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The movie Rizal by Cesar Montano portrays the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the
Philippine National Hero from his early childhood, his education and the struggle for
freedom through his writings and through his life. It clearly shows the pitiful and
despicable situation of the Filipinos in the hands of the Spaniards, which open the mind
and heart of Rizal to face the reality and that he did so through education and writing,
strengthened a growing national consciousness to oppose the cruel conquest of the
Spaniards and aspired to attain the democratic rights of the Filipino.

One of the experiences of Rizal that struck me most is when he was accused of
subversion, aimed only at seeking equal rights and freedom of speech for his fellow
natives then later on found guilty, and was shot at dawn on December 30, 1896. It was
clearly unjustly for them to accused him guilty and didn't even considered Taviel's point
or to Rizal's side.

A character of Dr. Jose Rizal that I've admired is him being patriotic, his love for
his country is beyond compare, to show patriotism is to use our own language. I also
admired him being hardworking man and his bravery, he fought hard to regain our
freedom and take back our own country. On the other hand, what I don't admired about
him is being a womanizer, having a relationships with multiple women, that I would find
not a good characteristics of being a man.

If I were one of the characters in the movie, I would like to be Taviel since his
being a good man trying to do his job helping those in need especially the innocents.
Even though his not a fellow Filipino but a spaniard, he still chooses to help Rizal in his
case to be freed. I admired his kindness and dedication even it puts him at risk to help
Rizal he still choose to stay, listen and understand.

After watching the movie, I can say that it taught us lots of values such as
bravery, hardworking, to never lose hope. Like Rizal, he didn't gave up, he studied hard
since being an educated individual can be a greatest weapon to success and that
knowledge he gained led him to wrote novels to open up the minds and heart of every
Filipino to reality. As a student, I am challenge that I could do better, I need to study
hard inorder for me to achieve my dreams, for my family and be able to contribute
something for our country. As Rizal viewed the youth as a hope of the society and
should give more importance to their education.

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