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ACEDERA, Erica Joyce B.

Introduction to International Trade
Mr. Jumel G. Estrañero



        The Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front or

the CPP-NPA-NDF is a communist rebellion in the Philippines founded by Jose Maria Sison.  It
is the oldest continuing communist rebellion. The Communist Party of the Philippines has two
interconnected components such as the New People’s Army (NPA) and the National Democratic
Front (NDF); wherein, the NPA is the armed wing and acting as a political arm is the NDF. The
NPA is the people of insurgency or rebelling against the authority, as they believe in their
mission of weakening and eliminating the enemy’s control whereas the NDF is representing the
leftist organizations and it represents the CPP-NPA in relations with the Philippine government.
The CCP-NPA-NDF committed various crimes in the Philippines as their population grow from
60 members from 1969 to tens of thousands over the years. The organization has been involved
in an armed struggle against government forces, claiming that violent resistance is the alternative
way to recover from what it considers as the oppressive regime. It mainly finances its operations
by requiring corporations to pay the organization to prevent being targeted. The numbers of
crimes committed by these organizations are so vast that they inflict threat and danger, worst is
the death of many, to the people. They were believed to be the rebel behind the 1971 Plaza
Miranda bombing that killed a few and injured many. They attacked and raided provincial areas
of the country. Apparently, most of their doings inflict harm to the people and not directly to the
The tension between the Philippine government and the communist parties affects our image
as a nation in Indo-Pacific and ASEAN. It poses a threat in these alliances in terms of security,
you see this group comes in disguise and they are ruining the image of our government to the
people that will lead to people’s opposition to the government that will result in instability. To
deal with Asia’s longstanding communist rebellion, the movement of people particularly the
CPP-NPA-NDF, ASEAN has been diplomatic in addressing these parties as they do not want to
insist threat among these people. Insurgency is a rebellion against the authority, it is a movement
of people with political purposes. It deemed as rather bad than good because of how they inflict
threat to the people. Nations without insurgents and terrorist, as I see, does not exist. It is
answered by our different perceptions; there is always someone in a room that will oppose what
the other one is saying. If a nation has no insurgent or terrorist, like what the Philippines have,
then we are a shame to them and them as a slave of their own country.

    Youth is the hope of the nation said Dr. Jose Rizal; CPP-NPA youth recruitment is a threat to
the nation and themselves. Youth is expected to follow the lead and how would youth be if they
are poor and weak and have been recruited in CPP-NPA? They will be misguided with wrong
beliefs. CPP-NPA never had a chance to rule a city but they invade the countrysides. The youth
recruitments must end as it poses a threat to security and their development. They come in
disguise and blend with people; they destroy our country by destroying our families and this is a
threat to our security. A recruited youth member of CPP-NPA will grow into a deceived
community and that is a decline in development that our country needs. As they are misled with
beliefs about how the authorities are an enemy, they became enemies of the state and threat to
the security of the people. It must end because a youth must develop from its surroundings not by
forcing beliefs.

    Countering insurgency and terrorism in the Philippine to focus on holistic development in

terms of trade will benefit our country more, a country with security and development in trade.
We may be ordinary citizens but with our little voices combined we are going to make our voices
heard and our content is to stop insurgency and terrorism. As a student, I can contribute help by
learning, learning how the world works, its dynamics, its strong and weak points. In learning, we
are effectively living, as we live efficiently with our strengths that will help society. In this
mindset, we can uplift our economy and be efficient in trade both domestic and international, as
we are no longer bounded by selfish beliefs and deception. As a future professional, a drive to
combat fabricated truth by selfish people is a leap to successful humanity where no harm and
threat are evident. A good international trade will be enabling as threats in security and
development will no longer prosper.   
We have the freedom of speech, the freedom of expression, or of the press. We are fully
clothed with rights that enable us to participate freely in what is going on in our society. It is not
a crime to condemn the wrongdoings of the authorities and it does not cost a cent to applaud their
goodwill. We can express our thoughts and feelings and not harming and threatening the security
of the people at the same time. Rebellion against the authority, like the front to be of help for
people from an oppressive authority, is a deception to the state and its people. Ironically, they
fight the oppression, yet they oppress people. They force people into joining their organization
and blinding them with a fabricated truth. They attacked the poorest and weakest people to attain
power and control, some are in the middle and upper class as well; an act that needs to condemn
and end.

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