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(Answer the questions in 3-5 sentences):

1. What are the things or who are the people that/who make you feel confident?

There are three people who makes me confident. Myself, who always got to feel things whether I am
confident or not. The people close to me, they know me too well if I can do something and they are
always there to give me some motivations. Lastly, the strangers, who have zero knowledge of who I am.
I am always more confident around them because I know they will not judge me and if they do, at least
they don’t know who I am.

2. What makes you doubtful to yourself?

I become more doubtful to myself when even others show that they are doubtful to me. Also, when
there are circumstances that I know are beyond my capabilities, my confidence always go down.
However, as I said from my last activity, one of my virtues is accountability, that means I take
responsibilities when I know I cannot back off of a situation.

3. How do thoughts of other people about you affect your mood?

Joining our choir made a really big help to me with handling my emotions with other people’s thoughts
and criticisms. I was not used to get yelled at by other people other than my mom or take criticisms
because in every organizations I joined back in elementary, I was always considered the best and I
always got to lead my org mates. Back at my first years in the choir, I always get teary eyed whenever
our choirmaster notices a mistake or my seniors scolds me. I didn’t hate them because they always show
that they love and really care for me. That made me a stronger person that can handle criticisms even
though sometimes, I still get vulnerable.

4. What is the biggest decision you have made in your life? How did that decision affect you and your

I know I have made one of the biggest and best decisions in my life when I decided to choose myself,
when I chose to embrace who I really am and what my sexuality is. For years of questioning and denying
who I really am, I now identify as a bisexual woman. It became really hard at first because I always have
to hide my past relationship with my ex-girlfriend but the people in QSHS are so open-minded with that
topic and supported us. Eventually, little by little, queer people and students of QSHS came out of their
closets and find the school and the people around it their safe space. After that, I learned that as long as
I don’t hurt other people, there is no reason to doubt my decision. I learned that I don’t need anyones
validation. I’m not yet out to my parents and I hope, they will be more open about that but if not, it’s
okay, the only validation that I need is from myself. (I’m sorry if I exceeded the 5 sentences limit, I tried
to make it short but I got overwhelmed since this is this the first time I opened this topic to a school

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