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Globally more than 90 per cent of natural disaster that happen cause deaths which Their
occurrence are more frequently perceived in developing countries like the Philippine. They
adversely cause human casualities ,damage to properly and severe economic losses which lead
to disruption of physical,pscychosoc ial ,spiritual and ecological aspects of an individual and a
society. This catastrophic event has more impacted on the human community of the Philippine
since past decade until now. The more devasting among many disaster that happen are the the
earthquake of 1990,the volcanic eruption of Mt.Pinatubo in 1991 and its subsequent lahar flows
through 1996 ,the flash flood in ormoc city, and Taal Volcano eruption which occur  this
January 12 and affect under nearly half a million people in the Calabarzon region .
However as we are still expect more natural disaster to happen which may interconnect the
mental health such as (distress, grief, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder)
and psychosocial problem disasters, we shall avoid it through participating under disaster
preparedness program. This program will offering the most affected community place ,we shall
render them training,health education and adequate resources that will help them to combat
with unexpected disaster that can happen again .This program will be rendered through zoom
meeting and sometimes to barangay center for further enhancement skills as we are still under
restriction of COVD-19.
A research study designed to assess the accessibility and acceptability of the Voluntary
Counselling and Testing (VCT) Services for HIV infection in kebele X had the following general
and specific objectives:

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