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Case Study: Underwater Chaos

1. Write the relevant facts on the case study. (Describe the scenario).
- Eurostar train stranded inside the 31 mile Eurotunnel because of the extreme weather
and more than 2000 passengers had stranded in the dark and overheated tunnel for
more than 16 hours. Most of the passengers suffered from stress and panic situation.
And according to the individual review, it was said that the Eurostar company and the
operator of the train were not prepared for the weather condition during that time.

2. Identify the problem

More than 2000 passengers of Eurostar train suffered

Problem: from stress and panic attacks inside Eurotunnel

Passengers were stranded inside the


WHY 2 Eurostar Train broke down

WHY 3 Excessive snow and moisture buildup

WHY 4 Malfunctions

WHY 5 Eurostar Company is not prepared

3. According to TUBRheinland, Risktec, Rail Industry Hazards and Risks

Construction and maintenance 3

Collisions of trains with objects 4

Slips, trips, falls 2

Collison of trains with road vehicles 1

4. Find alternative courses of action.

A. Deconstruct the risk management process into its constituent components and contrast
key risk management terms such as “hazard”, “consequence” and “risk”.
B. Evaluate the various drivers which cause railway organizations to manage risk.
C. Understand the principle sources of hazards and evaluate the risks which typically arise
during rail industry projects.
D. Apply knowledge of these hazards and the available mitigations to the management of
risk within rail projects.

5. Evaluate each alternative.

Alternatives Construction Collisions of Slips, trips, Collison of Total

and trains with falls trains with
maintenance objects road vehicles

A 7 5 9 6 65
B 9 4 8 4 63
C 8 6 5 3 61
D 7 7 7 7 70

6. Select the best alternative.

Based on the evaluation of each alternative, having the Integrated Tunnel Safety
Management Systems as the highest weighted score:

Alternatives A B C D
65 63 61 70
The best alternative:

7. Conclusion and Recommendation

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