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Part 1:


1. Most people associate Standford with ………………Silicon Valley, which is

where the school is located

2. Standford is now the global capital of ……………………………..

3. A Standford degree is in extremely high demand, and the school maintains the
…………….. in the country

4. Much of Standford’s …………………….comes from its impressive list of



5. California Institute of Technology is predominantly focused on engineering,

technology and ………………………

6. In the 1930’s the university founded NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which
builds space robots and ……………….

7. More Caltech graduates go on to earn PhDs than any other …………………


8. Oxford is ………………in comparision with Caltech and Standford

9. It is one of the oldest universities, with historians …………………. as far back

as the 11th century

10. Oxford’s ……………. to the top comes in part from its exceptionally high
research income.

11. Between 2014 and 2015, charities, individuals and businesses ……………….
nearly $680 million dollars into the university for research.
1. tech-capital

2. entrepreneurship and technology

3. lowest acceptance rate

4. credibility and desirability – alumni

5. applied sciences

6. conducts astronomy missions

7. alma mater

8. enormous

9. tracing instruction

10. ascension

11. funnelled
Part 2:

1. These are projected to be the ………………in the world in 2050, 35 years from
now, determined by numerous factors, including …………………migration,
fertility population age and ………………

2. Vietnam is currently ……………..and will fall five spots.

3. Uganda is this list’s ………………….jumping 21 places by nearly ………….

its population

4. Japan’s ………………… and low birth rate will see it lose 6 spots and decrease
in size by 18 million people.

5. Russia is hemorrhaging due to its ………………

6. 13th is Tanzania, continuimg the ……………… of huge Sub-Saharan African

projected population gains by ……………… and increasing its population
by ...........................

7. Congo will more than double in size, gaining seven spots on this list. Slow
development and a lack of ………………..are the main reasons why populations in
Africa are booming.

8. The 11th- ranked country will be Mexico, the same rank it held 35 years earlier
by gaining people at a …………………

9. As Brazil becomes an …………….., its boom will slow.
1. most populated nations - current growth rates – mortality rates

2. near capacity

3. biggest riser – tripling

4. aging population

5. declining economic future

6. dominant trend - leaping 15 spots – 174%

7. access to birth control

8. relatively average rate

9. economic powerhouse
Part 3:

1. Today more people are receiving …………………. than ever before

2. Around the world people with HIV are living full and healthy lives with the
………………..they deserve

3. We are closer than we have ever been to achieving the extraordinary – an


4. We have got to stay …………………..

5. Among 14 million pregnant women who …………….,95 percent of their babies

were born HIV free

6. We provided testing and ………………….. for nearly 57 million people and

care for more than ………………… and ……………………

7. We give thanks to doctors and …………………., scientists and social workers,

mothers, fathers and activists of all kinds

8. To all of you dedicated to this ……………..and to all of you fighting this

disease on the front lines,. Thank you!
1. life-saving treatment

2. dignity and respect

3. AIDS-free generation

4. focused and committed

5. tested positive

6. counselling – 5 million orphans – vulnerable children

7. caregivers

8. cause
Part 4:

1. The concern over fighting terrorism brings Britain’s Prime Minister to the site at
the ………………..

2. David Cameron is ………………… to continue the international war on terror.

3. David Cameron walked through and paused at the ……………left by thousands

in honor of ………………..

4. The Prime Minister shared not only his sympathy for the City of Boston but his
country’s lessons after a ………………….there in 2005.

5. There is really a vital role for ……………….as there is a tough side to all of this
that we have to get right but there is also a side as I said of challenging the
narrative of ………….............that we have to get right to stop young minds being

6. The Prime Minister met with representatives from Watertown and state police as
well as the …………………….

7. There exists ………………………and now ……………………between leaders

across an ocean

8. It is hard to believe that people can not do these things to countries like ours
wheen we are ………………where we are democracies.
1. marathon bombings

2. vowing

3. personal mementoes - Marathon bombing victims

4. terrorist attack

5. a law enforcement and intelligence – violence of extremism

6. National Guard

7. a mutual respect – shared experience

8. freedom-loving
Part 5:

1. London is gearing up for four days of celebrations to mark the Queen's Diamond
Jubilee. For the Metropolitan Police it's a ……………, as they have both a security
and ceremonial role in the whole event.

2. There'll also be ………………….at Hyde Park.

3. On Monday, Buckingham Palace ……………. a special BBC concert

4. On the busiest days they are going to have around …………….. involved

in the operation

5. The police will have one of the biggest ……………. in tailoring their officers to
what's going on.

6. On Monday and Tuesday it will will have a huge presence on London's streets
for the concert and the ………………….

7. There are specialist search teams using sniffer dogs to search …………… on the
River Thames.

8. They are also going be using ………………… to search bridges and underwater
diving teams to check the shoreline and the piers.

9. We've drawn together all the lessons from …………… and the visiting
dignitaries and this will be a part of our learning.

10. Officers in ceremonial uniform will be ………………….for the event.

Từ 8 phút 35s
1. huge logistical exercise

2. huge family festival

3. hosts

4. 6,000 officers

5. challenges

6. carriage procession

7. passenger vessels

8. rope-climbing teams

9. VIP protection issues

10. lining the route.

Part 6:

1. Met's total war on crime as 900 officers target ………………… and

………………. in the capital

2. Five months - the woman who ……………. fellow passengers on the Tube

3. Keeping the Jubilee safe ahead of the ……………………. in the capital.

4. We see how the police are preparing for their security and ………………
alongside the Queen.

5. But some criminologists claim that it is better for ………………….than

fighting crime.

6. Today more than 900 officers across the capital were ordered to ………………

7. By this afternoon, the Met had made more than 100 arrest, seized over million in
cash, plus two cars, ……………………. and even this motor cruiser

8. In the long term that’s what really matters for ………………….. and the public
when shopping for example online.

9. The Police Service has taken a battering in recent months, with allegation of
corruption, ………………,too close to the media

10. Total crime reduces by ………………… in four years
1. money laundering – online fraud

2. racially abused

3. four-day royal celebration

4. ceremonial roles

5. public relations

6. tackle financial offences

7. imitation firearms

8. businesses

9. racism scandals

10. a third
Part 7:

1. The topic of the speech is ………………………

2. In many of our nations, especially developed countries, there is among our

general population a ............................... towards those in need.

3. There is a recognition of the ……………….. that so many experience every day

around the world.

4. There are some places beyond hope, that certain people and regions are
condemned to an …………………..

5. Today, we put those ……….. to rest. Today, we set aside the ……………, and
we lift up the hope that is available to us through ……………….

6. The global ……………….. has already been slashed. Prevention and treatment
of ……………. and …………….. and ……………..have saved nearly 60 million
lives. HIV/AIDS infections and deaths have ………………….
1. sustainable development

2. genuine compassion

3. grinding poverty

4. endless cycle of suffering

5. myths - skepticism - collective action

6. hunger rate - measles - malaria – tuberculosis – plummeted

Part 8:

1. The number of Asian students at Mission San Jose School is increasingly

dominating because of …………………in the Silicon Valley community

2. The Asian students became more ……………….. in this area because their
parents come from a system where they all teach for a test.

3. Asian students outscore their …………… on the math, SATs, Physics and

4. Education is ………………. in most Asian cultures.

5. “ Any time we make broad statements about Asian-Americans being

………….,it misleads the public”

6. Dr Alvin Alvarez says statistics do not tell the whole story and
……………………of a model minority.

7. The path of a college-educated immigrant from India or China is very different

from that of an …………………. who fled Cambodia or Laos or Vietnam.

8. The model minority myth ……………………… all those distinctions moves.

9. For Asian students, it doesn’t feel like pressure, it feels a bit like ………………

10. When Syds hope to earn a political science degree from Harvard, his parents
……………… support him every step of the way.
1. demographic shifts

2. predominant

3. white classmates/ peers

4. patticularly prized

5. uniformly successful

6. perpetuate the myth

7. asylum seeking refugee

8. renders

9. scaffolding

10. vow
Part 9:

1. Sources of information highlighting the importance of materialism:

- During the ……………, with repetitive comments from economists and


- In every ………………., even public bathrooms or escalator handrails

- In bars and city parks where ……………. are held by paid actors, trying to sell

2. Consequences of materialism:

- lower happiness and life satisfaction

- fewer …………………………………

- soaring levels of ………………………………..

- deteriorating ………………................

- declining ………………..with less human involvement in …………………..

3. Ways to lessen the power of materialism:

- Understand why people prioritize materialistic values. For example, a sense of

being …………….. can lead to more focus on material things. Besides, frequent
exposure to the media is also responsible for holding such belief. This can be dealt
with by installing …………….to prevent online advertisements or …………….
during TV commercials.

- Strengthen intrinsic values by ………………, for example, devoting more quality

time, partaking in volunteer opportunities or looking for ……………. Another way
is to …………….. that promote intrinsic values, which can be found in countries
like ………………….
1. news shows – conceivable space – conversations

2. pleasant emotions – depression, anxiety and substance abuse – prosocial values

– concern for nature – ecologicaly beneficial activities

3. insecure – ad-blocks – hit mute – changing our lifestyle – meaningful work –

advocate for policies – France and Bhutan
Part 10:

1. Sophia is a special robot because she is a Saudi Arabia’s


2. Sophia is just a small part of a plan designed to increase Saudi Arabia’s


3. The experience of working as a ……………….. allows Hansen to create such

an appealing robot.

4. …………………. is the term coined by Professor Mori, describing the

relationship between the level of realism in a robot and human feelings

5. In order to achieve fine public responses, Sophia is programmed to possess

many ………………

6. Sophia is able to maintain eye contact, recognize ………………… and

…………… humans

7. Sophia can arrange a …………………….., so that people can take it easy to

talk to her.

8. Trying to make humanoid robots used to be conceived as a waste of resources

and a …………….

9. Whether robots can possess the rights of ……………………. is still a big

1. full – fledged citizen

2. non oil related revenue

3. Disney Imagineer

4. uncanny valley

5. social protocols

6. facial expressions – speech patterns

7. conversation

8. fruitless endeavour

9. flesh-and-blood human citizens

Part 11:

1. The way that the current maths curriculum is organized looks like a pyramid,
with ……………….. forming the basis and ……………….. forming the summit.

2. Statistics should be given priority as people use it every day in various aspects
such as ……………, reward, randomness, and data comprehension

3. The ……………….. could be avoided if all people knew about probability and

4. It's time to change from the more classical, continuous mathematics, to the more
………………… mathematics
1. arithmetic and algebra - calculus

2. risk

3. economic mess

4. modern, discrete
Part 12:

- The fact that residents of the UK voted to leave the EU is described as ………….
(1) It is somehow comparable to the fact that Texas managed to …………..(2)
from the US.

- Several effects have been pinpointed. Firstly, the UK’s Prime Minister announced
his resignation, likely to be replaced by Boris Johnson who called Brexit a
………………....(3). Secondly, while the British pounds has collapsed to levels
unseen in the last 30 years, the Euro saw a ………………(4) drop. The global
Stock Market also suffered heavily, with the ……………………….(5)
experiencing the largest fall in five years. Moreover, Brexit means that the UK will
no longer be ………………..(6) , which will significantly damage the UK and EU

- As the UK no longer remains part of EU, it would be ……………(7) for Scotland

not to hold a second referendum to leave the UK.

- The majority of the elderly people voted to leave because they believed that
Brexit would help to increase the fund for healthcare and …………….(8) A
responder, when asked, expressed her feelings to be …………….(9) by older

- This may not be the last break – up of the EU as ……………………(10) also

called for referendums in the aftermath of the Brexit vote.
1. unprecedented

2. secede

3. glorious opportunity

4. steep but less severe

5. Dow Jones stock market index

6. party to the EU’s financial regulations

7. unfathomable

8. restrict immigration

9. betrayed

10. Italy, France, Holland, Denmark

Part 13:

1. In recent years, the Obama administration has made tremendous effort to

support ………………. and prevent Congress from ……………..

2. Wikileaks released documents to ……………..the partnership

3. Wikileaks also revealed that TPP establishes ………….., which allows

corporations to sue countries. An example is pointed out in the case of Philip
Morris, a ………………

4. While the Obama administration promised that the deal will allow the US to
…………………….., Robert Reich called this a …………………………..

5. This practice has added the effect of lessening labor laws, lowering wages and

6. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin listed three countries, namely ………………

are associated with human right abuses.

7. Supporters of TPP call it a …………………………..
1. fast tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership – editing or stalling the agreement

2. condemn

3. extrajudical courts – tobacco giant

4. compete more aggressively against China – global race to the bottom

5. raising the rate of outsourcing

6. Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam

7. means of future economic growth

Part 14.

1. The video which showed a school principal ………….. a five-year-old student

prompted a public debate.

2. In the US, the use of corporal punishment is regulated by ………………….

3. Corporal punishment was introduced by …………………….

4. While adults inflicting pain on children may seem like a violation of their rights,
it is actually ………………..

5. It is estimated that black students receive corporal punishment approximately

every ………........ in school

6. Myriad studies have shown that children who are subjected to corporal
punishment are more likely to ………………….. and………………….

7. The majority of countries where the practice is unregulated are in the


8. …………………. does not stop at corporal punishment

9. Many schools, especially those in …………………. are in a state of instability.

10. According to the …………….., the occupying power should facilitate the
proper working of all institutions devoted to the care and education of children.
1. paddling

2. states and individual school districts

3. British colonizers

4. constitutional

5. 10 seconds

6. struggle academically – face psychological problems

7. Middle East and Africa

8. Concern for students’ well-being

9. war-torn countries

10. The 1949 Geneva Convention

Part 15:

In general, global citizen brings together ………(1)………such as thinkers,

organizations and leaders who dedicate themselves to a better world. Global citizen
is a gathering point for the people and organizations who yearn for a world without
………(2)………in the future. Thanks to global citizen, people can be involved in
the global development through ………(3)……….. For example, ……(4)……..
facilitates taking action as it allows newsreaders to participate in interesting stories.
Moreover, when we are together, we can ……(5)………….to demand
commitments from temporary leaders to develop a sustainable world.
1. engaged individuals

2. extreme poverty

3. on and offline activism

4. the action button

5. amplify our colective voice

Part 16:

Everyday, Americans are (1)…………… with hundred of messages, suggesting that “the
good life” can only be achieved by making lots of money and spending on products that
make us (2)……………, elated and adored.

- Around $150 billion are allocated most years to embed consumer messages in every (3)

- (4)……………….. also reach deeper, encouraging people to organize their lives around
higher salary and owing more stuff

- The more people value materialistic (5)………………, the lower their happiness and
life satisfaction.

- Materialistic values and pro-social values are like a (6)……………….

- When people strongly endorse materialistic values, they are less likely to engage in (7)
………………………such as riding bikes, recycling and re-using things.

- In order to diminish the power of materialistic values, we need to understand what

causes people to prioritize them and promote (8)…………………, which not only boost
well-being but also act to (9)…………….people against materialism.

- Some countries start to regularly assess citizens’ well-being and (10)..…………..…

their communities to develop sensible policies.
1. bombarded

2. esteemed

3. conceivable space

4. commercialization and consumerism

5. aspirations and goals

6. see-saw

7. ecologically beneficial activities

8. intrinsic values

9. immunize

10. sense of connection

Part 17:

- While (1)………..…….. claimed that our environment, or nurture is what makes us us,
the (2)………….…….. believed that genes, an (3)……………..………in you from birth,
or nature is the decisive factor.

- The field that looks at how nature and nurture interact is called (4) …………………

- The research examines how rat mother love and care their babies based on the behavior
of (5)……………………..
1. social science

2. biological sciences

3. unchangeable blueprint

4. epigenetics

5. licking
Part 18:

1. Everyone can theoretically win by ………………….. in an honest manner.

2. While poor countries receive an enormous …………………., international companies

can take advantage of the ………………

3. Consumers in rich countries benefit from ………………. and better prices thanks to

4. The world would move towards a more …………………….., with countries focusing
on the products they are better at making and importing those they do not have
competitive advantage.

5. However, most countries are engaged in unfair practices , for example, rich countries
encourage poor countries to sell them resources but discourage them from selling

6. Countries want to curb the system by ………………….to boost exports, subsidizing

industries and so on

7. The speaker wonders what we have today truly globalization or just one
1. eliminating trade barriers

2. influx of capital - lower wages

3. greater product variety

4. efficient allocation of capital

5. high value-added

6. artificially weakening their currency

7. masquerade
Part 19:

1. While smartphones can easily connect us to the rest of the world, the ………………
involved in manufacturing, distributing and selling smartphones are not so simple.

2. The ……………….of the iPhone, for example, are often sourced from a variety of

3. By the end of 2014, over 70 million iPhones were …………………….. to stores

across the world.

4. The increase of countries opening their borders has promoted substantial


5. Globalization makes it more convenient for consumers to ……………….. a diversity

of products and services.

6. ………………… often results in hiring overseas workers that migrate thousands of

miles in search of employment.

7. ………………… in Foxconn resulted in 14 workers committing suicide in 2010.

8. Technology has mobilized individuals around the world to campaign against injustices,
encouraging companies to become more ………… publicizing products origins.

9. Several harsh measures have been adopted, including enforcing fines for
1. processes and resources

2. components

3. assembled and shipped

4. proportions of global trade

5. access and create

6. Sourcing cheaper labour

7. Unbearable working conditions

8. transparent

9. in-compliant suppliers
Part 20:

1. While supporters believe that globalization is the key 21 st century …………….,

opponents claim that the process facilitates inequality and a race to the bottom in terms of

2. The index suggests that there has been a ……………….. for all countries reviewed in
the study.

3. While interconnectedness is generally beneficial, globalization opportunities are not


4. Previous research suggest that emerging markets could lose out from …………..
…….such as TTIP.
1. growth motor

2. net positive

3. evenly dispersed

4. regional trade pacts

Part 21:

1. Gender refers to cultural and social differences and the main problems with this are our

2. It is widely believed that sex ________is a natural way of things.

3. Gender socialization occurs through four ________; namely family, education, peer
groups and mass media.

4. The division of products to appeal to the market for both sexes is called ________ .

5. Gender stereotypes can disrupt people’s ________or encourage already ________

gender stereotypes.

6. In Western heteronomative society, boys are encouraged to be ________, ________

and strong whilst girls are expected to be passive, ________and ________.
1. socially constructed gender roles

2. segregation

3. major agents

4. gender marketing

5. gender identities – oppressive

6. assertive – dominating – nurturing - subordinate

Part 22:

1. In December 2015, China issued a red alert warning for their capital, Beijing due to its
excessive ________

2. Many ________occupied top spots in terms of cleanliness according to the Green City
Index report.

3. While Denmark and Switzerland impose heavy restrictions on high polluting vehicles,
there is also a ________ to use public transit, bicycling and walking.

4. Curitiba in Brazil was the first city to introduce ________ in 1974.

5. Singapore keep the city clean through ________ and infrastructure investment.

6. ________ recycling and water treatment plants in Singapore are designed around
supplying the uniquely compact city.

7. Recycling a significant amount of waste, San Francisco is described as a ________


8. A way to maintain low use of energy in San Fransico is to require ________ to submit
energy usage reports on a regular basis.

9. Accra in Ghana get high scores for establishing a ________with the government.

10. In general, it is ________ to be involved that fundamentally contributes to the

protection of the environment.
1. smog and air particle levels

2. Nordic countries

3. societal push

4. bus rapid transit

5. high-density planning

6. state – of – the – art

7. health-conscious

8. commercial building owners

9. direct bureaucratic link

10. society’s willingness

Part 23:

It is impossible to return to the strategies of the past as we are going through the age of
(1) ______________________________, the most prominent being technology.
The collapse of Soviet Union and the advent of capitalism have (2)
___________________ old challenges to old America’s global leadership.
Three countries: (3) ______________, ______________, ______________ are taken as
examples of new challenges to American leadership.
During his visit to (4) ________________________________, Obama saw a picture that
depicted the new reality of fiercer competition in job market.
Obama asserts that we are living in a world where (5)
______________________________ can come from anywhere.
Some argue that the only chance to maintain living standards is to build a (6)
____________ to stop trading with other countries, shut down immigration and rely on
old industries.
Obama deprecates the above statement as this is impossible and can even deteriorate the
situation. Therefore, we should embrace rather than (7) ______________________.
Success in globalisation will depend on three factors: (8) ______________,
______________, ______________ of Americans.
In confronting capitalism’s gravest crisis, Franklin D. Rooselvet forged the (9)
______________________________, built the Hoover Dam and so on.
John F. Kenedy, in the dark day of the Cold War, created the Apollo programme to put us
on the (10) ______________________________.
This was the leadership that had the strength to turn the moments of (11) _____________
into ________________, had the courage to challenge (12) ____________________.

1. fundamental economic transformation

2. vanquished

3. China, India, Brazil

4. Google’s headquarters

5. communication, connection, competition

6. fortress

7. fear the future

8. dynamism, determination, innovation

9. social safety net

10. pathway to the moon

11. adversity - opportunity

12. conventional thinking

Part 24:
In public, a key step along the path to the deal was the ……………..(1) opened up at this
year's UN General Assembly between President Rouhani and Western nations, after years
of the relationship being dominated by whether Iran is, or is not, seeking to

And - more than 30 years after the US embassy …………...(3) in Tehran - September's
fifteen-minute phone conversation between President Obama and Mr Rouhani gave
further hope of potential progress towards resolving the ………………..(4)

But, behind the scenes, it has now been revealed, the US and Iran have been engaged in
…………………(5) for months, in Oman and elsewhere. The Associated Press news
agency says they were kept hidden even from America's …………..(6) and
…………………(7) until two months ago.

It was a high-stakes …………………..(8) While Israel argues that the deal reached in
Geneva is dangerously skewed in favour of Iran, most of Iran's Arab neighbours are
clearly uneasy too.

But the public and private diplomacy from here on will clearly need to be just as
……………(9) - and is likely to face many more severe tests - if a more ……………….
(10) is to be achieved, and Iran's relationships in its volatile region and with the rest of
the world are to return to normal.

1. dialogue
2. develop nuclear weapons.

3. siege

4. nuclear dispute

5. secret face-to-face talks

6. allies

7. negotiating partners

8. diplomatic gamble

9. intense

10. comprehensive nuclear agreement

Part 25:
1. Alternative energy sources hold the key to ………………….

2. Renewable energy is generated from sources that ………………..and never run


3. Common sources of renewable energy are solar, wind, hydro, …………….and


4. Renewable sources are environmentally friendly because they create only


5. Due to its limitless supply, renewable energy is a ………………

6. The construction of wind farms and dams can disrupt ……………….

7. Solar and wind energy are ……………as they only generate power under
certain conditions.

8. Advances in technology can put an end to ………………….

1. combating climate change

2. naturally replenish themselves

3. geothermal – biomass

4. indiect greenhouse gas

5. reliable source of power

6. wildlife and migration patterns

7. intermitten

8. climate change

Part 26:
1. Greenhouse, the main cause of climate change, occurs when Sun’s light is
allowed to get into but some of the heat gets ……………., which looks like

2. It takes ………....... such a long time to reach today’s levels.

3. Consequences of climate change :

- the melting of ………..

- The rise of sea levels and floods in …………., as a direct result of water held in

- Warmer temperatures lead to ………. weather patterns, such as storms, floods,

………. and droughts

4. Challenges posed by changing weather patterns:

- Growing crops becomes more difficult because possible habitats for animals and
plants ……… and water supplies are ……………

- As ..................... are an component of smog, exposure to smog may cause severe

health problems.

5. By replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, humans can ……..
climate change

1. trapped – glass walls of a greenhouse

2. atmospheric carbon dioxide

3. ice sheets – coastal regions – glaciers - more extreme – snowfall

4. shift – diminished – ozone particles

5. combat

Part 27
1. Contrary to Hollywood movies about counterterrorism which tend to feature
individual effort to deal with terrorists; in reality, the U.S cooperates with several
countries and establishes a …………….., with the most popular one known as

2. Private information about terrorist groups can also be obtained with allies
adjacent to ……………….. sending ……………….inside terrorist groups.

3. A significant success s can be traced back as far as in 2010 when an Al-Qaeda

plot to ……….………….. was prevented in time.

4. The Israelis revealed the Isis’s plan to attack airplanes by using ……………
the US on the condition that it was kept secret.

5. President Trump viewed Russia as a ……………in the fight against Isis and
worldwide terrorism.

6. Israelis regarded …….. as the major threat to the Jewish people.

1. web of intelligence-sharing agreements – Five Eyes agreement

2. terrorism hot spots – agents undercover

3. bomb two cargo planes

4. laptops

5. key ally

6. Iran

Part 28:
1. As a math teacher in some public schools in New York, she was amazed to
discover that several students who achieved the highest grades did not have

2. After several more years of teaching, she concluded that it was necessary for
education to be considered from ………………..and ……………..angle.

3. She went on to become a psychologist and took up studying kids and adults in
all kinds of ……………………..

4. The targets in her study included:

+ ……………. in a Military Academy,

+ Children in a spelling competition

+ ……………. in severe working conditions

+ Salespeople in …………………….

5. Grit was identified as the major predictor of success. Grit is passion and
perseverance for very long-term goals. Overall, it looks like a ………….rather
than a ………………….

6. It's not just at West Point or the National Spelling Bee that grit matters. The
study conducted in he Chicago public schools also indicated higher possibility to
…………………..among grittier kids.

7. Data show that there is no positive correlation between between talent and grit.
In fact, it is even …........................ levels of talent.

8. Carol Dweck promotes the idea of …………, which dispels the notion that
learning ability is fixed.

1. stratospheric IQ scores
2. motivational – psychological

3. super challenging settings

4. cadets - rookie teachers - private companies

5. marathon – sprint

6. graduate

7. inversely related to

8. growth mindset

Part 29:
1. Afghanistan used to be perceived as ………….as far as women’s rights are

2. Things changed completely when ………………., the Taliban, took over the

3. Paula Bronstein, a ……………, has documented life in Afghanistan with an

emphasis on women

4. She describes the Islamic culture and its feelings and thoughts about women as

5. Stringent laws were imposed on women, for example, women must wear burqa
to avoid showing any ………………

6. Women are still suffering from the ………………..even though the Taliban
regime was ousted.

7. According to Paula, there are many women’s issues to document, ranging from
poverty to ……………. with many of them being child bribes

8. A man’s income is the major source of most Afghan families as a result of low
literacy levels and ……………….

9. Some cultural shifts in favour of wome’s rights have been documented by Paula,
for example, young women rallying during the ………… 2014.

10. While it is almost impossible to tell when Afghan women can truly
……………. with men, Paula feels a spirit to turn this into reality

1. more progressive than neighbouring countries

2. Islamic fundamentalists group
3. photojournalist
4. conservative
5. bare skin
6. fear of reciprocation
7. forced marriages
8. old social stigmas
9. presidential elections
10. stand on equal footing

Part 30.
1. Laos is known as the most heavily bombed country in
history .........................................
2. Dozens and dozens of round bombies, each the size of
a ........................................., are hanged from the ceiling like necklaces in an
exhibition in downtown Vientiane.
3. The nonprofit COPE puts on the exhibit to assist those
who ................................................. to unexploded ordinance.
4. What the exhibit displays is part of a ................................................ legacy of the
U.S.'s so-called secreet war in Laos.
5. An archive NBC News report describes the campaign of bombing raids on
the ..................................
6. An estimated 30 percent of the bombs failed to explode, which ,some 40 years
later, lead to about .......................................................... a year.
7. Emma Atkinson works on U.S. State Department programs and funding to
clear ............................................................ in Laos
8. The fact that the bombs have been sitting in the ground for 40 years
deteriorating makes them even more ...................................................................
9. According to President Barack Obama, the United States has
a ................................................. to help Laos heal, given their history there.
10. In fields across Xieng Khouang province, MAG technicians root out leftover
bombs, and in controlled detonations, they destroy the bombies to make these areas
1. per capita 6. 40 casualties

2. tennis ball 7. unexploded bombs

3. lose limbs 8. volatile

4. costly and deadly 9. moral obligation

5. Ho Chi Minh Trail 10. farmable and safe

Part 31.

1. Artificial intelligence refers to the …………… which a system is capable of

learning directly from data.

2. In the 80s, the introduction of machine learning brought the first real wave of
……………. to the field.

3. As computational performance reached a tipping point in the last decade, deep

learning started to …………….

4. Three examples of artificial intelligence capabilities include …………….

5. The emergence of deep learning serves as a …………….to promote continuous

development of artificial intelligence.
1. broad category of computing

2. significant advancements

3. gather momentum

4. image, speech and natural language recognition

5. reminder
Part 32:

- In response to the outbreak of Zika virus, the CDC has implemented two new (1)
……………for pregnant women, one on the (2)……………….. and the other on
the Dominican Republic. This is a major step to reduce cases of microcephaly, a

- Microcephaly is also associated with myriad other health issues like cognitive
deficits, (4)………….., feeding problems, vision problems and hearing loss. 

- Its symptoms are mild, just things like a ……………… or a ……………..(5)

- According to the CDC, the most effective approach to avoid the virus is to

- Some experts are calling a ……………………………… (7) for Zika
579/ bans

2. United States Virgin Islands

3. devastating birth defect

4. seizures

5. fever-rash

6. avoid mosquito bites

7. perfect dissemination vehicle

Part 33:

1. The air quality in some developing countries is so bad that city officials have to
resort to extreme measures to ………………..

2. Some scientists measure air quality based on the number of particles with
diameters ………………………………………., while others concentrate on
particles with diameters amounting to as much as ……………………

3. Onitsha is heavily polluted as a result of …………………………

4. Onitsha has the worst traffic in Nigeria, lacks any ………………. and
establishes too few regulations.

5. Zabol’s pollution problem is unique because it is not a ……………………

6. In fact, its excess air particles result from …………………………………

7. In the early 2000s, the amount of dust accelerated as ……………………………

8. In 2015, the issue of air pollution in Zabol became so serious that city officials
had to ……………………..

9. As a result of serious pollution in Delhi, …………………………… are popular

diseases among adults while children suffer from irreversible lung damage.

10. The issue in Delhi exacerbated in 2016, forcing its people into a ………………..
1. Protect residents from respiratory diseases

2. Less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers/10 micrometers

3. Rapid growth and industrialization

4. Proper waste incineration plants

5. Population or industrial hub

6. Continuous dust storms

7. The region's primary wetland dried up

8. Distribute free face masks

9. Headaches, sore throats, and reduced lung capacity

10. Full-blown state of emergency

Part 34.

1. Climate change is a fact. We can see it in fish migration patterns, in melting

Arctic sea ice, ………………… and the damage to corals

2. Climate change, in some ways, is believed to be ……………….

3. More serious floods may arise in the future as ………………….

4. At the……………., the author affirms that future changes to the climate need to
be fully adapted

5. One example of adaptation to climate change is ………………. to block

drainage channels.

6. Another example is in Cranfield University where ………….are created.

7. Adaptation also has its limits as a ……………. may lead to extinctions and
impacts on ecosystem.

8. Extreme warming would also ……………

9. Overall, the report is considered to be ……………..

10. …………… asserts that we have to make certain that the situation is not so
1. (in) shrinking Himalayan glaciers

2. reversible

3. warmer air holds more moisture

4. document launch in Japan

5. building mini-dams

6. artificial mini-fields

7. 4 degree C rise (in temperature)

8. melt the Greenland ice caps

9. alarmist

10. The UN Panel

Part 35:

- There is a widely held belief among scientists that spots on the sun are caused by
the eruption of ……………….(1) However, the spot expected to be witnessed on
May 9,2016 is the result of Mercury making a transit of the sun, which is a
……………..(2) phenomenon.

- In the US, the transit begins before sunrise on the west coast, but that is not the
problem as Mercury is expected to be gliding across the …………..(3) when the
sun comes up over certain places.

- Be careful when viewing the transit as Mercury’s tiny disk covers on a small
fraction of the ………………….(4)

- A ………….......(5)can prove to be useful in this case as ……………..(6) is

considered to be essential to view Mercury.

- You can witness the transit on the website of …………………….(7)

- Nasa scientist Rosemary Killen and colleagues plan to take advantage of the
transit as an opportunity to study ………………..(8), also known as exosphere.

- The atoms in Mercury’s exosphere are blasted into space by solar

radiation, .......................... and ………………..(9), which gives Mercury a
…………….(10) stretched out as long as 1.2 million miles.

- According to Killen, ……….....….(11) in the exosphere absorbs and re-emits a

yellow-orange color from sunlight and the measurement of the absorption can help
to learn about the ……………..(12) there.
1. irregular islands of magnetism

2. rare

3. solar disk

4. sun’s blinding surface

5. proper filter

6. magnification

7. Nasa’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

8. Mercury’s ultra-thin atmosphere

9. Solar wind bombardment - meteoroids

10. comet-like tail

11. Sodium

12. density of gas

Part 36:

1. Leonardo described himself as ………………. among billions of people around

the world who want to find solutions for climate crisis.

2. Every week sees new and ……………………. , evidence that accelerates

climate change all around the world.

3. None of the environmental problem is …………………..and

……………………….It’s fact.

4. According to the chief of the US Navy’s Pacific Command, climate change is

our single …………….

5. The UN organization now faces a ………………………………….. task

6. It’s time to put a price tag on carbon emissions and ……………… for all oil
coal and gas companies.

7. Solving this crisis is not a question of politics but a question of ……………..
1) a concerned citizen

2) undeniable climate events

3) rhetoric - hysteria

4) greatest security threat

5) difficult but achievable

6) eliminate government subsidies

7) our own survival

Part 37:

Russia's sports programs have faced international scrutiny for its documented use
of 1)__________________.

Sir Craig Reedie, president of the 2) __________________, has recently

announced that Russia’s Anti-doping Agency, 3) _______________, is still not in
compliance with its regulations.

Despite Russia having made huge 4) __________________, it is still denying

access to blood and urine samples and refusing to admit that the government had
5)__________ a doping program in the past.

The ruling was top news in Russia, where the country's international sporting status
is an object of national pride.

Russian state television news described the decision as a “ 6)_________________

with a predictable ending,” asserting that the country is the victim of 7)

Alexander Zhukov, the head of 8) __________________, claimed that the ruling

was 9)___________.

Additionally, Zhukov furthered claimed that artificial conditions were being

created to inhibit Russia from 10) __________________with anti-doping rules.

The IOC, otherwise known as the 11) _____________________, will hold a

meeting in December to decide whether Russia should be allowed to participate in
the upcoming Winter Games.

Although the World Anti-Doping Agency had previously tried to enact a ban on all
Russian athletes participating in last summer's Rio Olympics, ultimately, the IOC
left the decision up to 12) __________________.

President Vladimir Putin has voiced his own suspicions, and has implied that
United States is trying to prevent Russia from 13) __________________.
Additionally, Putin suspects that the U.S. is using the scandal to

Furthermore, Putin has claimed that Americans are using the scandal as a form of
retribution, for their belief that Russia had previously 15) _________ in the

1. illegal doping

2. World Anti-Doping Agency


4. technical improvements

5. sponsored

6. well-choreographed show

7. behind-the-scenes intrigue

8. Russia's Olympic Committee

9. politicized

10. coming into line

11. International Olympic Committee

12. individual sports federations

13. taking part in the Olympics

14. create problems before Russia's presidential election in March.

15. Interfered

16. U.S. presidential election

Part 38: When Apple announced the new iPhone can use 1)_____________
technology to unlock the device, the response may not have been what Apple had
hoped for.

Clare Garvey is concerned about face recognition technology becoming

2)____________; we are going to get very comfortable with it.

We forget that it's used by any number of actors in ways we may not know about
that is both 3)_______________ and more 4)______________ than the way that
Apple has chosen to use it.

In Russia, face recognition has been used to scan anti-government or anti-

corruption protests, identify and then 5)___________ the people at those anti-
government protests.

What this means is these people will be subject to 6)__________, if not arrest, for
their political beliefs.

The fact remains in the U.S., it's very much a 7)____________when it comes to
face recognition.

8)_____________ across the country use this technology in various ways without
any laws governing its use.

It looks like face recognition was used on social media posts that protesters were
posting from 9)_________________.

Law enforcement agents on the ground could, in almost 10)________, get the
identities, the names of the people at those protests. We're a country where we do
not necessarily need to show our 11)________ every time we walk down the street,
but now our faces will do that work for us.

Sounds to me that your concern isn't so much this particular technology but that -
what? - that it 12)___________ to a broader use? Is that really Apple's fault or
The real concern is that we may stop worrying about the very real concerns that we
should be worrying about as we increasingly are subjected to face recognition that
we can’t 13)________ of.

1. Facial recognition

2. Normalized

3. Less accurate

4. Privacy concerning

5. Publicly name

6. Intimidation

7. Rules-free zone

8. Law enforcement

9. Demonstration sites

10. Real time

11. Papers

12. Opens the door

13. Opt- out

Part 39:

In the hours after the massacre in Las Vegas, 1)_____________ about it started
showing up on Google and Facebook. A man was falsely accused of being the
shooter. His name bubbled up on a Facebook safety check site and at the top of
Google search results. And all of that was 2)_____________.

His name first appeared on a message board on a site called 4chan. 4chan is known
as this gathering spot for 3)______________ in the alt-right. Everyone who posts
is 4)______________

Marilou Danley’s ex-husband’s FB page indicated he was a liberal, and the far-
right 5)______on /pol/ went to work to spread the word.

On Google, the top searches linked to places that said he was the shooter. This was
because Google has not had the time to really 6)________the search results yet.

In a statement, Google said it will "continue to make 7)____________

improvements to prevent this from happening in the future."

One improvement that contributing editor Greg Sterling thinks Google should
make is putting less weight on certain websites, like 4chan, and putting more
weight on sites deemed more 8)__________. This would give some sites more
preference over others.

Benkler, a law professor at Harvard University, thinks if Facebook and Google

were to block sites like 4chan, it would not solve the problem; this is because he
believes that if another situation similar to this arose, someone will find some other
1. Fake News

2. Automated

3. Underground hackers

4. Anonymous

5. Trolls

6. Vet

7. Algorithmic

8. Credible

9. Workaround
Part 40.

Facebook says it wants to keep from being used by extremists. The company, used
by billions of people, is under pressure not to be a 1) ____________. Terrorists
have 2) _______________to ISIS on Facebook or won new recruits there.

We're focused on real-world harm, so harm in the physical world. That means that
- you know, for things like terrorism 3)__________ or terrorism 4)___________,
we want to make sure that it's not on the site because we think that that could lead
to real-world harm.

It's a vast challenge and delicate. Facebook wants to block dangerous content
without blocking 5)___________. Its techniques include hiring more human
monitors of 6) ______________.

Bickert also hopes to block some offensive images before they're published by
using 7)_______________software.

There is software that can be used to create what's called a hash, or a

8)_______________of that video, so that if somebody else tries to upload a
similarly harmful video in the future, it would be recognized even before the video
hits the site.

Bickert wants to point out that it doesn't necessarily mean that we would take
9)_________ action. There are times where we need people to actually review the
content that this software is flagging for us.

Since you have a background in law enforcement, I know you're familiar with the
phrase 10) __________ __which is something that the U.S. government is
never supposed to do when it comes to free speech.

There may be speech that can be punished in some way, but there should not be
prior restraint of 11)______________. What are the specific instances when you
think it is OK for you to do that?
Well, I mean, first I want to point out that, as a social media company, we set the
12)________ and let our people know what they are for when they come to

We're really looking at the context of how something was shared. If it's terrorism
propaganda, we're going to remove it. If somebody is sharing it for news value or
to condemn violence, we may leave it up.

1. Platform for violence

2. Proclaimed allegiance

3. Recruitment

4. Propaganda

5. Free speech

6. Doubtful content

7. Image-matching

8. Digital fingerprint

9. Automated

10.Prior restraint


Part 41.

Google's been the leader in getting the world 1)____________ with virtual reality.

The company's going 2)___________ now and partnering with HTC and Lenovo
on a standalone headset made of tougher stuff than Cardboard.

Google is the first major company to release a 3)__________ VR headset.

Facebook's Oculus Rift and Sony VR have to be 4)_________ to expensive
computers or gaming consoles.

Google's also 5)__________ its augmented reality technology. It announced what

it's calling visual positioning service, or VPS.

Bavor says the company actually sees a continuum between its VR and AR
technology. It's all part of a future where the virtual and real worlds blur. Google is
calling it 6) ____________computing.

There's a lot of competition among the big tech companies to advance these
immersive technologies. Facebook, Microsoft and Sony are competitors, and
Apple is likely to jump into the fray. But Google has some advantages, like its
dominance in search.

Google has a massive 7)_________________ and brand, and it's got all this data
and 8)_______________. And really, none of the other players have all those

An example of how this advantage works is that you could point your augmented
reality-enabled phone at a restaurant, and a 9)__________ would just pop up on
the screen from Google search.
1. Acquainted

2. Full throttle

3. Standalone

4. Tethered

5. Beefing up

6. Immersive Computing

7. Consumer Audience

8. Software Expertise

9. Review
Part 42.

A new study suggests stress can even reduce the benefits of a (1)_______.

The Ohio State professor has demonstrated that stress can (2)________, leading
people to burn fewer (3)_______.

To find out of a certain kind of meal could counter the effects of stress on the
body, she got about 60 women who were experiencing different kinds of stress in
their lives to participate in what she calls a (4) ____________.

One meal was very high in (5) __________, the type of fat most linked to heart
disease. The other meal was made with fat similar to olive oil, which is considered
better for health.

The idea is that the healthier of the two meals would protect against the harmful
effects of stress, specifically (6) __________ levels in the body. The stress
appeared to boost inflammation.

Higher inflammation in the body can increase a range of diseases, including

(7) ___________, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and some cancers.

In some cases, the power of stress can overwhelm diet choices. But if you combine
a good diet with other (8)_____________. Prather says, you can protect the body
against the effects of stress - for instance, exercise.

(9) ___________and (10) ___________are effective in kind of improving people's

well-being and their ability to cope with stressors during the day.
1. good diet

2. alter metabolism

3. calories

4. meal challenge

5. saturated fat

6. inflammation

7. cardiovascular disease

8. effective strategies

9. exercise

10. social connectedness

Part 43.

Federal health officials recommend children take part in at least one hour of
moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. (1) _________Tala Fakhouri,
with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that's because the
benefits of exercise for kids are well-known.

We know that physical activity in childhood strengthens your bones, increases

your (2)__________. But it also has effects on psychologic well-being of kids and
teens. So we know it increases their (3)____________, increases their self-esteem.
It actually may help them deal with stress.

But Fakhouri says only 1 in 4 teens between 12 and 15 actually get that one hour of
exercise every day. She looked at federal health data gathered from 800 kids who
answered (4) ______________ in 2012. She says that while kids may be active in
childhood, typically there's a decline as they move into their teenage years.

We do know, for example, that (5)___________ - like watching TV - is the single

most contributor to physical inactivity in adolescence.

Overall, Sallis says, the findings are worrisome in the midst of a (6) __________

Bit by bit, Sallis says, it's getting more and more difficult for kids to get the
exercise they need, which is one reason why so many end up in organized,
supervised activities like sports teams or dance and (7) ___________.

But if getting children back and forth to activities like that are (8) _________for
parents, researcher Fakhouri says there are other small changes families can make.

And with many schools reducing or cutting back P.E., Jim Sallis says parents may
have to put pressure on the schools.

Go to the child's school, and look at what's happening in (9) ____________. If

they're not going out at all or very much, complain about that.

1. epidemiologist

2. muscle mass

3. capacity for learning

4. questionnaires

5. sedentary behaviors

6. childhood obesity

7. gymnastics classes

8. problematic

9. physical education
Part 44.

For the first time, scientists have figured out how to reliably and safely edit the
genes of human (1) ________. This has the potential to one day prevent (2)
__________ from Alzheimer's to breast cancer.

They actually went in, and they rewrote the letters in the (3) _________ in some of
3 billion letters that make up our entire genetic (4) _________.

And you know, both scientists and critics of this work are saying this could be kind
of a (5) __________moment in science.

And the reason for that is if scientists can edit the DNA in human embryos, they
could find ways to cure, you know, infertility, prevent (6) __________and birth

And they could maybe someday figure out a way to prevent a long list of some
really terrible diseases, as you mentioned - you know, everything from
Huntington's disease to sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and even maybe some
forms of cancer - breast and ovarian cancer. But critics say this opens kind of a (7)
___________ of all kinds of scary scenarios of everything - things like, you know,
designer babies and (8)_____________ human beings.

All they're trying to do is figure out a way to prevent some of these diseases that
(9) _______ families.

The scientists used this new genetic editing technique, called CRISPR. They
injected into embryos that carried a genetic defect. You can kind of think of it as
sort of like (10)_________. They actually (11)________ the defective gene from
these embryos.

In 70 percent of the cases, they were able to knock out this (12) ________gene.
1. Embryo

2. Genetic diseases

3. Genetic code

4. Blueprint

5. Watershed

6. Miscarriages

7. Pandora's Box

8. Genetically Modified

9. Plague

10. Nanosurgery

11. Spliced out

12. Mutant
Part 45.

American 1)___________ jobs are disappearing. The country's lost more than 7
million 2)______________ since the late 1970s, and yet the amount of stuff the
U.S. produces is at an all-time high.

Michael Hicks, an economist, says 3)___________ is responsible for the loss of

these jobs. Indiana has been in the 4)___________ of this recently - hasn't it? -
because of the Carrier plant.

As the plant probably goes through an automation period, we just don't know how
many of the workers that are there now are going to be able to fit into the new,
5)_____________automated factory of 2020.

Do you believe people that talk about our 6)___________ haven't accounted for
the powerful impact of automation in industry?

You know, it's very clear to me in talking about the subject and writing about it for
the past couple of years that there's a real disconnect between what we talk about,
which is jobs floating overseas to Mexico and China and Vietnam, and the reality,
which is that automation and 7)_____________________ have really accounted
for the vast majority of job losses in Indiana nationwide.

8)__________ of a production process is going to make things quicker and more

efficient. So we don't need as many auto workers as we did a generation and a half

There are certain new jobs being created, but they are harder to see. Between the
time that manufacturing peaked in 1977 and today, we're down about 7 and a half
million manufacturing jobs, but we're up about 9 and a half million 9)________

It is not practical to focus on retraining factory workers for new jobs. This is
because it’s difficult to ask a 56-year-old guy or gal who hasn't been around middle
school math since the early '70s to jump into a training program at our community
technical college or with our 10) _______________ board and get 11) _________
for a technology job or to work in a health care setting. It's a very difficult thing to

1. Manufacturing

2. Factory jobs

3. Automation

4. Crosshairs

5. Highly technical

6. Outsourcing

7. Technological improvement

8. Digitisation

9. Logistics

10. Workforce Development

11. Retooled
Part 46.

Today we're kicking off a new series that looks at how advances in
1)_________________ are changing our work.

There's constantly new 2)___________ coming along, as there should be. And so
we have to update our insights from time to time. Well, with that as a
3)_________, how much of the U.S. workforce would you say is at risk of
automation in the coming decades?

What do you see as the 4)________ of the workforce that is least likely to change
or least likely to disappear?

Well, there are three big categories that machines are really bad at. They've made
tremendous advances, but they're bad at first off doing 5)___________.

The second big category is 6)____________and 7)______________, people who

are coaches or salespeople or negotiators or caregivers.

And the third one is actually manual 8)__________ and physical mobility.
Machines have a hard time doing simple things like picking up a nickel or walking
up stairs or clearing a table.

It sounds like you're saying one of the sectors that's likely to be safest is sort of
creative work that would suggest 9)_________ education.

I think there's probably no better time in history to be somebody with some real
creative insights. And then the technology helps you 10)__________ that to
millions or billions of people. And people who can combine some creativity with
an understanding of the digital world are especially well-positioned.
Would you say that 11)_________ workers are generally more likely to be
replaced by robots than 12)__________ workers? We hear so much about people
in manufacturing being replaced by automation.

I don't think it's so much of a blue collar-white collar division. The big waves have
been more structured work versus less structured work, with more structured work
being automated faster and work that involves creativity and interpersonal skills as
being more robust in the long run.

1. Artificial intelligence

2. Innovations

3. Caveat

4. Sector

5. Creative work

6. Interpersonal skills

7. Emotional intelligence

8. Dexterity

9. Liberal arts

10. Leverage

11. Blue-collar

12. White-collar
Part 47.

The tech industry is getting hit hard by 1)________________ who think they've
been treated unfairly.

That's the conclusion of a national study that examines why workers leave their
jobs in tech. The problem is most acute among 2________________, meaning
women, racial minorities, ethnic minorities.

There are many 3) ____________ about what tech companies are like on the inside
- places where women are sexually harassed and blocked from promotion, where
blacks and Latinos don't get hired. This new survey is an effort to 4)___________
from anecdotes to patterns.

Researchers found the No. 1 reason for leaving was not a better job offer; it was
5)_______________especially for women and underrepresented minorities. The
survey considered four types of unfair practices.

One being unfair 6) ________________, things like job assignments and

promotions; two being 7)______________; three, 8)________________; and four,

About 10)________________ said they'd experienced at least one of these. But the
type experienced varied by race, gender and sexual orientation. For example, white
and Asian men reported being more 11)__________________ than men of other
races. LGBTQ respondents reported the highest rate of bullying. And women...

12) _______________women reported unwanted sexual attention or harassment.

In recent years, the largest tech companies have begun to disclose how many
women and underrepresented minorities they're hiring. But with the exception of
the chip maker Intel, no major company is disclosing how many of these
employees are staying versus leaving.

1. turnover among workers

2. underrepresented workers

3. ugly anecdotes

4. pivot

5. mistreatment

6. people management practices

7. stereotyping

8. sexual harassment

9. bullying

10. 80% of respondents

11. unfairly managed

12. One in 10
Part 48.

Most 1) _____________ say they plan to keep working past 2)

____________________, but to do that, they have to get hired first.

New research says that 3) _______________ is a real problem. The researchers

sent out 40,000 fake resumes for thousands of real jobs.

David Neumark said that the 4) _____________- which means the rate by which
employers contact us and say we'd like to interview you - drops from young
applicants to middle-aged applicants and drops further for middle-aged applicants
to older applicants.

You can't come right out and say people over 40 5) _____________. There is a law
against that. It's called the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and it's been
around for 50 years.

However, employers sometimes 6) __________for age without calling it that. For

example, one company said that 7) _____________for 8)
________________would be just two to three years out of college and that
applicants with eight to 10 years of experience should be avoided.

These were 9)_________________that tobacco company R. J. Reynolds gave to

10)____________. So out of about a thousand people hired for these positions,
only 19 were over the age of 40.

One of the employees of R.J. Reynolds turned 11) ______________ gave the
guidelines to attorneys who specialize in 12______________.

Billy Carter: “You know, as far as them are concerned, and then seeing all these
other people - and I know that I could have been 13) __________to that company.”
I should mention that Billy Carter isn't a 14) __________in the lawsuit yet. He's
one of a dozen people who've asked the court to join the suit.

The company declined to comment because of the 15)_____________. But in

court documents, they don't deal with the charge of discrimination. Their argument
is that Villarreal doesn't even have a right to sue, that he waited too long to take
action and that the relevant part of the age discrimination law protects people who
have jobs, but not people looking for jobs.

1) baby boomers

2) conventional retirement age

3) age discrimination

4) callback rate

5) need not apply

6) screen

7) ideal candidates

8) regional sales jobs

9) confidential guidelines

10) job recruiters

11) whistleblower

12) employment law

13) an asset

14) plaintiff

15) pending litigation

Part 49.

Our race and 1)______________ affect what happens in the workplace. Most
African-Americans who participated in a poll said they had 2) ______________at
work in pay, in hiring, and in getting promotions.

Sonari Glinton, a reporter for NPR, found that when AA faced those barriers and
obstacles, many people choose to get out and 3) _________________.

Dennis Jackson, an entrepreneur, said that he chose his field of work -landscape
and solar – because 4) ____________________ in the industry.

Jackson and the few other black landscapers see each other as 5)
__________because there aren’t many of them.

Jackson’s very small operation consists of five employees and 6)


Jackson claims that his entrepreneurial spirit is his way of avoiding the 7)

He insists that he is going to 8) “________________” to avoid having to face


NPR and Harvard’s survey found that 9)____________ of African-Americans say

they've been discriminated against in the workplace.

Marc Morial, the head of the National Urban League, says discrimination can deter
African-Americans from 10) _______________.

The 11) ______________for black men has improved significantly since the Great
However, Marc Morial says the fact that many black men have simply
12)________________ is hidden in these low jobless numbers.

A whole 13)______________ lead to giving up; race affects networking,

education, mobility.

Steven Pitts, who studies labor at UC Berkeley, states that the issue isn't really
14)______________-- there's real evidence of discrimination against African-
American men in the workplace.

Due to the reality of discrimination, black men especially look for alternatives
outside of the 15)______________.

Pitts states that having someone fix a car or paint a house are forms of 16)

The 17)______________ is not just the idea of on-the-corner drug stuff. It's a
18)______________of economic activity that simply isn't governed by 19)

According to Pitts, black men face real barriers, whether it's a 20)______________
or the need for a license to get a particular job.
1. perceptions of it

2. experienced discrimination

3. strike out on their own

4. there's not many black people

5. unicorns

6. some independent contractors

7. glass ceiling.

8. “write my own ticket”

9. 56 percent

10. applying for certain jobs

11. unemployment picture

12. fallen out of the workforce

13. menu of problems

14. perception

15. traditional job market.

16. simply hustling.

17. informal economy

18. vast array

19. traditional labor laws.

20. criminal record

Part 50.

1. What was the Silk Road modelled as?


2. Name THREE things that spread out in parallel with silk.


3. What is the potential of the new Silk Road?


4. What is the new Silk Road described as?


5. What does the new Silk Road seek to?


6. The term the author used to describe the infrastructure plan mentioned in the

1. The ancient trade roads

2. Religions, philosophies and diseases

3. Change the face of Asia

4. The signature foreign policy initiative (or the largest economic undertaking)

5. Streamline global trade

6. One Belt, One Road

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