling against the said
insurgency. Lastly, at about five years ago, another attacked has been launched by this
movement which had been total of two in the Mindanao part particularly in Agusan Del Sur.
They believed that revolution through the means of armed attacks is the possible resolution to
change the political system.
With the presence of the CPP-NPA-NDFP Philippines’ image to Indo-Pacific and
ASEAN are affected especially when it comes to trade and the security of the country itself. Due
to insurgencies made by this group, trading with other countries will be affected causing high
costs on goods and affecting their interconnection to each other. Also threats when it comes to
foreign exchange can be possible. When it comes to ASEAN, the country’s image when it comes
to how they develop their economic growth would be at risk. Even the country’s capacity on
maintaining their security and how they handle this kind of conflicts to continue its peaceful
society will be questionable making its own government system be at risk for the effectiveness of
their role in the country. Even countries who didn’t have this kind of inconsistencies in their
society will criticize the country’s government forces in handling this kind of situation causing
the Philippines to be seen as a weak and ineffective country.
According to one of the song entitled “The Greatest Love of all” the children are
our future, but when it comes to recruiting them to be part of this organization, they’re not just
stealing the youth of the young people but they are also stealing their future that is destined for
them. The youth’s security can be at risk and many lives will perish when battle between the
armed forces and CPP-NPA will happen, their youth will come into waste. As for their
development, we cannot say that they will develop more when they join this groups, we are
unsure if they will be able to learn more than of being a student in universities. They will be most
probably just be isolated to this kind of life, what if they have possess certain abilities that can
make their future more progressive throughout their lives? Due to their membership in this
organization they will just forget these capabilities they have. Furthermore, their freedom can
also be affected, they can never have a social life that they want just like in the ordinary
teenagers. They will just keep on hiding like rats to avoid being caught by the police and armed
We may be just an ordinary citizen of this country, but we can also contribute a
help to counter this insurgencies and terrorism that is one of the long term issues in our country.
Abiding the rules and regulations that is being implemented can be helpful for our government’s
effectiveness in maintaining the domestic order of our country. As a college student, our minds
had been already open on what is happening to our country’s government. Since our generation
had been innovated, we already know the inconsistencies and conflicts that is evident in our
political system, like the corruptions and incompetent leaders who continues to drag our country
down instead of bringing it up into a competitive country. We may notice some ineffectiveness
of the leadership made by our government especially mistakes when it comes to their decision-
making, joining this organization will do no good but continuous chaos will only be the outcome
of this. Instead, we must think of ways on how our trade be effective for the benefit of our
economy, by innovating our domestic goods and continue to patronize our own so that many
countries will continue to import our goods and for us to establish a trade surplus that certainly
means that we balance our trade well.
Our country had faced many challenges throughout its existence. We have
overcome them all. This may be one of the long term issues that have been encountering by our
government for all this year, but we can still be able to resolve this issue if we unite as one
nation. All problems have their solutions, we may not find it yet but we can be able to discover it
someday. As for our government, we must always remember that no one is perfect, everyone can
commit mistakes sometimes, our government is officiated by our leaders who consider to be
persons just like us so they can also make mistakes. But despite of this, we must not give up on
them, we must also help them as citizens of this country by still believing that there are
competent, just and honest leaders who will do everything to lift our country from its downfall to
make it a better and a competitive country who can keep up with other developed countries.

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