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Assumption Antipolo

A. True or False : Write T if the statement is TRUE and F is the statement is FALSE on the blank.

___1. God created us to be alone; only for ourselves.

___2. The Bible calls the first man and woman Adam and Eve.
___3. God called Adam and Eve to form a community.
___4. God wants us to live together in loving service to one another.
___5. It is through the love of our country that we first experience God’s generous love for us.
___6. God created us to keep him and his creations company.
___7. We can fully experience God’s love for us if we live together with our loved ones only.
___8. My family and school are the only communities I belong to.
___9. The school nurse, secretary and janitors are not part of my school community.
___10. The Fourth Commandment of God teaches us to see in every person a son or daughter of God.
___11. Rules and regulations of a country are only for the good of the leaders who made them.

B. Put a  if the sentence shows how to act in God’s community and X if it does not.

_____1. I scatter my toys and clothes on the floor for the helper to fix.
_____2. I babysit my sister so my Mom can rest.
_____3. I complain and do not do my homework.
_____4. I shout at the village guard when he asks me to drive my bicycle slowly.
_____5. I tell my Mom that the expensive bag she bought for me is ugly.

C. How can you bring God’s wonderful love to members of your neighborhood?

A. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. We separate ourselves from God’s community if we are
a. thoughtful and caring
b. selfish
c. considerate

2. When members of our families quarrel with one another

a. we cannot hear Jesus Christ’s message of love for us
b. we can live in peaceful harmony
c. we are a community

3. Adam and Eve rejected the love and grace of God by

a. fighting with one another
b. following God’s instructions
c. disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit

4. The deeper we sink into selfishness and lack of concern for others
a. the less we hear Christ’s call
b. the more we distance ourselves from God
c. both a and b
5. When John Vianney arrived at the little village and saw orphans, old people dying at home, and children growing
up without knowing their religion
a. he went home and gave up
b. knelt in the Church and prayed to God for help
c. called the women to help clean the church

6. St. John Vianney was able to do the following

a. listen to a man confess his sins after twenty years
b. bring back the people of Ars to God
c. both a and b

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It signals the nearness of the coming of Christ.

a. Advent wreath
b. purple candle
c. pink candle
2. Advent means
a. “Repentance”.
b. “Coming”.
c. “Waiting”.

3. Advent is the season which celebrates the ___ coming of Christ in the world.
a. 1st
b. Double
c. Triple

4. What part of the wreath reminds us that God is eternal?

a. The circular shape
b. The color green
c. The 4 candles

5. Three of the four candles are colored

a. pink.
b. purple.
c. red.

6. Epiphany means
a. “manifestation”.
b. “birth”.
c. “forgiveness”.

7. The three kings brought the baby Jesus gifts of

a. gold, frankincense, and money.
b. gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
c. gold, friends, and myrrh.

8. The shepherds were led to the baby Jesus by

a. angels.
b. animals.
c. a star.

9. The Emmanuel is
a. John the Baptist.
b. Jesus.
c. Mother Mary.

10. The center of Catholic community life.

a. Mass
b. Church
c. Rosary

11. The _____ is a memorial because we gather around the table of the Lord and partake of the Body and Blood of
the Risen Christ.
a. Rosary
b. Eucharist
c. Baptism

12. In the Mass, we gather together as one Christian family to celebrate together the ___ of Christ our Lord.
a. annunciation, birth and baptism
b. passion, death and resurrection
c. scourging, coronation and death

Put a  on the blank if it is the correct way of observing Advent and X if it is not.

1._____I start being good only so I will get a lot of gifts.

2._____I select toys to share with the children at the orphanage.
3._____I will join my parents for Misa de Gallo.
4._____I ask my Ninong to buy me an expensive gift.
5._____I will share my sandwich with the kids on the streets.
6._____I will help my Yaya by not making a mess in my room.
7._____I make fun of the poor kids singing Christmas carols on the streets.
8._____I obey my parents and help around the house.
9._____I make Christmas cards to thank those who take care of me.
10.____I only greet my grandparents if they have gifts for me.

Make a letter to Jesus asking Him to help you prepare for His birthday 
Draw and color the Advent Wreath

Explain the meaning of the following colors in the advent wreath.

1. Green wreath
2. Pink candle
3. Purple candles
4. 4 candles
5. Round shape

God Chooses Mary to be the Mother of His Son, Jesus

Put a star () if the statement describes how we can be like Mary in her humility, faith, obedience and perfect love
for God.

_______1. I brag to everybody about getting the highest grade in the exams.
_______2. I volunteer to clean my room every Saturday.
_______3. I donate my old clothes and toys to the orphanage.
_______4. I play video games all day long.
_______5. I say a prayer of thanksgiving before every meal.

Choose the correct answer that would best complete the sentences from the box. Write the answer on the blanks.

Son of God original sin Jesus Holy Spirit

Immaculate Conception Redeemer Gabriel

1. God fulfilled His promise of sending a _______________________________.

2. God graced Mary by preserving her from ________________________ sin.

3. Because God graced Mary, she is also called the


4. God sent angel ______________________ to announce to Mary that she was to be the Mother of the Savior.

5. The angel told Mary, “You shall conceive and bear a son and give Him the name

6. “The ________________________ will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you; hence the holy offspring will be called the ________________________________”.

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. When Mary said yes to God, she conceived Jesus by the power of ____?
a. Angel Gabriel
b. Elizabeth
c. the Holy Spirit

2. Who did Mary visit and helped while waiting for the birth of her Son?
a. Elizabeth
b. Joseph
c. Adam and Eve

3. How did Mary help Elizabeth?

a. Mary entertained Elizabeth by telling her stories.
b. Mary did the household chores.
c. Mary sang songs for Elizabeth to pass the time.

B. How can you be like Mary who was of service to others? Write three examples of how you can be of service or help to

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

IV-A. Lesson 12 (A) : We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus, Our Savior

A. Circle the answer of the correct answer.

1. Why did Joseph go to Bethlehem from Nazareth?
a. to go on vacation
b. to register with Mary, his wife
c. to visit their relatives

2. Where did Mary give birth to Jesus?

a. in a manger
b. in a hospital
c. in a hotel

3. Who announced to the shepherds that Jesus was born in Bethlehem?

a. An angel
b. The Three Kings
c. Joseph
4. How did the shepherds first feel when the angel appeared to them?
a. They were happy
b. They were sad
c. They were afraid

5. Why did Francis of Assisi make preparations to celebrate the birthday of Jesus?
a. He wanted the poor and ignorant people of the town to be glad that Christmas is coming.
b. He wanted the poor and ignorant people of the town to buy him gifts for Christmas.
c. He wanted to have a birthday party in the town square.

6. On the eve of Christmas, which of the following was NOT done by Francis and the people of the village?
a. They sang Christmas carols to the Christ Child.
b. Francis read to the people the story of the birth of Christ from the Gospel.
c. Francis and the people danced all night.

B. Put a  if the statement describes how we can show our gratitude to God and showing concern for others. Put an X if
it does not.

_______1. I sincerely thank the people who give me gifts during Christmas.
_______2. During Mass on Christmas Day, I bring my new toy to amuse myself during
the Mass.
_______3. I give my yaya a card that I made to tell her how much I appreciate her
efforts to take care of me.
_______4. I get secretly angry when my sister plays with the toys I received as
Christmas gifts.
_______5. I save some of my allowance to buy Christmas gifts for my parents and

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