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By Rick Heizman, December 3, 2020

Mawlawi is the term used by Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) for their Islamic ‘holy men’, or
leaders of their mosques. The title of Mawlawi is more or less the same as Imam, or Mullah.

The Mawlawis - nearly ALL the Mawlawis - had, and still have a crucial role in the
indoctrination, militancy, violence, and the supremacy of the Bengali Muslim villagers.

• Many Rakhine Buddhists talk about the Muslims that they used to work with, and the
honest friendships that they had, but starting a few months to a year before the attacks of
August 25, 2017, the Muslim workers were warned and prohibited by the Mawlawis
(Imams) to stop all relations with non-Muslims or they would be punished severely or even
have their heads cut off. Many Buddhists describe how they were warned of the attacks
by their Muslim friends a day or two before the attacks.

• The systematic planning for these attacks was profound. The Mawlawis (Imams) of the
mosques were essentially ALL part of the master plan. The Mawlawis together with the
ARSA leaders indoctrinated the largely illiterate Bengali Muslim villagers that it was
mandated to attend the mosque 5 times a day, and the Mawlawis would again and again
and again pound a genocidal plan into the people.

• The plan was that the Muslim men were required to attend weapons, explosives, and
fighting skills training with ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army). At a given time they
would be given AK-47s or similar assault rifles and explosives such as grenades, IEDs,
and landmines. They would attack the security forces first, by surprise, at a pre-
determined time, overtake the outposts, slaughter all the security forces, grab all the
weapons and ammo, and then annihilate the Buddhists, Hindus and ethnic minorities, and
declare that land an autonomous (and apartheid) Islamic State.

• Many Mawlawis attended the militant

training by ARSA or RSO, so that they
could conducted militant training
themselves to the young men in their
village and neighboring villages. More
than a few learned how to make
bombs and landmines and taught
classes on how to make explosives.
And a number of them were severely
wounded or killed, along with some
eager students when an explosive that
the Mawlawi was instructing his class
to make did what explosives do, but
accidentally and prematurely.


Our Myo Thu Gyi Village has 8 mosques and I used to go to the one that is
located at the edge of the village. This mosque has 4 Mawlawis [Imams],
they are: Mawlawi Saw Lim (30), Mawlawi Haseim Mulla (35), Mawlawi Raw
Mulla (25), and Mawlawi Abuka Lum (40).

When the villagers came to the mosque to pray, they said that our Islamic
people have to attack and kill the Buddhists in order to make Rathedaung,
Buthidaung and Maungdaw region an Islamic State. This is what the four
Mawlawis said again and again for 2 months leading up to the attacks.

After attacking the outpost, Mawlawi Baja (30) who had trained with ARSA, told us to burn
the houses of the Bengali villages if the security forces came to us. At 6:00 on 29.8.2017, I
took some petrol and set fire to the Bengali houses of Ywa Thit Kay village. I also saw 7
other Bengalis burning some houses and running away


Our village has a mosque and the mosque Mawlawi [Imam] is Mawlawi
Islam (40) and the Arabic teacher is Shaung Shu Ar Lom (35).
Everytime I went to the mosque to pray, they told us to attack in the
name of our Islamic religion, and not to fear any other religions, and
that we must do what Allah requests. They said we would start the
attacks after ARSA militants arrived and that they would have guns
and bombs, and we need to be ready to join and attack with them.

They warned us that every Muslim had to join these attacks and those who did not
participate or informed the authorities about this would be killed, in accordance with our
Islamic religion.

Everytime we went to the mosque, Mawlawi Haface Gira Man, told us
“Muslim people must be united, and gather all kinds of weapons, and
whenever you have a chance, you all have the opportunity to attack all
the border guards, and police outposts, and kill everyone who is non-
Muslim and set fire to whole villages. You all need to participate.”

On August 28, 2017, at 11:00 in the morning, Mawlawi Haface Gira

Man, called a meeting all the men in the village, and he said “Tonight
we will go set fire to Hindu villages in Mro Ma east blocks.”

We were led by Mawlawi Haface Gira Man, and we all went to set the Hindu villages on fire.
When we got there in the darkness Mawlawi Haface Gira Man started to light up the gasoline
bombs and we threw them into the Hindu houses. After a few houses were raging with
flames, and the fire continued house to house, we all ran back to our village.


Every time we went to to pray at the mosque, Mawlwi Mamauk Sedees and
Mawlawi Abu Ta told us that ARSA would lead attacks someday soon in order
to achieve our goal of seizing Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung and
declaring it to be an autonomous Islamic State. The Mawlawis said that ARSA
would give training to Bengali villagers, how to shoot guns and how to make
bombs. They said when they are ready to attack, even if villagers don’t know
how to use guns, everyone must join with swords and clubs, and all men,
women and even children must join the attacks. If they refused to do, they
would be beheaded, they said. The Mawlawis were very much connected with
ARSA militants.


ARSA trainees, Ha Su, Saltar, Mawlawi Sayed Alom, and Mawlawi Abu Ha
Sheim learned how to make bombs when they went to Bangladesh. They
made bombs in the home of Mawlawi Adu Shu Ku, and kept the bombs in
Adu Shu Ku’s house and Dil Ma Mauk’s house in our village.


Mawlawis Ar Yu and his brother Mar Mauk Dular , age – 38 have already
attended the terrorist training in the ARSA hideouts. They are the leaders of
the terrorist attackers from our village. Their father lives in Saudi Arabia. Since 3 years ago,
they have given terrorist training to Bengalis in the Mayu Mountains. We are under death
threats to attend that training. So, all Bengalis from our village and other villages attended
that terrorist training. And we were threatened that we must participate in
the attack by Mawlawi Ar Yu, Mar Mauk Dular and Army Sat Raw Shi from
West Pa Nyaung Bin Gyi village, age – 40. If any Bengalis did not
participate they would be considered traitors and their heads would be cut
off. But at that time, I had not yet attended the terrorist training.

On 24.8.2017, at 8 pm, when I was at home with my family, I heard a bomb

explosion from Zu Bine’s house ( Mawlawi ) from North Pa Nyaung Bin Gyi
village. The explosion happened while he was making handmade bombs at
his house.


Mawlawis Saw Ling and Abu Saw Yord always told us, “One of these days
the cities and townships of Buthidaung, Maungdaw, and Rathedaung must
be an Islamic controlled State, so we all will have to attack any non-Muslims.
When the time comes, we will attack all the police outposts in these regions.
We are making progress, with members of RSO [Rohingya Solidarity
Organization], and ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army] secretly coming
in from Bangladesh and secretly giving militant training in some villages. One
day these members of RSO and ARSA will be leading us to attack all the
police outposts, and seize all the weapons to wage Jihad against all the non-Muslims at the
same time in these three townships. We Muslims must be united to achieve our goals.”


During prayer time at the mosque, Mawlawi Islam said, in prayers, that all
the Muslims had to organize and consolidated themselves, and to
participate in the coming fight under the leadership of ARSA, for the
establishment of an Islamic Rohingya State. He also taught us that we can
achieve this goal by killing all the non-Muslim infidels.

Mawlawi Mamauk Dulla, Mawlawi Ahyu and Ei Nus, Haroon taught them
techniques of shooting guns. In addition, Ei Nus and Haroon gave Martial
Arts training. Mawlawi Noor Mamauk (age about 58) son of Rawshee Tarmauk and Mamood
Tulla (age about 30) son of Mamauk Rawfee of the (Pa) Nyaung Pin Gyi (Middle) Village gave
training in making landmines and other bombs. To make timed-mines, the gun powder was
put into a bottle, and then a wire was connected with a small piece of clay, and bottle neck
was closed tightly with a piece of cloth. They explained that the timed-mine would be blown
up according to a fixed time.

While I was with my family at home on 24/8/2017, I heard the noise of an explosion at about 8:00
P.M. It was later known that it was a handmade mine, which exploded while making it, at the
home of Mawlawi Zubai (age about 35) son of father’s name unknown, of (Pa) Nyaung Pin Gyi
(North) Village. Mawlawi Zubai was rushed immediately to a hospital in Bangladesh for medical
treatment of the injury sustained during the explosion of the handmade mine at his home.

It was known that before attacking the (Pa) Nyaung Pin Gyi Police Outpost, that the guns
and handmade mines were hidden inside the compound of the mosque. Mawlawi Ahyu took
those guns and handmade mines to attack the Police Outpost. The militant group led by
Mawlawi Ahyu ran away taking the guns and the handmade mines with them.


Mawlawi Jo Ko Lee Yar always told us, “Unify all Muslims to attack the non-
Muslims. Collect all kinds of weapons - knives, swords, heavy sticks, etc. -
and when the time comes, one day, we will do Jihad in Rakhine State,
attacking all police stations, and setting fire to all of their houses. So, all of
you - men, women, and children - have to participate”.

On August 24, 2017, about 5:00 pm, when I went to the mosque, Mawlawi
Jo Ko Lee Yar spoke, “Tonight, we are going to attack the police outposts.
There will be a lot of people who will lead, and they have enough weapons - guns and
swords - for everyone, so don’t be afraid, and everyone of you, men, women, and children
must join in this Jihad.
The next day our village leader and and the Mawlawis told us to set our homes on fire, and to
go hide in the mountains in some other villages.


[This prisoner is a Mawlawi] People from my village went to train at a RSO secret
camp a few months ago, around June, 2017; Muhammad Jarvar (25), Arfat (18),
Hu Soung Juhar (22), Chal Kar (23), Sar Dal (22), and Shal Kar (24) all went. They
did some training near Hawli Tura village, in the rice fields near the fish-farming
lake, and they came home once a week. They have to walk about 30 minutes to
get to the training camp from Hawli Tura Village. I heard that Muhammad Nur
(25) and Nawji Mudin (30) trained them in some martial arts, and also how to shoot guns.

In northern Buthidaung, near Taung Bazar, I went to the abandoned village of Maung Nu.
Walking around the eerily quiet village we found the Arabic Madrassa school building. It was
full of books and Korans in Arabic language and kids notebooks where they practiced writing
Arabic. But, there were no books of science,
mathematics, and the sort of books that encourage
one to think, imagine, or invent. The Bengali Muslim
kids are not learning Burmese or Arakanese languages,
nor English or Japanese, but they are wasting their
lives learning Arabic. What good is that language for
anything in their future - unless their future is one of
intolerance, supremacy, hate and terror?

By Rick Heizman, Dec 3, 2020

Photos and Videos of Arakan at: - go to Conflict videos

Photos and Videos of all of Myanmar at:
Papers at
YouTube Channel - Richard Heizman



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