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.sran.wans CHARACTERNAME DAL KiR FORCE Dor r 2EDESTINY poe ae ae SS ower CONSULAR. secaummores NIMAN DISCIPLE ene Camus —— Coal Bw ===>) 1s wes at 0 et when he Jo wore et rates ut he ars ats oP tergem on As home eet of Donn. Up decom Ns by toh De Farce Ne eee he wrt ting mare the restore ther geet he or care nse a ow oem, 1YPE_ BECOME AED EMOTIONAL STRENGTH. ISCPUME (ats resent ase becoming & Je is ‘rmasbie mera ascpine aa descsben EMOTIONAL WERANESSOBSTIMATENESS Sete, Das Sonus a ve Dds fm ta ual bie wah rs of aon ener Male Ase 3 et: 1.85 au: iy sr: oe eres sa Monauiry NOTABLE FEATURES: Deco ae k ‘coNFUT oRALT: cniAL mune: 0 seven esuut EQUIPMENT Los creors 50 — —_ wears RHO PERSONAL GEAR ona Liane Keteather Beary thing abe 2a fenink —_ iow ot ep Fe [L105 Bea) _ @ My pre eyo rearng Carn, Comsen,o Groner eter 2) [__105 Geta) _@ When ni bya raged amack afer @ atin to rece damage by 4 nen Teorgue [105 teen) when mating a Liptsber sal creck, ray use Wibavernsead frown. Soe ire [1 Ge) € 206] ol Our, Conn ou Deep cha iene sis ane a Fae ‘raw Closer [100 Bete) _@ Action: Make 8 Lcheaber (Wal) check and acct ©, Spend (to move target one range banc coger Der Voon [38 (0eai _ € Foro up 0 rpostd todas rom ool hd arose Revere | 09 (Gaal _@ Wt neon rat otra antes Can sre acum Snaae I « I « T « [ © [ © ‘Mow: Oa an ue te Force wo mom eteas airs + Seed @ wo move sees Onc within short rage " Drereae stunt to 1 orese range ta ecu, + Nein cae 072 Mowe pome heck sl dap to aye ecto 10 times siosene cctv. Wy é fr once RarING + .sran.wans, CHARACTER NAME MARKUS DORIVONN FORCE seas HUMAN : DESTINY, oes GUARDIAN nl [gets “PROTECTOR / SORESU DEFENDER 0 Ds eam), ————— << rer =< ster Er 55) | ioe ae ped Lig lig | <> i —————) a ——————) soso in SSS) Stine win | | | ce Werte nt Lescersio Pr) —<——| sone os Mecencs tht 5] fice —— Sr ==) griten S| Ptr es== 5] a ———— | =| Pung Perea ih | CIT | | Over =5)| Png Sece tag) | CF Resterce Be | CEE Stone a =) {VPS CAUSE HELP THE HELPLESS Tien ere Mirus cout tuch te Fore, be niente Penbie mitry ores bp thee who cu rox rte: terse. Lang ‘he he et te mitary dew Ue nse of the ore, nereald is vn ates hs mind tis ony reases hs resporsy teens behets. morvarions: (CHARACTER DESCRIPTION EMOTIONAL STRENGTH COMPASSION ‘ar eters wad eras ot he best ln Moras ae ves mo res es, EMOTONA. VEAHNESS HATRED Marts fr tat to 635 to tte tase who woulttam ees er arusoner er rte enor Mae ee ; ast: 46 hoot tan ame fe vo: ews MoRaLiTy NOTABLE FEATURES: Naver sas, eps itary Corie ‘atv, eral sents wrest oRALm crmmicaL nuuRies so SEVERITY aesutt creas 100 WEAPONS 6 ARWOR PERSONAL GR Sas Lightner Petal ean kit ‘ewer Robes. Stipa esata enaevaseseasiay - fomine ‘Spectt Pry 2 [105 Beta) _@ Whenh by a melee stack ufer 9 tran wo reduce derege by 4 irproved Pery [106 Beal _ ¢ When para ae Het gerted @ o @ © @ Never coe with ghacor br base Gee Fe [105 a) @ When by onped ck, aor 3 arena ofan Grogs by 3 Simos Spoon) | 109 Baa) _@ Whee ving srg, eget ea 2 altar want. ren [L105 tai _¢ Wenrrainga Mee ct a wand, te argos | eee Sran Foes Ran [101 Bei _€ Worms eer 1 svn andconme Qs rere ky 1 Ba rs [al Vermvee ater avanti ity of cart te anring aes Twa T © l © L © © T te EQN fi Force surme CHARACTER aan pe CHARACTERNME SAL sorcHAN FO Tee NAITOLAN —_____ =RESTINY nen MYSTIC Scie ABA 5] [ame I <>) =) Oem Poe ——5 ster 6 | a ———— || Coreansind |) C9] | Paes tet) ea | oa Pa 5] [rove te tg | Coton tg) a) Dscotine wan CO | I core ers tres | Lise ===) ea anes tc 5] fiviae _———= Maton) ————- a) a ———— a Porton ine | GET | | see | Pry: Potro) | CT | | Oe == Petra Sona tg) | I | nak ester) ———) Selamey Cai |) C9 el Sst tg S==55 ——— = —— Save —— ——=] Voice wn | CE {TYPE OvERTHROW THE EN Sal wares w see He Enpire died, ant ors towards the gue. Taugh she tives the Enore is» dangeous ed ric! gv rarrt he thts est of he pele wn ICare serpy misqea. Srehapes x secon ‘verre the Empire by shang the ee roelnarwaye ‘NOTIONAL STRENGTH MERCY Sl sas rare 2 srg, rd wou rhar er ote fs than i hm {OTONAL WEAKNESS APATHY (On czasin, Sa rose tras rerio _vstng uh dooce arearrg he rer ee moraury co | wows 2 EQUIPMENT LOG CHARACTER DESCRIPTION GeNoeR Fale ase a Hest 18m aula Mier a New ens Bock NOTABLE FEATURES: Pronnert eta rertrgs, sen ‘at of ete oes Seven esuut creas 178 WEAPONS &ARHOR FERSONAL GEAR aster Fel oink Srrktloes Patapad ‘Armee thing 1 Stops Magis Net Fes [105 teal _ ¢ Mey prose cf of reamrg Cram, Corso, o epepten eck oe Te nt Kress oe ‘Anghibos [__S506e) _ € Moyne water ae can vor rau wot who ery I © I I © I © [ € I € I € I ee I € "Misdirect: Sal can meni the minds of at 3 imo Seong gers oF re nog some ‘ing rapen rncf en “Spend @ nal taget at shrt ange unbleto pce 8 choean pean or eject tot 1 ‘he enc Sars nesta ‘No eth epnerance coe cost persona jet nen of git + Moises ses pest ores are to perovesngllsry arson che. Nr at FORCE RATING 1 CHARACTER NAME _KASUNI TAMM sexes TOGRUTA. ons SEEKER PATHFINDER ‘Asrogatin ta rete (een il Carats tre) (oa Caran Dezepton (Cn ‘ede Mectenes Mes ee Negeoaen Po) Peccepton i) Png Pare 80) lng Soe) esr Gr Stlaapey Can seat Sreaavee Cin) |_ Sura Vileoe (Wi | reser = nea <5 rm B+ | totter cr o——— (coerce wi 5 || Meee = Compuesto | EE || gad Up (oa Pr oa Coondnaton tg =| ee Decepton nie | 5 De a) Leaders = chang —— | rec eS) Neqeecnen | Peer tr Pecenion une GET | | Serge Png -Ponetry ig) © CII | | other Ploung-Spece tg) esl ri oS, Sulamgey Cane | ory ——— ‘Sree (a = | sewet =} Votre =! Morivarions: (CHARACTER DESCRIPTION ceo ae Tye ascoveRy Fe TW pe matali i He tl of decoy oe 4 sc the chance 0 lea naw Htrotng fete Why suk with wher eryore Feit eich 2am trons, wen theres awe oar Ot ee to nce? su: va a we EFS: Paaten ro morauTy NOTABLE FEATURES: Ast inp The stadon oa on, EOTIONAL STRENGTH: CURIOSITY CONF oe Enchneu cece erhuses Tk apes him meer rear hogs of ces, EMOTIONAL WEAVESS OBSESSION ona: cRITICAL URES Thcanbecome cosessad witha singe dscowry | 50 ‘rd ra conser te oroaderpictre, or a REDS 75 ‘equieMeNT Los a tera tomnitejentaie wtp ay att pl attet flere ela enn tethg fon - fart tires TALENTS ano SPEDIAL ABUTS ‘Sota ears [103 etal _@ Whenever reparng hu runs, reper 1 ecstona! hl raune Fre Tang [101 etal ¢ Wherever reoarng eater ston, repeir 1 eistora sytem svn. ‘Mental Tels [104 (Geta! @ Aways counts as having the nght tools for he [ab when performing Machanes checks “rrbve item ]_ 102 etal _¢ Manewer: Sutter 1 stran and commit ©) to ave weadon or tem @ teroorary enfancement. rary Processing [26 texat__& AE Krowode ls are carver sil aD € i € T a T € i € i fe i . "Ear Te Fre fone Groh TNs || °C an Dogon Ber Oonwces ee storengns eng wie sho, |) rcetep sr Ute Camry ek Se npn ner As g 7 FoRce RATS CHARACTER -STAR. WARS. _CHARACTER NAME ZORA SASORI fe) om HUMAN sR DESTINY et WARRIOR ———— _seomsearanes — SHIKCHO KNIGHT ee a ae Ol ee cc “uRRENT | GEognoo ewonte? rome 2 aren Maan Gres [ 1041s) ¢ folio Gren Men ae Liftster covet hae when reas wh rule parr _ ikaw [105 Bea) ¢ nu er rane a ORE a wea ESD aa FO ‘i Batre TOA Ovex person, ry rol ny 1 Leber or Me ck T « I © T © I © I © I © I © Ww x cwaracren “STAR WARS. CHARACTER NAME. oo | FORCE j i ee =DESTINY CAREER be) oa ray a —————) i ————==| sees ‘ f= ——— SS Oram ei i 5 | | mero cas Cowen cad | <== ——) ry Corpse | | ges 8) ————) coal SEES] evel toon oo ' \ =a ME) ACE Corso i) = \ Deepen | Dssoirewa | ————— 5 Lenses SF] | taco ie ————) Neches omee=| |) —_—, Wedene tra <7 ji oar ss Nags Fr | J crcvert ira! os Percetin i ——= y Gn) | egy re <4 Peng Parry SI [ve ; ass Prsrg- Some to) | <5 Pests) ———= | Selden tri lees! |) sSS=— Siz i) Co | i === ' Sreenise Cin —— pales | Ss Seman | ors | | ————) Vota ——==—) woe eee | ass ~~. Yaa ae FORCE POWER

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