Cons of City Life

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The cons of city life are that city life can be quite

stressful because you really need to work hard so that you

can achieve your life successfully. Secondly, urban living is
not suitable if you love nature because in the cities, they
would have many tall skyscrapers and less trees and jungles.
Thirdly, big cities are quite crowded because so many people
live close to each other and in one office there may be one
thousands of people working.

Fourthly, you may get stuck in traffic jams because

many people are not using public transport but using their
own transport and the percentage of carbon monoxide.
Fifthly, parking can be a problem in cities because many
people would not be using public transport but using their
own transport. Sixthly, cities can heat up in summer because
all the buildings of the city are close and most of the building
use many glasses.

Seventhly, city life may not be suitable for pets for

example, if you stay in a condo, apartment or flat they may
be not the best choice because the landscape of the house is
small especially dogs because they make a lot of noise and
disturbs all the neighbours. Eighthly, rents are often much
higher big cities because, there are many facilities that you
can go while at villages house prices are less expensive and
less facilities. Ninthly, only insufficient green spaces in many
big cities, if you love nature, they city might not be the best
choice but village would be the best choice if you love

Tenthly, cities may be less secure compared to

villages because there would be many shops selling
expensive jewellery and robbers would come to steal but if
you want to live safe village is the best choice. Eleventhly,
higher daily life expenses for example, you will have to spend
more money if you eat at a restaurant because their food and
drinks would be expensive. Twelve, you will have a lack of
space because cities are always crowded and we couldn’t
afford to buy big homes because their prices are too

Thirteen, cities are quite noisy because there would

be many cars and many peoples, if you would like a peaceful
place then village is the best choice. Lastly, air pollution is a
big problem in big cities because the quality air is quite bad
because many people are using cars and many skyscrapers
building were build close.

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