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Hiếu hiểu sai đề bài nên làm bài không tốt.

Câu hỏi là “Children should never be

educated at home by their parents only without going to school.” Tức là trẻ em không nên
chỉ được dạy ở nhà mà không đến trường, chứ không phải là so sánh vai trò của 2 cái này.
Bài trước bạn viết là có cả 2, bài này chỉ là 1 trong 2 thôi, khác nhau hoàn toàn.

Hiếu nên tập trung nói về chỉ học ở nhà thì được cái gì mất cái gì, đó là câu hỏi số 2
“Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this”.
Như bài này hiếu chỉ đươc 5. thôi, không bằng bài trước vì viết lạc đề, cần đọc kĩ đề bài
chứ đừng nên tự tin qua ra thi mất điểm á

Children should never be educated at home by their parents only without going to school.
Do you agree or disagree?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. Write
at least 250 words

It is true that children are easily influenced by environmental surroundings. While many
people believe that the role of parents into teaching their children should be replaced
by schools, I completely disagree with this idea.
On one hand, there are many reasons accounting for schools are better than home. First
of all, schools are able to open more oppurtuinities for children to develop basic skills.
Through comunication with friends, for example, they can enhance effectively a
language development. More importantly, when dealing with some barriers like bullying
or being critised, teachers who are trained to help students would equip them useful
advice in order to solve these difficulties at hand. Secondly, most students have a duty
to complete their homeworks which are given by teachers so that they may ascertain
students’ weak links or strength as well. A lot of gifted atheletes, for instance, have been
being discovered by their own coaches at the very young age. Hence, children would be
well developed at school.
On the other hand, accompanying the support of schools is parents also play a major
role. Firstly, it appears that the equation is well devided in schools but some students
will require the teachers to pay more attentions. For example, some of intellectual
disabled children are not usually growing as fast as same year students. So that family is
the place where students can confine with or share some confessions. Secondly, most
schools concentrate too much on theories but lacking practical knowledge. Cooking or
fixing many tools in house that easily learn at home seem not appear in curriculums.
However, it could be one of the most essential skills when they live independently.
Therefore, children are able to be nourished thoroughly and receive practical
instructions from their parent.
In conlusion, both school and parents have a strongly impact on formative years of
children. I believe that if we can combine the two roles, children can reap a huge

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