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Growth 14%-


Product Manager: Responsible for one of the five products in your starting product line.
Segment Manager: Responsible for one of the five market segments.
Functional Manager: Responsible for R&D, Marketing, Production, or Finance.
Competitive Intelligence Officer: Responsible for predicting the behavior of one or more of your competitors.

Low End
High End (20%)

Consumers will expect faster (higher performance) and smaller products (smaller size) This causes the segment
circles to drift to the lower right constantly

Cumulative Profits
Average Market Share
Average ROS (Return on Sales)
Average Asset Turnover
Average ROA (Return on Assets)
Average ROE (Return on Equity)
Ending Stock Price
Ending Market Cap

Price ranges in all segments drop $0.50 per year.

Price (Decrease 0.5/Year)


Account Recievable

Customer will only buy sub-standard product is there is no other alternative

Rough Cut Fine Cut
5 1
$4.00 $2.50
5000 Hr 1000 Hr

Sales % Projected Growth Rate Drift Rates
Traditional Baker
Low End Bead
Segments High End (20%) Bid
Performance Bold
Size Buddy
Customer Survey Score
Stock Out (Actual/Potential)
Seller Market
The cost of material
The purchase of new facilities to build new products
Automation levels (The higher the automation level, the
longer it takes to complete an R&D project.)
Create product closer to existing
MTBF 0.3 per 1000 hours
Positioning Cost 1 to 10
New Product? Capacity?
Starting Awareness Last Year’s Awareness - (33% × Last Year’s Awareness)
New Awareness Starting + Additional Awareness
New products less Ad's

Best Case
Worst Case
Automation 4 per unit
As a general rule, companies fund
short term assets like
accounts receivable and
As a general rule, bond issues are used to fund long inventory with current debt
term offered
investments in capacity and automation. by banks.
Current Debt + 1.4= Bond Rate
5% brokerage fee for issuing and 1.5% for buying

Your bond rating slips one category for each

0.5% in current debt interest. For example, if the
prime rate is 10%
and your current debt interest rate is 10.5%, then
you would be given
an AA bond rating instead of an AAA rating.
Current Debt + 7.5= Emergency Loan Rate
As a general rule, stock
issues are used to fund
long term
investments in capacity
and automation.

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