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1. Your friends asked you to try to smoke cigarette.

They said that if you don’t try it, you will be out to
their group.

What is the problem?

My friends are peer-pressuring me to try something that I don’t even want to do.

What is your responsibility?

I should know my limitations since I’m still a minor and I personally don’t want to try it. I should be
responsible with my own body.

What would be the solution?

I will try my best to educate them that smoking is not good to our health, but if it’s their choice and
happiness, I will not hinder them but I will tell them that they don’t need to count me in with their vices,
also, I will tell them to be sensitive around people who don’t smoke, since secondhand smoking is more
dangerous. But if they are too close-minded, I will cut my ties with them for people like that will do no
good to me.

2. You have always enjoyed badminton until you found out that your crush liked it, too. One time during
practice, though, your crush watched your training and that made you conscious. This eventually
resulted to errors that your coach scolded you in front of the audience. You felt embarrassed especially
to your crush who happened to be there in the venue.

What is the problem?

I was too overwhelmed by my feelings and messed up my game.

What is your responsibility?

I should be more professional and set aside my emotions to focus with the game.

What would be the solution?

I need to apologize to my coach for causing trouble to our game. Next time, I’ll meditate or internalize
before the game starts to be more focused and to ignore distractions,

3. Your friend invited you to sleep over in their house to finish the research paper that you need to
submit the next day. However, you are anxious because your classmate’s house is far, and your parents
might not allow you to go.
What is the problem?

I’m afraid that my parents might allow me to go to my friend’s house and my friend would be

What is your responsibility?

As a child of my parents, I should know my limitations whether something is too much to ask for or not.
As a research partner, I should be more professional because it’s not my grades alone that would be
affected, but also my partner’s.

What would be the solution?

I would tell my parents as calmly as I can about the details why I really need to go to my friend’s house,
to earn their trust. If they still didn’t allow me, I would explain to my friend that I there are many other
mediums like the social media, in order to finish our task.

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