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1. Describe the concept of Domestic Arbitration. How it differs from International Arbitration?

The domestic arbitration is an arbitration that is not international this arbitration focuses on domestic
disputes here in Philippines only , while the international arbitration is an arbitration agreement have , at
the time of the conclusion of that agreement , their places of business in different state or one of the
following places is situated outside the Philippines .mainly the different of this two kind of arbitration is
on their jurisdiction the domestic arbitration here in the Philippines only while international arbitration
depending on what country or location the party involved .

2. What is OADR? Identify its functions.

The Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution is an agency attached to the Department of

Justice, the OADR develop and monitor the standards and guidelines on the use of alternative
dispute resolution by government agencies. The functions of OADR is to act as appointing authory
of mediators and arbitrators they are the one who appoints When the parties agreed in writing
that shall be empowered, to conduct seminars , symposia , conferences and other public forum
and other articles to expand and develop the use of ADR and to establish and ADR Library or
resources and other information about ADR. In the philippines that can be stored and access

3. Describe the difference between Ad Hoc Mediation and Institutional Mediation.

- Ad Hoc mediation means any mediation other than institutional or court annexed , while
the institutional mediation means any mediation administered by , and conducted by the
rules of a mediation institution it’s simply means that the different between this two
mediation is one have certain rules and regulations to follow that’s why it is
institutionalized while the other have a mediation process simply govern by them selves
or other people higher than them with no rules to follow just to resolve the dispute

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