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Govern m ent Polyt ech n ic Colleg e, Pala Intellig en t Vehicle PArking Sys tem Using AMPR


Due to the increase in population which results in the increase in number of vehicles, it becomes very
difficult to manage the parking system, especially in offices, institutes and other public places Parking
causes traffic congestion in various cities, results in pollution, and causes frustration among drivers in
the most of the cities around the world Today in parking lots, there is no standard system to find the
space for parking. The system mostly depends on human interaction. This leads to wastage of human
manpower and makes the parking system inefficient It also weakens the security of such areas. The
main parking lot problems are difficulty in finding the vacant space, improper parking and parking
fee payment. To overcome these problems, we propose an intelligent vehicle parking system using
automatic number plate recognition. In the recent years, Number Plate Recognition has a wide impact
in people’s life as their scope is to improve transportation safety. Vehicle number is extracted from the
car plate images. Before extracting the number, the captured vehicle image should have been
converted into binary format. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm is used to recognize
the vehicle number. This system mainly aims to manage the entry of the vehicles inside a parking area
effectively and efficiently. This proposed system can work accurately with less man power. Proposed
system has both hardware and software components. The automated control of all operations of the
parking system is achieved with the help of Raspberry Pi 3 and ATMEGA2560 controller.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the existing systems that have been
developed to manage the parking areas. Section III presents the design and working of the proposed
system. Section IV describes the Optical Character Recognition algorithm used for number plate
recognition. Section V presents the result and discussion of proposed system. Finally, Section VI
concludes the paper by describing the future scope of the proposed system. .

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Owners of motorized vehicles driven on public thoroughfares are required by law to annually register
their vehicles with their state bureau or department of motor vehicles, and to attach number plates that
are publicly and legibly displayed. Vehicle license plates generally consist of a series of alpha numeric
characters that reference the license plate to the specific vehicle registered (including the make, model,
year, and vehicle identification number (VIN)) and the owner and/or lien holder of the vehicle. New
York is credited as the first state to enact legislation requiring vehicle registration on April 25, 1901,
with California following in 1902. In Delaware, where numbered number plates were first issued in
porcelain in 1909 beginning with a numbering sequence of 1000, the state changed the numbering
scheme in 1910, beginning with the number “1”, which is reserved for the Governor. Delaware number
plates are sold to the owner of the vehicle and can be passed down generation to generation. In 2008,
a man and his son paid $675,000 in private auction for number plate number “6”and this figure was
matched for Delaware license plate number “11” the following year. Contemporary number plates,
which measure 6 x 12 inches in the United States, feature numbering schemes that vary from state to
state. States typically use numbers or a combination of letters and numbers in their vehicle number
plates. Some states, like Maryland, use stacked letters—one over the other.

Figure: Examples of Different State Number Plate Numbering Schemes

Connecticut is credited with being the first state to issue vanity plates beginning in 1937,
when “motorists with good driving records were allowed to have plates with their initials (2 or 3
letters).” In Texas any person, non-profit organization, or for-profit entity can design a specialty
license plate for consideration and potential adoption by the state for an initial deposit of $4,615, which
will be refunded to non-profit organizations after 500 of the plates are sold or renewed. A Texas plate
with “PORSCHE” recently sold in private auction for $7,500, “AMERICA” for $3,000, and
“FERRARI” for $15,000.

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Specialty plates generate substantial revenue for states. West Virginia, for example, reports
approximately $1.2 million in revenue from the sale of vanity number plates. Texas is estimated to
have generated approximately $2.1 million in revenue from the sale of specialty plates through the
first 10 months of 2010, Virginia projected potential revenue exceeding $1 million for the sale of
specialty plates with company logos, and approximately $600,000 of revenue generated in Nebraska
in 2009 from sales of its “Huskers” license plates. The California Legislature recently considered a bill
to study the potential use of electronic number plates which would show digital advertisements when
the vehicle to which it is attached is stopped for more than four seconds; the vehicle’s number plate
number would display when the vehicle is in motion


As noted above, law enforcement practitioners are often searching for vehicles that have been reported
stolen, are suspected of being involved in criminal or terrorist activities, are owned by persons who
are wanted by authorities, have failed to pay parking violations or maintain current vehicle license
registration or insurance, or any of a number of other legitimate reasons. Victims and witnesses are
frequently able to provide police with a description of a suspect’s vehicle, including in some cases a
full or partial reading of their license plate number. Depending on the seriousness of the incident,
officers may receive a list of vehicles of interest by their agency at the beginning of their shift, or
receive radio alerts throughout the day, providing vehicle descriptions and plate numbers including
stolen vehicles, vehicles registered or associated with wanted individuals or persons of interest,
vehicles attached to an AMBER or missing persons alert, and “be on the lookout” or “BOLO” alerts.
These lists may be sizable depending on the jurisdiction, population size, and criteria for the list, and
can present challenges for the patrol officer. Officers monitor traffic during patrol, searching for
vehicles of interest among their other duties. When a potential vehicle of interest is observed, the
officer will typically compare characteristics of the observed vehicle and driver with those of the
wanted vehicle, including the number plate number, if known. If warranted, the officer may stop the
vehicle to further investigate. A number plate check will be run on the vehicle, either by the officer
using an in-field computer to initiate the query, or by radioing dispatch for the query. Results of the
query and of the officer’s interaction and investigation of the driver will assist the officer in
determining next steps. In addition to spotting vehicles of interest, officers on patrol are also alert to
vehicles with expired or missing license plates and annual renewal tags. Failure to maintain current
number plate registration may indicate that one or more of several conditions have not been met,
including failure to secure vehicle insurance, failing compulsory safety and/or emissions inspections,
and simple failure to properly register the vehicle with the state motor vehicle authority. Some

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jurisdictions may withhold vehicle registration renewal if the owner has unpaid parking or traffic
tickets. The lack of a plate or current tags may also indicate that the vehicle has been stolen.


Automated Number plate recognition (ANPR) technology was invented in 1976 in the Police Scientific
Development Branch (PSDB), Home Office, United Kingdom. The European Secure Vehicle Alliance
(ESVA) notes that the “Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) terrorist bombings in the City of
London resulted in the establishment of the ‘ring of steel’ in 1993 – a surveillance and security cordon
using initially CCTV cameras. In 1997, ANPR cameras, linked to police databases, were fitted at
entrances to the ring of steel and gave feedback to monitoring officers within four seconds.”
Implementation continued over the next several years with forces implementing ANPR systems.
The Home Office Police Standards Unit and the Association of Chief Polices Officers (ACPO) began
testing dedicated “intercept teams” using ANPR across nine police forces in the multi phased “Project
Laser” beginning 2002.The strategic intent of the ANPR strategy for the Police Services was to “target
criminals through their use of the roads.” Intercept teams, typically ranged in size of 7 – 12 officers
and equipped with ANPR, were designed to enable police to engage criminality on the road and
intercept vehicles and drivers wanted in connection with crime, terrorism, and motor vehicle
violations. An analysis of the Laser pilot projects, which collectively produced over 46,000 arrests,
concluded that “ANPR makes a direct contribution to both national and force objectives and is used
on a daily basis to engage criminals. In comparison to a number of other technology-enabled projects
in the criminal justice area, its success has been remarkable.” Following success of the Laser pilots,
the Police Standards Unit invested £32 million for development of the National ANPR Data Centre
(NADC) and a Back Office Facility (BOF), which provide data storage and analytic tools for forces in
England and Wales, and support deployment of ANPR at national, regional and local levels.
Implementing a single technology platform in forces across the whole of England and Wales has
enabled the UK to implement universal business practices and technical and data standards. By the
end of the first quarter of 2010, the NADC was receiving approximately 10-12 million number plate
reads per day from over 5,000 ANPR cameras, had the capacity to receive up to 50 million reads
per day, and maintained a database of more than 7 billion vehicle sightings. ALPR also has many
applications beyond law enforcement. It is used by departments of transportation to monitor travel
time on key roadways for better traffic management (where ALPR captures images of vehicles at
two different points on a roadway and calculates travel times between the two points), automated tolling
and toll enforcement, access control, and congestion charging, among other things.

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ANPR systems generally consist of a high speed camera with an infrared (“IR”) filter or two cameras—
one high resolution digital camera and one IR camera—to capture images of number plates; a processor
and application capable of performing sophisticated optical character recognition (OCR) to
transform the image of the plate into alphanumeric characters; application software to compare the
transformed number plate characters to databases of number plates of interest to law enforcement; and
a user interface to display the images captured, the results of the OCR transformation, and an alert
capability to notify operators when a plate matching an agency’s “hot list” is observed. The precise
configuration of ALPR systems varies depending on the manufacturer of the equipment and the specific
operational deployment. ANPR systems are able to capture up to 1,800 plates per minute at speeds up
to 120- 160 miles per hour. Systems range in cost from $10,000 - $22,000, depending on the
manufacturer and the specific configuration specified, and agencies have often been able to fund
acquisition through federal grant funding sources


Camera hardware is significant to the front-end component of any ALPR system. Since the initial
image capture forms a critically important part of the ALPR system and will often determine the
overall performance, ALPR systems typically use still or video cameras

Figure: Cameras

Specialized for the task. Currently, many of the ANPR systems include a set of high resolution digital
and IR illuminated cameras which allow the ANPR system to capture images under a variety of light
and weather conditions.

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In vehicle-mounted ANPR systems, captured images are displayed on a user interface either a dedicated
computer for the ANPR system, or use of the in-field computer already installed in the police vehicle
so, the officer can be alerted when a vehicle on one of the hot lists has been observed in the vicinity
of the officer. The user interface allows the officer to compare the ALPR OCR interpretation of the
number plate number to ensure the accuracy of the read and to see the larger, contextual image to help
the officer in identifying which specific vehicle has the plate of interest. In addition, the user interface
also typically enables the officer to manually enter plates on vehicles of interest, manage hot list
information, deal with alert queues, and run reports.


Figure: operation through computer

As vehicles pass through the field of view of the ANPR camera a picture is taken of number plate and
the vehicle. A series of algorithms are performed on the image to isolate the plate and render the
alphanumeric characters into an electronically readable format. The sophistication and complexity of
each of these algorithms determines the accuracy of the system. There are six primary algorithms that
the software requires for identifying a number plate:
1. Plate localization – Finding and isolating the plate on the picture.
2. Plate orientation and sizing – Compensates for the skew of the plate and adjusts the dimensions
to the required size.
3. Normalization – Adjusts the brightness and contrast of the image.
4. Character segmentation – Finds the individual characters on the plates.
5. Optical character recognition (OCR) – Translation of images of text into an electronically
readable format.
Syntactical/Geometrical analysis – Check characters and positions against state-specific rules to
identify the state of issuance for the number plate.

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The process of Automatic Number Plate Recognition consists of four main stages:
1. Pre-processing
2. Number plate localization
3. Character segmentation
4. Character recognition

As mentioned before, the system of automatic number plate recognition faces many
challenges. So, this step is essential to enhance the input image and making it more suitable for the
next processing steps. The first step done in the pre-processing is to apply minimum filter to the image
in order to enhance the dark values in the image by increasing their area. This is mainly done to
make the characters and the plate edges bold, and to remove the effect of the light diagonal strips
that appear in the characters and edges of the Egyptian license plates. This process is followed by
increasing saturation of the image to increase the separation between colours. Then the image is
converted to grayscale (taking the luminance component of NTSC). Then, increasing the image
contrast to separate the background from highlights.


In this stage, the location of the Number plate is identified and the output of this stage will
be a sub - image that contains only the Number plate. This is done in two main steps.

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In this step a rectangle that contains the number plate is located (this rectangle may also has some
extra parts from the four sides), and this rectangle is the input to the next step for further processing
(removing the extra parts, character segmentation then recognition).

Figure: Large bounding rectangle over the number plate-1

First, Sobel vertical edge detection is applied to the image. Then a threshold of 36 ( this value is
determined using trial and error) is applied, such that every edge with magnitude less than 36 is
considered false edge and is set to 0. Then a vertical projection (projecting on the Y-axis) of the edge
detected image is taken and smoothed using an average filter with width equals 9. It’s obvious that
the characters of the plate along with the plate’s vertical edges will have very strong vertical edges.
Moreover, these edges will sum up horizontally in the vertical projection and a strong peak will
appear in the rows of the plate (These row will be called band). So, the approach is to take some
number of peaks in the vertical projection and processing each of them individually in the next steps
and when a successful band is found, the processing of the following bands is cancelled. The reason
being thinking more than one peak is that the image may contain objects that produce many vertical
edges ask these “false” edges may be centered in the same area so they will form a peak that may be
stronger than the peak of the plate itself.
For each band, we take a sub-image referenced by this band and all subsequent processing will be
applied on this sub-image. Now the problem is to cut the band image from the left and right to get
a bounding rectangle over the number plate (Again, this rectangle doesn’t have to be tight on the
plate). For this sake, a vertical Sobel edge detection is applied again, but the height is larger than the
width of the filter, this is to decrease the effect of false edges and noise, experimentally, the best size
is 6x3 filter this is to decrease the effect of false edges and noise, experimentally, the best size is 6x3

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Figure : Large bounding rectangle over the number plate-2

Figure : Large bounding rectangle over the number plate-3

Again a threshold of 30 is applied for the same reason as before. Now, a horizontal projection of the
edge detected band image is taken (projection on the X-axis) and smoothed using an average filter of
large size this time, since there are gaps between the letters and the projection will have many peaks
at the x coordinates where letters exist but it will drop down in the x coordinates of the gaps. So,
smoothing it with average filter of large width will resolve this problem and many numbers of peaks
will be converted to one wide peak that represents the range of the X-axis where the plate is located
in that specific band we are working with. The width of the average filter is taken to be the height of
the band. Relating the height of the band with the width of the average filter is very important since over
smoothing of the projection will merge the plate peak with the other main peaks in the band like the
peak got from vehicle lamps for example (and it already explained why the width shouldn’t be very
small). Now, a predefined number of peaks (It’s already explained why we take more than one
candidate peak not just the strongest one) will be selected from the smoothed projection. For each
peak, a sub -image is taken according to the range of current peak. So, the bounding rectangle of the
license plate is located. This is will be the input to the next step.

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Using the sub-image from the last step which contains the number plate with some extra parts (if
any), the following processing is applied to this sub-image. The number plate may be skewed
because of the angle of the camera while image acquisition process. And it is very important to de-
skew the plate to its original orientation, thus making the plate aligned with the X and Y axes (The
reason behind its importance will be clear below). So a Hough transform is applied to the
horizontally edge detected image in order to find the shear parameters by which the image can be
de-skewed to retrieve the standard orientation. After this operation we have a plate with its axes
aligned with the X and Y axes. Then a Gaussian smoothing filter is applied to smooth the image and
remove noise. This operation makes the characters of the plate bold and increases the characters
area along with the effect of increasing contrast, and subsequently this will ease the process of
segmentation and recognition afterward.

Figure: Determining exact location of number plate-1

Figure: Determining exact location of number plate-2

All the above is considered a pre-processing for this step. Next, we aim at finding the exact band of
the plate. In other words, the goal of this step is to cut the top and bottom extra parts of the
previously cut rectangle (but this time the cut will be accurate because we have limited the area we
are working with and moreover we de-skewed the plate). This is done using the same idea we used
previously to get the plate band. It consists of applying Sobel vertical edge detection, then applying
a threshold, then doing a vertical projection (projecting on the Y-axis), Then getting the strongest

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peak in this projection and cut the image accordingly using the range of this peak, thus cutting the
exact plate band from the image and leaving the top and bottom extra parts . This time just the strongest
peak is taken since we already limited the possibility that false edges Appear when we cut a rectangle
around the plate and we are sure that thevertical edges produced by the plate’s characters are
summed up correctly in a limited number of rows.

Figure : Determining exact location of number plate-3

We got rid of the top and bottom extra parts. But we still have extra parts from left and right that
have to be cut to end up with an exact rectangle around the plate. So, a stamp filter is applied to the
sub -image we got from the previous step. This filter is just a blurring followed by a soft threshold
operation. Now the white colour will dominate the plate area. After this a horizontal projection is
done then smoothed using average filter with width equals 40. Then we get the strongest peak from
this projection. This peak corresponds to the plate range on the X-axis. So, a sub-image is cut using
the peak range. In many cases when the colour of the vehicle is bright, the previous operation is not
sufficient to cut all the extra pieces from left and right. So, this is followed by getting Sobel
horizontal edge detection, applying a threshold, then getting the horizontal projection, then
smoothing this projection with average filter of size 40. Then we will get two points that will define
range of the peak.
The first point is the point with least x coordinate that has a value (from the smoothed projection)
greater than or equal the average value. The second point is the point with maximum x coordinate
that has a value greater than or equal to the average. We will cut the image again using these two
points we got. And this is the final plate that the next processing stages will work on.

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At the current moment we have a” candidate” final plate. The next processing stages are
computationally expensive. Also using the fact that all the plates have a very similar (if not exact)
values for some measures like aspect ratio, contrast, average brightness, average saturation in both
the coloured and grayscale plate images. We can begin to reject the plates based on the previous
measures, such that, If we found that the current candidate plate for any measure has a very far
value from the ranges of values for the true plates, It’s simply rejected and the processing continues
on the next candidate plate. But a false plate may pass these tests, and it will be rejected in
subsequent stages. The next stage is to segment characters from the plate that passed all the measures


This stage is meant for segmentation of the characters from the plate. The output of this stage is a
set of monochrome images foreach candidate character in plate.’

Figure: Character Segmentation-1

The first step in this stage is to convert the plate image to a binary image. This is done using
adaptive threshold with a window of size 11 (This is selected using trial and error). Then a process
of noise removal is applied. This is done by getting the connected components from the binary
image based on the 8-neighbourhood using flood fill. For every component, we decide if it’s a noise
or not based on the aspect ratio of the component and based on the number of pixels in that
component. This is based on the fact that the characters of the plate have a certain range of aspect
ratio and a certain range of number of pixels. After removing the noise components, a maximum

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filter is applied to make the effect of thinning the characters to make sure that no two components
are merged. This is followed by a horizontal projection, to detect the boundaries between the
characters to be able to cut them individually. The peaks in this projection correspond to the gaps
between the characters. So, we get all of these peaks and a rejection process is applied also, since
a true plate has a fixed range of gaps between characters. So, any plate that has number of peaks that
do not fit in that range, will be rejected. Also, there is a powerful rejection measure; it is the
variance of the characters width (the variance of the spaces between peaks). After this the characters
are cut according to the peaks of the previous projection. Then another set of measures are
computed to reject the false characters that may still exist after the noise removal operation. These
measures are aspect ratio, deviation from average height test, deviation from average contrast,
deviation from average brightness, deviation from hue, deviation from average saturation. After
rejecting false characters, if the number of characters is not located in a predefined range, then the
plate is rejected. Otherwise, the processing is continued.

Figure : Character Segmentation-2

and for every character a copy of its corresponding location in the grayscale is got. The gray
level histogram is computed for the sub-image of each character, This gray level histogram will
have a standard shape which is one peak at the dark values (this corresponds to the character’s
pixels) and another peak at the bright values (this corresponds to the background) and some small
values between them. So, this gray level image is converted to binary using the following procedure.
First, we find two peaks in the histogram then we find the minimum value in between, this will be the
value of the threshold (thus, every pixel that has a gray level value less than the mentioned value,
will be converted to black, every other value will be converted to white). This way for converting the
grayscale image that contains only a character to binary one proved to be effective. At this point we
have a set of binary images each contains one character and this is the output of this stage and the
input to the next.

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The goal of this stage is to recognize and classify the binary images that contain characters received
from the previous one. After this stage every character must have a label and an error factor, and
this error factor if greater than a predefined value will be used to reject false characters accidently
passed from the previous steps. For the sake of classification, some features must be c ollected from
the characters. The feature we work with in this system is the chain code of the contour of the image
after dividing it into four tracks then into four sectors.

Figure : Character Recognition

Also we used a feed forward artificial neural network trained with back propagation with sigmoid
activation function and the ANN is trained on the chain code feature of the optimal characters
images. The neural network has 4X4X8=128 input neuron, it also has 37 output neurons corresponds
to the Arabic alpha-numeric set of characters except zero, it also ceil (37+128)/2)=83 hidden

So, for every character we get the chain code feature and do a feed forward on the trained FFNN
(Feed Forward Neural Network) then the class the corresponds to the neuron with the maximum value
will the predicted class of that character. If the error exceeds a predefined value then the character is
considered a false one and rejected. The plate is known to have a fixed range of characters that may
appear in it, so if the total number of passed characters does not match this range, then the plate is
rejected. Otherwise, the number plate number is found.

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Many systems were developed using the techniques like Induction loop sensors, RFID, Ultrasonic
Sensor, Image Processing etc. by the researcher to implement an intelligent parking system. Ming-
Yee Chiu et al. proposed a method for counting the number of vehicles at the checkpoint and
thereby the number of vacant space for parking can be counted [6]. The counting is done by
installing induction loop sensors under the road surface. Although the usage of sensors is less costly,
it is not easily affected by environmental conditions and it detects accurately.

R. Yusnita et al. presented a method in which a brown color round patch was drawn in each space
for parking manually [7]. When the system is on it looks for the rounded shape in each parking
space, if patch is detected that particular slot is considered as free and this will be displayed to the
driver. When the patches are blocked by objects such as vehicles then the system consider that th e
slot is not vacant. This system was good enough for managing the space for parking.

Amin Kianpisheh et al. proposed a smart parking system (SPS) to help drivers to find free spaces
in a parking area within less time. This system uses ultrasonic detectors to detect the occupancy of
parking space and improper parking [8]. For each individual car park, it needs one detector placed
on the ceiling above each parking space. Ultrasonic detector is working based on echo-location.
The sensor transmits a sound and hits a solid object such as car or ground and then reflected back
to the sensor. The time between the transmitted pulse and the reflected echo is used to calculate
distance. In a free space, that time will be more than in an occupied space, hence the sensor can
detect when a space is occupied. LED lights are attached to the sensor or mounted separately. If the
space is vacant, the led indicator displays green. When the indicator displays red, it means the space
is not vacant. In case of a handicapped parking space, a blue LED indicates free space and red
indicates that the space is occupied. Reserved spaces are indicated using yellow LED.

S. C. Hanche et al. aims at implementing an automated vehicle management system using radio
frequency identification (RFID) technology [9]. This automated vehicle management system
includes the stage consists of embedding the code into a RFID tag and assigning the same to each
vehicle. The second stage is reading the data from the RFID tag by the RFID reader. In the third
stage, the data from RFID reader is stored in the database. This is done using RS232. The final stage
is to keep a record about the vacancies in the parking spaces. To properly utilize the parking lot,

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the number of the cars in the parking lot needs to be tracked. In this the number of cars in the
parking lot is incremented for every car entering the parking lot and is decremented for every car
leaving the parking lot.

Anees Abu Sneineh, Wael A. Salah presents the system based on image recognition technology that
can be used to effectively control various parts of a parking system. This automotive parking system
is effectively developed by using image processing technologies and an Arduino controller. In this
system, the vehicle number is captured f rom the image using license plate recognition and
compared with the vehicle numbers which is stored in the database. If the captured number already
present in the database, the system sends a command to the Arduino controller to open the parking
gate. A sensor and two led placed in each parking space, namely, red and green and they are
located inside the parking area. The sensor will sense the presence of the car in each position. If
a vehicle is present, the red light is illuminated. A green light is illuminated if vehicle is not present.
Meanwhile, an LCD located outside the parking area will be showing the number of the vacant
spaces present in the parking area.

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The Raspberry-Pi 3

Figure: Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry-Pi is series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United
Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in
School and developing countries. Several generations of Raspberry Pis have been released. The first
generation Raspberry Pi 1 Model B was released in February 2012. It was followed by a simpler and
inexpensive model Model A. In 2014 the foundation released a board with an improved design in
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+. The model laid the current "mainline" form-factor. Improved A+ and B+
models were released a year later. A cut down "compute" model was released in April 2014,and a
raspberry pi zero with smaller size and limited input/output (I/O), general- purpose input/output
(GPIO), abilities released in November 2015 for US$5. The Raspberry Pi 2 which added
more RAM was released in February 2015. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B released in February 2016 is
bundled with on- board Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. As of 2016, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is the newest
mainline Raspberry Pi. These boards are priced between US $20-35.All models features
Broadcom system on chip, which includes an ARM compatible central processing unit (CPU)
and an on chip graphics processing unit (GPU, a VideoCore IV). CPU speed ranges
from 700 MHz to 1.2 GHz for the Pi 3 and on board memory range from 256 MB to 1 GB RAM.
Secure Digital (SD) cards are used to store the operating system and program memory in either the
SDHC or MicroSDHC sizes. Most boards have between one and four USB slots, HDMI and
composite video output, and a 3.5 mm phone jack for audio. Lower level output is provided by a
number of GPIO pins which support common protocols like I²C. The B-models have an 8P8C

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Ethernet port and the Pi 3 has on board Wi-Fi 802.11n and Bluetooth. The Foundation provides

Raspbian, a Debian-based Linux distribution for download, as well as third party Ubuntu, Windows
10 IOT Core, RISC OS, and specialized media center distributions. It promotes Python and Scratch
as the main programming language, with support for many other languages. The default firmware
is closed source, while an unofficial open source is available. In February 2016, the Raspberry Pi
Foundation announced that they had sold eight million devices, making it the best- selling UK
personal computer, ahead of the Amstrad PCW. Sales reached ten million in September 2016.
While operating at 700 MHz by default, the first-generation Raspberry Pi provided a real-world
performance roughly equivalent to 0.041 GFLOPS. On the CPU level the performance is similar to
a 300 MHz Pentium II of 1997 –99. The GPU provides 1 Gpixel/s or 1.5 Gtexel/s of graphics
processing or 24 GFLOPS of general-purpose computing performance. The graphical capability of
the Raspberry Pi are roughly equivalent to the performance of the Xbox of 2001.

The LINPACK single node compute benchmark results in a mean single precision performance
of 0.065 GFLOPS and a mean double precision performance of 0.041 GFLOPS for one
Raspberry Pi Model-B board. A cluster of 64 Raspberry Pi Model B computers, labeled "Iridis-
pi", achieved a LINPACK HPL suite result 1.14 GFLOPS (n=10240) at 216 watts for c.
US$4000.Raspberry Pi 2 includes a quad- core Cortex-A7 CPU running at 900 MHz and 1 GB
RAM. It is described as 4–6 times more powerful than its predecessor. The GPU is identical to
the original. In parallelized benchmarks, the Raspberry Pi 2 could be up to 14 times faster than a
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+.The Raspberry Pi 3, with a quad-core Cortex-A53 processor, is
described as 10 times the performance of a Raspberry Pi 1.

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GSM Module:

Figure: GSM module

GSM module is used in many communication devices which are based on GSM (Global System for
Mobile Communications) technology. It is used to interact with GSM network using a computer. GSM
module only understands AT commands, and can respond accordingly. The most basic command is
“AT”, if GSM respond OK then it is working good otherwise it responds with “ERROR”. There are
various AT commands like ATA for answer a call, ATD to dial a call, AT+CMGR to read the message,
AT+CMGS to send the SMS etc. AT commands should be followed by Carriage return i.e. \r (0D in
hex), like “AT+CMGS\r”. We can use GSM module using these commands

IR Sensor Module

Figure: IR sensor module

IR LED Transmitter - IR LED emits light, in the range of Infrared frequency. IR light is invisible
to us as its wavelength (700nm – 1mm) is much higher than the visible light range. IR LEDs have light
emitting angle of approx. 20-60 degree and range of approx. few centimeters to several feets, it
depends upon the type of IR transmitter and the manufacturer. Some transmitters have the range in
kilometers. IR LED white or transparent in colour, so it can give out amount of maximum light.

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Photodiode Receiver - Photodiode acts as the IR receiver as its conducts when light falls on it.
Photodiode is a semiconductor which has a P-N junction, operated in Reverse Bias, means it start
conducting the current in reverse direction when Light falls on it, and the amount of current flow is
proportional to the amount of Light. This property makes it useful for IR detection. Photodiode looks
like a LED, with a black colour coating on its outer side, Black colour absorbs the highest amount of

LM358 Opamp

LM358 is an Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) is used as voltage comparator in the IR sensor. the
comparator will compare the threshold voltage set using the preset (pin2) and the ph otodiode’s series
resistor voltage (pin3).

Figure: LM358

Photodiode’s series resistor voltage drop > Threshold voltage = Opamp output is High
Photodiode’s series resistor voltage drop < Threshold voltage = Opamp output is Low

When Opamp's output is high the LED at the Opamp output terminal turns ON (Indicating the
detection of Object).

Variable Resistor
The variable resistor used here is a preset. It is used to calibrate the distance range at which
object should be detected.

Figure: Variable Resistor

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Figure: ATMEGA2560

The high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines

256KB ISP flash memory, 8KB SRAM, 4KB EEPROM, 86 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general
purpose working registers, real time counter, six flexible timer/counters with compare modes, PWM,
4 USARTs, byte oriented 2-wire serial interface, 16-channel 10-bit A/D converter, and a JTAG
interface for on-chip debugging. The device achieves through put of 16 MIPS at 16 MHz and operates
between 4.5 -5.5 volts.

By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle, the device achieves a throughput
approaching 1 MIPS per MHz, balancing power consumption and processing speed.


A keypad is one of the most commonly used input devices in microprocessor applications. In a
standard keypad wired as an X-Y switch matrix, normally-open switches connect a row to a column
when pressed. If a keypad has 12 keys, it is wired as 3 columns by 4 rows. A 16 key pad would have
4 columns by 4 rows. Some time ago, I bought a couple of 3×4 membrane keypads from eBay. As
usual it’s packed with zero documentation, thus it took couple of hours to get to work. Anyway the
keypad is a perfect blend of art and technology with a price tag far below rubies!

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Figure: Keypad

Figure: schematic diagram of keypad

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Here is the same information in a textual way; keypad columns C1-C2-C3 are routed to pins 3,1,5
and rows R1-R2-R3-R4 are routed to pins 2,7,6,4 located at the end of the 7-pin flexible cable.

So now you can see how the button presses can be translated into electrical data for use with a
microcontroller. We can now start the real experiment with as Arduino Uno by wiring up the
keypad to the Arduino in the following/like manner:

• Keypad pin 1 to Arduino digital 3 //C2

• Keypad pin 2 to Arduino digital 5 //R1
• Keypad pin 3 to Arduino digital 2 //C1
• Keypad pin 4 to Arduino digital 8 //R4
• Keypad pin 5 to Arduino digital 4 //C3
• Keypad pin 6 to Arduino digital 7 //R3
• Keypad pin 7 to Arduino digital 6 //R2

Since keypads are available from many retailers make sure you can get the data sheet as this will make
the task easier when wiring them up. If your keypad is different, take note of the lines in the sketch
from //keypad type definition, as you need to change the numbers in the
arrays rowPins[ROWS] and colPins[COLS]. You should enter the digital pin numbers connected to the
rows and columns of the keypad respectively. Example from Arduino playground.

Figure: schematic diagram of keypad

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16x2 LCD Module

Figure: 16x2 LCD Module

Features of 16×2 LCD module

• Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V

• Current consumption is 1mA without backlight
• Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can display alphabets and numbers
• Consists of two rows and each row can print 16 characters.
• Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box
• Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
• It can also display any custom generated characters
• Available in Green and Blue Backlight

Brief Description on LCD modules

LCD modules are very commonly used in most embedded projects, the reason being its cheap price,
availability and programmer friendly. Most of us would have come across these displays in our day
to day life, either at PCO’s or calculators. The appearance and the pinouts ha ve already been
visualized above now let us get a bit technical.

16×2 LCD is named so because; it has 16 Columns and 2 Rows. There are a lot of combinations
available like, 8×1, 8×2, 10×2, 16×1, etc. but the most used one is the 16×2 LCD. So, it will have
(16×2=32) 32 characters in total and each character will be made of 5×8 Pixel Dots. A Single
character with all its Pixels is shown in the below picture.

Figure: Pixels

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Now, we know that each character has (5×8=40) 40 Pixels and for 32 Characters we will have
(32×40) 1280 Pixels. Further, the LCD should also be instructed about the Position of the Pixels.
Hence it will be a hectic task to handle everything with the help of MCU, hence an Interface IC
like HD44780is used, which is mounted on the backside of the LCD Module itself. The function of
this IC is to get the Commands and Data from the MCU and process them to display meaningful
information onto our LCD Screen. You can learn how to interface an LCD using the above
mentioned links. If you are an advanced programmer and would like to create your own library for
interfacing your Microcontroller with this LCD module then you have to understand the HD44780
IC is working and commands which can be found its datasheet.

Figure: 2D model of 16×2 LCD module

Camera Module V2

Figure: Camera Module V2

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The Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2 replaced the original Camera Module in April 2016. The v2
Camera Module has a Sony IMX219 8-megapixel sensor (compared to the 5-megapixel OmniVision
OV5647 sensor of the original camera).

The Camera Module can be used to take high-definition video, as well as stills photographs. It’s easy
to use for beginners, but has plenty to offer advanced users if you’re looking to expand your
knowledge. There are lots of examples online of people using it for time -lapse, slow-motion, and
other video cleverness. You can also use the libraries we bundle with the camera to create effects.

You can read all the gory details about IMX219 and the Ex mor R back-illuminated sensor
architecture on Sony’s website, but suffice to say this is more than just a resolution upgrade: it’s a
leap forward in image quality, colour fidelity, and low-light performance. It supports 1080p30,
720p60 and VGA90 video modes, as well as still capture. It attaches via a 15cm ribbon cable to the
CSI port on the Raspberry Pi. The camera works with all models of Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 and 4. It
can be accessed through the MMAL and V4L APIs, and there are numerous third -party libraries
built for it, including the Picamera Python library. See the Getting Started with Picamera resource
to learn how to use it.

The camera module is very popular in home security applications, and in wildlife camera traps.

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This section describes the design and working of the proposed system. Fig 1 presents the system
overview. This system contains both hardware and software components. Camera is connected
to the Raspberry Pi which is placed at the entrance of the parking area. Fig 2 shows the block
diagram of the proposed system. Firstly, whenever a vehicle enters the parking area the data is
acquired from the IR sensor which is placed at the parking gate, and then the image of the number
plate is taken using camera and processed using Raspberry pi. This is done with the help of python
programming. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm is used for number plate

The processed output will be compared with all the number in database and generate an order
to open the parking gate, if the user is an authorized person. The opening of the gate is indicated
using motor. If not, a buzzer is sounded to indicate the unauthorized entry. When the parking
gate opens, the no of vacant space is identified using the data from the IR sensors which is placed
in each parking slot. Then it will be displayed in a LCD. Once the number of vacant space is
identified, the vehicle will be directed to the nearest vacant space which is highlighted using LED
strips. When the vehicle reaches the parking slot a parking fee deduction message is sent to the
owner using GSM. Also this system can locate the place where our car is parked by entering the
vehicle number in keypad and the slot will be displayed in LCD by slot number along with the
owner information. In the same way, we can obtain the details of the owner of the car which has
been blocked by wrong car parking. All the displayed are the output from C programming.

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This section describes Optical Character Recognition algorithm that is used for automatic
number plate recognition. A tesseract python binding is used here to apply OCR to the image.
PyTesseract is an OCR tool for python. It is actually a wrapper for Tesseract OCR engine. It
can recognize and read the text embedded in the images. By using this tool we can convert
the content of image into desired string. Optical character recognition process is shown in fig

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Hardware setup for the proposed system is shown in fig 4. Six IR sensors, Keypad,
Raspberrypi 3 with Webcam are connected as the input to ATMEGA2560 and Motor, LED strips,
GSM, LCD, buzzer are connected as the output from the Controller. 5V power supply is provided
to ATMEGA2560 and Raspberrypi 3. An LCD is interfaced with the Mega2560 for displaying the
status of the parking area.

This system begins whenever a vehicle arrives at entry of a parking area. The presence of the vehicle
is identified using the data from the IR sensor. Fig 5 shows the Number plate recognition.

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Then image of the vehicle number is taken using the web camera as shown in fig 6. Firstly, the
image is converted to grayscale image and the grayscale image is preprocessed using thresholding
as shown in fig 7. Here binary thresholding is used which creates a binary image. After
preprocessing the image, derive a temporary file. Then write the preprocessed image and
grayscale image into disk and save it with a filename. Then apply OCR to the image using
Tesseract python bindings. PyTesseract is an OCR tool for python. It can recognize and read the
text embedded in the images. By using this tool we can convert the content of image into desired
string. Fig 8 shows the detected vehicle number using OCR algorithm. Finally, the input image
and preprocessed image will be displayed in separate windows and the recognized text is also
displayed in the screen.

Once the vehicle number is detected it will be compared with the vehicle numbers in the database.
If the vehicle is authorized that is if vehicle number is already present in the database the gate
will be opened for the user to park the vehicle inside the parking area. When the vehicle enters
inside the parking area the gate will be closed. Then vehicle will be directed towards the nearest
vacant slot which will be highlighted using LED strips as shown in fig. 9.

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In this paper we have introduced Intelligent Vehicle Parking System using Automatic Number
Plate Recognition. The main aim of the proposed system is to automate the existing systems
with efficient and effective use of parking lots. By integrating image processing technologies
and ATMEGA2560 controller, various parts of the parking system is effectively implemented.
The result shows the successful implementation of the Intelligent parking system by detecting the
vehicle number and thereby managing the entire parking area efficiently. As a future work, this
system can be extended by using a Mobile application for reserving the slot for parking. We can
also add a module so that the user can pay the parking cost using his/her mobile.


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