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Microteaching Lesson Plan

Objectives → To introduce grade two students to origami and teach them how to make a simple
● Program of Studies:
○ Art:
Students will learn the shapes of things as well as develop decorative
■ EXPRESSION → Component 10 (i) - PURPOSE 3: Students will
decorate items personally created.
○ English Language Arts:
■ 2.2 Respond to Texts → Experience various texts - engage in a variety of
shared and independent listening, reading and viewing experiences,
using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions
and genres, such as legends, video programs, puppet plays, songs,
riddles and informational texts
○ Mathematics:
■ SHAPE AND SPACE (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes) → Describe,
compare and construct 2-D shapes, including: triangles, squares,
rectangles, circles.

Introduction →
(4 min.)
● Introduce story title, author, and illustrator
● The author has combined the words More and Origami to create the title
● Origami (the term)
○ Ori: means folded
○ Kami: means paper
○ Words were combined to mean paper folding
● Read story
○ Pause to talk about perseverance
■ Want students to have a persevering mindset when trying something new

Development →
(9 min.)
● Show them the special paper used for origami
○ Is there anything unusual or special about this paper when compared with regular
■ It is square
■ It is thin
■ It has two different coloured sides
● Get students to self-assess their abilities
○ Ask them to choose which kind of paper they want
○ Explain →
■ Simplest: for students who are entirely new to origami
■ Intermediate: for people who have done it once or twice, and still do not
feel confident
■ Hardest: for students who are familiar with origami
● Students come up and grab 2 pieces of whatever paper they have chosen
● Show them a valley fold
○ The most basic type of fold and the only one we will be using for our cups
● Put the cup image on the board
● Explain that if anyone finishes early there are materials that can be used to personalize
their cup, or that if you know how to make something more complicated and would like to
practice that to go ahead and you can show the class after

(2 min.)
● Ask if anyone made something else that they would like to share with the class
● Use the thumbs up, thumbs down, thumb in the middle teaching strategy
○ “Did you learn anything new? Yes. no, or kind of?”
○ “Would you like to do origami again and try to attempt something more
challenging? Yes. no, or kind of?”
● If anyone wants to use their cups to have some water, offer them water.

Resources →
● “More-igami” by Dori Kleber
● Origami paper (3 types to make the task simpler or more difficult
○ Simplest: large paper with lines drawn on it
○ Intermediate: large, blank paper
○ Hardest: small, blank paper
● Diagram with instructions for an origami cup
● Water in a jug

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