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Individual Assignment-II

Submitted to:



29th NOVEMBER, 2020

Submitted by:

Roll No. Name

UNDERTAKING ................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... ii
THE SILENT VENDATTA ................................................................................................................. 1
CHARACTERS UNVIELED........................................................................................................... 1
SCENE WRITING............................................................................................................................ 1
SCENE-1 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
SCENE-2 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
SCENE-3 ........................................................................................................................................ 2
SCENE-4 ........................................................................................................................................ 3
SCENE-5 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
SCENE-6 ........................................................................................................................................ 5
SCENE-7 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
SCENE-8 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
SCENE-9 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
SCENE-10 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
SCENE-11 ...................................................................................................................................... 8
SCENE-12 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
SCENE-13 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
SCENE-14 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
SCENE-15 .................................................................................................................................... 10
I, Swasti Salecha hereby confirm that in my knowledge, this scene writing is the outcome of
my independent research and is my original work. Any overlapping of phrases or sentences is
purely coincidental, and I do not intend to misuse it. The information is purely used for
educational purposes.

Swasti Salecha

This fills me with immense pleasure in bringing out this report of the project related to Scene

I would like to thank Prof. Prem Gadhavi, who gave me this golden opportunity to work,
research, and write on this interesting topic, and gave me his valuable suggestions and ideas
during this project. I am thankful to my family and friends who encouraged me during this
project and helped me with the needful.

ii | P a g e

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

1. Aatifa Ahmed
2. Aisha
3. Thysía
4. Varun Solanki

Discretion: The screen writing contains a mixture of dialogues which is not exhaustive.


In big modern hi-tech and highly secured multi-rise building in US, sits Thysía in a room on
her couch in her army demeanour, alone. The room is an ultra-lavish one, where one can find
everything that they have dreamt of! Don’t trust her solitude because she generally prefers to
be alone when she is planning something that is destructive! Lost in her thoughts, she realizes
that Aisha, her lawyer best friend and partner in crime has entered and wants to speak
something, but does not dare to do so because of the fact that disturbing Thysía in her activities
can lead to lethal repercussions! Aisha comes and sits on a nearby chair in the pantry brewing a
cup of hot coffee for both and waits for Thysía’s attention.


As much as Thysía was engulfed in her thoughts, she could feel the presence of Aisha due to
the noise of the coffee maker and the clinking of the cups and the to and fro motions of Aisha
because of her pump heels. Thysía breaks the silence and asks Aisha, what’s the matter.

Aisha hands Thysía a cup of coffee.

AISHA: What was your mind occupied with?

THYSÍA: Nothing, just some affairs that are to be looked upon.

AISHA: You might be Thysía for the world, but for me you are just any other ordinary women
who cannot hide her feelings. Now, spill out.

THYSÍA: Lately, I was thinking about dad and the height of respect and pride that he carries.
And now when I am retired from Army, and trying out my hands in national politics by
nominating myself for Joint Chiefs of Staff, I feel immense power waiting for me to be the
most powerful women in the world and directly controlling each and every American out there!

Aisha’s face is flushed with a lot of emotions whereas Thysía’s face is shows the expression
of ambition. Thysía is waiting for a response from Aisha and after a long pause, Aisha speaks.

AISHA: (Gulping hard) I am afraid…

THYSÍA: (Mocking) You should not be afraid of me Aisha; you know you can share anything
with me.

AISHA: (Still thinking how to frame her next few words that would prick Thysía like a pin):
Varun Solanki is out to find out the reason behind his father’s death. And to add to the misery
Aatifa is all set to help him.

THYSÍA: Who the hell are Varun and Aatifa?


Varun, a retired military man, is sitting on his rocking chair, reminiscing his whole life in from
of him in his modest house in Texas. How his parents got divorced when he was young and
how much he loved and hated his mother. Varun also missed his dad badly because when he
was a child his father was mostly away from him due to his army job and when finally, the
time came to have a father duo bond, his father was no more! (This flashback will be portrayed
through acting.) Tears leave his eyes slowly and then to add he thinks about his present married
life, his wife does not even bother a penny about Varun and his son too does not have a great
chemistry with his dad. Immersed with all these thoughts, suddenly Varun recollects that his
father wrote him a letter while he was on his mission. He frantically, runs throughout the house,
searches all the trunks and finds his beloved father’s letter. When he reads it, he realizes that
his dad might not have died of the reason the government says so! He calls Samay, a military
intelligence connection of Varun and asks him to get all the files that were available related to
the 1971 North Pole Expedition. For once, Samay hesitates but since he knew he could trust
Varun, he finds the related files and evidences and hands them over to Varun.

Meanwhile when all this search was going on, Aatifa who is having a tussle with her mother
over her right of the lineage treasure in a leisurely palace of hers in Palestine, suddenly her
tracking device beeps heavily. Well for the unknowns, even though her family had strong ideals
and was very orthodox, Aatifa was very greedy and hence she had to know the reason behind
his father’s death as wager by her mother to bethrone the wealth. So, she had setup a whole
network of spies in the American Government and the Military. So, when the tracking device
beeped, she knew she had got a lead.


AISHA: Let us go back into a small but scary flashback.

(The below mentioned flashback will actually be portrayed when Aisha snaps her fingers.)

“Those were the days, when your father, Langford Ramsey used to be an army man,
ambitious just like you. At that time, Aatifa’s dad, Mr. Ahmad Khan, a Palestinian
aristocrat who madly believed in the theory of Aryans and had discovered some solid
proofs that would change everything in the world and could also possibly lead to
wars! Though the Americans superficially showed that they had nothing to do with
the Aryans and Palestinians but deep inside their hearts they were willing to uncover
the Aryan-Myth and use it as a weapon to dominate the world. You would think why
did Ahmad collaborated with the Americans? The reason is simple, the conservatist
thoughts did not do any good to Ahmad rather they turned out to be a trouble for
their aristocratic family… As a result of which Ahmad highly looked up to the
American Secret Army Agencies to help them. At that time, Varun Solanki’s father,
Mr. Abhay Solanki was the General of the same and your dad Langford Ramsey was
his subordinate who yearned to be the General by hook or by crook! Finally, after
due process, in 1971 the Americans faked out an expedition in the North Atlantic and
for the same mirrored to the world that a submarine would be going which was
headed by your father, Thysía. Hidden from all the global media and the spies and
even their own Defence Services, one another submarine with three men along with
Ahmad and Abhay began their expedition to the North Atlantic. Once, they reached
Artic, they began their search for the traces of the Aryans. With no evidence found
so far, they had already exhausted their resources and oxygen equipment, so with

minimal support in hand they saw a cave near the latitudes 76.2506° N, 100.1140° W
and decide to halt there and get over their fatigue. When they, entered the cave, they
were astonished to see the Aryan traces and began scrounging for more evidences
deep in the cave. Once, they had collected all the traces they signalled your dad’s
submarine to come and help them but a storm broke in and your dad could not
identify their exact location. With little oxygen supply the survival of the troop
became more and more difficult and at last they succumbed to death! This led the
American Government into a tussle of justifying the deaths of their soldiers without
their bodies who went their secretly! Here your dad, Ramsey adviced the Government
to say that some people in the crew died because of a nuclear sub-accident and the
matters got settled over there.”

THYSÍA: And years later, Varun has realized that there is something missing in the story to
sound truthful. Damn! I cannot let this happen, this would defame my dad and my whole dream
to rule the world! Aisha there must be some law to stop to Varun. Does, Aatifa has some ulterior
motives too?

AISHA: No law can stop Varun from doing so because of the Bill of Rights. As far as Aatifa’s
reason is considered then, Aatifa is doing so to entitle her family wealth by proving the right
reason behind her father’s death! One, thing that we can do is: KILL THEM!

Aisha says this by showing a knife that was near the fruit basket in the pantry.


Aatifa tracks the transactions that took place by Samay and locates Varun in Texas. On the
other hand, Varun tries to digest as well as connect all the dots and realizes that he himself has
to go and solve all the clues to reach the end of the story. He packs his rucksack adds things
like canned food, water, sunglasses, sun cap, gloves, balaclava, headlamp, trekking pole, etc.
and the point when he reaches the door, there is a shootout near his house. He runs to the closet,
grabs his gun and searches for his enemy. At the same time, he tries to answer the question,
“Who in this world would attack him?” He looks out from the window near his door, sees one
figure running and taking a shelter behind a tree and aiming towards him. Varun has a bull’s
eye! The moment he aims towards him and was about to shoot, Aisha swiftly from the backdoor

sneaks in and catches hold of Varun. Confused, Varun tries to fight both the enemies together.
Then there comes a sound of a cry! The enemy who was behind the tree is dead. Seeing this,
Varun regains consciousness and tries to fight back Aisha and with a baseball bat that was lying
near the closet. Before Aisha could gain the momentum, Varun ties him hard with a skipping
rope. Just then… There is a thud on the door and Aatifa enters the atrium. Clueless Varun aims
at Aatifa.
AATIFA: Varun, I am not your enemy. I am the one whom you need the most right now.
VARUN: And why do you think, I would trust you? I don’t even know who you are!
AATIFA: We can talk about it later… Right now, just get out of this place. It’s not safe.
VARUN: I can see that. I just wonder why Thysía’s lawyer tried to kill me… What am I
AATIFA: Right now, we need to head towards Kazan to get our answers!


In all this new conversation, the duo forgets the presence of Aisha and hurriedly leave the place.
Varun turns on the engine of his car and Aatifa denies him to take his car. She rather brings out
her car that looks just like Varun’s to fool the enemies. (It’s a forged car.) Varun follows Aatifa
in her car. Meanwhile, Thysía sneaks into Varun’s house and frees Aisha and takes her to their
secret dorm.

THYSÍA: (Angrily) What do you think you were doing out there by going into a kill spree
without even a plan!
AISHA: I was trying to kill Varun to end the story and help you up but I don’t how Ahmad’s
daughter jumped in between.
THYSÍA: You are by no means helping me rather you were going to destroy me. My whole
career! My dreams!

Pause for a few seconds…

THYSÍA: Did you just mention about Aatifa? If she is here, then we really need to worry! She
is a snake in the getup of a sage. We need to trace them soon.
AISHA: I know, where they could be! They might be heading towards the city of Kazan.

THYSÍA: Okay, come up with a plan and in meanwhile I’ll cover the mess you have created.
Tell me did they recognize you?
AISHA: (In very low tone) Ummmm…. Probably.

Thysía sighs.


While heading towards the port, Varun asks Aatifa humungous questions.
VARUN: Tell me, who are you?
AATIFA: I am the daughter of Mr. Ahmad Khan. He was one of the teammates of the secret
mission that your dad headed. It was because of my dad’s explorations and findings that the
American Government agreed to go the Artic. And now, I want to find how my dad died!
VARUN: (Surprisingly) Wait a minute, so that expedition was no normal expedition?
AATIFA: Indeed, it wasn’t.
VARUN: Why did you save me? You could have ventured upon yourself to find your dad’s
death’s reason. Also, why was Aisha, Thysía’s lawyer behind me?
AATIFA: First of all, our mission is same; to know the reason of our beloved father’s death.
Second of all, the quest to the same could not be covered alone, I need your reasoning and
intellect and you need my sources and wit. Third of all, Thysía wants you to be dead because
if the reason for our dad’s death is found; she as well as her father’s image would be tarnished
which would ultimately prevent Thysía from becoming the Queen Supreme! Now, why so, the
reason is quite simple, it was Langford Ramsey because of whose greed those five people died!

They reach the port dock where Aatifa’s spy gives them a duplicate passport. They personify
themselves into a Muslim couple so as to hide their identities and then board the cruise to


Thysía tracks them down and orders Aisha to reach Kazan before Varun and Aatifa and stay
undercover till she finds the right moment! Aatifa takes a private jet and lands in Kazan where
she wears a Sarafan and makes sure that all hotel rooms are booked and Varun and Aatifa stay
at the place where she wants, i.e. just next to her room! With a devil expression on her face
while doing so, she updates Thysía about the same over a phone call and then destroys the

phone to leave no traces. Thysía asks her not to act foolishly and get the duo killed as soon as


Aatifa and Varun reach Kazan, where one of Aatifa’s helper gives her the keys of the hotel and
tips them to be safe because the news of Aisha being in Kazan was spread around the spy
network. They keep their guns ready for protection and check in to their hotel. Aatifa tells
Varun that the Qol Sharif Mosque of Kazan has some clue for us that could lead us to our dads.
Next morning, they join the tour group of 30 people with a tour guide; their ulterior motive is
to start their investigation for the clue. They pass through different phenomenal architectures
and see some vintage memoirs of the mosque. In the tour when they reach the shrine of Qol
Sharif, suddenly they realize that Aisha was there with them throughout the tour in the same
tour group. Both of them exchange tense look and find a way to run but Aisha realizes that she
cannot miss this chance. She takes out a silent gun from her boots and aims it towards Varun
and Aatifa. Numbed by the spontaneity, Varun grabs Aatifa’s hand and they take the help of
the stampede to run away. They find a dark, clumsy store-room and hide in that. Aisha tries to
find them in every room, everyplace but fails in doing the same. She’s sweating both from the
run chase as well as the repercussions that she is going to face from Thysía.


While hiding from Aisha they lose track of time and the Mosque is closed. Varun gets up to
check if the way is clear for them to go out and hits a shelf above him, from which falls a sacred
text pamphlet. Aatifa recognizes it and asks Varun to open it. When Varun opens it, he is
shocked and frozen! Aatifa takes the paper from him to see what exactly is written in that and
gets shocked too!
VARUN: I cannot believe that this whole mosque is not like what it seems to be. This map
clearly tells that this store room was supposed to be the real shrine but it is not.
AATIFA: Yes, we need to check this store room, I guess this room has more to tell. I feel it is
the clue that we were finding!

They cast their eyes around everything near them according to the map and find the real shrine
of Qol Sharif. Varun dusts off the dust from the shrine and sees some weird inscriptions on it
and asks Aatifa if she knows anything about it. Aatifa does not speak anything for a minute
and stands as if she had seen a ghost. Varun snaps his fingers and asks Aatifa what had
happened to her.

AATIFA: This cannot be true. Dad cannot be true.

VARUN: What cannot be true and why is your dad right?
AATIFA: These murals on the shrine are Aryan. According to the fables, these Aryan murals
are to be drawn when the Aryan leader dies. Now, I get the whole rebel that Qol Sharif faced.
He faced everything because he was an Aryan which means that Aryans did exist!
VARUN: Oh darn! I guess these murals do say something. From what I comprehend, it says,
Aryan’s were an advanced race who inhabited in the North Pole at the dawn of our own
civilization and had made inventions which we have not yet thought of. I guess, we have to
rush to Artic before Thysía or Aisha find us.
AATIFA: Look here, there is a tunnel. This might be a secret way out.

They pay their homage to Qol Sharif and enter the tunnel which ends into a dark street of
Kazan. From there they hurry towards their room, pack their bags and leave the place in a

Parallely, when Thysía came to know about Aisha’s misadvent, as furious she was, she decided
to end the story by herself only and also since Aisha’s public identity reveal posed a threat to
Thysía. She killed her by asking one of her shooters to shoot her. Hence, she too began her
quest to Artic in her private jet.


Storm bursts off in Artic when Aisha and Varun arrive there packed in heavy sweater, gloves,
snow glasses, and boots. They start their search for any clue of the submarine frantically but to
no avail. Tired they see sit at a place where suddenly below the ice a submarine wreckage is
seen by Aatifa and she points Varun the same. Both try to break the ice but with little energy
and storm the task was more difficult. Aatifa takes out a knife, seeing which Varun gives her a

dreadful look. Aatifa breaks the ice with that knife and they reach down to the submarine to
know the secrets. They could not find anything in that. Demotivated, Varun slumps on the
ground, Aatifa consoles him and Varun turns his eyes away. At that very point he notices a
cave far away and asks Aatifa to join him to check that place. They reach that cave and when
they get in, they slid down in the cave and lose consciousness.


After a few hours, Varun wakes up from a nightmare and what he sees next makes him
spellbound. He with his headlamp sees that Aatifa is not around her and he is sitting in the
middle of a strange underground city which is indeed the city of Aryans! He calls for Aatifa
but Aatifa does not respond because she had found where her dad was! She sat beside him and
cried a lot. Meanwhile, on one hand, Varun finds his father sitting still with glowing eyes and
a note in his hand which read, “I LOVE YOU A LOT MY SON.” On seeing this, Varun gets
filled with a mixture of emotions: happy for finding his father and sad for losing him at the
same time. (A flashback shows how Varun's father, who abandoned him in his childhood for
the sake of his job while he was crying and his father tells him not to cry as they would have a
good life once they all move together.) On the other hand, Thysía lands near the cave, enters
it and tries to find out where Varun and Aatifa were to end the story then and there.


Aatifa as planned now turns to find Varun and kill him to avenge his father’s death because
she hated every single American who had carelessly led to the defamation of his father and his
whole family. Thysía on the other hand, reaches the bottom of the cave and starts searching for
both of them stealthily in a city that was build with a plan modern day architects would worship.
Crossing one borough and the other the trio are stuck in the maze woven by the witty Aryans.

Finally, Varun shouts to call Aatifa.

VARUN: Aatifa, where are you?

Aatifa does not responds, which makes Varun a bit anxious. Aatifa on listening to the echo
follows the trail of the sound from one end of the city whereas Thysía does the same from the
other end. Tired with the complexity of life, Varun holds his head and rests besides his dad to
live the last few moments of his live with his father whom he loved more than anything else.

Thysía and Aatifa arrive to the place where Varun was resting and the trio gets shocked to see
one another.


Taking advantage of the situation, Thysía aims her revolver towards Varun and Aatifa and asks
them to throw away all the weapons that they carried. Aatifa and Varun low down to put aside
their guns, and knives but Aatifa outwits Thysía by throwing snow in her eyes and snatches the
revolver from Thysía. Aatifa aims the revolver towards Varun and Thysía.

AATIFA: You bloody killers! You are the ones because of whom our family is defamed and
you are the one because of whom I lost my father. But do not worry because I have gained my
wealth! (She gives a lop-sided smile.)

VARUN: Et Tu Aatifa! I thought I could trust you but you turned out to be the most poisonous
enemy anyone can ever have!

Varun makes a disgusting face.

Seeing the opportunity, Thysía throws a snow rock on Aatifa’s hand which loosens her grip of
the revolver and the revolver falls down and Thysía furiously starts to choke Varun with a steel
wire lying beside. She knows Aatifa’s intention to kill Varun and also knows that Aatifa
wouldn't interfere in her killing him.

The last few sentences make Aatifa realize her mistake and she appreciated everything that
Varun has done to save her and let her find her dad.

10 | P a g e
AATIFA: I do not care if I inherit my lineal fortune or not but I do care if I do not be an ideal
Muslim that my dad always wanted me to be. So, this one is for you Thysía.

Before Thysía could understand the change of mind, Aatifa grabs a pen near Varun’s dad and
stabs Thysía’s neck infuriatedly several times. Thysía’s neck bleeds heavily and she struggles
to breathe every single breathe and at last she succumbs to death. As Thysía’s hold on Varun
eases he escapes from the attack and gives Aatifa one last stone-faced glare before leaving his
dad when he rested happily. Aatifa stands alone with blood splattered all over her waiting for

AATIFA: Karma hits back!

---THE END---

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