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Ministers reaffirm Georgian Delegation

support for Georgia’s in Afghanistan
Euro-Atlantic aspirations In the middle of June a Geor-
gian delegation paid a visit to
Georgian peace contingent and
added that the French and Ger-
HQ). They are positioned in one
of NATO’s military bases in Af-
Afghanistan to see the Georgian man commanders were satisfied ghanistan called “Warehouse”
militaries performing their pea- with their professionalism. along with military servicemen
cekeeping duties there. Georgian “The goal of our visit was to of some other countries. Their
Defense Minister Bacho Akhala- see in what conditions our units main task is to provide 24-hour
ia headed the delegation. Other deployed to Afghanistan are per- security and to guard the base
members included Vice Prime forming their peacekeeping mis- territory around its perimeter. All
Minister Giorgi Baramidze, per- sion. At present our contingent day long Georgian servicemen
manent representative to NATO is taking over the major respon- patrol the nearby settlements and
Grigol Mgaloblishvili and head sibilities of the operation. As we territories around the base. There
of Parliamentary Committee on were told by the American Gen- is a market on the “Warehouse”
Defense and Security Givi Tar- erals, they are very satisfied with base territory where the local
gamadze. the military servicemen of our population works. Georgian mil-
The Georgian delegation was battalion and the most important itaries, even female soldiers,
received in Kabul by the U.S. of all, our peacekeepers are very check inhabitants and their
commander of the international pleased for getting experience goods for sale. Only after inspec-
coalition forces. The sides dis- and for the knowledge they are tion local inhabitants are allowed
cussed the importance of Geor- acquiring here,” Akhalaia said. into the base.
gia’s participation in the ISAF In Kabul the Staff Company Rotation of the company sta-
mission. The coalition command of Land Forces‘ Third Infantry tioned in Kabul was carried out
expressed gratitude to the Geor- Brigade - 173 Georgian military in May, after six months of ser-
gian delegation for its rigorous servicemen take part in Interna- vice. Their mission was accom-
The NATO-Georgia Com- Minister Bacho Akhalaia. Atlantic space. contribution to the NATO-led tional Security Assistance Forc- plished without any casualties
mission met at the level of De- “I am delighted to use this After the opening remarks of international peace support op- es (ISAF) operation under the and deserved highest evalua-
fense Ministers for a discussion opportunity and highlight the the secretary general and the erations. The general positively French command in Regional tion.
about the current security situa- significance of NATO-Georgian Defense minister, the meeting evaluated the preparedness of the Command HQ in Kabul (RC Continued on p.3
tion in the country and about Commission which represents continued behind the closed
NATO-Georgia cooperation on an important mechanism to doors. Akhalaia provided allied
June 11. deeper political dialogue and defense ministers with updated
Allied Defense Ministers cooperation between the alli- information on crucial develop-
gathered in NATO’s HQ, Brus- ance and Georgia.” Defence ments, future plans and existing
sels and discussed key aspects of Minister underlined the fact, challenges in the defence sector
NATO-Georgia cooperation, that the work of the NATO- of Georgia.
Georgia’s participation in ISAF, Georgia Commission and suc- By the end of the NGC meet-
implementation of Annual Na- cessful implementation of the ing the Georgian Defence Min-
tional Program and current de- Annual National Program 2010 ister reaffirmed that Georgia’s
fense reforms. will accelerate Georgia’s inte- Euro-Atlantic integration course
The NATO secretary general gration into the Alliance. “It’s is irreversible.
delivered opening remarks at the critical to underscore that de- “We are ready for success-
NGC meeting. Anders Fogh Ras- spite of the security challenges ful implementation of the reform
mussen extended gratitude to- we are rigorously moving for- process and are committed to use
wards Georgia for its contribu- ward. We have achieved sub- intensively all the existing part-
tion to NATO-led ISAF opera- stantial progress in our defense nership mechanisms to acceler-
tion. reforms,” Akhalaia said. ate Georgia’s integration into
“Today will also look at how He also focused on Georgia’s NATO.”
we can further support Georgia’s participation in ISAF operations: NATO ministers of defense
reform efforts. NATO’s decision “I would like to underline that reaffirmed the Alliance’s con-
to open the Door to Georgia still Georgia not only receives but tinued support for Georgia’s
stands – but a lot of reform still also provides significant support sovereignty and territorial integ-
needs to be done. The Alliance to the alliance for its top priority rity and its aspirations for
will continue to support and mission in Afghanistan by being NATO membership. They en-
guide those reforms, in particu- one of the largest per contribu- couraged Georgia to pursue nec-
lar democratic civilian oversight tor to ISAF.” He expressed hope essary reforms and reiterated
of defence and security force,” that the future cooperation based the Alliance’s readiness to con-
the secretary general said. on understanding of mutual in- tinue supporting the country in
After the opening remarks terests and needs contribute to this regard. Interview with Contract-based
Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave our common goals for peace, Allied ministers recognized
floor to the Georgian Defense security and stability in the Euro- Georgia’s significant contribu- NATO’s special
tion to ISAF that was also stipu-
lated in the final declaration
Military Service
adopted following the Defence representative in
After the NATO-Georgia
Commission, Defence Minister
South Caucasus Aliante 2010
attended the Meeting of NATO
Defence Ministers with non- and Central Asia
NATO ISAF Contributing na-
tions. Robert Simmons
In the framework of the
NATO Defence Ministerial
Workshop for
Georgian Defence Minister held
meetings with his foreign coun- Georgian Defense Public Affairs
terparts where the sides dis-
cussed bilateral cooperation is-
sues in defence sphere.
Conference Officers (PAO)

Interview with NATO’s special representative in

South Caucasus and Central Asia Robert Simmons
On June 18-19 NATO’s special representative in South Caucasus and Cen- As you know, in the framework of basis in overall strategy makes it easier you are doing it. That is very important
tral Asia Robert Simmons paid a visit to Georgia to attend the Georgian De- the partnership with NATO Georgia to work. That is what we urge to you. and very positive.
fense Conference in Batumi. On the sidelines of the conference, “Defence To- is fulfilling an Annual National Plan. We do not urge particular items it is your Georgia participates in Afghani-
day” interviewed Mr. Simmons and discussed the issues of reforms in the de- What is your vision? What is NATO’s business to set the goals. stan with the International Security
fense sphere, the Annual National Plan, the Georgian Defense Doctrine, the vision about the implementation of Very interesting and considerably Assistance Forces. NATO’s Anders
mission in Afghanistan, the new strategic concept of the Alliance and NATO this process? What challenges do you important projects are implemented Fogh Rasmussen thanked the Geor-
enlargement. see? under the initiative of NATO and the gian side and particularly the Geor-
The Annual National Program is Georgian Ministry of Defense (For gian minister of defense for his active
partner parcel of the discussion of Bu- example, a military education project, participation in the protection of glo-
charest. Georgia would eventually be a a human resources project and the de- bal security. What is the internation-
member of the Alliance. What is impor- militarization “NAMSA” project). al community’s vision about it?
tant is that countries define their goals What is your evaluation of this? Afghanistan is the most important
and move forward to membership. Iden- I think they have been quite positive. mission for NATO. It is important for
tifying reforms and steps they have to It is important that we update them. We the security of the allies and for global
take to move towards membership goal began the educational project when you security. We cannot let the Afghanistan
on which Georgia and we agreed. were still deciding on your educational go back to be a failed state and the source
The Annual National Program sets structure. You have now been more pre- for terrorism. We all face that goal. It is
out in five chapters. Some are very gen- cise about that and we will have to equil- a dangerous for the world but certainly
eral and political chapters and others are ibrate our education assistance to meet for the allies. We very much appreciate
more technical. It is important that Geor- those needs. But we want to identify and certainly, I can echo what the Sec-
gia sets specific goals for each year. where NATO and NATO has limits, we retary-General said about Georgia’s con-
Some are long-term goals as the defense are an international organization, we are tribution. It is very significant contribu-
reform, which we just talked about, but not business providing military equip- tion both in Kabul with the French and
some are short-term goals. You’ve had ment, but in fact in the areas where we with the United States in assisting us in
the experience of one. The progress you have expertise or can get expertise from carrying out that mission. I do not dis-
made was quite good and I think you the Allies like education, like helping count for you that it is a very difficult
learned how to develop a better docu- with the manpower policy, like helping year. Last year was not a happy year.
ment and how to achieve it. Therefore, with strategic defence review. We want The elections were not easy, besides we
we anticipate even more significant re- to help you and we are helping you but had some defeats. I think with the surge
sults in the year ahead. Overall, the im- off course that means developing and of forces that Georgia’s contribution has
pression is in both political dimension working with the Allies. We have a reg- permitted we have been able to take
we have talked about elections, but also ular process of meeting with the Allies, some steps forward towards the three
in the military reform area that you have for the Allies themselves to develop ex- goals that we have. One of the main
made significant progress. However, the perts they can give you. We also have goals is transition that is making Af-
most important is that you set those goals decided last December to enhance our ghans play a big role. Besides, we will
and you did it realistically to fulfill them office here and to create NATO liaison continue a presence to train and support
each year through the ANP that will office in Georgia and we have done that. the Afghans over the long period.
move you toward membership. It means that we will have and we have NATO has developed a new stra-
After the advice and recommenda- already sent three people and we will tegic concept, which is a very impor-
tion of the North-Atlantic Treaty Or- send more to provide assistance in spe- tant document for NATO allies and
ganization Georgia is working on the cific areas within a single office where for partner countries as well. What
National Security Review process. we can meet those needs. will be the result of this document for
How would you evaluate this process? The Georgian defense doctrine is the Alliance?
One of the things we emphasized is being elaborated at the Ministry of De- We have a group of experts lead by
to have a National Security Concept. It fense. What is your position about it? former Secretary of States Madlen Al-
is important that you make budget deci- It is a two-stage process. You have a bright. They did a study, contacted many
I would like to start our conversa- fine the mission, you define the interop- sions and personnel decisions based on strategic defense review we have talked people who had an interest in that. They
tion with the Georgian defence con- erability and you must identify what the where you want the process to go. What about, and out of that becomes military have developed many aspects, which is
ference held in Batumi, which was equipment shall need. That is a longer are your defense needs? What are your doctrine. How the military does imple- widely available. That is not a strategic
attended by representatives of vari- term and difficult project because you defense goals? We don’t want to define ments its aspect? It is a separate docu- concept. It is not even a draft of it. It is
ous ministers of NATO member and have to have the assets for it. However, those goals for you but what we do fill ment but they should be consistent ob- their ideas and contribution toward the
partner countries, ambassadors and there is something what I think is im- is important is that you have a strong viously. So it is a stage process but for process. Under the leadership of Secre-
military attaches accredited in Geor- portant that you follow through and bases in the roles and the things that you very much the same reasons identified, tary-General, we are planning to begin
gia. As we know, the discussion issues identify the equipment purchases based want your defense ministry to do. These the overall strategic review, a broad stra- draft the strategic concept. Off course,
were the ongoing reforms at the Min- on your strategic defence review, advice are not arbitrary decisions taken step- tegic document that sets out what are we will use ideas of these experts. It will
istry of Defense. How do you evalu- and the need for interoperability. by-step along the way. That is why we your strategic goals? How do you want face within the Alliance many the same
ate this process in the last six months In your speech at the conference, try to get every country including the to take it forward? The military doctrine issues that we’ve talked about for Geor-
and what are your recommendations you mentioned that the Caucasus is allied countries to have a national strat- is saying how Defence Ministry is go- gia. What should be our strategy? What
about the Georgian reformation pro- in NATO’s interest. What are you try- egy and National Defence Review. For ing to apply that personnel, education should be the balance between article 5,
cess? ing to say with that? example, the United States has Quadren- and equipment projects. Again, the same to defence our members and our mis-
The defense reform, and this was Going back to the Istanbul Summit nial Defense Strategy and many allied process is what I just said. It’s impor- sions like Afghanistan? In 1999 we set
raised at the conference, is almost a con- or even before, we emphasized that we countries have it. This important way tant to have those broad strategic docu- out three goals for the Alliance: The tra-
stant process because every country in- see enlargement of the Alliance. With that sets priorities under basis than more ments that allows you to make subsid- ditional article 5, plus partnerships, plus
cluding allied countries has to update the end of the conflict in the Balkans, narrow decisions in personnel, in bud- iary decisions under bases of those, have new missions.
their forces, make changes to reflect the Caucasus and Central Asia were two geting and things like that. Having a them in ordered fashion, understand why Continued on p.3
current circumstances. Obviously, for priority areas for our partnership for
Georgia the 2008 war was a critical peace. In fact, my appointment as the
event for evaluations. I think you have secretary general’s special representa-
learned good lessons from that and much tive shows that. The Caucasus itself is a
of the reforms that you are engaged in particular region, which is important in
are based on that process. What is im- that connection. There are of course con-
portant about this conference and this flicts. The war you had in 2008, which
has been something that is characteriz- of course the Alliance discussed, local
ing Georgia from the beginning is that relations with Russia for a period and
it permits this to be a transparent pro- all the rest of it. There is also Nagorno-
cess. It permits you to talk with active Karabakh; arrangements between Arme-
NGOs, allies, ambassadors and officials nia and Turkey. We would like to see
from Brussels. This is very good. stability and solutions to some of these
What can I highlight? I think you long-standing problems, which we fol-
have done some very good work in de- low very attentively in the Alliance. That
veloping your Strategic Defense Review is one of the reason that I am engaged
but we will come back to this topic. One in that and obviously work with indi-
of the things is the need for more re- vidual countries to carry that forward.
form in the personnel structure of the Therefore, the peace in the Cau-
ministry and I think they have done that casus is peace for NATO and its mem-
both on the civilian and military side. bers.
There is a more structured process now, Absolutely, that is why I am inter-
particularly on the military side for pro- ested in it but equally if a conflict breaks
motions and clear patterns. Third is ed- out again it will be very destabilizing
ucation. Developing a good education- not just for the region but also for Eu-
al system for the military and particu- rope as a whole. We are Euro-Atlantic
larly for the officers is very important. organization and what happens in this
Finally, there is equipment. You de- region affects the whole region

Interview with NATO’s special Georgian Delegation in Afghanistan

representative in South Caucasus Continued from p.1

and Central Asia Robert Simmons Following the meeting with the coa-
Continued from p.1 cally binding. Second what’s important, lition command the delegation headed
I think all allies agree we must maintain for the province of Helmand, where the
However, what we are trying to do the traditional balance of the OSCE 31st Infantry Battalion of the Third In-
is to get the balance depending on the which is to say - yes security is impor- fantry Brigade of Georgian armed forc-
circumstances. Therefore, we look at tant, security is a major aspect but we es carries out military operations under
how we can equilibrate the balance but should also have humanitarian and the the guidance of U.S. militaries. There
with the consistency of the same free economic dimensions. Therefore, what the main task of Georgian peacekeep-
approaches. That is security for the Al- is important to us is to maintain the three ers is to provide patrolling on foot or by
liance - Article 5, probably putting a lit- balances of the structure. Security is not vehicle, convoying and a full range of
tle more emphasize on Article 4 that is a just a military issue, the Russian focus anti-revolt operations. Georgian militar-
consultation article that precedes using is only on security, and we have said we ies cooperate with the Afghan National
article 5. That will be a new step. We want to retain the balance of the three Police and the National Army as well
very much want to continue partnership, traditional OSCE baskets. with marines. They also render assis-
certainly with traditional partners like We know that NATO is cooperat- tance to local population in order to im-
Georgia in APC and with new global ing with Russia on this issue. prove their living conditions.
partners like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ja- NATO-Russia cooperation goes back During the visit in Afghanistan, the
pan and others. Equally, we want to a long time. In some areas like Afghan- Georgian high-ranking officials got fa-
move forward on our ability to conduct istan, counter-narcotics, counter-terror- miliar with the daily activities and liv-
the missions like Afghanistan or the ism we have a wide range of agreements, ing conditions of the Georgian militar-
counter-piracy mission of the coast of even non-proliferation. Therefore, we ies living in military bases. According
Somalia. have differences related to security pro- to the Georgian visitors, the Georgian
There are many things to be con- posals and we have to discuss them. We military units are successfully accom-
sidered about NATO’s open door pol- have a big difference over Georgia. We plishing the mission there; they enjoy
icy. As you know, Russia openly re- don’t accept the acquisition of the inde- the high level of trust from our partners,
sists these activities. Is it possible that pendence of Abkhazia and South Osse- apply the modern technique, are coura-
Russia’s indirect veto will influence tia and we’ve told the Russians that the geous and get invaluable military expe-
and change NATO’s principle? territorial integrity of Georgia is very rience.
Going back to the 1995 study and it important for us. We’ve told the Rus- “We are very satisfied to see our
has always been a position. We do not sians that the territorial integrity of Geor- peacekeepers here in Afghanistan, get The vice prime minister was satisfied as with can’t cover their excitement to-
accept that any country has a veto or a gia is very important for us and don’t acquainted their living conditions and all Georgian peacekeepers have realized wards Georgian peacekeepers’ courage
control over that. We know the Russian accept their efforts to change that. So everyday activities. We are very happy what a huge and important mission they and professionalism.
position but it’s for the Alliance to make we have differences and we have been with the fact that our militaries feel are implementing for Georgia. Currently, 750 servicemen carry out
that decision and based on its consen- clear in differences so cooperate where themselves very bravely and the most “We have met Georgian as well peacekeeping missions in the Helmand
sus and consensus within the Alliance. we can and I think there are a number important is that they carry out peace- American leadership of our militaries province. They started their mission in
Therefore, it is not a question of giving of areas where we can cooperate but at keeping mission from the frontline. They and get acquainted to all issues related the Helmand province in April 2010.
a veto to any country, which is not a the same time there are some areas are enjoyed their foreign commanders to strategic and tactical situation, where The Georgian battalion started prepara-
member of the Alliance. Obviously Rus- where we won’t compromise our posi- confidence as are their partners from and what positions our militaries hold, tion for the international peacekeeping
sia raises issues with us. They did not tions. different countries. We are very delight- future perspectives or tasks our peace- mission in September 2009 and under-
like either the first three rounds of en- Lisbon will host a NATO summit ed as American or French partners can’t keepers have to carry out in future, also went six months of intensive prepara-
largement but in the end they acquiesced in November and Anders Fog Ras- cover their excitement towards Georgian Georgian militaries’ relation and coop- tion at the National Training Center
in it and we continue partnership. Yes mussen outlined that new messages peacekeepers as they are dislocated on eration with Afghan local authorities, “Krtsanisi” with the guidance of the U.S.
we hear them, we understand their ob- will be sent to countries seeking mem- the hottest spot of the world and hoist army and police. During the mission Marine Corps Expeditionary Brigade.
jections but this is not a veto. They can bership. What can we expect from the Georgian national flag proudly. Partici- Georgian peacekeepers receive huge Several month tactical preparations were
raise their objections and discuss them Lisbon Summit? pation in the ISAF mission is one of the experience by the advanced technolo- led in the US Joint Multinational Readi-
in various ways but in the end it is for This is tied to the strategic concept biggest experiences for Georgian sol- gies with the modern army. After the ness Center (JMRC). Preparedness lev-
us to decide. in the declaration. On the one hand we diers”, Targamadze said. mission our militaries will be trained on el of Georgian militaries was evaluated
Russia has also elaborated a new will continue the process of enlarge- It is very important that Georgian the highest level. Thus, we can’t forget by the US Trainers and Advisor’s Group
European Security Structure. Inter- ment. The open door will remain. We militaries participate in NATO-led ISAF that this is a war with a lot of threats, of Marine Corps. From January 13, the
national organizations do not like this will also continue with the mandate mission along with American and Brit- but I am happy that within those condi- 31st Battalion personnel underwent
document. What is NATO’s position? from Bucharest, which is saying Geor- ish peacekeepers and protect Georgia’s tions our militaries feel themselves preparation at the U.S. military base in
We have had a discussion with them. gia will become the member eventual- interests. It is a great experience for them bravely”, Baramidze said. the German town Hohenfelse.
They proposed proposals in the OSCE ly. There will be new steps to try to and first of all a huge strengthening of As a permanent representative to Participation in international peace-
context and bilateral treaty with NATO. enhance our cooperation, to advance Georgia and reinforcing its position in NATO, Grigol Mgaloblishvili noted the keeping missions provides our military
First, remember that OSCE structure has that as we’ve discussed now. Obvious- the integration process towards the task of the Delegation was to realize how members the opportunity to obtain prac-
never been legally binding, it always ly, we will have to work out some de- Euro-Atlantic structure. During his vis- Georgian peacekeepers feel themselves tical experience and to demonstrate our
been politically binding and are very tails of that but the principal that we it to the Helmand province, Baramidze in the world’s hottest spot. It is very glo- nation’s readiness to cooperate with
cautious over that. Some aspect like want to take forward is certainly some- personally talked with the Georgian mil- rious that Georgian soldiers carry out NATO and with other Partner Countries
arms control could be legally binding, thing we will identify. itaries to get known their living condi- their mission perfectly. That’s why all Forces.
but the basic structure should be politi- Nini Bakradze, Irakli Gurgenidze tions or challenges during the mission. partner countries our militaries serve Tea Kerzdevadze

Georgian Defense Conference

Batumi hosted the “Georgian De- also declared that Georgia has taken the in Georgian reality is a mid to long term
fence Conference” on June 17-18. The right course of reforms leading to the fur- document with the planning time hori-
main goal and spirit of the Georgian ther development of the MoD and the zon of up to 2015. This document em-
Defense Conference 2010, like its pre- capabilities of the armed forces. ploys a planning methodology, which is
decessors, was to give the opportunity During the event, participants de- based not only capabilities, like in most
to all interested parties to cooperate and clared again that NATO integration re- NATO countries, but is also strictly fo-
interact. If we consider that the confer- mains one of the main priorities for cused on actual threats. The purpose of
ence was attended by, a great number of Georgia’s security policy. “Current SDR is to identify optimal and afford-
non-governmental organizations, the NATO-Georgian relations are an irre- able force structure for Georgian Armed
Ministry of Defense has continued to versible process directed at improve- Forces for the next five years. One of
sustain transparency and wider partici- ment of bilateral relations between the speakers said that the security envi-
pation as pillars of its defense policy. Georgia and Alliance. Our collaboration ronment, which was changed since the
The sides discussed current reforms is getting more fruitful and efficient as August 2008 war, has caused MOD to
and plans for the defense and security time passes on”, Akhalaia said. overhaul its vision for the future. The
sector, as well as ongoing NATO-Geor- Alongside traditional topics, some work on SDR is organized on three lev-
gia relations and the improvement of the new issues were included into the agen- els. There is an SDR Commission head-
Georgian defense capabilities. For two da. For example, participants had a panel ed by the Deputy Defense Minister and
days, participants had a chance to ad- on different models of defense struc- vision of the armed forces and princi- of Georgia. These documents are: Na- comprising senior decision makers. Be-
dress such important issues as the Stra- tures. Outstanding representatives of ples of action in peacetime, crisis and tional Security Concept, Threat Assess- low that level, there is the Core Work-
tegic Defense Review, the National Se- governmental and non-governmental war. This is a key document for the ment Document, Georgian National ing Group and functional Sub-Working
curity Review, Defense Reforms and the organizations and foreign partners ad- Georgian armed forces, which stands at Military Strategy, and its legal basis is Groups subordinated to it.
mission in Afghanistan. dressed all these issues. the top of doctrinal hierarchy. It is de- the Constitution of Georgia, internation- The Ministry of Defence of Georgia
One of the distinguished guests of the One of the main subjects of the con- signed to serve in the long term, but con- al treaties, the Laws of Georgia on de- provided organizational support for the
event, Robert Simmons, special represen- ference was the Georgian Defense Doc- sidering political, strategic and other fense and on the state of war, the regu- conference. Conference participants in-
tative of NATO’s secretary general in the trine. This document is one of the main changes, as well as time, circumstances lations of the Ministry of Defense and cluded the MoD and JS leadership, of-
South Caucasus and Central Asia, extend- guidance documents of the Georgian and practical experience gained in fu- Joint Staff of Georgia. Because of all ficials of different state entities, local and
ed his gratitude to the Minister of De- armed forces, which defines the role of ture, it could be subject to changes and above-mentioned issues, participants foreign experts and NATO Internation-
fense Bacho Akhalaia for Georgia’s ac- the armed forces within the national se- review. The defense doctrine is concep- expressed big attention to this subject. al Service and Diplomatic Corpse rep-
tive participation in international peace- curity system in the context of country’s tually based upon and corresponds to the Georgia’s Strategic Defense Review resentatives.
keeping efforts in Afghanistan. Simmons security environment, establishes the main tenets of the strategic documents also was the focus of participants. SDR Irakli Gurgenidze

Contract-based Military Service

The establishment of professional do push-up and sit-up exercises. Suc-
armed forces is an important prerequi- cessful candidates will pass through
site for Georgia’s integration in the medical examination in the Gori mili-
North Atlantic Alliance. The Georgian tary hospital.
Defense Ministry carries out intensive The training program is scheduled to
reforms to meet NATO standards and in start on July 5, on the base of the 3rd In-
the framework of ongoing reforms train- fantry Brigade located in Kutaisi. The
ing of military personnel with new pro- goal of the courses is to prepare the indi-
grams is a crucial part of that effort. vidually well prepared, physically and
Conscription in the Georgian armed psychologically strong, well-disciplined
forces and their training within the infantry military servicemen, who are
frames of Basic Combat Training (BCT) well aware army general regulations.
Program started in the autumn of 2008. During nine months, they will attend the
In 2009, 3,700 recruits passed through theoretical and practical trainings, army
the training program and up to 1,200 regulations, physical, and drilling, also,
military servicemen graduated the fire support exercises. Upon accomplish-
courses in 2010. The next call to join ment of the courses recruits will be allo-
the army was announced on July 1. The cated to various military units according
special commission consisting of 11 to their place of residence. During the
members was set up and all volunteers study process, each soldier will receive
willing to join the army are submitting the monthly salary equal to 150 GEL.
all necessary documentation in the Na- Defense Today interviewed the head
tional Educational Center “Krtsanisi.” of the Selection Commission, LTC An-
Citizens eligible for the professional zor Kobidze about the selection process,
military service in the Georgian armed statistics and expected results. Physical
forces must be within 18-35 age grades, tests were passed by 1,657 applicants.
as well as the persons in compulsory Medical examination was successfully
military service and conscripts who have passed by 849.
already reached 18 years of age. Volun- We have met and talked to some vol-
teers can have incomplete secondary, unteers willing to be enrolled in the
secondary and higher education. One of training courses in the National Educa- ly realize that I’ll have to compromise Mikheil Kokashvili is from the vil- Course. “I successfully passed the phys-
the necessary requirements to be en- tional Center “Krtsanisi.” Beka Ka- many things. I am prepared that I’ll have lage of Osiauri, Khashuri region. He has ical test. Now I have to go through med-
rolled at the Basic Combat Training charava is from Abasha region. His only to go through a strong physical training been dreaming to join the army since his ical examination. If I succeed and hap-
(BCT) Courses is to pass through a se- desire is to serve in the Georgian armed but I am prepared for everything. If I childhood. When he reached the full le- pen to be enrolled at the courses my
lection process that includes their exam- forces. successfully pass the entrance examina- gal age he did not think much, collected childhood dream will come true,” the
ination in physical fitness. Recruits will “I want to serve Georgia, serve my tions, I’ll quit learning and associate my and submitted all necessary documen- recruit said.
be asked to run on a defined distance, motherland as an ordinary soldier. I ful- future career to military life,” Beka said. tations at the Basic Combat Training Eka Gakhokidze

Aliante 2010 Workshop for Public

Affairs Officers (PAO)

Georgian military servants got famil- ficers had an opportunity to

iar with public relations issues. The supplement their theoretical knowledge
workshop for PAOs was organized with- with practical skills.
The final stage of the international tenegro, Georgia and Slovakia. in Georgia, in Sachkhere Mountain
in the frames of bilateral cooperation “This course was initiated by both
youth competition “Aliante 2010” on The opening ceremony was attend- Training School. It is notable that with-
between Georgia and Lithuania. Train- sides a couple of months ago. Agree-
NATO and security issues is hosted by ed by the deputy defense minister, the in the frames of bilateral cooperation
ings were led by the head of Planning, ment between the Georgian and Lithua-
Georgia this time. The opening ceremo- Ministry of Education and Science rep- with NATO, the school was officially
Policy and Analysis Division of Public nian Defense Ministries was signed and
ny of the final was organized at the Sa- resentatives, Administration of State granted the status of Training and Edu-
Affairs Department of the Lithuanian based on this bilateral agreement and
chkhere Mountain Training School. Par- Minister on European and Euro-Atlan- cation Center of PfP (Partnership for
Ministry of Defense Marius Alekna. training in public relations has been
ticipants of the competition include rep- tic Integration, and Diplomatic Corpse. Peace Program). Holding of competition
For two days attendees obtained use- planned. Now we have this course here
resentatives from NATO member and “Aliante” is a youth competition or- in Georgia is one more positive step to-
ful information regarding public rela- for military contingent. This is media
partner nations: Lithuania, Latvia, ganized annually by NATO. The final wards NATO integration,” Nodar
tions and strategic planning, media ty- relations and public relations basic
Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Mon- part of the event is led for the first time Kharshiladze said.
pology and working methods, messag- course. The participants are going to be
For four days participants went
ing in the process of communication, familiarized with basic public relations
through particular tasks and exercises in
writing a press-release and organizing planning procedures with best practices
the school. The project involved 20
the press conference. The participant and they will get some basic knowledge
teams from eight nations and covers two
could also learn the aspects of public how to deal with media. We conduct the
phases. On the first stage contestants an-
relations during crisis situations along similar kind of training courses in
swered the questions on NATO and se-
with general survey of public affairs Lithuania for our military contingent,”
curity issues via internet, but on the fi-
field. By the end of the seminar, the of- Alekna said.
nal stage they opposed each other in
obstacle overcoming, land navigation,
fire and mountain preparation. 6 win-
ner teams revealed during the contest
will make a 10 day tour to Poland.
“Aliante 2010” was founded through
the NATO`s support in 2000 and aims
to raise awareness on the military orga-
nization and corresponding security is-
sues among the youth. The final part of
competition is organized every year on
military bases meeting the NATO stan-

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