Getting Started With Minitab:: X-Bar and R Chart

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Practical Exercise 5

X-bar and R chart

After completing this exercise, students will be able:

• To understand and develop X-bar and R chart from a given case study
• To know how to use Minitab and MS Excel in constructing X-bar and R chart

• You have already completed the topic for Define, Measure, Analyze, Measure and Control steps
of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology

Getting Started with Minitab:

To construct X-bar and R chart using Minitab, follow these simple steps:

1. Open a new worksheet in Minitab.

2. Generate random data by clicking Calc-Random Data-Integer (Figure 5.1) and fill the dialog box to
create the population as shown in Figure 5.2 (population size=1000)

Figure 5.1 Generate random data

Figure 5.2 Creating Population (PopSize=1000)

3. Randomly chose the values in population by selecting Calc-Random Data-Sample From Columns
(Figure 5.3) and fill the box as shown by Figure 5.4 (number of observations = 15 times or in control
chart known as Subgroup)

Figure 5.3 Sampling

Figure 5.4 Number of observations (15 times)

4. Repeat step number 3 five times to create five samples (n=5). The result is presented in Figure 5.5.
Note that your data may be different from the Figure or other students because of random sampling

Figure 5.5 Set of data (n=5)

5. Select Stat-Control Charts-Variable Charts for Subgroups-Xbar-R to create Xbar-R chart as

shown by Figure 5.6

Figure 5.6 Steps for constructing Xbar-R chart

6. Input the Xbar-R Chart box as shown in Figure 7, click OK and the result is presented in Figure 5.8
Figure 5.7 Dialog box of Xbar-R Chart

Figure 5.8 Xbar-R Chart

Note: Check Xbar-R options-Estimate to make sure that R-bar is selected as the method for estimating
the standard deviation (instead of pooled standard deviation)

Getting Started with MS Excel:

To construct X-bar and R chart using MS Excel, follow these simple steps:

1. Open a new worksheet in Excel.

2. Enter your data samples (copy from Minitab) and calculate X-double-bar and R-bar, as shown in Figure
2.1. (Note that your data samples may be different because of the random sampling method in
Figure 2.1 X-double-bar and R-bar

3. Before creating X-bar chart, calculate the values of UCLx-bar and LCLx-bar using

X A2*Rand create a table as can be seen in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Data for X-bar chart
4. Create the X-bar chart, sort all data in the table (except data in No-Column) and then select Insert-
Line charts as shown in Figure 2.3. The X-bar chart is presented by Figure


Figure 2.3 Steps to create X-bar chart

80.00 X-double bar

75.00 UCL

70.00 LCL

65.00 X-bar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 2.3 X-bar chart using MS Excel

5. To create R Chart, calculate the values of UCLR and LCLR using D3*R-bar and D4*R- bar
respectively and create a table such as in Figure 2.4

Figure 2.4 Data for R chart

6. Repeat Step 4 to create R chart and the result is presented in Figure 2.5



30.00 LCL


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 2.5 R chart using MS Excel

7. Compare the result of using MS Excel and Minitab.

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