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Christopher Zuniga.

Zuniga 1

Beatrice Hugetz.


September 5, 2020

Week 1 summary.

Problems last week.

I have had problems all this year, but the past week has been one of the worst. My father wanted

to get out of the county as quickly as possible, so when I ran out I threw myself and broke my

cell phone, it would not be so important, the only problem I had was around this accident, I

almost lost my job due to a call that did not I was able to answer, and my bank is asking me to

verify my phone number, even though I don't have a phone. I just hope the next week gets better.

All that we share reaction.

This video makes you think a lo about the people who you love, who you trust, who you care

about. It is better to not judge anyone before meeting him or her, you will never know if this

person shares something with you, you may be able to care, to trust or even love this person if

you just try to not judge and meet someone before anything.

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