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Yog$: me$ns to unite: (in this c$se union with Br$hm$n which is the hindu

concept of the cre$tor God)

Purpose of Yog$ : is to $tt$in moksh$ (s$lv$tion) from this M$y$ (illusion$l)

life. So b$sic$lly Hindus h$ve multiple w$ys to be s$ved $nd they $re:

Bh$kti Yog$, Jn$n$ yog$, K$rm$ yog$. And others $re modific$tions of these
three in somew$y or the other.

Bh$kthi yog$: $ person devotes himself to $ deity (mostly uses $n idol) $nd
thereby tries to be loy$l to th$t deity his or her whole life which they believe
gives them liberty $nd will unite their Atm$n (soul) with br$hm$n( divine).

Jn$n$ yog$: is the yog$ of Knowledge - not in intellectu$l sense, but

underst$nding th$t God is in everything $nd thereby trying to differenti$te the
re$l from unre$l $nd fin$lly underst$nd we $re divine $nd unite with the divine.
Here $ person $tt$ins knowledge through medit$tion $nd underst$nd th$t
universe is unre$l, $nd we $ctu$lly donʼt see wh$t we h$ve to see, th$t is we
$re not born we $re etern$l, if we think we $re sinful, then we will commit sin,
but if we think $nd re$lise th$t we $re the divine in our inside $nd we $re
etern$l, then we donʼt commit sin, ultim$tely we unite with the divine.

K$rm$ yog$: this is where the ide$ c$lled work is worship c$me. When we st$rt
devoting ourselves to $ p$rticul$r work $nd do it with sincerity, we $re
sep$r$ted from this worldʼs illusion $nd thereby $tt$in s$lv$tion or moksh$.

Now these modern d$ys YOGA is becoming very f$mous s$ying it is good for
he$lth $nd its just $ physic$l exercise. While its not. It itself is $ deception. All
the postures c$lled “$s$n$s” through which they do YOGA $re m$king the
person to $tt$in $ position to worship hindu deities especi$lly vishnu ($
prominent hindu deity). Through $ll those positions they $re m$king the world
to worship p$g$n deities.

Even without those positions, through common stretches $nd norm$l bre$thing
exercises, we c$n $chieve better physic$l fitness. But yog$ is not just exercise,
it is the w$y of life where the person doing it indirectly worships the cre$tion
r$ther th$n the cre$tor, sometimes even worship d$rk spirits too.

(These $re just some ide$s $bout Yog$ de$r brother, ple$se go through these
things, $nd $sk me if you need more inform$tion, while in my video I will try to
expl$in more.)

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