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EXERCTSE 3: Srnrtncr Connsnttt

A. fne word in copilots of the end of ecch of the fotlowing senfences con be used io form o
word thol fits suitably into the blank spoce. Fill eoch blank in this woy.
EXAMPLE : The results of the examination were very SATISFY
ANSWER : satisfactory
a) It is strange that in an age when ure have seen the of
space, almost nothing has been done about the problem of noise. ' CONQUER
affected by lhe rroise around us. SCIENCE
c) Yet, ordinary and women do not seern to realise. how
........,.. tr,.o much noise can be. DANGER
d) People who live in cities spencl their lives in an atmosphere of
noise :. CONTINUE
e) Aeroplanes, cars, buses, machines of ail kinds are
0 But the more noiSe there is, the niore we seem to
become to it. SENSE
s) We eat in caf6s and restaurants to the

of taped music. , ACCOMPANY

h) We walk in streets where the noise q$praffic is alrnost DEAF
i) At night we close our windows onlyto be kept
our neighbour's radio or television.
i) Still, in spite o,frepeated on the effect of noise ,l

on our health, no-one does anythin.g serious about it.

B. maX" olt the chonges ond odditions n{?cesso ry to produce, from the fotlowing eighl series
of words ond phroses, eight correct senfences which together moke o complete
conversation belween the Tourist ond the Posser-by. lVole corefully trom the exomple whot
kind of olterotions lit ony) need to be rnoc,re, especiolly to the urords underlined.
EXAMPLE Mary / meet / John / Victoria Station / tomorrow
ANSWER Mary is meeting John at Victoria Station tomorrow
a) Tourist : You / tell / me / how I #lOxford Street / please ?

b) Passer-by : Take lNo.22 bus / Piccadilly Circus

c) Tourist : But / I lI I want I gglOxford Street

d) Passer-by : Yes I if I you I get qff i Piccadilly Circus and lwalk un / Regent Slreet /
you / come / Oxford Street

e) Tourist :Be I it I far ?

0 Passer-by : It / be i not more i ten urinutes

g) Tourist : Whcre I I I gi No.22 bus '/

h) Passer-by : The bus / 4qp i rrver thcre i other sid.e I road

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