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Covid-19 outbreaks was first found at Wuhan, China on December 2019.

On 2020, World Health

organization acknowledged the outbreaks as the novel coronavirus that is similar to SARS. The high
infection rate that up to 1.4% with exponential increase brings the number of infected people up to 20
million until today and the death caused by this virus with the infected people up to 20 million today
and the dead reaching the number of …..

World Health Organization with the epidemiologist all over the world found that the spreading of the
covid-19 is through the droplets which is produced by cough and sneezing that could resist up to 24
hours and possibly through the airborne. The researchers also found the guidance on how to detect, test
and manage potential cases.

WHO then suggested the protocol to contain the covid-19 threat with the social distancing where
people should not interact directly person to person, wearing mask when go outside and washing hand

The countries all over the world respond to this outbreak with several policies on which lockdown is one
of the best solution. The lockdown that is applied by several countries give a massive impact on the
global economic growth for the slump of the markets activity that is restricted for the distribution and
the imbalance of the supply and demands.

The way of world to deal with this situation are with the “new normal”, on which a massive habit
shifting due to the interaction restriction. Most of the activity are digital based such as work from home.

Due to this situation, there is a massive habit shifting globally and the term New Normal as the way to
deal with this outbreaks emerge. To restricts the interaction, now on all activities are remote with the
use of digital platform. Work from home, online shopping, and healthy lifestyles such as cycling and
running to increase human immune system are one of the new normal activities.

Bank as the financial institution industry that could help the growth of economics, which collects the
fund from costumer and distribute through the credit are also severely impacted by the covid-19
outbreaks. There is a lot loss that is created by covid-19 such as credit postpone by the country’s policy
due to economic activity that is down.

The condition of markets and costumer are the challenges that is faced by the bank industries, but on
the other side, the opportunities also arise for the bank companies through the new normal activities.

Uncertainty of the time

As we know there are three main income sources for the bank. First the asset through the credit for the
costumers, company’s liabilities by the costumers saving and fee based income.
Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei
Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

Guidance online with how to detect, test and manage potential cases

Droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol
generating procedures conducted by health workers

There was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan

A bank is a financial institution which is involved in borrowing and lending money. Banks take costumer
deposits in return for paying costumers an annual interest payment. Three main sources for the bank
company’s income are:

1. Company ‘s asset management

The income that is achieved through lending money for the costumers

2. Company’s liabilities management

The income that is achieved through the saving (third party’s funds)

The loan and business investment are important for enabling economic growth.

Be the pre-eminent wholesale bank beyond lending

Promote SME growth

Become Indonesia’s #1 modern, digital retail bank

Adjust and refine the plan to reflect the new normal and be focused on risk mitigation as well as sales
and growth priorities

Increasing the fee based income rate is one of the best options to face the covid-19 impact on economic
for the bank industries

Ramping up digital capabilities

Digital is becoming more important post Covid-19

Therefore to ramp up digital capabilities, banks should consider

1. Strategically acquix`ring and/or partnering with fintech
2. Digital upskilling of full workforce
3. Aggressive, programmatic hiring of digital talent

Train workforce to operate in a world of fully digitized end-to-end workflows

Partner with leading digital training companies

The data of SME who are temporarily closed are more than 50%

SME face difficulty in gathering raw material and delivering final products

Small medium enterprises are at the high risk and high level of the uncertainty

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