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Artifact # 2

Court Cases

Guadalupe Lopez Guiza

College of Southern Nevada

March 31, 2019

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The administrators of a predominantly black high school are Freddie Watts the principle,

and Jimmy Brothers is the assistant principal. Both administrators are African-American. During

an intense conversation involving a white teacher and both administrators. The teacher Ann

Griffin had stated that she “hated all black folks.” The statement was leak and it caused a

negative reaction on her co-workers both white and black. As a result, the principle

recommended dismissal based on concerns of her ability of treating students fairly. As well as

her judgment and efficient as a teacher.

Loeffelman v. Board of Education of the Crystal City School District (2004) is the first

case in favor of Freddie Watts. Jendra Loeffelman taught 8th grade English at Crystal City

Elementary School. A student asked her how she felt about interracial relationships, Loeffelman

responded that she opposed them and interracial couples should be “fixed” so the couple cannot

have children, who are “racially confused.” The school board concluded that it had the authority

to terminate her contract based on, that she willfully violated board policy by engaging in

discriminatory conduct and making disparaging racial comments. This case supports the side of

Freddie Watts because Jendra Loeffelman and Ann Griffin both made discrimination comments.

The only difference is that Ann Griffin made her statement towards the administrators of the

school. Loeffelman V. Board of Education of the Crystal County School District court case is

specially related to the current case because currently and in 2004 schools are meant to be

discrimination free. It is unacceptable for teachers to make children feel out of place when

schools are meant to be a safe haven for children.

Ammons V. Dade City, Fla., 594 F. Supp. 1274 (1984) is the second case in favor of

Freddie Watts. Black citizens maintained that they have been unlawfully denied their right to

equal municipals services and violation of their rights under the Thirteenth and Fourteenth
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Amendments to the United States Constitution. This case supports the current case because one

of the equal rights is free education and schools to be discrimination free. Ms. Griffin violated

that when she made her statement that she hated all black folks. This is specially related to Ms.

Griffin because she is part of the people that discriminate people outside of school, she might

have just mention it but what happens in public.

Stroman V. Colleton County School Dist. Of Philadelphia (1958) is the first case in favor

of Ann Griffin. On May 29, 1987, John W. Stroman was discharged from his employment as a

public-school teacher in Colleton County, South Carolina. Stroman wrote and circulated a letter

to teachers complaining about a change of method of paying teaches. Stroman criticized the

school district for budgetary mismanagement, and encouraging his fellow teachers to engage in

absence during the week of finals exams. After his dismissal, Stroman filed a suit against the

Colleton County School District based on his dismissal was impermissibly based on his exercise

of free speech and violated the First Amendment. This case supports Ann Griffin. The

Administrators were there to speak with Ann Griffin based on the conversion at some point the

people involve caused the conversation to get out of control. The administrators took Ms.

Griffin’s right of the First Amendment by using her statement that was made under pleasure on

favor of the administrators to dismiss her from her job. This case specially relates to the other

side because the Colleton County and Freddie Watts employers were only exercising their right

free of speech.

Beilan V. Board of Education, School Dist. Of Philadelphia (1958) is the second case in

favor of Ann Griffin. A teacher of a public school in Philadelphia refused to answer questions

related to Communistic Affiliations and activities. The teacher was warned that the inquiry was

related to his fitness to be a teacher, and refusal to answer might lead to dismissal. It was
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confirmed that his political beliefs and activities was not an issue. Even though it was not an

issue, the Board of Education found that his refusal was “incompetency”, and discharged him.

This case is related to Ms. Griffin case because Beilan only mistake was that he did not answer

some questions, and caused him his job. He was fires because it was considered incompetent. In

the case of Ann Griffin that she did answer to the administrators found that she was unfit to teach

and would treat children unfairly. If Ms. Griffin would have stayed quit during the conversation

she could have been accused of incompetency too just like Beilan. This case is related to the

other side of the case because if Ms. Griffin would have chosen a different outcome like staying

quit, the results would have been the same dismissal.

Based on court cases. I have decided in favor of Freddie Watts the school principle. The

reason I choose this side of the case is because it’s unfair to co-workers and the students of the

school to have teachers that think of them differently just because of color. In Loeffelman v.

Board of Education of the Crystal City School District (2004), Loeffelman was speaking to

children saying that have a different effect on them then speaking with adults. Not only are

children affected by such behavior or point of view but co- workers and parents too. Ammons V.

Dade City, Fla., 594 F. Supp. 1274 (1984) case shows that the discrimination that is happening

outside of schools are being taught in schools too. When it shouldn’t be happening because

schools have a diverse culture.

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Ammons V. Dade City, Fla., 594 F. Supp. 1274 (1984). Retrieved on March 31, 2019/

Beilan V. Board of Education, School Dist. Of Philadelphia, 375 U.S 399 (1958). Retrieved

March 30, 2019.

Loeffelman v. Board of Education of the Crystal City School District (2004) 134 S.W.3d 637

(204). Retrieved March 29, 2019.


Stroman V. Colleton County School District, 981 F.2d 152 (4th Cir. 1992). Retrieved March 30,


Underwood Julie, & Webb L. Dean. (2006). Teachers’ Rights. In School Law for Teachers.

Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.

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