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Notebook: PSIR
Created: 11/2/2020 6:33 PM Updated: 11/18/2020 12:28 AM


Examine the significance of of the
comparative method in political
analysis. Discuss its limitations. (
2019 )
Describe the changing nature of
CP. Briefly explain the Political
Economy approach to the study of
CP. ( 2018 )
Explain the Political Sociological
approach in the field of
comparative politics & discuss its
limitation . ( 2017 )
Critically examine the Marxist
aspect of Political Economy
approach to the study of CP. ( 2016
Which are the major approaches
COMPARATIVE of CP ? Explain in brief , the
1. Political Economy approach to
the study of comparative inquiry. (
2015 )
Examining political phenomena
through a process of cross-global
investigation has become the
fundamental function of
Comparative Politics." Discuss (
2012 )
" Structural Function approach to
political analysis focus more on
status quoism , less on charge ".
Elucidate. ( 2011 )
How is Modern CP is different
from Traditional Legal
Institutional Approach ? ( 2010 )
PERSPECTIVE Describe the changing nature of
State in developing societies in the
context of inclusive growth in
21st century ? ( 2018 )
How has the development of Global
Capitalism changed the nature of
socialist economies and
developing societies? ( 2017 )

3. POLITICS OF Write an essay on ' New Social

PARTICIPATION & Movements' in developing
REPRESENTATION countries ? ( 2019 )
Comment on the decline of
political parties and examine
whether new social movements
will be alternative strategy for
establishing link btw government
and society. ( 2017 )
Do interest groups help to promote
democracy or to undermine it?
Give your opinion. ( 2016)
Difference btw Interest Groups &
Pressure Groups ? Are the pressure
groups in India in a position to fully
protect or promote the interests of
their members ? ( 2015 )
Party system in India is neither
western nor indigenous. Explain. (
2014 )
In what respect is the new social
movement new in nature? Discuss.(
2014 )
Compare & contrast social
movements in advanced
industrial & developing societies
? ( 2013 )
Is rise of social movements a sign
of opening up of popular space in
political process or decline of
representative democracy ? (
2013 )
Evaluate the nature and distinction
of anomic and associational
interest groups in the
pressure politics of developing
countries ? ( 2012 )
What is New Social Movement ?
Explain the main challenges of
NSM in developing countries ? (
2011 )

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