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Quarter 1 – Module 4
Week 6-7 - Useful or Harmful Changes in
Grade 4 - Science
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Week 6-7 (Module 4: Useful or Harmful Changes in Materials)
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Compiler/Writer: Emily C. Secuya, Teacher 3 - San Nicolas Elem. School
Content Editors: Mr. Ronald N. Llerin, PSDS - SD7
Dr. Anatolia U. Patosa, Principal I – Ermita Elem. School
Ms. Elsie M. Colo, Principal IV – City Central School
Mrs. Jinky M. Alama, Principal I – Napo Elem. School
Mrs. Charito P. Velasco, Principal I – Bo. Luz Elem. Schoolm
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Quarter 1 – Module 4
Week 6-7 - Useful or Harmful Changes in
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

As facilitator for the learning process of the child, you
will come across the different challenges, from the simplest to the
more complex ones. Furthermore, please always remind the
learner to read and understand carefully the instructions given
before answering the pre-test, the self-check exercises, and the
post-test that is found inside this module. Please extend more
patience and understanding in dealing with the
questions/clarifications of the learner so that learning while having
fun can be easily achieved.

For the learner:

Hey Kids, this module is especially designed to cater
your needs. Please always read and follow the instructions properly
before you start any task. Your learning progress can be measured
through the different self-check exercises, assessments, and
activities which are inclusive in this module. Please encourage
yourself to work independently. Good luck! And once you’re done
with this module, DON’T FORGET to tap your shoulder and say,
Congratulations self for a JOB WELL DONE!!!

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I This will give you an idea of the skills or

Need to competencies you are expected to learn in
Know the module.
What I This part includes an activity that aims to
Know check what you already know about the
lesson to take.
What’s This is a brief drill or review to help you link
In the current lesson with the previous one.
What’s In this portion, the new lesson will be
New introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
What is This section provides a brief discussion of
It the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
What’s This comprises activities for independent
More practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I This includes questions or blank

Have sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
Learned process what you learned from the lesson.
What I This section provides an activity which will
Can Do help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.
Post This evaluates the learner’s level of mastery
Test in achieving the learning objectives.
Answer Contain answers to all the activities which
Key are written upside down in the material.



Lesson 8: Useful or Harmful Changes in Materials 4

What I Need to Know 4

What I Know 5
What’s In 6
What’s New 7
What Is It 7
What’s More 9
What I Have Learned 11
What I Can Do 11
Post Test 13
Answer Key 14
References 16

Lesson 9: Harmful Effect of Changes in Materials to the Environment 17

What I Need to Know 17

What I Know 18
What’s In 19
What’s New 20
What Is It 20
What’s More 24
What I Have Learned 27
What I Can Do 29
Post Test 30
Answer Key 31
References 34

Lesson Useful or Harmful Changes in
8 Materials

What I Need to Know

Hello Grade- Four learners! This module is especially designed for your needs.
You will be working on lesson 8 and 9 which will tackle on the “Useful and Harmful
Changes in Materials”.

After going through Lesson 8, you are expected to:

1. identify changes in materials whether they are useful or harmful

2. evaluate the changes in materials whether they are useful or harmful

3. relate these useful and harmful changes in materials with those found at home

What I Know
Name: ___________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________
Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following changes in materials is useful?

A. souring of milk C. cementing of road
B. cracking of wall D. melting of ice cream
2. Materials will undergo different changes, which among this activity is harmful?
A. drying of clothes C. ripening of fruits
B. decaying of fruits D. blooming of flowers
3. Which of these situations below is considered having a useful change?
A. water cycle C. dead animal’s body
B. rusting of fence D. smoke from vehicles
4. When changes in materials produce good results or benefits, then these
materials are considered _____________.
A. dangerous B. harmful C. useful D. useless
5. When changes in materials will cause harm, danger, or injury, then these
materials are considered _____________.
A. harmful B. usable C. useful D. valuable
6. The items below are effective in fighting disease-causing germs, EXCEPT ____.
A. alcohol B. hand sanitizers C. lotion D. soap
7. Materials will undergo changes, which among this activity is harmful?
A. burning garbage C. making hollow blocks
B. cooking food D. making medicines
8. You are planning to make a compost pit in your backyard, which among this
materials is good for composting process?
A. metals B. plants C. rotten fruits D. rubbers
9. Burning of plastics is an example of ________ changes in materials.
A. harmful B. harmless C. useful D. valuable
10. Which among the situations below is an example of useful chemical change in
A. decaying of fish C. ripening of fruits
B. decaying of food D. rusting of iron

What’s In
In this part of the module, you will review some terms/ideas from your previous
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the two changes that matter undergoes? ___________________________
2. Differentiate Physical Change from Chemical Change? ________________________
3. Given the illustrations, identify whether it is Physical Change or Chemical Change.
Write your answers on the blank.

3.1 tearing sheets of paper ____________ 3.2 rusting of iron ____________

3.3 pounding of spices ____________ 3.4 burning of paper ____________

3.5 chopping of wood ____________ 3.6 ripening of mango __________

What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you through a song.

I know this song is familiar to you since most of your teachers from Kindergarten
to Grade-Three have taught you this kind of nursery song.
Let’s warm up your vocal chords by singing the song loudly. (You can invite some
of your family members to join with you while singing) HERE WE GO!!! ♫♫♫
ACTIVITY 1: Jingle

Song: Useful and Harmful Changes In Materials

Tune: Incy Wincy Spider
(Note: Original Jingle Composition)

Different Materials
Will undergo some changes
Sometimes it’s Useful, and
Sometimes it’s Harmful
Benefiting the other
While harming another
‘Coz that’s the way it does
When changes strikes again
(Repeat 3x)

What is It
The song mentioned about the useful and harmful changes in materials.
As what you have observed in your respective homes and surroundings, materials are
usually undergoing different changes. Right?
So, in this part, you will learn more about these changes.
What is the difference between useful and harmful changes in materials?

Aside from the Physical and Chemical Changes in materials, its changes can be
useful or harmful too.

Important Words:
Useful – is a term which refers to having value or benefits; producing
good results
Harmful – a term which refers to cause damage or injury.

Useful Changes in Materials

Cooking food and ripening of fruits are useful chemical changes. Freezing water
and subliming mothballs are also useful physical changes.
Physical changes also happen in our environment. Water evaporates and
condenses into clouds. It falls back on Earth again as rain.

Ripening of

Harmful Changes in Materials

Decaying food is an example of a harmful chemical change.
Burning of firewood is useful in cooking. The burning of gasoline in a motor
vehicle is useful as it allows the engines to run. However, both can also be dangerous.
Burning produces smoke that pollutes the air and releases carbon dioxide in the air, and
could contribute a lot on the air pollution problem.

Decaying of Foods Smoke-Belching Vehicle

What’s More
Since you already have understood the difference between useful and harmful
changes in materials, then it’s time to challenge yourself by accomplishing the next
Enrichment Activity
ACTIVITY 2: Imagination Challenge
Evaluate the activities whether its changes is useful or harmful by putting
a check mark (√) in the appropriate column and state the reason by answering the
fourth column.
Note: Definition of some difficult words are given for your guidance and
Preserving – to prevent from decaying or spoiling.
Smoke-Belching – is defined as the release of flames, smokes, and
gases commonly from vehicles and industrial factories.

Note: Number 1 is done for you to serve as an example. Please answer the remaining
numbers that follow (2-5).
Activity Useful Harmful Reason
Change Change
1. Burning of Papers √ It releases harmful gases.

2. Planting Seeds

3. Preserving Food

4. Burning Garbage

5. Smoke – Belching Vehicle

ACTIVITY 3: “Pick – Me – Out” Challenge

Picture A which is found on the next page showed a Big Tree having a bounty of
fruits. Read and analyze the changes in materials which are written on it. Then pick out
the fruits by writing your answers on each corresponding baskets found in Picture B,
which are labelled USEFUL and HARMFUL.

Picture A

Chopping of Spoiling
Wood of Food
of Wood
Burning of
Freezing Rusting Paper Folding Charcoal
of Water of Nails (Origami)

Composting of
Cooking Dried Leaves
of Glass
of Food

1. ______________________
1. ______________________
2. ______________________ Picture B 2. ______________________
3. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
5. ______________________
ACTIVITY 4: Create Me Challenge
Using any materials available at home, design or create a recyclable scrap book
on the “Useful and Harmful Changes in Materials”. Please follow the rubrics given below:

5 3 1
ELEMENTS (strongly (somewhat (strongly SCORE
agree) agree) disagree)
1. The scrap book shows exceptional
application of recycling the wastes at
home. (Recyclable Materials)
2. The scrap book was done with
neatness and care. (Neatness)
3. The scrap book shows uniqueness
and explores different options and
takes creative risks. (Creativity)
4. The scrap book was submitted on
or before the deadline.
(Completion/Time Frame)


What I Have Learned

Ok Kids, you’re almost DONE! Let’s see how far you have understood our lesson
by answering the following questions.
1. Describe when do changes in materials become useful.

2. Describe when do changes in materials become harmful.
3. Observe the different materials around you. Give at least 2 examples of useful
changes and another 2 examples of harmful changes that these materials

What I Can Do
In this part, you will apply what you have learned in this lesson using the practical
situations in your respective homes.
NOTE: In this activity, you will investigate by having an interview to any family
member/s who had experienced using the materials found on the next page.

ACTIVITY 5: Interview Challenge

1. Bleach is a common household material used at home. Give the useful and
harmful changes of this material once it is being used.

Useful Change: _________________________________

Harmful Change: _______________________________

2. Alcohol is another common household material used at home. Give the useful
and harmful changes which may happen when using this material.

Useful Change: _____________________________

Harmful Change: ___________________________


Name: ___________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________

Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. When changes in materials will cause danger or injury, then they are considered
A. harmful B. usable C. useful D. valuable
2. During this pandemic, which among these useful materials below has the highest
demand for people to sanitize them against the virus?
A. alcohol B. gel C. shampoo D. toothpaste
3. Which of the following changes in materials is useful?
A. cementing of roads C. souring of milk
B. melting of ice cream D. cracking of wall
4. After cleaning the backyard, mother was able to collect a pile of dried leaves.
What should be the proper thing to do with the dried leaves?
A. burn it into ashes C. mix it with plastics
B. drop it in compost pits D. throw it in canals
5. Materials will undergo changes, which among this activity is harmful?
A. cooking food C. making medicine
B. burning garbage D. making hollow block
6. Ana asked her brother to buy detergent powder because she will use it in
washing clothes. Which is the useful effect of this material? It will ____________.
A. soften the hands C. wash away dirt
B. soften the clothes D. wash away colors
7. What harmful change will happen when you left your glass of milk on the table
uncovered for several days? It ______________.
A. becomes spoiled C. smelled tasty
B. disappeared in the glass D. remained fresh
8. Burning of tires is an example of ___________ changes.
A. harmful B. harmless C. useful D. valuable
9. All of these materials are effective in fighting disease-causing germs, EXCEPT
A. alcohol B. hand sanitizers C. lotion D. soap
10. Your grandfather was digging a hole in your backyard to serve as compost pit.
Which of the following materials are good for composting process?
A. dried leaves B. metals C. plastics D. rubbers

What’s More
Activity 2
Activity Useful Harmful Reason
Change Change
1. Burning of √ It releases harmful gases.
2. Planting Seeds √ It allow plants to regrow and multiply.
3. Preserving Food √ It allows food to last longer.
4. Burning Garbage √ It releases harmful gases.
5. Smoke – √ It releases harmful gases.
Belching Vehicle
What's In What I Know (Pretest)
1. Physical Change and Chemical
Change 1. C
2. Physical change is the change 2. B
affecting only the size, shape, and form 3. A
of matter while chemical change is the 4. C
change in matter which occurs when a 5. A
6. C
new substance is formed.
7. A
3.1 Physical Change
8. C
3.2 Chemical Change 9. A
3.3 Physical Change 10. C
3.4 Chemical Change
3.5 Physical Change
3.6 Chemical Change
Luck for your next Lesson!
Answer Key
Done! You are such an independent learner. Good
Lesson 8 tasks,CONGRATULATIONS for a Job Well
HOORAY!!! You already have completed your
Post Test
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. A
What I Have Learned What I Can Do
1. Answers may vary Useful: It can wipe out stains or
2. Answers may vary dirt or it can whiten dirty
3. Answers may vary surfaces.
Harmful: It is poisonous.
It can burn the skin.
Useful: It kills harmful bacteria.
Harmful: It is poisonous.
What’s More
Activity 3
Note: Answers can be in any order. Note: Answers can be in any order.
1. Freezing of Water 6. Burning of Wood
2. Paper Folding (Origami) 7. Breaking of Glass
3. Cooking of Food 8. Rusting of Nails
4. Composting of Dried Leaves 9. Spoiling of Food
5. Chopping of Wood 10. Burning of Charcoal
Sibs. 2019. "Useful and Harmful Changes." In Science for Active Learning 4 (2nd Edition), by Lilia G.
Vengco, and Jojo L. Potenciano Amelia A. Mapa, 72 - 81. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House.
Internet Sources
Clipart Library. n.d. Clipart Library. Accessed July 1, 2020.
Kissclipart. 2020. kissclipart. Accessed July 11, 2020.
Klamtawee, Ratchanon. n.d. dreamstime. Accessed June 30, 2020.
Martin, Amelia. 2017. Alamy. October 6. Accessed June 30, 2020.
Nikiteev. 2017. depositphotos. March 14. Accessed July 1, 2020.
Pngtree. n.d. pngtree. Accessed July 1, 2020.
Ronishoatintv. n.d. pinterest. Accessed July 1, 2020.
Scarterfield, Jeff. 2007-2018. How To Draw Cartoon Trees. Accessed July 12, 2020. https://how-to-draw-
ThoughtCo. n.d. ThoughtCo. Accessed June 30, 2020.
Vanessa. n.d. KindPNG. Accessed July 2, 2020.
VectorStock. n.d. VectorStock. Accessed June 30, 2020.
—. n.d. VectorStock. Accessed June 30, 2020.
WebStock Review. n.d. WebStock Review. Accessed July 1, 2020.
—. n.d. WebStock Review. Accessed July 1, 2020.
WebStockReview. n.d. WebStockReview. Accessed July 2, 2020.
—. n.d. WebStockReview. Accessed July 11, 2020.
WikiHow. 2020. wikiHow. January 18. Accessed June 30, 2020.

Lesson Harmful Effect of Changes in
9 Materials to the Environment

What I Need to Know

Welcome Kids! Since you are done with Lesson 8, you will now proceed with
lesson 9. This lesson will tackle on the “Harmful Effects of the Changes in Materials to
the Environment”.

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. identify harmful effects of changes in materials to the environment
2. describe how changes in materials have harmful effects to the environment
3. design artworks that create awareness for the environment

What I Know
Name: ___________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________
Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following materials is non-biodegradable?
A. eggshells B. papers C. plant waste D. plastics
2. Which of the process cited below can transform biodegradable waste into fertilizers?
A. composting B. recycling C. reusing D. wasting
3. Which of these activities can help reduce global warming?
A. planting of trees C. smoke-belching
B. burning of gasoline D. using of hairsprays
4. Which of the following is the major cause of air pollution?
A. erosion of soil C. hole in the ozone layer
B. burning of fossil fuels D. death of marine animals
5. What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. moving of air C. trapping of clouds
B. trapping of heat D. blackening of clouds
6. When gaseous pollutants in the air react with water vapor so that acid rain is form. The following
are evidences that the rainfall in your place contains acid EXCEPT _____________________.
A. plants of different kind increases
B. concrete structures decay after sometime
C. fish and aquatic plants in the seas and lakes die
D. materials made of metal corrodes after sometime
7. Burning of gasoline in a car requires chemical change. The carbon dioxide formed from this
reaction affects the environment. Which among these changes had useful effect to the
A. acid rain C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. greenhouse effect
8. When excessive cutting down of trees happen in a certain mountainous area. A lot of animal
species might have lost its natural home. Which of these is being referred to?
A. acid rain C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. greenhouse effect
9. It is nature’s way of returning the nutrients to the soil using biodegradable wastes.
A. composting B. logging C. recycling D. repairing
10. Acid rain is one of the harmful effect of changes in material to the environment. What are the
acids found in it?
A. carbonic acid, nitric acid C. nitric acid, sulfuric acid
B. carbonic acid, muriatic acid D. nitric acid, muriatic acid

What’s In
Before you proceed with the new lesson, let us review first some terms and
concepts that you have learned. Write your answers on the space provided.
Please answer the following questions:
A. When does changes in materials become
useful? __________________________________________________________
harmful? _________________________________________________________
B. Identify the following changes whether USEFUL or HARMFUL.
_____________ 1. planting seeds

_____________ 2. burning garbage

_____________ 3. spoiling of foods

_____________ 4. composting of dried leaves

_____________ 5. smoke-belching vehicles

_____________ 6. breaking of glass

_____________ 7. rusting of nails

_____________ 8. cooking of food

_____________ 9. chopping of wood

_____________ 10. ripening of fruits

What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you through a POEM.
Please take time to read and reflect the poem found below.
( by: Jessica Robert )
Have you ever taken the time In a way
To see what was around you? We are all selfish murderers
Taken the opportunity Killing the soil we walk upon
To gaze at every little detail With our trash and disgrace,
Of your surroundings Our ungratefulness
Or have you closed your eyes stubbornly Slowly
Because you prefer to be blind Slowly it shall fade
In the truth Slowly we shall perish
You don’t want to admit Save the Earth
That our precious Earth is falling apart Save our hearts and souls
Its beautiful skirts of grass Or forever be lost
Is dying In a pit of death and regret
Its garden of stunning plants Save our home
Is running out of air Save our air
And us, Save our lives
Us, the ones who made it this way Save Our Earth.
Will one day perish into a dark hole

What is It
After reading the poem, what did you feel?
The poem has a strong message to humanity that we must be sensitive enough
on what’s going on around us. Because whatever happens to the environment, is our
responsibility. We are the ones most capable of destroying it, and we are also the ones
most capable of saving our Earth.
Due to the changes that is happening with the materials around us, it is our
environment that suffer the most with its harmful effects.

The Harmful Effect of Changes In Material To Our Environment
Many chemical changes occur every day to make life easier. Despite making our
life more comfortable, these changes may have harmful effect on the environment.
Chemical substances caused by pollution are added to the soil, water, and air;
thus, affecting our environment.
Substances that causes pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants are usually man-
made or the products of tools and machinery are created by people.
Pollution can change the environment. It can kill plants, animals, and people.
3 Kinds of Pollution
1. Soil Pollution can come from chemicals used on farms to kill insects and other
pests. It can also come from the chemicals that farmers put on the ground to help
crops grow. These chemicals can kill large numbers of birds and other animals.
Pollutants can also seep from garbage dumps into the nearby soil which
can affect plants and animals. Plants take in the pollutants from the ground while
animals and humans that eat the plants can be harmed too.

2. Water Pollution comes from farms and factories that dump poisonous chemicals
into lakes and rivers. Some pollutants comes from oil spills from ships, tankers,
and pipelines. Some of these chemicals may decay into a less harmful form, while
others are non-biodegradable and remains dangerous for a long period of time.
Many petroleum products are poisonous if ingested by animals. They can
kill birds, fowls, and marine forms of life. They also pose a long term harmful effect
on water quality.

3. Air Pollution is harmful to the environment. The air pollutants from factories and
power plants that burn the coal and smoke from vehicles cause air pollution. Air
pollutants are either gases or particulates (fine solid particles). The particulates
include soot, smoke, and ash from coal combustion, dust released during industrial
processes, and other solids from burning vegetation. Gases such as carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur dioxide are harmful chemical
compounds. Once in the atmosphere, these pollutants often undergo chemical
reactions that produce additional harmful compounds.

Effects of Air Pollution

Greenhouse Effect is the heating of the Earth which happens when there is an
increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through fossil
burning and natural processes.

Global Warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s

atmosphere. It happens when the amount of gases such as methane (𝐶𝐻4 ) and
carbon dioxide (𝐶𝑂2 ) rises in the atmosphere.
People are putting too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
into the air. These extra greenhouse gases come from burning coal and oil in

factories and power plants. They also come from the burning of gasoline to run
cars. Too much of them will make the Earth warmer.

Acid Rain is any form of precipitation that is acidic. It is mostly caused by man-
made emissions of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with water in the
air to produce acids like sulfuric acid and nitric acid, respectively. The main sources
of these pollutants are vehicles, industrial, and power generating plants.
When coal, oil, and gasoline are burned, they released harmful gases into
the air. These gases mixed with the moisture present in the air and form weak
acids. Wind can carry the acidic droplets. Eventually, these droplets returned to
the ground as acid rain or as acid hail, snow, sleet, or even fog.
Acid rain that gets into lake and streams kill plants, fishes, and other animals
that live there. It can also damage lands, plants, farm crops, forests, and depletes
minerals from the soil. It also affects structures made of stones and shells, it
corrodes monuments, buildings, bridges, and railings made of steel and works of

sulfuric acid and nitric acid

Aside from the chemical changes that has harmful effects to the
environment, there are also physical changes that has harmful effects to the
environment like the cutting down of trees, it affects the quality of air that we
breathe. It causes a rapid change in temperature (the temperature rises sometimes
to uncomfortable level) in addition, when trees are cut down, rain levels are
severely affected (since moisture in the air could not be retained by trees). These
in turn, changes weather patterns which leads to other environmental concerns.
Cutting down of trees also causes soil erosion. Many animals native to forests also
lost their habitat that is why the cutting of trees are prohibited. To solve the problem
in deforestation, planting of trees (reforestation) should be done.
Deforestation Reforestation

What’s More
ACTIVITY 2: Exploration Time
Identify some changes that you see around. Are they all good? Do you see some
changes that have bad effects?
Perform the activity below to see some of the harmful effect of changes in
What you need:
white cloth or white handkerchief
What to do:
1. Hang the white cloth or handkerchief on a window or clothesline for 5 days.
2. Monitor the changes every day.
3. Record your observations daily using the table found on the next page.

Day Observation/s

Answer the questions below:

1. Where did you put the white cloth or handkerchief?
2. What happened to the white cloth or handkerchief after 5 days?
3. Did the color change? Why do you think so?
4. The changes that happened to the white cloth or handkerchief can be compared
to what environmental condition?
ACTIVITY 3: Connect-The-Dots
Read and study the descriptions found on the first column of circles and connect
it with its appropriate harmful effects to the environment by filling up the second column
of circles for the correct answer. Choices are written below. Write your answers on
blank provided after each number on the column for Harmful Effects.
Choices: Acid Rain Soil Pollution Greenhouse Effect
Global Warming Water Pollution

Descriptions Harmful Effect

Came from
chemicals used on
farms to kill insects 1. __________
and other pests.

Caused by man-
made emissions of
2. ___________
sulphur oxide and
nitrogen oxides.

concentration of
3. ____________
carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere.

Came from farms and
factories that dump
4. ____________
chemicals into lakes
and rivers.

Increased in the
5. _____________
temperature of the
Earth’s atmosphere.

ACTIVITY 4: Cause and Effect

Read and understand carefully the sentences below then decide which is the
cause and which is the effect. Write either CAUSE or EFFECT on each blank found right
after each sentence. Number 1 is done for you as an example.
1. People dump chemicals into the lakes and rivers. 1.1 __CAUSE____
Birds and marine life are killed . 1.2 __EFFECT___
2. Farmers use pesticides to eliminate insects on plants. 2.1 ____________
Soil and water are contaminated. 2.2____________
3. Gases mix with moisture in the air. 3.1 ____________
Coal and gasoline are burned. 3.2 ____________

4. The global temperature rises. 4.1 ____________
The polar ice melts. 4.2 ____________
5. Man-made emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. 5.1 ___________
It corrodes monuments, buildings, and bridges. 5.2 ___________

During this pandemic period, most of the Filipino families are suffering financially.
In order to survive daily, parents manage to buy foods that are affordable and easy to
cook, and because of these, chicken egg is the most popular viand being prepared in
every Filipino table. But the eggshells are just thrown as wastes without even thinking
that this material can still be useful in some ways.
Our next activity will give awareness on how eggshells can be utilized instead of
throwing them as trash.

Activity 5: Artwork (Egg Mosaic)

Materials needed:
- Egg shells
- Water
- Container (small basin or any available container)
- Food coloring or water color (any color of your choice)
- Long Bond paper
- Pencil and Eraser
- Glue or Paste
1. Keep any egg shells you use when cooking, and wash them well under running
2. Fill a container with water and add any food color of your choice.
3. Put the egg shells in the colored water, and leave for around 24 hours.
4. Take the eggshells out of the container and allow it to dry.
5. Repeat with any other food color of your choice.
6. Allow it to dry completely.
7. Draw an outline of the picture to be used for the mosaic activity. The picture
should be related to environment. Examples: Trees, Flower, Plants, and
8. Break egg shells into pieces.
9. Put some glue on the area to be covered, and decorate according to their
10. Repeat for all the other areas, using colored egg shells as needed.
11. Let your artwork dry for hours.

Note: Example of Egg Mosaic Artwork is found on the next page.

Example of Egg Mosaic:

What I Have Learned

The changes in materials can have good and bad effects on the
environment. Some changes may harm our lives and our environment. Pollution,
Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, are some of the harmful effects of changes
in the environment.
Therefore, we should be wise in choosing and using materials. Materials
that may harm the environment should not be used. What affects our environment
affects us also. Showing concern to the environment is a way of showing concern
to ourselves as well as to our future generations.

What I Can Do
In this part of the module, you will apply the lessons you have learned in
some of the practical situations in life.
Read, picture - out, and understand carefully the situations given. Then,
answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on the blank provided after
each question/s.

ACTIVITY 6: Picture – Out

1. During the COVID -19 Pandemic, there were lots of Safety Precautions that has
to be undertaken, and one of it is following the scheduled basis of going to the
Public Market, so that social distancing can be strictly implemented. That is why,
when your mother (as the household head) went out to buy your necessities, she
had to see to it that she bought all the items in bulk.

One day, she found out that some of the fruits and vegetables that she bought
was left in the stockroom, and it turned out to be rotten already.

1.1 What kind of waste are the rotten fruits and vegetables? Is it
biodegradable or non-biodegradable? Why?

1.2 What do you think must be done with these rotten fruits and vegetables in
order to make it useful to the environment?

2. Early morning, your father was awakened by the unpleasant smell coming from
the smokes that entered the windows of your house. As you look out of the
window, you found out that your neighbor was burning piles of plastic garbage.

2.1 What kind of wastes are these piles of plastic garbage? Is it

biodegradable or non-biodegradable? Why?

2.2 What could be the possible effect of this incident to the environment?

2.3 Is the effect useful or harmful to the environment?


2.4 What must be done by your family in order to stop this incident to happen


Name: ___________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________

Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following helps reduce global warming?

A. burning of gasoline C. smoke belching
B. planting of trees D. using of hairsprays
2. What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. moving of air C. trapping of clouds
B. trapping of heat D. blackening of clouds
3. Burning of gasoline in a car requires chemical change. The carbon dioxide
formed from this reaction affects the environment. Which among these changes
can help lessen the carbon dioxide in the air?
A. acid rain C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. greenhouse effect
4. When excessive cutting down of trees happen in a certain mountainous area. A
lot of animal species might have lost its natural home. Which of these is being
referred to?
A. acid rain C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. greenhouse effect
5. Acid rain is one of the harmful effect of changes in material to the environment.
What are the acids found in it?
A. carbonic acid, nitric acid C. nitric acid, sulfuric acid
B. carbonic acid , muriatic acid D. nitric acid, muriatic acid
6. When gaseous pollutants in the air react with water vapor so that acid rain is
form. The following are evidences that the rainfall in your place contains acid
EXCEPT ________________________.
A. plants of different kind increases
B. concrete structures decay after sometime
C. fish and aquatic plants in the seas and lakes die
D. materials made of metal corrodes after sometime
7. When water becomes contaminated and not suitable for use, then what harmful
effect does it refer to?
A. air pollution C. water pollution
B. deforestation D. global warming
8. Which condition is described as the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere?
A. soil pollution C. water pollution
B. deforestation D. greenhouse effect

9. It is nature’s way of returning the nutrients to the soil using biodegradable
A. logging C. recycling
B. composting D. repairing
10. What possible solution can help the environment recover from air pollution?
A. globalization C. reforestation
B. deforestation D. water pollution

What’s More
Activity 2
1. window or clothesline
2. It becomes dirty.
3. Yes, because it has brown/dark spots already.
4. Air Pollution
Activity 3 Activity 4
1. Soil Pollution 1.1 CAUSE 4.1 CAUSE
2. Acid Rain 1.2 EFFECT 4.2 EFFECT
3. Greenhouse Effect 2.1 CAUSE 5.1 CAUSE
4. Water Pollution 2.2 EFFECT 5.2 EFFECT
5. Global Warming 3.1 EFFECT
What's In
What I Know
A 1. D
1. When changes in materials produce 2. A
good results. 3. B
2. When changes in materials cause 4. B
harm or damage. 5. B
B 6. A
1. U 6. H 7. D
2. H 7. H 8. B
3. H 8. U 9. A
4. U 9. U 10. D
5. H 10. U
you next learning module!
You are such an independent learner. Good luck for
CONGRATULATIONS for a Job Well Done!
your module tasks.
HOORAY!!! You already have completed
Answer Key
Post Test What I Can Do
1. B 6. A Activity 6
2. B 7. A 1.1 Biodegradable Waste
3. C 8. D 1.2 Use its waste for composting or for fertilizers.
4. B 9. B 2.1 Non-Biodegradable
5. C 10. C 2.2 It could lead to air pollution
2.3 It’s harmful to the environment.
2.4 Report the incident to our local barangay
Jr., Fides P Balatbat and Rolando delos Reyes. 2013. "Unfavorable Effects of Chemical Change on the
Environment." In The New Science Links, by Fides P Balatbat and Rolando delos Reyes Jr., 202-
203. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Madriaga, Evelyn C. Padpad and Estrellita A. 2010. "Describing the Harmful Effects of Changes in Matter
to the Environment." In Science Links 6, by Evelyn C. Padpad and Estrellita A. Madriaga, 199-203.
Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Internet Sources
Acid Rain. n.d. Acid Rain. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Andyextance. 2010. Simple Climate. December 22. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Artistico. n.d. VectorStock. Accessed July 12, 2020.


Church, Linda. n.d. Pinterest. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Force, Moms Clean Air. 2015. Pinterest. February 2. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Marynabolsunova. 2020. dreamstime. Accessed July 12, 2020.


Peake, Tadhg. 2020. SlideServe. Accessed July 12, 2020.


Scerri, Nathalie. 2020. Snapguide. Accessed July 12, 2020.


TutorBin. 2019. M. September 23. Accessed July 12, 2020.


Zaricm. 2020. gettyimages. Accessed July 12, 2020.

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