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as strength, stiffness and solubility of solid components in formation of deep quarries, with the attendant problems of
groundwater. Unsaturated soil mechanics and biological slope stability and water control. Although these forms of
issues may also be relevant, and hydrogeology will be very mining are generally seen as somewhat specialist, they
important. It is unlikely that single individuals will be fully require the basic disciplines of soil mechanics and, especially,
competent in all these disciplines, but engineers might rock mechanics, and the particular skills of combining theory,
develop competence in various combinations of them, and analysis, observation and precedent that characterise all forms
education courses could also combine them in some way. of geotechnical engineering. Again, there are many potential
To date, most of the published data on heat interchange opportunities for academic involvement.
with the ground relate to trials rather than to full-scale As society tries to reduce its dependence on carbon fuels,
constructions, and a full explanation of the science is rarely and looks for alternative sources of energy, new geotechnical
provided. It is therefore very timely that Géotechnique will challenges arise: wind, tide and nuclear energy are consid-
hold a Symposium in Print in 2009 on the subject ‘Applica- ered here.
tions affected by the thermal characteristics of the ground’. It is likely that very large numbers of wind turbines will be
constructed in the coming years, both onshore and offshore.
Many of these may require relatively conventional piled
Reducing energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions in foundations, but the sheer number of them argues for careful
construction review of the design process to optimise the balance of
The process of civil engineering construction is a major robustness and economy. Larger offshore turbines will prob-
user of energy in its own right, so it will be important to ably use suction foundations, which are subject to continuing
reduce this wherever possible. It is anticipated that studies research and development (e.g. Houlsby & Byrne, 2005).
of the whole-life energy usage of projects will become more Harnessing tidal power is a challenge often considered,
common, requiring comparative assessment of the embodied but realised on a significant scale only in the scheme at La
energy in construction materials, energy usage to form a Rance, France, which produces about 100 MW of power on
construction, and energy required during the operational life average (EDF, 2007). This is the only tidal power scheme in
of a structure. Europe, and the largest in the world. The Sustainable
For example, Chau et al. (2006) have recently studied the Development Commission (2007) has reported that the UK
embodied energies of various types of embedded retaining has the potential to use tidal power as one of its major
wall. They note that the manufacture of both steel and energy resources, particularly in the Severn Estuary, pro-
cement consumes a lot of energy, and they conclude that vided the environmental, social and economical impacts can
steel walls, using recycled steel, have much less embodied be mitigated. Any development of tidal power requires the
energy than concrete walls of similar stiffness. However, the construction of very large barrages, probably earth dams,
use of virgin steel, now comparatively rare in European which has been uncommon in much of the world in the last
construction, entails much more embodied energy. few decades. It seems unlikely that many such schemes will
Reducing embodied energy in construction will lead to be built, so their impact on the geotechnical industry as a
greater reuse of materials, the use of poorer, but locally whole may be fairly small. However, some revitalising of
available, fill materials, and greater use of many forms of expertise will be needed, and such large projects could well
ground improvement. Reuse of piled foundations has been spawn research opportunities.
studied at some length in the RUFUS project (Chapman et A resurgence of construction for nuclear power seems
al., 2004), and considerations of the use of fill and structural likely. Apart from foundations for very heavy loads, this
materials in construction on soft ground are discussed by leads to the need, which in fact already exists, for deep
O’Riordan (2007) on the basis of its importance to the disposal of nuclear waste, an issue with many geotechnical
design of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link in the UK. aspects and the focus of considerable current research.
The authors anticipate that practising geotechnical engi- Suitable strata of relatively impermeable rock or clay have to
neers will need to become proficient in assessing the energy be located and tested, requiring large investigations. Geologi-
requirements of construction, and this will also be an cal stability is particularly important, given that the reposi-
important aspect of research in coming years. tory may have to remain safe for much longer than the age
of our present civilisation. The behaviour of the material and
water in pores or fissures as temperature changes has to be
Alternative sources of energy understood, together with the grouts and clays used to
For many years, geotechnical engineers and geologists surround and contain the radioactive waste; some of this
have been critically involved in the extraction of coal, oil material will initially be unsaturated. As some radio nuclides
and gas on land and sea, and in the related infrastructure. It will inevitably escape their immediate containment, their
is anticipated that this will continue, perhaps with renewed adsorption onto the particle surfaces of surrounding materials
emphasis on coal as oil and gas potentially become more will be important, as will a full understanding of their move-
scarce. Interactions between mining engineering, geology, ment through the materials in groundwater. Geotechnical
rock mechanics and soil mechanics will be essential. If, as engineering and nuclear engineering will clearly overlap in
seems likely, it is necessary to extract oil and gas from these studies; the Géotechnique Symposium in Print of 2007
depleted or marginal fields, better understanding of the contains several relevant papers (Bernier et al., 2007; Delage
geomechanics of oil and gas reservoirs will be important. et al., 2007; Gens et al., 2007; Piriyakul et al., 2007).
For example, problems such as ‘sanding’ due to overstressing Geotechnical engineering will also contribute to the safer
of sandstone will require more investigation to give a better construction of nuclear power plants in highly seismic zones
understanding of the rock and soil mechanics involved in such as Japan by more reliable prediction of the input motion
the crushing of the material. Work on this is already under- to the structures and the seismic stability of the supporting
way at various research centres. ground, and by the design of foundation structures.
If oil and gas start to become more scarce, coal will
probably grow in importance as a primary source of energy.
In China, for example, there is currently a rapid expansion in Mitigating effects of climate change
deep coal mining, with mines typically extending to depths Potential effects of climate change vary around the world,
exceeding 1 km. Elsewhere, opencast working requires the including rising sea level, more severe rainfall events, and

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