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Steps to Spiritual Maturity

As requested by You when you signed up, here is today's developing

Christian guide by Rev. G. Fricker "Things We Ought to Know" #1...


Is God’s plan to bring humanity into a right relationship with Himself?

There are two participants in HIS program:

1. MAN
Who has neglected Gods gifts, broken Gods laws and decided to do his own
thing apart from God’s will.

2. GOD
The designer of creation, creator of all things…


Key Question:
What do you understand by the word “SAVED”?

Take a Moment - Reflect on what you understand about God.


Man in the beginning was created in a state of innocence... with the ability to
choose to serve God and do good or to serve someone else and neglect God.

Adams choice resulted in 'SIN'.

Key Question:
What do you believe SIN is?

SIN means “to miss the mark” as in an archer who misses his target.
Romans 3:23 – “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Communion and Fellowship between God and man could not be maintained:

- Man developed a fear of God.

- Man became self-conscious of his condition.

(He was naked.)

- He demonstrated that he had chosen to disobey

God’s spoken command to him. He wanted to do
things his own way.

- He blamed his wife for the wrong choice that he had made.

- Indirectly, he surrendered his position to the design and plans of the


On the other hand, God who is pure, holy, loving and just has been offended.

His nature is such that He cannot look on sin.

All His kindness and blessings were abused by man. The crime is so great that
only the death of the offender would suffice to restore the relationship.

There has been a barrier of separation made between God and man.
All Gods kindness and blessings were abused by man.

a) Psalm 66:18

b) Isaiah 64:7

c) Isaiah 59:1-2
“Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull
to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins
have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.”

That separation from God is known as the spiritual death. That is, unless God
provides a way to change our hearts and our relationship with Himself, there is
a never ending separation from God and good. Hell is where God isn't.

Is the plan whereby God restores spiritual life lost by Adam in the Garden of

Daily Reading Genesis 3

1. What do you understand by the phrase ‘to be born again’ or ‘being saved?’

2. Tell us in a few words what you understand about God? __________________


3. Write your definition of “Sin”. _______________________________________


4. READ - Romans 3:23 . In your own words, explain why death is a “Just”
sentence for sinners. ____________________________________________

Brian Duncalfe

Tomorrow's study guide will cover...About Salvation Part 2

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2. New Christian Study Guide – new to Christianity – 21 lessons.
3. Steps to Spiritual Maturity – for developing Christians - 21 lessons.
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