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Check out this goofy meme and then click on it to access a video.
  While you are watching this video, keep in mind some of the ideas
mentioned that might stick out to you, as well as relate to finance and

“We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to

impress people who do not care.”

- Will Smith

Each member in your group will pick a different topic from the 
ones listed below. Once divided up, click the link, read and/or 
  watch the videos, then record your ideas. You will record these 
ideas in a chart that is connected to a link labeled with your 
group number listed below: 
*Do not worry about answering the questions below the 
chart seeing as we will be doing that in the next portion of 
the activity* 
Student Loans 
Credit Cards 
Group Charts 
Group 1 
Group 2 
Group 3 
Group 4 
Group 5 

You will now answer the questions listed below on the chart 
that you just previously filled out for your respective group. 
You will be answering these questions as a group. As you 
answer, try and compare ideas, as well as share how what you 
read made you feel: 
*Use the previous link for your group to access and answer 
these questions* 
1. How do all of these topics relate to one another in terms 
of financial stability in young adults? 
2. Which of these topics do you believe has the most 
  impact on young adults? 
3. What are some ideas for preventing these topics from 
negatively affecting ​you​ as a soon-to-be independent 
young adult? 
4. Come up with one question that your group has 
regarding the topics and the ideas that were shared 
within your group. 

Now that your group has accumulated a question based on 
ideas that you shared with one another on the topics provided, 
  you will write this question on the board. I have provided a 
space for you to do so. Only ​one ​person from your group will 
do this, although you should all be prepared to discuss your 
question with the class. Before we discuss each question, you 
will have ​5 minutes ​to record what you believe to be the most 
interesting fact from ​your, individual ​research in the class 
chart provided below: 
Class Chart 
*Keep in mind the question that is provided on the class 

At this point, we have discussed a few financial decisions and 
  ideas that young adults have to keep in mind. Given that you 
are well on your way to being a young adult, provide an 
answer to the question that is listed below and that we just 
discussed on Padlet using the link below. 
Question:​ ​What type of expenses might be most important as 
you enter adulthood?

Post Here! 
*Make sure to add your name as the title on your Padlet 

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